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I know EXACTLY which guy you're referring to and yes and makes me depressed just as well.


I really don't understand the jealousy of people that have been dealt a shitty hand and still find success.


Jealousy is certainly part of it, but more than that, it's the shame associated with how badly I've fucked up my own life, despite being physically healthy, and having seemingly everything I need (outwardly anyway), to live a fulfilling life. Despite that however, I'm still somehow more crippled, in terms of what I can hope to achieve for myself, than a guy who literally can't even move, and that has to be cared for 24/7. Likewise, I really don't understand how others, like yourself, can't seem to understand something that obvious.


"despite being physically healthy" - I ain't no cripple but dude, you don't wanna be a "mangled lump of flesh" (quote). It's all natural and understandable to want to trade any kind of wealth or a roof over your head, anything, for love / intimacy / human touch / you name it, but at the end of the day we are the world, the world is you and no one else (hence the existential crisis and all the funny baggage that comes with it). Health is the single most important thing in your life. We can go on and on about metaphysics and what comes after and what was there before, but it's the synapses making me write this comment and it's the hormones telling us that we're worthless cuz no romantic partner.




You're ONLY 60, you will find your love soon! Man, what a load of bs.




Yeah there is other stuff to be proud of than finding a partner. Some people have it all, most should be happy to achieve one or two things. I'm happy for instance that when searching certain characters of an official fantasy series, my wiki about it is on top of the searches haha.




Yeah im pretty stoked about it




Yes I've noticed that I can't deal with people on how stupid they act. And my patience is wearing thin of working and retail doing with them every day. Especially going on a dating app and haven't women put no effort into the conversation let alone meeting anybody in 9 months nothing but a bunch That won't accept anything less than perfection.


That crippled guy got a woman because he was rich even before he became crippled. She is with him for the $$$. He also probably knows that. So all in all, his life ain't too much different from yours. He's probably feeling lonely too.


>That crippled guy got a woman because he was rich even before he became crippled. She is with him for the $$$. He also probably knows that. That's still light years beyond what I have, or have ever had for that matter. That being said, I think you're on point, insofar as how he ended up with this woman in the first place. From what I could tell, this dude comes from a fairly wealthy family, so I assume mommy and/or daddy helped to set up that little business of his, and what's more, are probably doing the brunt of the work to manage everything on top of that. That's probably what enticed this woman to even bother noticing him at all, but still, you'd think she'd have plenty of other options. Apparently she has a master's in chemical engineering, so it's not as if she's just a gold digging bimbo. Hell, they even went so far as to have a child together. Not too bad for a paralyzed cripple, even one with a silver spoon jammed up his ass. Maybe she just has a fetish for cripples or something. Who fucking knows. >So all in all, his life ain't too much different from yours. He's probably feeling lonely too. He's got shit loads of money and a woman who (ostensibly) cares for him enough to stay with him, and have a child on top of that. Out of all the things he deals with, I highly doubt that chronic loneliness is one of them. As lonely as I myself happen to be though, I wouldn't trade places with him in a million years, and the reasons for that should otherwise be plainly obvious. It's not that I envy this guy, as some moronic halfwits in this thread have posited, because who the fuck would envy someone who can't even take a shit without needing someone there to lift him to the toilet and then wipe his ass for him? As I tried to make clear, the reason it gets under my skin, is because it's just another painful reminder of how badly I fucked up my own life, with the salt in the wound being how even some mangled cripple has had a better go of it than I have. But even in that, it ultimately comes back to this dude happening to fall out of the right cunt, and smack dab into a pile of neverending cash/support, courtesy of his parent's wealth/connections. Too bad he can't buy himself a working body, but hey. At least he managed to buy himself a person who genuinely seems to love/care for him. It's also fair to say that a sizable injection of moolah directly into my bank account would do wonders for allowing me the chance to meaningfully sort my life out, and access the sort of help I need to build a life for myself and escape FAdom. Not enough to trade being some mangled cripple though, that's for sure. I mean, honestly, the guy couldn't even fuck her if he wanted to. That, among other things, must be pretty hellish to deal with. Nothing can make up for not being able to engage in physical intimacy, and I refer not just to basic sex, but arguably much better and seemingly simpler things. For example, walking hand in hand, holding someone in your arms as you dance together, and just generally being able to interact in every possible way with one another. This dude can **never** do these things, and that, more than anything else, even despite his success, is what makes his existence a true nightmare, and not worth wishing on anyone, let alone *wanting*, as some of the drooling mongoloids in this very thread have unthinkingly sputtered out of their retarded digital lips. For my part, I'm very happy to have my health and a strong body, fucking needless as that is to say, but apparently some people here need the extra clarification. And at the end of the day, if I ever do happen to meet a woman, at least we'll be able to walk together, her hand in mine. And that moment, assuming it ever comes, will be beyond any measurable value. It'll be because of the mutual affection we have for each other, and nothing else. Money, like a working body, will never be able to buy you that, and if anything, I can't help pitying this guy on account of that.


Comparison is the thief of joy. Stop comparing. Your life is so much different than any other person. It's unique! Just as the paralyzed man's life is unique and every other person's life on earth is unique. What's there to compare? All I ask of you is to do one thing that you enjoy doing each day. It could be eating at your favorite restaurant or fast food place or playing your favorite video game, etc. What do you like to do?


> Comparison is the thief of joy. Stop comparing.   ... > Your life is so much different than any other person.  You couldn't even follow your own advice, just a sentence later. Saying something is "different" implies an underlying comparison. Hell, even saying things are the same requires comparing them. Fuck off with this bullshit trope already.


Let's break this down all the way to Latin, comparare, which in translation meant to pair or to match. Noting that everyone is different is not a comparison. If I were to list out the things that are different between two or more people then we would reach a state of comparing. It's not bullshit if you're robbing yourself of joy. You deserve joy! You deserve to be happy! You deserve to not be alone! Or you can wallow away and be angry on a forum.


> Noting that everyone is different is not a comparison.  How would you know they are different without comparing them?


The snarky answer is that you want me to compare comparison with contrast. Think of compare as pairing and contrast as contra or against or different. You wouldn't want me to compare in this case. You'd want contrast to show how they are different.


In my opinion, it should really be "contrast is the thief of joy", but the saying was probably invented by a 4th grader and I can't really place any blame on them. Edit: it was in fact coined by Teddy Roosevelt. IDK if I can blame him. He was a stud!


No, my point is that the behavior is innate. It's like telling someone to stop feeling hungry when they're starving. You can't just switch it off.


Wait, do you mean feeling different is innate, well I obviously agree with that, or comparing being different?


Don't do anything drastic. What you want to is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. The crippled guy found a woman. Why? He owns a software company! He is probably rolling in dough. If you don't understand why then Good Charlotte will explain it. https://youtu.be/3FTS2tdmyYM?si=fE-bvS7U2y4EvbgI I understand what you are feeling. It used to hurt me but I just accepted reality. Now it doesn't hurt much it's just a "that sucks balls" type of feeling.


As a 41 year old guy myself from Indonesia, I can also relate with OP's post above somehow. I don't know exactly why, but I do still often feel that I'm the only guy who's so left behind than everyone else in life. Mentally speaking, it IS very frustrating & depressing to feel like a pathetic loser/failure, different, alone, & even feel like an alien among human beings. It's like, why can't I just be 'normal' like everybody else? I mean, sure yes, on the surface level & from the outside, people probably will look at me & my life, and think/assume that I have everything that they ever wanted. But, in reality, nobody really knows how much a pathetic sad loser & failure I really am. It's like everyone has already moved on with their lives, yet here I am still stuck on 'zero' level down below the ladder/mountain. Why am I like this? Why does my life become like this? I don't know exactly for sure why that is.. & I also don't know exactly how to change for the better, or whether even if mentally I could be strong enough to really change or not?..