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I went to a festival of my old high school this week. Apparently my former classmates get sentimental now that they have kids of school age and they organize meet-ups at such occasions. It's fascinating to watch how others have such capabilities at socialising. They remember each face from decades ago and are able to make small talk, to jester and joke around. People who sat at my table and excused themselves because they had to go home were still talking to others an hour later.


Are high school reunions coming back in style?   The last high school I went to seems to have stopped doing that kind of stuff for graduation classes post 1990 ish


I guess they never were out of style here. It wasn't a formal reunion either as we didn't try to find every former classmate. Basically some of the popular guys/gals decided to create a whatsapp group and everyone who is reachable through friends of friends was added. It's really hard here to make friends as an adult and it's normal that school day friends stay the most important social circle.


I came into this world just to wait in my room for my life to end. I don't do anything, I'm not interested in anything, I don't care about anything. I just wait patiently, doing absolutely nothing every single day for the last 15 years. I wonder why I haven't gone mad yet.


How old r u?


close to 30


Same but I have a job but I just sit at a desk its not that much dif than wfh. Otherwise nothing.


At 31 I would at the very least like to have a normal social life. When I finish work there are no calls or texts or anything from anybody ever. IRL I am a bit of a nobody so I rely on the internet more. It was easier to drop into chats in my early/mid 20s on skype and then discord. Now I am 31 and discord feels like a platform for younger people. So now I feel outcasted on the internet as well.


I am a bit confused by the rule change, I can see I am not the only one so I am sure you will clarify. I finally managed to get full time status at my part time job.  I start the Tuesday after Canada Day on the morning shift and I expect to be able to get about 3-4 hours OT a week plus I get a better wage than my last full time place.  I put in my 2 weeks notice last Friday and I was supposed to take my vacation the last two weeks of June anyways.


I hate going back to work after a break. It is soul destroying, beyond description.


How long was your vacation, it seems like it's been two or 3 weeks? I've had the same sentiment, live for today, not necessarily tomorrow which may not come. I have no plans other than the never ending server stuff. >posters will not be allowed to talk about dating or having a relationship in the past >Now if someone wants to post here and they have had past relationship or dating experience, we wont delete the post Not that it applies to me but isn't that contradicting or am I not understanding it correctly?


There's something I miss about adolescence. I was a loner in which most people either bullied me or ignored me. Looking back I can see new how I was socially stunted. The naivety made me pretty harmless so one of the few positive things I had experienced was some of the nicer girls didn't treat me like a leper like everyone else did. That all went away as I grew up and became just another man they have to be afraid of by default.


Any job/career advice? Like what career can one even start in their early 30s? I regret staying at the same job for years instead of getting different jobs or trying to get a degree in something. Was making a few dollars more than minimum wage and liked the job so that's why I stayed.


I'm confused about the dating rule. Does it count if she says yes to a date but then ghosted you? What if she showed up and was acting so cold like she didn't even want to be there?




You mean it's a he?




I tried changing my FA status by asking out women but it never worked. Always either rejected, ghosted, or she showed up and treated me so cold like I pushed her mom in front of a bus. Like WTF?? People always made excuses for her when I got ghosted. "Oh she didn't want to hurt your feelings" or " Maybe she was afraid to say No". I just got tired of being hurt and gave up .




I quit at 32. I really tried to escape it . I should've took a hint in my 20s after years of constant rejection, ghosting, and just downright hatred from women. I couldn't even have lady friends. The only time I was "friends" with a woman is when she was using me . Once she got what she wanted or someone else came along then I didn't exist. Now it's like whatever man. My fate has already been decided so oh well.


Well I think I fucked up a 2nd chance. I messaged the girl I spoke about earlier. She said she was free to hang out again. I thought about cancelling the day of the plans because I didn't get much sleep at all the night before, but decided that rescheduling would be poor form. It went fine, but I definitely got the friend zone vibe this time. People will have varying opinions, but I feel like I did it to myself by being too available, agreeable, and not escalating or flirting. I don't know if this is against the new rules, if it is then you can remove it. In the rare cases I do get some initial interest, it always fizzles out quickly. I'm so hopelessly behind at this point.


I'm just a bad weak person.


I spent the entire weekend relaxing and playing video games


Saw a guy get knocked off his ass by a turning car cos he, the pedestrian, ignored the red light to not cross where I waited, his fault. He eventually could get up and hobble over so not talking a major incident.  Butt at that moment of the crunch, besides the initial shock of wtf just happened, I did not have an interest to help. Luckily plenty of other bystanders around to go over and help so I didn't have to ... but that's the demonstration of the broken will right there in me. Like **that's** how much my mind is out of fks to care or to want to have to put up with "anything".


Reddit apparently loves to crap on me too. One of the suggested groups was a place called "femalepessimist" (or something like that). I haven't seen so many hateful people in one place in many years, and they all had the same mentality as a former friend of mine. **Everything** is always "rape" this, "predator" that. "Fuck all men" basically. Every other post was some statistic that supposedly "proved" that all men want to rape women. I started to get angry but realized it was putting me into a mindset I've tried to stay away from for years, the same mind state that kept me from growing and from talking to anyone. So I muted that dumbass toxic stain of a sub. I am the way that I am because I grew up believing BS like that about how women hated assertive guys and "overly confident" sorts. How "women actually hate being bothered by men, if she wants to talk to you she'll let you know" (only to be gaslit later on when people said "well, if you liked her then you should have let her know. LOL, better luck next time, CHAMP!"). I think only *very few* of the women I've liked have ever really known. I'm terrible at flirting (I've gotten way better but will never get past the "flirty work friend" stage), I suck at play fights, and idk how to even express empathy in meaningful ways. And it's all because of fuckers like them filling my head with lies! Because what do they do? They flock to the same guys that they complain about anyway.


I had two weeks off from work and had to call the vet yesterday. As I was waiting, I realised the moment someone would pick up the phone, that would be the first time I would talk to someone in a week 😱. If I didn’t have two cats I literally would not have spoken at all for a whole week. In 5 weeks time I’ll be going on a long vacation again, with a group of about 20 people (all strangers). Looking forward to that. Yesterday I installed an app called Amigos which is intended for people to find friends or people with similar interests. I wanted to sign up, but you could only sign up by uploading a photo of yourself. I tried a photo of my cat, but that wasn’t accepted. So I uninstalled the app 🥴 Lastly, maybe shouldn’t mention it, but somebody started a thread on Foreveralonewomen about (among others) this sub, about how it’s misogynistic and how it’s a problem that there are only male mods here. Don’t really understand the idea behind starting conversations like those in such “echochamber”-subs. It doesn’t help anyone.


Why try and post pictures of your cat?


Because I don’t want to post a picture of myself.


They literally don't allow men in their sub.  I lurked there for a bit, seems very misandrist so I never went back.


It’s ok to fall as long as you get back up and keep moving forward.I have a friend that’s going through some stuff tomorrow. She’s one of the best Marines I’ve ever served with. Just keep her in mind. She needs some good energy right now ❤️❤️❤️