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I'll get to them eventually... maybe.


That's where I'm at with them lol


Just wait until part 3


Was gonna say, we’ll be back here in part 3. Can’t for the hard mode weapons fights.


I really hope the rewards for the weapons fights aren’t some shit you will never use again because you’ll never need to play the game again. Hopefully it’s some type of progression system. Or drops something that is required to complete other tasks.


I imagine the world bosses will reward you as such. As for the inevitable Chadley VR stuff on the other hand…


I have a feeling the weapon fights will still be Chadley VR stuff just like the summons. I would be happy to be surprised by the devs again though.


Thinking of trying them this weekend now that my team got lvl 70 on my HM run. I'm fully expecting Aerith to be a multi hour long headache and Barret to be a one shot, lol


Oh, Barret can get one shot, alright.


Aerith turned out to be not terrible actually. Barret had me stumped.


Aerith just destroys everything with Blizzaga. Just run away and let'em chase you. Ward Shift -> Blizzaga. It's actually funny to watch.


It is more they are not geared or leveled properly.


These…. weren’t nearly as bad as the brutal challenges. The majority of them are fairly easy or straightforward with the right builds, especially since almost all of them have enemies with elements you can absorb using Elemental materia. You can trivialize a lot of the enemies as well. I found Aerith the easiest, but Barret was a first try after knowing how to trivialize the turtle and Cloud/Tifa/Yuffie’s were also was pretty standard.


No, but still very time consuming and tedious. I did To Be a Hero on my first try though.


How do you trivialize the turtle because that's where I'm getting stumped


Basically having enough MP to continuously cast Fira which pressures it instantly, and saving an ATB for casting Fira only for every time it exits Pressure immediately. When pressured it doesn’t have the ridiculous projectile attacks. Also if it uses that charge attack it seems better to interrupt it with Overcharge (or also Fira if it’s not pressured) or block it than trying to evade it and failing I think.


The timing to perfect block it is very forgiving as well


If I am not mistaken you cast fire on him when he starts using those homing bullets then just shot away at him. When he recovers and starts sending those homing balls cast another Fire and just repeat.


You can use the stop spell to stagger adamantoise more effectively. It helped me a lot to go through the challenge


cast fira to pressure the adamantoise, bonus round to fill the stagger gauge, and cast stop once you've gotten it staggered. one lifeblood cannon, overcharge, then point blank. repeat until the turtle bites it


The way I did it was something like, with elemental-fire on weapon, first strike material and anything which boosts limit level as an accessory - start with bonus round then unload an overcharge to gain an ATB back - manawall or haste or turbulent spirit, dodge and attack / charge when you can - get to two ATB and have an overcharge on deck -> Fira -> overcharge -> focused shot (two atb) - rinse and repeat and re-apply buffs as necessary (especially on stagger) You can actually keep looping like this and eventually you can also mix in a limit break. I forgot which weapon I used but I also had Chakra materia instead of heal. It doesn't trivialize but it helps a lot.


Bonds of friendship and to be a hero took me significantly more time than the brutal challenges.


I got to the final round of the 2nd one. Which had a tonberry among other more annoying creatures. I died and didn’t feel like committing another 15 mins to try that again. I moved on to the FFXVI dlc lol


That’s so much required for platinum that I just gave up on it tbh. No interest at this point. I know it’s supposed to be a grind but nah, no thanks.


(until the PC version releases)


Damn, so many people complaining about these, I thought they were fun...


They were more fun than the last summon one that’s for sure. What sucks is the one with Zack you play him as more of an accessory than a fighter. Sephiroth he is more viable to use


Ditto. I loved them. I loved the challenge and having to really learn how to play characters I didn’t really use all that often on my first run through. Did all the brutal and legendary before my hard mode run for plat. Now hard mode seems like a breeeezzzeee.


So would you recommend to do these challeneges before going through all the Hard mode chapters?


Up to you. I could see where going through hard mode would make these much easier. You’d have access to all manuscripts and the party level 10 folio skills- which alone could be massive; I did them without those abilities. I wanted to do them before hard mode cause I wanted the challenge. I’m halfway through my HM run now and it has been a joke compared to these challenges- specifically rulers. I’m also doing my HM run with characters I didn’t “main” the first time (Barrett, tifa, and Yuffie), just to get a full experience from the game I did these challenges with my main core group though (cloud, red, aerith) Bonds is one that I’ve read people had tons of trouble with- I got it done in two attempts. The sephiroth one was one shot. Hes just pretty damn powerful. Edit- I DID take the time to level up to 70 and do SOME materia leveling, but not all, before going through these challenges. I would say at minimum elemental materials need to be maxed. I didn’t use swift cast nor MP absorption.


Yeah this is exactly what I did. I will say that I did my leveling naturally through the new Level 70 challenges (because I kept going in all half-assed and failing at them, which led to crazy exp / ap) that by the time I even looked at these, my guys were all level 70.


Same, going into each one blind and figuring out the best setup was neat.


It will be more fun if there is less round or there is a checkpoint in the middle.


I do wish you could fight Gilgamesh or VR Sephiroth just to practice without having to do the three fights before that, but a checkpoint would probably alleviate people's frustrations a lot too!


then it wouldnt be as 'brutal' of a challenge. though i do wish you could fight gilgamesh or sephiroth in their own star level fight sims after beating it like with the other summons




I’m stuck on the bonds of friendship bout. I keep getting stunlocked and it’s just pissing me off.


Ive never even made it past White Terror


punisher mode - block - thundaga when 2 atb. rinse + repeat. you got this king :)


also Limit break to get through the howl


That’s what they said on YT but his attacks still do a lot of damage even with blocking. Then the howl kills me


[Just gotta not let him attack.](https://youtu.be/yMw88jxtJog?si=RGZnDB4TD6cBazHj) I pretty much followed this guy for all the legendary bouts, I just have the final brutal plus Zack bout to go.


Haven't done the last 2 yet but cait sith's took me days to complete. F the mindflayer. A guide I was trying to follow showed that it was possible to fortune teller and interrupt the electricity attack when it spawns a clone. I guess I was missing the damage threshold cause my fortune teller would not interrupt the enemy's attack. Ended up changing my moogle to be better at being a decoy and threw notes at the mindflayer for the last 5 minutes. Kind of upset since I was able to fight aggressively with all the other party members.


I thought that Aerith vs the Magi was easy. Just Petrify/magnify, Petrify/MP absorb, Petrify+Poison/Swiftcase. I cant beat the white terror with cloud :/ I have given up on hard mode.


I'm good with these, although I just can't bring myself to suffer through the final moogle round-up game. They're just so awful.


I’m glad I know where to stop for myself. I refuse to do Hard mode and as soon as I saw these were Hard mode only I chuckled to myself and went to the final dungeon.


I platinum'd Remake and was like ahh fckk i dunno if i really want to try and platinum Rebirth cause the game's hugee and the combat end game simulator challenges look like hell on earth compared to Remake. I began the Brutal and Legendary challenges after my first run through just for fun.. then the completionist in me came out and also the TRUE FFVII fan came out to lol, after 2 entire days I completed all the Brutal and Legendary challenges, it was not pretty not fun that's for sure.


These combat ones are easy than doing those situps. I can't even get past the 1st guy


Aerith-only combat is automatically not a good time for me


The cactuar mini games with her were legit making me want to never use her again.


I love Aerith only combat! Probably because I use her the most. I dunno why someone would downvote you though for saying it's not a good time for you.