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Turks can use magic. Even if Chris can punch boulders into submission I don't think that compares to people who use Materia and also have superhuman feats.


Do you think the Turks would still win without their magic?


I mean without magic they still show to be extremely athletic on superhuman scale.


Leon is also athletic on a superhuman scale tbh. RE4 Leon is insane lol.


Yeah but he's not jumping from a helicopter and landing on top of a moving vehicle. Or tossing a grown man around like he's Bowser and sending him soaring through the air. Nor is he getting stabbed repeatedly with a giant sword in one fight and walking away with just scratches.


Rude parried the Buster Sword with his forearm.  Their fighting capabilities are innately magical. 


some of the turks can still tank very high level magic, not to mention regular damage. i dont think anyone from RE is gonna tank thundaga, blizzaga, or firaga. without magic, the turks still have much stronger feats. they at least put up a fight against the main party of ff7, meanwhile RE does have threatening monsters, but only for RE characters. anyone from ff7 would consider a monster from RE pretty easy to defeat, even without magic


This like many of the arguments here take each universe at face value. One could argue whether Chris punching a molten boulder would be considered a similar feat to tanking Firaga or Comet. When universes collide, we often see a sort of balancing. Because if we're taking things at face value, Chris and Jill can literally beat the likes of Ultron, Thanos, Magneto, Doctor Strange, Phoenix, The Hulk, and *Galactus* without taking a hit 😂... At which point we start touching on some very relative stuff. Like if Chris can take down Galactus *with his shotgun*, just how powerful is that shotgun relative to an Ultima spell? And since there is *nothing* in the lore about his guns being special, it would stand to reason that *all* of the RE characters are capable of the same feats lol. I get this is the FF7 sub and the fandom doesn't need much convincing, but this truly isn't as cut and dry as "Materia/Magic > People with guns"


You can't include non canon crossover games especially fighting games where everyone has to be fair and balanced.


Where are those rules posted? Because Final Fantasy 7 is notorious for the rules regarding the characters abilities being inconsistent. It's well known there are totally different rules for what a character can do or survive in "battle mode" vs any other time. You can't pick and choose what "counts" here. Either all the ridiculous power or none of it lol.


There aren't rules it just makes the scenario impossible to judge especially since the crossover characters are so different compared to the mainline game characters.


That's the very nature of cross-overs. And the characters from the Resident Evil series are wildly inconsistent even within their own mainline series lol. Chris is a puny bad actor in one, and a super jacked boulder crushing superhero who's haymakers make heads explode the next lol. Jill goes from a somewhat Jewish looking master of lockpicking to a blond haired blue eyed super ninja. Like you really gotta pick your battles here lol. Just compare *Wesker* to a lot of the power levels in Final Fantasy and things get interesting. Since Chris and Sheva beat him too despite his godlike speed, strength, and endurance. Like this simply isn't that one sided. What happens when Cloud and Co contract the G-Virus? Lol


Nah. People like to have discussions based on the lore. Even over things as trivial as death battles. There’s a whole YouTube channel for it.


There are several. The most popular of which infamously counted Superman lifting the Book of Infinity toward his power lol. Doesn't mean people don't also like to discuss based on any number of aspects besides lore lol. You and *all* the downvoters are being biased and weirdly gatekeepy. Again I ask what happens when Cloud and Co contract the G-Virus lol?


Or what if Leon could?


Elena has a pink bedazzled broom handle Mauser, Turks win regardless.


Turks easy


I've seen a couple of these "FFVII vs. other franchise" posts recently and every single one has been rendered moot by the fact that the FFVII characters can literally use Materia


It makes it so boring, power scale up the other team treat this like Smash Bros!


Probably the Turks as much as I enjoy Resident evil, especially RE4R.   However, seeing Leon parry any hand to hand attacks from the Turks with his knife would be pretty graphic, considering what usually happens when he parries a punch in RE4R. And yet, this is another cool reason to want a Final Fantasy vs Capcom game one day. 


If they ever make another Project X Zone it would be cool if Square got in on it too


Project X Zone was neat, but we need a fighting game if this happens. Remake/Rebirth did so much for possible movesets that deserve a full on fighting game to show them in action in a potential crossover.  Imagine Marvel vs Capcom, but with FF characters in it. 


The Turks, because they're basically superhuman and have friggin' magic


Turks win until someone on the RE crew finds a rocket launcher


Seeing as any of the turks can face tank satellite beam from Barrett, I don't think a rocket launcher is going to have the same effect that it does in the RE series.


Even an absolute beast like Zack dies to regular rifle bullets. None of them are surviving a rocket launcher. That said, I doubt RE team could get a clear shot with one.


Correction: He dies to regular rifle bullets after slaughtering dozens of soldiers and deflecting hundreds of other bullets. Not to mention, do you have any idea how many bullets Barret needs to fire from a minigun to take down just 1 turk even if they are headshots? To take things a little more literally, the rocket in Re5 does exactly 30000 dmg (idk for the rest of the games). 2/4 turks (Tseng and Rude) would survive a rocket hit in the temple of the ancients on easy Mode. All 4 could survive 1 rocket on hard, and 2/4 could survive 2 (Tseng has 84,000 hp). Based on experiments by loyal fans [such as this](https://residentevilmodding.boards.net/thread/4611/resident-monster-health-damage-stats) we know that the stars team does around 400 dmg/shot or 150/melee. So around 80-100 bullets to kill a turk in easy Mode. Meanwhile, a turk can bring down a stars member in around 1-3 hits. (This isn't 100% actuate, but it's the closest data I could find in 15 minutes on google.) Yeah, turks win. Even if all 4 stars members start with a rocket, it would take 3 of them just to bring down Tseng.


Doing all of that won't suddenly make Zack's skin any thinner. One bullet was enough from the start. Shinra grunts just have worse aim than stormtroopers, so he was able to evade for a while. Barret is obviously missing the Turks when he shoots at them. You blatantly see that in cutscenes.


Ignoring gameplay does make it irrelevant. Crisis core gameplay and all other Zack themed spinoffs show that he can, in fact, take multiple bullets to the skin and survive. They had just whittled him down to low enough hp when the last one finished him. >Barret is obviously missing the Turks when he shoots at them. You blatantly see that in cutscenes. Yet when I'm controlling Barrett, I can put thousands of bullets into their faces, and they are fine. The dodging in cutscenes only explains why they are at full hp when the fight starts. Video game characters are fictional and superhuman. Don't try to argue they are just as weak and fragile as you or me. Otherwise, I want to see you swing zacks sword and / or throw someone in mid-air to give them a horizontal trajectory like Barret or Tifa.


HP isn't a real thing my dude. The only other spin-off to include Zack that I can recall atm is the non-canon Last Order, and I don't believe it showed him surviving bullets. They're fatal to any character. That's why having a gun pointed at someone is always treated as a major threat. Again, you're taking gameplay mechanics too seriously. HP isn't real, and characters aren't actually taking all of the attacks they're receiving during gameplay. It's like saying COD characters have fucking Wolverine powers 😂


>I don't believe it showed him surviving bullets. You are once again only accepting cutscenes as canon. The whole game is canon. He gets shot, his hp goes down, yet he doesn't die. These characters ARE superhuman, and their impossible feats of strength prove that. You are arguing that even Superman can't be bulletproof because that isn't realistic. These are fictional characters. To beat them, you have to beat the rules of the world they live in. Otherwise, the answer to OP's question is: Whoever shoots first. Nothing else matters.


Because those are the only canon... Unless you want to start arguing that every character is immortal because they can respawn 😂


>Because those are the only canon According to what? Where is the general rule posted that nothing the player does is canon? So Cloud didn't journey from Kalm to the Mythril Mine, he just teleported? How do they get from cutscene to cutscene? Your logic doesn't make sense. The only non-canon thing I can think of is a game over, but it rewinds time to the last checkpoint to fix it. None of the characters shown are immortal. Hence, the game over screen if you die in those games. Why would it say "game over" in BOTH games if they respawn? Destiny's guardians respawn, the Souls games characters respawn. No one in the OP comment ever does.


But RE rocket launchers are built different tho. They might as well be ICBMs in your hand.


The turks would literally solo the verse. They are all basically Albert but instead of one there's four of them with Damn near perfect team work lol


Hmm. So you think the Turks (and maybe Rufus) are on par with Wesker?


Rufus would absolutely tool Wesker. The Turks feel like they shouldn't, but would, because by necessity scale somewhat with Cloud since they were shown to at least be able to dodge and block some attacks and Cloud solos the RE verse.


Chris solos, his will to continue on the Redfield lineage through Claire and Leon is too powerful.


I pick Keegan Michael Key. That man looks like he can do damage.


Is this a serious question? I wouldn't put this on the level of nuke vs coughing baby, since the RE cast are basically superhuman in their own right given all the insane shit they've survived. but compared to people who can get hit by a thundaga and live to tell the tale? Absolutely not.


RE chars, or at least the ones that frequent Earth-30847 [Marvel vs. Capcom] are able to keep up with mutants, metahumans empowered/augmented by all matters of power sources (like gamma radiation), literal demons wielding various types of magic, reploids, humans wearing symbiotes, sorcerer supreme-level beings and Celestials that rival gods. At the very least, I don't think it's the forgone conclusion for the Turks!


If the guns are as effective as FF guns then the Turks win 10/10 times. But if guns actually worked like real guns, our 4 Turks would be headshot and done across the board.


Wtf does that mean? FF guns aren't randomly weak... the characters are just often faster and stronger than guns.


That’s so not true. Barret is using a mini gun, putting hundreds of bullets into an enemy. Shinra troopers firing thousands of bullets on the party and then being just fine. Guns in the FF universe as far from the realism of RE. Sure they aren’t Borderlands level, but don’t act like they are realistic.


If guns weren't effective, they wouldn't be using them. Seriously dude cmon.


Imma go with RE guys. They got better plot armor


Idk about better plot armor at this point lol. Plot ghost helping the Turks in Remake and in Rebirth >!Tseng Surving Sephiroth!<


Yeah I've seen 3 people here mention plot armor for the RE guys and i'm just like "you know the Turks have just as much plot armor as the RE guys right? especially Tseng."


I dunno. T-Rated game villains always have crazy amounts of plot armor, and the Turks are no exception.


Can Turks Dodge bullets?


They don't die immediately to Barret


Ultimate Party Animal comes in at the last minute with steel chair


Make it fair and put 4 Chris’


Idk much at all about the other guys but I’m assuming handling speedsters was not a mission in their game 🗿


RE 5 and 6 Chris could solo this


Turks or STARS the Racom city Elit military force


Blonde Tuffie


Are the Turks bulletproof, i.e. is this fight happening in a cutscene or in-game? Does the RE crew have the infinite rocket launcher?


Silent Hill protagonists win against all 8 of them!




redfield would punch their magic, and their materia into submission lmao


We talking pure fist to fist or all tools available? Cause they're all basically supersoldiers but having materia definitely gives the Turks an edge.


Leon would RPG them into oblivion before any of the Turks could cast so much as a Fire spell.


This is so stupid. Who would win? Average cop with 9mm or corporate super soldiers with literal magic. Gee I wonder.


The ones with semi-super powers?


I read that in skillups voice


Resident evil characters are the mild action movie superhuman meanwhile Turks are just full on anime bs superhuman. Even without use of magic they possess superhuman capabilities far beyond RE characters.


A normal zombie wins


Do Chris, Leon, Jill, and Ada get to use materia? If not, it's a pretty unfair fight.


Unless there's a Turk named Boulder ou Rock...


Turks kill everything! They put first class soldiers in their place. That said, Jill with the Wesker mind control could probably stand a chance, but the rest are chopped liver.


Na, the Turks are prolly on something


This is a wild death battle. I honestly feel RE is solid but the turks are ruthless when it comes to certain shit. But evil never seems to win against the RE squad and the turks can't beat cloud and them... so RE!


Turks all the way. But I think the matchup would be cooler if: Chris vs. Reno Wesker vs. Tseng Jill vs. Elena Barry vs. Barry


Rude beats them without even breaking a single pair of glasses.


Leon can solo them, now that he has a perfect parry.


Turks easily. One Turk is enough. Literally any Turk.


Even without materia, the Turks breeze through this lol. Do you know how many Bravers I landed on the Turks? Or how many times Barret unloaded on them? They took it all in stride.


I’d love to see Leon and Rude go hand to hand


Guns > Stupid assholes who are not bulletproof


Rude>all resident evil characters including the monsters


Magic or no magic the Turks win easy.


Even if I wasn’t biased towards glazing the Turks because I love Reno they’d probably win tbh. The materia gives them a huge advantage.


Based off what's said (and what's supposed to be lore accurate) and off screen moments? The Turks and easily. Based off what we see and how Cloud and Co treat them? The RE crew... Tho they may struggle.


Turks for sure


you picking a fight with those having ing super thick plot armor


Reno to fast and Rude to strong, those 2 alone could solo the RE group


You're all forgetting Chris broke a giant boulder with his fists while fighting surrounded by lava


This isn't a contest. Each individual member of the RE team has defeated opponents that are at SOLDIER level and beyond, and that's separately. When they work together as a team then the Turks don't stand a chance. They are both great teams, but Jill, Chris, Leon and Ada just bring too much to the table.


Not a single being in RE is Cloud/Zack/Sephiroth level... Cmon now.


You make the mistake of thinking that Zack, Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal or Cloud represent the standard SOLDIER, which they don't. We are time and time again shown that Zack and Sephiroth were much more skilled and powerful than the standard members of SOLDIER. The standard SOLDIERs, like Roche and the other no-names that are fought in the game are at the level of the Tyrants from RE. SOLDIERs and Tyrants are enhanced superhumans, with Tyrants being way more durable than standard SOLDIERs. And you need to open your eyes up because Zack and Sephiroth are still very killable. Zack >!was taken down by gunfire after they finally managed to hit him.!< And in Ever Crisis, we catch a scene of Sephiroth in his prime >!getting winded from fighting some behemoths and other monsters!<, which makes it much more believable that he could get winded by fighting against certain B.O.W.s from RE. If you think that Zack, Sephiroth and Cloud are untouchable, you aren't paying attention to the material. But this isn't even about them. This is about the Turks being outclassed by the RE team pictured in the title.


They won via plot. Albert is losing to Chris is literally because the plot demanded it. In the cut scenes Albert rag dolls Chris very casually almost every single time they fight. Also based on feats cloud, Zack, sephiroth >>>>> anything that breathes in the RE universe


By your logic, the same applies to Cloud, Zack and Sephiroth. Plot determines how they ultimately end up despite their actual abilities. Zack and Sephiroth, for instance, have been portrayed as being so far beyond other SOLDIERs that they are able to >!contend with Minerva, a god-level being in FF7 that is the physical manifestation of the Planet's will!<. And yet, Zack was >!gunned down by a battalion of artillery and grunts!< and, most recently in Ever Crisis, we have seen Sephiroth in his prime >!getting winded by fighting some behemoths and a few monsters.!< Cloud, most famously, has no business being able to take on Sephiroth in a direct fight, something that the devs themselves adamantly reinforce right down to how they portray Sephiroth as effortlessly and whimsically overpowering Cloud in their every encounter. And yet, Cloud just >!wins with the power of cherishing!<, because plot demands it. It's pointless trying to pinpoint their actual capabilities because plot demands are always changing their power in a pinch. Best bet is to just try and find an "average" based on their overall feats and descriptions, and in that case, the RE team outclasses the Turks just from the sheer number of powerful enemies they have defeated. And monsters like Tyrants are easily on the level of the standard SOLDIER, which would not include the stand-outs like Sephiroth, Genesis, Angeal and Zack. Both Tyrants and SOLDIERs are enhanced superhuman beings. Arguments can be made if Tyrants or SOLDIER are more powerful, but they are both basically in the same class, with SOLDIER being more agile while Tyrants are much more durable. In the end, the RE team has been up against countless monsters on the level of SOLDIER, and they have won in direct confrontations, and I'm not even referring to Wesker in his prime who is obviously a bigger threat than a Tyrant. Turks have done similar things, but not nearly as frequently as the RE team, and rarely at the individual level.


LMFAO what an awful take. You're trying to compare the tyrants to SOLDIERS when feats literally dictate why you're wrong. Superhuman A isn't comparable to Superhuman B. The monsters in ff > the tyrants in RE. Especially given the fact that some of the monsters can also use magic, move faster than bullets, tank hits from other superhumans etc. The turks have no problem here AGAIN based on actual feats. They are very comparable to Albert and Cloud who both are >>>>> any individual RE protagonist. So all four of them with their magic, and physical capabilities would literally have almost no problem.


The Turks lose every fight and run away. RE guys have plot armor.


Plot armor is obviously not a thing in fan matchups because it would make the whole discussion pointless.


The Turks are so cool, but they're also such awful people.


You have to have the mindset that this is like any other military team. They are just doing what their corrupt government demands of them. This kind of deep dives it a bit in rebirth during one of the side missions where you actually go through a 'Turks Training' it's pretty cool if i'm being honest. It's located in Gongaga if i remember correctly.


Yep. It’s the area’s proto-relic quest-chain


Yeah, it kinda sucks. The worst part is that they’re not actually anywhere near as insanely awful as the rest of SHINRA, but the four of them that are shown in the Remake? Yeah, that’s the entire department, and they have *very* legitimate reasons to be extremely pissed at Avalanche. Before Crisis basically lays out how their former director and more than half their field effectives got massively screwed over by Avalanche during the time lag between Crisis Core and the main game; Tseng ended up trading the loyalty of the Turks to Rufus in exchange for being able to quietly retire the Turks who got caught up in the chaos rather than being forced to field-execute them. That was eight field operatives, who as a team took on a WEAPON-grade entity and kicked its ass, then systematically hunted down an actual WEAPON that woke up to deal with the WEAPON-grade crisis, and the department’s former director - Vincent’s partner. So - the Turks are operating at about 30% of the effectives they had during Crisis Core, have sold their loyalty to Rufus to not be completely exterminated, and have a grudge against Avalanche for putting them in that situation. All in all, it’s a really bad situation they’re in during the main time period, so it’s somewhat understandable that they’ve scaled their ‘creative problem solving’ back to just keeping Aerith out of the limelight and toeing the line otherwise… but the Plate thing is utter bullshit, and frankly I’m really hoping Vincent slaps some sense into them in Part 3.


And Elena was kidnapped by Avalanche a few months before she even joined the Turks so she also has a bone to pick with them.


People who are saying the Turks forget that FF characters are as vulnerable as regular humans in cutscenes. Example Aerith and Zack.


Reno was useless in rebirth


I mean krillin was usless in dragonball but it doesnt mean hes weak. Reno can beat anyone from that Resident Evil picture


Just bc he didn’t have that much screen time doesn’t mean he was useless. He just took a backseat bc of complications with the voice acting.


I don't even know who those other people are. Turks vs. a no-show.

