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The only ones dividing us are the people lying about what happened to convicted felon Trump. He broke laws and a jury found him guilty. Convicted fellow Trump needs to get over it and stfu.


It's their illusion of entitlement, it was shattered today. Nothing left but the reckoning.


Which law was that again? šŸ¤”


New York Penal Law 175.10: A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.


And therein lies the problem(s).. What record was falsified? And, What was the 'other crime'? And miss me with that "Federal Elections Violation" bs... because Bragg, NOR NY state, have ANY jurisdiction to prosecute such a Violation, had it even occurred.


Well done on the copy and paste btw. It's easy to say (or paste) but you gotta bring context to this party tho.


Yes, a copy and paste of the LAW that fuck broke, which is exactly what you asked for, but it doesnā€™t fucking matter, does it?


Gullible. Dude, Bragg literally CAMPAIGNED on 'GETTING TRUMP'. But you're right, its not political at all. You realize that all this shit doesn't happen in a vacuum, right?? Actually, you probably don't. IF this WAS a crime, then WHY did the Federal Elections Commission, the Dept. Of Justice, AND fat Alvin ALL decline to bring charges?? And that was BEFORE the statute of limitations had expired. But, Right after Trump announced his intention to run for POTUS '24, all the sudden Bragg decides its time to call an alleged expired MISDEMEANOR, 34 indictable felonies. I'm sure it was just a coincidence tho. Yeah... keep believing what they tell you. šŸ‘


Bragg campaigned on holding people who broke the law accountable, and that he had experience prosecuting the Trump family, for example when they stole from their charity and were held accountable for that. The fucking thieves are stole from a charity and are now barred from running charities in New York, and rightly so. Trump's CFO went to Rikers for cheating with the accounting. Trump owes multiple millions for cheating on his taxes. He had to pay $25 million to the students he ripped off with Trump University. These Trump fucks are some of the scummiest people on earth. Who wouldn't want to run on cleaning up the swamp? >IF this WAS a crime, then WHY did the Federal Elections Commission, the Dept. Of Justice Because it's a NY law, not a federal one. >Right after Trump announced his intention to run for POTUS '24 Because there is a legal opinion not to indict sitting presidents, so they had to wait until after the corrupt piece of shit was out of office, and the legal system moves slowly as we all know. As for Trump running, everyone predicted he would announce his intent to run very early because he knew there would be indictments and if he were running for president he could whine that the indictments are election interference. Lo and behold! Trump announced his campaign the earliest of anybody in American history, and then immediately started crying and whining that the indictments are election interference, as predicted. And lo and behold, his dumbfuck supporters swallow every obvious lie he tells, right in line. >BEFORE the statute of limitations had expired. The statute of limits had not expired when Bragg brought charges. >its time to call an alleged expired MISDEMEANOR, 34 indictable felonies. It's a felony when used to cover up another crime. In this case, he paid off the porn star he fucked in order to keep her quiet so he could win the presidency. Holding back info the American people should know about in order to make their voting decisions. Of course, hindsight it wouldn't have mattered. Trump could perform felatio on a little boy right on live tv and it's clear his morally rotten supporters would make excuses as to why that's ok. "wE'rE nOt eLEctINg tHE pOpE."


"Campaigned on holding people accountable". How rich. šŸ¤£ Clearly you havent read Fat Alvin's INFAMOUS "Day 1 Memo'. No surprise there, though... 'cause when you get your talking points from the same clapping seals who told you Hunter's "Laptop" was "RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION", Trump is a Putin plant, and the Southern border is SECURE, you appear just as, if not more, foolish.


>Clearly you havent read Fat Alvin's INFAMOUS "Day 1 Memo'. I don't give a shit if Bragg had an infamous memo or not. Trump is the ultimate victim, and that's his only card. Always a victim, always someone else's fault, etc. He's a cheat and crook. >Hunter's "Laptop" was "RUSSIAN DISINFORMATION", LOL I still don't even know what this is supposed to be. Hunter has a laptop?! Oh wow! I bet Joe Biden has a laptop too! Almost as criminal as Obama's tan suit! >Trump is a Putin plant Nobody ever said he's a plant. What he *did* do was accept help from Russia for his 2016 campaign, as proven by the Republican's own report. Of course he did. He does anything that helps the only person he cares about in the world. >the Southern border is SECURE The border is not secure, or open. It's a mess as it has been for twenty years. Nothing new. No party wants to fix it. Biden actually deported more immigrants than Trump, but rightwing media won't tell you that.


That's because you are clueless and incapable of rational thought- the expected outcomes of drinking while pregnant. The "man" you claim "campaigned on holding people accountable" issued a Day 1 Memorandum indicating DOZENS OF FELONIES that his office would NOT BE PROSECUTING anymore. That's "accountability" the Dumocrat way. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Do you understand why you and other Trump supporters are asking that question?


New York Penal Law 175.10: A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof. It's literally in the indictment. It's also on the verdict. I know it's hard to see these things when your head is lodged firmly up Trump's ass but try to dislodge it long enough to look around at the real world now and again....




Itā€™s not Obamaā€™s fault that a bunch of racists lost their minds over a black guy being elected.


That's exactly what started the racial tensions. When any criticism of Obama was dismissed as racism. You're the problem.


Nah, it was the racists calling Obama a Kenyan and the racists demanding his long form birth certificate. Which racist did that a lot again? Oh yeah convicted felon and traitor that had a mob attack the Capitol building Trump. Convicted felon Trump and his merry band of useful idiot racists canā€™t cry that they are the victims.


LOL. Projection.


My problem is my support of open borders and that racist zionist Obama was deporting all the illegals. Why do you defend the most racist president in history?


LOL. Keep going.


a trump supporting cuckold. why does this not surprise me and youā€™re a snowflake who gets offended easily šŸ˜­


I come here to talk politics and you guys are all "look a guy who has a sex life". It gets a lot of attention from incels. It doesn't surprise you, though, because Trump's base is diverse in races, beliefs, and ideologies.


LOL. Yeah, sure...


I can't reply to your other comment. I'd think my fellow Trump supporters would laugh at the fact that under a post about tolerance, a Trump hater is being intolerant to a LGBT lifestyle and the Trump supporter is being tolerant to a gay man daydreaming about another man's bedroom activities.


What did he do to divide the nation? Can you give some solid examples for a legitimate news source?


I think they were doing a bit and pretending to be voicing the opinions of people who support convicted felon, Donald Trump.


Read their other commentsā€¦ if itā€™s a bit, itā€™s one theyā€™re not dropping.


How did Obama divide the country? By being black? GTFOH.


It was the cream colored suit that divided America. Racism did not exist until that moment. And the grey poupon divided us. And being born in Hawaii divided us too.


Damn you Grey Poupon!


No, that would be racist. He divided the country by doing the following: - Campaigning while black - Winning the DNC Presidential Nomination while black. - Winning the general election while black - Presiding over the U.S. while black.


My bad, how dare he!


Donā€™t forget the tan suit and Dijon mustard scandals! He shouldā€™ve been impeached for both of those high crimes! /s


Yup. It was definitely divided when Obama was in office. The racists showed their ugly face. Oh, and in case you forgot : You are better than ZERO POC because of the color of your skin, šŸŒˆā„ļø




Oh, we all remember that. We surely do. What's that got to do with all the unarmed, CCW carrying, good citizen black men being murdered by racist white cops? What's that got to do with a black teenager going for a run in his own neighborhood only to be gunned down by a group of racist cowards like yourself?


Well, if you ā€œheardā€ it must be true.


Some people are saying...


ā€œIf you look into itā€¦ā€


Sounds like a lot of crying to me, big strong men lol


Your existence serves as clear evidence that we must invest more funds into our educational system. Right wing extremist propaganda is not how you should educate yourself.




Says the Fox News parrot


Youā€™re probably getting spam from trump in your mailbox every day thatā€™s telling you this but fyi itā€™s not true. Trumps admin themselves couldnā€™t find a single instance of a non citizen casting a vote. This is a part of trumps campaign because he believes he can rile you up and convince you that no matter what he should have won the election. This is a very dangerous tactic, and may lead to another Jan 6 or worse:


Lol, whatever muppet.




Shout more!!! Insult more!! But get offended when someone insults you!!!




You arenā€™t asking for a conversation.


Let me guess, you blame it on identity politics huh? Look in the mirror to learn what that is.


You just know for a fact someone that barely graduated highschool wrote this comment.


What did Obama do to further the divide? Genuine question. It wasnā€™t the democrat members of congress who literally told the nation their only goal was to obstruct, and not actually govern and pass laws.


Your right they asked me to vote and I'm illegal af!


Samesies! I may even vote twice!


Make sure you also get your free money and housing and of course Lamborghini


Bro I went for the three free EVs.


Hell yeah! I love America!!!


Let's legalize them and then let them vote. Then we can take the ol' GOP out to the gravel pit


>how sad this day is for America It's sad when billionaires actually face consequences when they commit crimes?


Someone's jealous..


Jealous of billionaires and their privileges? Yeah, I mean , duh. As the wealthy bleed the rest of us dry and somehow manage to brainwash dumbfucks to support their policies, Iā€™d say itā€™s a little more than jealousy.Ā 


bruh, OP all butt hurt in the comments because daddy Trump is finally facing the consequences of his actions lol


What "actions" were those again, BRUH?


lieing, fraud, stealing classified documents, an attempted coup... like why are you so ignorant


Donā€™t let them divide us? Yā€™all only want unity when it benefits you, anytime my people get some type of higher position in life you immediately call us ā€œdiversity hiresā€ claiming we donā€™t deserve it. The call everything ā€œwokeā€ when you see us on the silver screen or on tv, there are hundreds of thousands of openly conservative X accounts that do nothing but purposely only highlight black crimes for the purpose of fear mongering. And yā€™all usually defend them. And you got the fucking nerve to say donā€™t let ā€œTHEMā€ divide ā€œUSā€? YOU already did, and have been splitting that wedge more and more since 2016, who the fuck is ā€œusā€? Like no no no we very much so, wanna be divided from YOU.


Yes, all of that. They want civil war, and then claim we are dividing the country. No amount of reality gets through.


I for one would welcome one.


I just don't know who they plan on going to war with. Like, they just going to start shooting people who aren't wearing red hats? They going to assault FBI offices? What the actual fuck are they even talking about? Civil war against who exactly?


They're not thinking for themselves, they're following Trump's orders. Only question that really matters is: Would Trump rather be president of half a country or go to prison?


Nail head, meet hammer. This is exactly what is happening. Though I am not a POC, nothing angers me more than when I hear some right wing lunatic spout ā€œWe MuSt NoT lEt ThEm DiViDe Us!!ā€ How about yā€™all stop fanning the flames of racism and then we can talk. How about you start holding cops accountable for their systemic racism? Would they be offended if I went to a ā€œsundown townā€ and just wiped the earth clean of the vermin who inhabit said town? Iā€™m so fucking sick of this shit. Watching Faux News makes me embarrassed to be white.


Your example of a civil argument is the American Flag of middle fingers?


The image is not an "argument"... civil or otherwise. Its called "symbolism". It's created with middle fingers from all races to be a SYMBOL (there's that word again) of our unity as Americans, standing resolute against ANYONE/ANYTHING (esp. our own govt) threatening our Republic.


Oh okay...your symbol of a civil argument is an American flag made out of middle fingers...


"don't let THEM divide US" gotta be the most moronic statement I've heard all day


Seriously, and you notice how they always only say that shit on election year? And as soon as itā€™s over, they go right back into ā€œMexicans are rapists and drug smugglers, and Blacks are homicidal gangstersā€ mode. They want to talk about unity but refusing to denounce the large number of openly racist, sexist, or homophobic people in their camp. Hell they fucking agree with them half the time. ā€œDonā€™t let them to divide usā€, man thatā€™s infuriating, coming out of a conservatives mouth.


So what. Do you want a cookie or somethin? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø "Gotta be the most moronic statement I've heard all day" gotta be the most moronic statement I'VE heard all day.


"I know you are, but what am I?"


"no you. " Man, your debating skills are on point.


lmfao good one bro


Who is THEM?


Them are the guys backing Russia over Biden.


What is your proof


The magas really surprised me by doing siding with Russia yet they did. They sidelined Ukraine aid for quite some time.


You know there's a simpler reason. We need the killing to stop.


Putin wonā€™t stop until he is stopped. Ukraine did nothing to start the war.


There are some reasons. Look up the USA trying to get the Scandinavian states to join NATO. Putin feels threatened by it. Then Putin starts the Ukrainian war, then the US starts selling arms to Ukraine.


Ukraine can buy weapons from whoever they want. Theyā€™re a sovereign country. The Scandinavian states joined nato after Russia attacked Ukraine again. They wanted natos protection. If Ukraine had been allowed to join nato, Russia would have attacked some other non aligned country. A sovereign country can make its own decisions about who they will make alliances with. Itā€™s just like the Philippines moving back to American alliances due to Chinese aggressions. Youā€™re only threatened by your neighbors doing things to protect their possessions and citizens if you covet your neighbors possessions or citizens.


Why am I am I down voted?


Those weaponizing our government to attack their political opponents.


Your existence serves as clear evidence that we must invest more funds into our educational system. Right wing extremist propaganda is not how you should educate yourself.


You'd think if this was the case they'd be doing it more effectively and not letting Trump just do whatever he pleases with barely any actual consequences.


Oh right, Republicans never do that


Cool, that didn't happen here. Cry more.


Amendment Six to the Constitution was ratified on December 15, 1791. It gives citizens a series of rights in criminal trials. They include the rights to a fast and public trial by an impartial jury, to be aware of the criminal charges, to confront witnesses during the trial, to have witnesses appear in the trial, and the right to legal representation.




It's meant to be entertainment. Your viewers expect conflict 24/7 with life insurance adds.


How profound.... I'd love to hear your justification substantiating this drivel....


Court cases arguing "no reasonable person would take our comments as news" Settlements with voting services because they knew they lied. Remember folks 70% of all child sexual assault is committed by Republicans. With police and clergy making up two of the groups with the highest propensity of perpetrators. Check out the data at www.whoismakingnews.com


Your website looks legit.


Thank you but it's not mine. The data is public information and the sources are listed. It IS legit


You don't like my lies? That's kind of ironic.


Aww cute lil angry Trumper. Cope harder. Trump Broke the law, was found guilty of breaking the law and is being charged for breaking the law. #Lockhimup


Amendment Six to the Constitution was ratified on December 15, 1791. It gives citizens a series of rights in criminal trials. They include the rights to a fast and public trial by an impartial jury, to be aware of the criminal charges, to confront witnesses during the trial, to have witnesses appear in the trial, and the right to legal representation. Since you are lacking wisdom.


2 year old mentality. I didn't get away with it, and I didn't win, so it was unfair. Everything in his trail was done by the books. He had a trail, a jury of his peers, he was allowed a defense. Witnesses were present, he was aware of the charges. Sleepy Don just slept through most of it and then complained he missed it. Since you're lacking not having Trump shit on your head from having it so far up his ass.


He had a witness and the judge would not alow it. No law was broken. Trump spoke of what happened at Trump Towers.He actually did not break the law. The "law" that he "broke" is only a misdemeanor. So your government somehow made it a Felony?


Source please? Dude, 12 jurors looked at all the evidence and unanimously found that he willfully committed 34 felonies. No matter how much you whine and cry, your man-baby god-king broke the law and will pay the price for it.


It was just revealed that Trump and his attorneys, plus a witness, were not allowed to talk.


Prove it. I love that people like you think you know more than the people that spent weeks in the courtroom hearing every side and piece of evidence and all of them found him guilty. Then you roll along and are like "No I know what actually happened cuz I saw a article on Newsweek.


Here it is. Please watch. Alan Dershowitz is on the video explaining as to what has happened. https://www.foxnews.com/video/6354072610112


You mean the lying pedophile Alan Dershowitz? Frequent visitor to Epsteinā€™s island Alan Dershowitz? That Alan Dershowitz?


No way did you just use Fox News and Alan Dershowitz as a valid source lmaoooo. Of fucking course fox news thinks it's a scam trail they CREATED that narrative and are just Trumps puppet talking pieces. 2 Maga dummies spewing Maga talking points isn't evidence.


Nice try gaslighting us, bud. What was it that you said before you edited this?




Trump and his attorney's where nit allowed to speak.


That is categorically untrue.


What divides us is the race of supremacy trying it's hardest to hold on to their heritage. What divides us is having a network calling itself news by giving no real information or evidence appealing to the base knowledge and prejudice of a certain people of supremacyist heritage. If those people could get over that nonsense by human beings and discuss without STORMING THE CAPTIOL or crying stolen election and not trying to expose it with evidence... THATS WHO DIVIDES AMERICA.


The Republicans are God fearing. Everyone is in an image of God! We see colorless. We believe that everyone has the same opportunity for prosperity. We believe in the 2nd amendment, because our 4 fathers believe we should have a chance against our government if it becomes tyrannical. We believe in and protect all civil rights. We believe in low taxes and a small government. Small government opens up small business. Before Abraham Lincoln started the Republican party , but we were also known as abolitionist. What does it mean if someone is an abolitionist? who wants to stop or abolish slavery noun. abĀ·ā€‹oĀ·ā€‹liĀ·ā€‹tionĀ·ā€‹ist ĖŒa-bə-Ėˆli-shə-nist. plural abolitionists. : a person who wants to stop or abolish slavery : an advocate of abolition. We stopped the south from slavery. We were against the 1964 CRA because of government overreach.


Are you serious? Or are you clowning?


Look it up. Not on a political site either.


So you are serious but an actual clown the fact you told me all this shit, tell me to look it up and then say stay away from "political" sites... You clearly learned this from somewhere why do you feel ashamed to name it Edit- it's so strange how you try and take credit for what good people did in the past and then attach that to a current political party. Simple question would the slavery freeing REPUBLCIAN have been okay with KKK members and confederates endorcing them?b funny how the REPUBLCIAN party flipped to a pro property anti people party and you don't even seem to notice.


Trump is on the found out part of his screwing around tour. About time justice caught up to him. Looking forward to more convictions.


How sad.....


It is sad that people even consider Trump.


Need a tissue?


No, but some common sense from Trumpers would be nice.


Profound. Like what exactly?


Not supporting a felon for president is a good start. Maybe some awareness he is fleecing them like sheep as well.


A lesson in Humanity? All I see is Gox blaring some bullshit again. Media mavens mount surgical strikes to sway you to believe... Fox is nothing but trash


Easy to claim.. but I'm willing to bet, much harder to substantiate.. DYOR and due diligence. Believe NONE of what you hear and only HALF of what you see. šŸ‘


šŸ–•šŸ˜ŽšŸ–• G U I L T Y


No oneā€™s done more to divide us than Fox News.


How so?? Substantiate this, please.


Misinformation. Distortions. Outright lies. Itā€™s been decades of all this. If you donā€™t know the difference by now - or worse - canā€™t tell the difference between Fox and the rest of the major news networks, there isnā€™t enough room on all of Reddit to walk you through it.


Who's tolerance?


>THIS is how disagreement USED to be handled... the American way. LOL. Yeah, that ship sailed a long time ago.