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Jeffrey Dahmer had 16 felony convictions.. Trump's the best at felonies..every body says that


Convicts with tears in their eyes


"Big, strong convicts with a tattoo of a tear under their eye say, Sir..." 


It's the most felonies this country has ever seen.


America is great again


Not. Lol


All the best people are saying so.




This guy wasn't the president of the United States.


Yeah, they tried him on 91 accounts total. Plus they impeached him twice. It's a tactic so they can say "oh he is a felon now". It's a witch hunt and corruption for the freedom of Americans now. When your scared to lose, you do these things. Well, only a Democrat would do something hurtful


A jury selected by his attorneys gave a unanimous vote to convict. Not any politicians, a jury.


So much for being the party of law and order


You obviously didn't read the jury instructions given by the judge. "Merchan gave the jurors three possible “unlawful means” they can apply to Trump’s charges: falsifying other business records, breaking the Federal Election Campaign Act or submitting false information on a tax return. For a conviction, each juror would have to find that at least one of those three things happened, but they don’t have to agree unanimously on which it was."


Correct. If there is a murder and the victim was stabbed, strangled, and shot the jury need not agree which act killed the victim. They only need to agree that one of the acts resulted in the death.


It's more like someone gets in trouble for burglary. So 4 people on the jury say it was trespassing, 4 people say it was unlawful entry, and 4 people say it was burglary. Those are three separate violations


No bro it’s not a tactic. He is trash has been trash will always be trash. And his wife was getting good dick while he was in court. She hates his guts and hope he would die or go to jail so she can be free of him and be with her boyfriend in public.


Lol no it’s so that we can say “oh he’s a convicted felon now” we’ve always known he was a felon, he’s pretty open about his felonies. I’ll tell you what, if you think it’s all a witch hunt, you go and do the things he’s convicted of and watch the “democrats” (the law in actuality) come after you


It's not a witch hunt, but I promise you there's a good portion of independent voters who are taking notice that one of the things he's being charged with was a crime that his two biggest political rivals committed with impunity. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/biden-special-counsel-report-handling-classified-documents/


Yes every case is "different". Biden willfully withheld classified documents and showed them to his ghostwriter, why is he not being charged?


Did you read the DOJ report? Edit: Just for your reference in the future the DOJ reports are super easy to find via google if you’re ever looking for the actual story, not just what gets “reported” This is an effort to be helpful, no shade thrown


Sorry to fuck up your day. This trial was on 34 charges. He was found guilty of all of them. But, he hasn't even been to trial for the other 57 charges yet.


He was impeached for conditioning aid to Ukraine for a made up investigation of the bidens and then trying to bury the evidence. He was then impeached again for fomenting an insurrection after his 60+ legal challenges after losing the election failed. He was just convicted on 34 counts for election fraud. We got what we call rules and regs around here, you can’t try and disguise $130K of hush money as “legal expenses”. See, when you’re scared to lose and have no morals or regard for the law, you do these things. Well, only Donald Trump would do something stupid like this.


Correction on the 34 Felony Convictions, they were Business Fraud Related, not election. The election fraud/tambering case in Georgia still pending trial. For those out of the loop on the charges. Trump had his Lawyer Micheal Cohen pay off a porn star on his behalf and later paid Michael Cohen back from his Business Accounts and mark it as a Business Legal Expense. Paying a lawyer to cover up a sex scandal is NOT a Business Expense and Trump paying from his Business Accounts and marking it as a Business Legal Expense is what he is in trouble for. Each check to Micheal Cohen had its own charges and Cohen has already been convicted and jailed for his part of this Business Fraud Crime. New York has Business Finance Laws and a Court of 12 Juror found Trump guilty of the charges of breaking said Laws.


91 felonies total. This trial was only for 34. Hence the reason there's multiple trials. I'm guessing there's not a whole lot of things in the world that you really understand.


Don’t break the law and you won’t get charged with any crime.


Change your account name to "Smooth Brained" Nevermind, you wouldn't get it anyway.


Dan, you should be a comedian


I told you you wouldn't get it....


In NYC, they only charged him with 34 counts. They only tried him on those 34 counts. There are STILL 3 more trials he has to go through. This was only one. The remaining 57 are in 3 other states. You can't fool all the people all of the time.


This is someone that doesn’t understand the process and just regurgitates the opinions that reinforce his already held beliefs


If the democrats are always cheating and stealing elections, then why don’t we end up with a democrat president every single election cycle? How are republicans winning senate seats if the democrats are so damn good at stealing elections? Could it be that you’re being lied to by a bunch of butthurt crybabies who are, as you said, too afraid to lose.


I don't say people steal elections. However, taking away mandatory voting laws and having illegal Mexicans vote and having votes in the mail is wild. The snowflake liberals are the real cry babies


Funny. Trump, the dipshit who rallied against mail-in ballots, actually uses them. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/politifact/2022/01/15/fact-check-did-trump-vote-mail-2020-election/6516078001/ Please allow me to repeat this simple fact. **YOU’RE BEING LIED TO.** Also, where is the evidence to backup the claims that you’ve made?


Bc all felonies are the same right?


Try not to get deposed on the way through the parking lot!


That's a lot of counts.... so far


*In a row?*


I knew I was too late to add this!


Same! But I’ll always upvote it 🤣


Yeah, it was great on CNN. They read them down in order one by one as they were announced. Guilty, guilty, guilty all the way down to 34.


Keith Olbermann's rendition of it was epic. Countdown with Keith Olderman is a production of iHeartRadio. Convicted felon Donald Trump has been found guilty and guilty, and guilty and guilty, guilty, guilty and guilty, guilty, guilty, and guilty and guilty, guilty, ish, guilty, adjacent guilty, esque, also guilty and guilty, gay, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, very guilty, repeatedly guilty, incredibly guilty, extra guilty, extra large guilty, extra crispy guilty, diet guilty, lemon scented guilty, family size guilty, tartar control guilty, and lastly not not guilty. Of course, we knew he was guilty. This was just the legal system confirming it and before getting to what really matters right now, which is in fact what happens not right now.


Who watches CNN anymore? Did you not see what Chris Cuomo said the other day? He literally said everything on there is a lie from a liberal transcript. I hope yall get morals and character to go by truth in your life. Btw, go watch the 1993 crime bill


While every major news network was busy covering the verdicts. Fox News was throwing a conniption fit over what Taco Bell menu items were being discontinued. This is exactly why their viewers are oblivious to facts


Trolls gonna troll. Sheesh.


Try not to commit any more felonies on your way to the parking lot!


Remember to Vote! This presidential election does matter however a more important thing is going to happen this November 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at local elections now! Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election_in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Yup. I’ll be voting red for sure. Save the country!!!


The red party has been bought by Vladimir Putin, as he actively tries to destroy America. The US Senate even verified this from a Republican led committee. I know Democrats aren't great, but holy hell, anyone that thinks Republicans are working for America are do naive and have been tricked by the mainstream media they consume.


Can felon DJT even count that high?


Probably not


“One, two, three, four… There! I said it, ‘three-four.’ I get my hamberder treat now.”


Not without his eyes glazing over.


1,2,3,4.... YUGEEEE


One, two, many, lots!


Jb can't count at all


Good one!




Try not to break any laws walking across the parking lot!


"In a row??!!" One of my favorite lines ever.


Try not to commit any felonies on your way through the parking lot


Damnit...I came here to say this!


Sorry - I hate when people beat me to the comment too. "Hey you, get back here!"


In a row?


34 down, 60 to go.


That’s a lot of semen.


34!?! In a row?


Thirty four CRIMINAL counts. It counts for everyone, except his sycophantic base.


It only counts for trump so idiots on reddit have something to talk about. Imagine the out cry from liberals and antifa if the tables were turned..


Thanks for a stupid take. Democrats have disowned their politicians for much less. Mostly because liberals aren't connected to a personality like Trump supporters are.


So much winning! I'm so tired of all the winning .


In a row? Try not to commit a felony walkin' through the parkin lot!


And this was the weakest of the four indictments. THREE MORE TO GO…


This sets the stage for rigged and unfair trials. These convictions will be easily overturned in appeals.


Losers always think the system is rigged, and fools believe them.


Just curious. If this is overturned by a higher court, is that still justice for you, or will that be the "rigged" verdict?


🤦‍♂️ what don't you understand. I'm not one of the MAGA assholes that think if a decision doesn't go my way the system is rigged.


Btw this post of yours is bullshit. https://www.reddit.com/r/law/s/gjDAF07XZB


34 That’s about how many points he’ll lose to Biden by .




Trumplifucklicans are about 20 % of the gop ignorant base. Trump lost the election, he lost and was convicted of rape ! He lost over $80 million to the woman he sexually abused and verbally harassed! He lost NY fraud case. He is now a convicted felon of 34 counts. Trump University was disbanded for fraud. His charity was of fraud. He did all this and more to himself and fools like you made it worse by voting for him in the first place. There are 4 more trials coming up with more severe evidence than the hush money case. Go back to Fox News and hide!


Projection from the trump camp. Every accusation is an admission.


My my, you have some serious mental issues like Biden. His cognitive decline and stress from the debate will cause him severe anxiety. Anyone that has common sense would understand that. So stay in your lane troll.


In a row?!?!


Try not to commit any felonies on your way through the parking lot!


Try not to commit any felonies on the way to the parking lot.


Biggest and best felons....


In a row?


Try not to commit any more felonies on your way to the parking lot.


In a row?


At once.


Try not to get any more convictions walking across the parking lot.


A few very strong men came up to Trump with tears in their eyes, saying that nobody does felonies like you do sir


4yrs max for each count.


This is by far the best one I've seen so far.


I need a Russian hooker to pee on me before I go to jail and the men jizz on me he said


Don’t get any more counts on the way to the parking lot!


In a row??


As I recall, it was one expired misdemeanor. They illegally waived the statute of limitation and just repeated it another 33 times!


What’s your source for this?


In a row?


Lock him up.


Show me the man, and I’ll show you the crime.”" - Lavrentiy Beria, head of Joseph Stalin’s secret police


Sounds like Congress with Biden... "we need an impeachment hearing to determine what crime he comitted"


Are you suggesting this is what was done to Trump?


Yes. Exactly. Get away from the talking heads and go listen to what the real lawyers are saying. Easily, this case infringed on Trumps 1st and 4th rights. Why was Trump put under a gag order, but not Cohen? (1st) The prosecuted never stated what crime Trump was accused of until his closing arguments, after the defense rested and gave their closing argument. (4th)


Your source for this legal analysis?


Do your own homework.


There it is, the song of the Trumpist. Guess what, ace, it’s your job to support your own statements. Only a child expects someone else to do it for them.


Actually, it's each person's responsibility to remain educated. https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-trial-four-compelling-problems-jonathan-turley-1907211


Wrong. Your assertion, your burden. Grow up.


That had to be the most childish thing I heard all day. The real question is "At what age were you convinced that you knew it all and no longer needed to keep yourself educated?"


By the way, brain trust, this article doesn’t support a single one of your above arguments. Do better or take your marbles and go home.


Of course not. Do your own homework. You finally read something for yourself. Welcome to a brave new world. Lol


He was told there were 34 crimes they were accusing him of. The grand jury knew and so did this jury. Even Trump said he understood the charges against him


I know a clown when i see one


Yeah that’s how crimes work when someone does them over and over and over again….Fox “News” breaking out the memes to show off their classic half-literate hot takes on something again…..


If you looked you would see that FoxNews didn’t post the meme. It was NYK-94


If there wasn't a rule 34 before, there is one now.


'WWHLD' what would hannibal lector do?


He's raised 56M in a day. Guy's going back to the a WH.


Joke is 37 dicks


Can you actually count


I'm 37?!


Ya no American has 90 charges nationwide unless it’s a vendetta , if the gov and media hate someone running for president that’s who the hell I voting for , that person can’t be worst than what the gov is doing to us


Look at it this way. Trump had to appear before a panel of his peers to make sure he met all of the qualifications to live in their gated community.




Try not get any more convictions on the way to the parking lot!


Try not to commit any felonies on the way home!


He'll win on appeal but Biden got what he wanted. The title of "Convicted Felon" for his opponent. And he's going to beat that dead horse every chance he gets. He'll probably say "I don't want to debate with a convicted felon" and that's how he'll avoid debating Trump.


34 felony convictions and the GOP are celebrating poll numbers and fund raising off it. The party that ones impeached a President for lying about having his dick sucked are throwing money at a candidate that was convicted for lying about having his dick sucked and covering it up. I would hate for my belief system to allow for such hypocrisy.


Yeah, does anyone even know what the difference is between the counts?


Same goes for you, tool bag


Typical comeback from a cult member. Remember not to drink the last cup of Koolaid.


Imigine supporting a party who is openly using fascist tactics to interfere with a democratic election and still calling the "other side" a threat to democracy. Dems could start bussing Trump voters to concentration camps and you all would cheer them on. That's a cult. I know you can't see it, but that's exactly what it is.


And a deranged corrupt pedophile is ok?


No, trump isn't okay.


You live in an alternative “reality.” Seek help.


Try to remember that Trump was accused of raping a 14 year old. She pulled her case against him because she feared for her life. I don't think we want to start comparing deranged pedophiles.


Yeah sure, E Jeans crazy ass didn't seem to feel threatened. Stormy seemed to feel pretty safe being a dark cloud over Trumps head for years now. If you can't see why the conspiracy you're peddling sounds like complete bull shit to anyone with 2 brain cells then you're to far gone to help


“I’ll be dating her in ten years.” — Trump commenting on a 13yo on an escalator.


Since you brought up corrupt; Donald J. Trump, father of several children by several women, sleeper with porn stars, cheater of wives, civil fraud committer, tax frauding, rapist, twice impeached, "billionaire", five times indicted, 88 felonies charged, convicted on 34 felonies, insurrectionist, 45th President of the United States.’ (From another sub).  AND another little morsel; https://www.factcheck.org/2023/06/trump-iran-and-the-highly-confidential-document/


Do you have sources to back up your claim or are you just regurgitating what you’ve been told? Accusing someone of being a pedophile without proof and in bad faith is slander. Slander is a crime which convicted felon trump is also guilty of and it’s costing him a fortune!


Showering with your adolescent daughter count? She's confirmed the diary to be her own and didn't even attempt to deny what was in it. Joe scared that poor girl for life. Didn't she even say how she felt abused, or somthibg along those lines, as a result of shower time with Joe? It takes a seriously demented person to do somthing so sick and harmful to their own daughter.


Awww. Reading is really haaard, isn't it? The FBI has already verified that the notes added by the republican PAC were not valid. I know that you don't believe it. You are already supporting a rapist/thief/insurrectionist, so I understand you need to deflect. Especially as virtually all the evidence against trump comes from his own accts or correspondence. **It must be really difficult maintaining that intentional ignorance without looking like an absolute gullible fool**


Source on the FBI bit? Making shit up to defend a guy whose sick behavior caused his own daughter to suffer life long trauma is next level cultist behavior and disgustingly pathetic in general. Seek help I don't give a shit about all the reee reee orange man bad stuff. Yalls capacity to hate outweighs my capacity to defend and I just don't care about which catch phase is popular with the cult today. And funny how y'all love regurgitating the same BS talking points for years on end, but completely ignore and defend your party while they openly use fascist techniques to keep a geratic figurehead in office. You all need serious help. You need help. The liberal base looks just like the Germans during Nazi rule at this point. You guys are a danger to American democracy.


Ok, let’s say you’re right and his behavior caused his daughter to suffer. (Still haven’t provided an actual source though). So we have the two candidates to choose from. One has been accused, but no charges have been filed and no verifiable proof has been provided (news article, photocopies of the diary, etc) of showering with his young daughter and one is widely known to grift by having stiffed multiple contractors for services rendered by abusing the judicial system, has been found liable for sexual assault by forcing his way into a dressing room, overpowering the woman inside and (pinning her against a wall while he shoved his finger and/or penis inside her) sexually assaulting her (do you have a daughter? A mother?). Incited an insurrection to attempt to overthrow an election. Has been convicted of fraud and fraudulent business practices and is banned from doing business in NY. Is seen and heard on widely available video that he would be dating Ivanka if she weren’t his daughter, coerced a porn star to have sex with him while his immigrant wife was caring for their new baby then continually lied about it and falsified business records to cover up the fact that he paid the porn star to keep quiet because if it got out, it would have likely affected his campaign ( a scheme to defraud the American people by concealing information about the character and conduct of a presidential candidate), kept multiple boxes of classified documents and attempted to hide them rather than return them like the other candidate did and had to have his “home” searched by the FBI because he refused to comply, lies constantly, resorts to name calling and smear campaigns about anyone he feels has slighted him showing just how morally bankrupt he is while also exhibiting undeniable narcissistic behavior and the list goes on. So, who is the one regurgitating BS talking points here? Who is the one reading court documents and scholarly articles and making an informed decision about who they will vote for? The sheer denial that trump is a grifting, conman, lying, rapist, insurrectionist who has zero integrity and zero respect for the law by his cult is mind blowing! Like, can’t you all read? Can you not think critically? I’m sorry to say that it’s YOU that needs to seek help.


[Claiming there is no evidence of the showers occurring when Ashely admitted the diary and everything in it was hers is just pure cultist delusion](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/fact-check-posts-claim-contents-181600349.html) Oh and so you know. She started keeping the diary in her 20’s as a way to deal with trauma. Weird how showers with dad made it in a fucking TRAUMA diary. seek help. You’re supporting a party while they are actively upending the campaign of Bidens primary political opponent in hopes of jailing him and turning an American presidential election into a formality.[Even your own propagandist can see this, why can’t you](https://nypost.com/2024/05/12/us-news/fareed-zakaria-doubts-anyone-not-named-trump-wouldve-been-prosecuted-in-hush-money-case/amp/)? The rest of what you said are the “Ree ree orange man bad” taking points coming out of the cult for years now. Group of the most well armed citizens in the world stage an unarmed coup that looks more like an unguided, or guided at times, tour of the capitol and the cult tells you it’s the end of democracy. Grow up Psycho lady who claims to be raped 30 years ago with zero evidence and posts about how much she loves her rapists tv show is what you are using to make a point? Are you a serious person? Trump says weird shit about Ivanka, but thankfully Trumps kids aren’t the ones going to rehab and writing about shower time with daddy in their TRAUMA diaries. You and the rest of the liberal base have become so brainwashed and disillusioned that you look more like Germans under Nazi rule than anything that resembles freedom loving Americans. You would literally clap while Trump voters are being bussed to concentration camps which is evident through your blind support of events unfolding right in front of you. Trumps said a lot of things I will not defend. However, the fascist/authoritarian ACTIONS of Biden, from adapting Putins campaign strategies to his authoritarian attempt to mandate vaccines so people could fucking work, are far far worse than the dumb WORDS someone may utter. You all are emboldening them to continue these actions because you will support anything the people who validate your twisted world view do and say. You and the people like you who are so delusional that you can’t see what’s happening in broad daylight are fucking dangerous. Again,seek help.


Wow! This is the finest example of projection I’ve ever witnessed! You’re so very r/confidentlyincorrect and are just regurgitating maga propaganda and nonsense! As there have been no charges filed against President Biden, you are presenting your opinion and nothing more. I’m bewildered! Your use of “ree ree orange man bad” is absolute proof you’re just repeating what you’ve seen or read because you are certainly not the creator of that silly term being widely used. The article you linked is a “fact check” piece from YAHOO. Yahoo is hardly a scholarly source, lol, and I’d be embarrassed to use it frankly. Are you unable to comprehend the difference between a scholarly article and a Yahoo article? No? Perhaps trump’s court documents would enlighten you? He was tried and convicted by a jury of his peers. Period. So, what you’re saying is that you are void of moral character and integrity (or more likely intelligence and/or common sense) that you deny any wrongdoing by trump, despite the abundance of evidence and subsequent convictions but you’ll latch onto one single piece of maga propaganda about Biden. That’s just insane. You’re part of the problem and I don’t speak crazy so I’m out. Best of luck to you.


Can you separate the wall of text or do something with it? Have you never written an essay or an email?


Says the person who doesn’t know that A LOT is two words or the difference between you’re and your. Neither essays nor emails have separate paragraph rules. I guess reading is hard for you. Now, go join the other children while the adults talk.


The people that stole it didn't even make those claims in court. Link something here or GTFO with this BS


[Here ya go](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/fact-check-posts-claim-contents-181600349.html)


Notice how they never said any of the sexual assault allegations were true?


Hahahahahah omg that’s the worst I’ve heard. She called the diary “her writings” and denied nothing. That’s confirmation. Stop it with this shit.


Are as equally disgusted with sexual assault allegations made against Trump?


I have a daughter, 4 nieces, and 2 sisters. In my opinion, you can’t go much lower than making your own daughter so uncomfortable in her own home that she has to sneak around to take a fucking bath. And just so you know, this isn’t some little kids diary, this was a trauma journal she began keeping in her 20’s. So for that to be included at all means that it caused some level of trauma that has stuck with her for that long. I couldn’t live with myself if I made my own little girl feel that way. Say what you will about Trump, but his kids aren’t going to rehab and writing about him in their trauma diaries. What Joe did is worse than anything Trumps been accused of imo Edit: sorry forgot who Iam dealing with. Change it to anything you can actually prove about Trump. I know the conspiracy theories and fear mongering you all partake in and I don’t have time for it


He was accused of raping a 13 yr old child. Also found liable for rape in court. You sound like you're reading a lot into Biden's allegations but denying or not wanting to talk about Trump's allegations or court findings


Rigged trial


You forgot to say disgrace 20 tives


And the orange turd is still running his mouth. The only one that I can compare to this orange turd right now in terms of stupidity is the other story about the guy who joined a court zoom meeting on a suspended license from his car....


His antics during the trial will more than likely pay into his sentencing.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Your post was removed. Haha, bigot!


There was enough proof to convince a grand jury and a trial jury. Cry me a river.


Try not to commit a felony on the way to the parking lot!


G U I L T Y 🖕🖕


Whoops. Somebody's screwing the pooch. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg  prosecuted former President Donald Trump for unlawful federal political contributions and the subsequent concealment of those contributions. However, it is the Federal Election Commission, not the Manhattan DA, that is charged by Congress with enforcing federal campaign laws.  By taking federal law into his own hands, Bragg is way out of order. What’s more, he has run afoul of a somewhat obscure but vital doctrine created by the Supreme Court specifically to prevent such prosecutorial overreach Makes you wonder how many innocent Secret Service agents are going to wind up in orange jumpsuits in order to protect the former President while he's in prison........


There's not a single federal crime in the indictments or convictions


From CNN :  Donald Trump became the first former American president to be convicted of felony crimes Thursday as a New York jury found him guilty of all 34 charges in a scheme to illegally influence the 2016 election through a hush money payment to a porn actor who said the two had sex. That's true. The state can't bring federal charges. They would have to refer to the Department of Justice.


Those aren't federal charges 😕 🙄


I just copied and pasted the first two paragraphs of that statement. You can't blame me if somebody else said it. 🤨🧐😳🙄


Said what?


Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg  prosecuted former President Donald Trump for unlawful federal political contributions and the subsequent concealment of those contributions. However, it is the Federal Election Commission, not the Manhattan DA, that is charged by Congress with enforcing federal campaign laws.  By taking federal law into his own hands, Bragg is way out of order. What’s more, he has run afoul of a somewhat obscure but vital doctrine created by the Supreme Court specifically to prevent such prosecutorial overreach


The ChatGPT isn't working well, the indictments and convictions are all state crimes under New York criminal code


All more reason not to do ChatGPT or AI. Skynet is here. 😯😳🙄


So we can now use state attorneys for federal crimes? Nice. Bill Clinton to prison. Raped that woman. Paid them off. Hillary defamed all of those abused woman’s. All to win elections. All to get money for those fake charities. Oh shit Monica Dang!!! Congressional slush fund. Let’s go. How many members of the house have used it. The senate. In an attempt to conceal and “steal”. elections. Let’s go. Let’s make public. Every bank account. Every tax return. Of every federal employee. Let’s see how this new standard holds up. Let’s see how many lies these people have told. Let’s see which states they told those lies in.


You’re really mad that trumps a felon, huh.


If you’re still voting for Biden after this sham trial, then you might be a socialist.


If you are still voting for trump after this, you are a traitor to the USA and wannabe dictated


I’m a moderate Republican. I’d rather have a government that doesn’t control women’s bodies, what I’m allowed to read and watch, forcing of Christian religion down people’s throats (even though I was raised Christian), and oppressing people for their sexual orientation. Voting for Biden doesn’t make me a Socialist. The Republican Party has strayed too far from its roots of small government, and now it wants to interfere in my and my future children’s day to day life. No thank you.