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Then maybe they should enact the same health care laws CO and WA did for mandatory coverage of all surgeries, even cosmetic, with a doctor and therapist note regardless of the health care you have. How are they declaring themselves a sanctuary when the healthcare laws aren’t the best and protection for us isn’t in the constitution. CA is just trying to hype themselves up.


Maybe they are only "trying to hype themselves up," but I'm going to be positive here, and hope that this is the first step towards fixing their health care. After all, one can dream. 🤞🤞🤞


Is there a difference between San Fran being a sanctuary and NY being a safe haven? I'm in NY, so I'm curious.


I found [this article about NYC being a sanctuary city](https://www.thecity.nyc/2024/02/13/sanctuary-city-explainer-nyc/). From my quick google search, it seems that the term "safe haven city" doesn't exist.


Here's what I saw. I guess it's just that law protecting med transition for minors, which is awesome, of course. [https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/new-york-governor-signs-safe-haven-law-transgender-youth-rcna91156](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/new-york-governor-signs-safe-haven-law-transgender-youth-rcna91156)


Legally and practicably, what meaning and/or effect does this have?


Honestly, I can only speculate that trans people can get the care they need. Otherwise, your guess is as good as mine.


Except none of us can afford to live there


Honestly, I posted this because I am tired of the media only focusing on negative trans-related news. It may only be rainbow washing or whatever, but its *positive.* Also, I was given permission by u/NorCalFrances to crosspost this info, in case anyone lives in San Fran, or is considering moving there: [San Fran info](https://www.reddit.com/r/transgender/s/kisEwDWaDX) It also looks like further info is given farther down that thread too.