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You can absolutely be hairless and go on T, meaning, you can wax, laser, trim, whatever with your body hair. Many cis men don't enjoy body hair and remove it. Tbh I used to enjoy the whole process of shaving my beard/face. That's... a very "average man" activity. So, screw whoever told you that you should enjoy every hair. Personally I like my hair, but the gay men around me are nearly all hairless. And it's very trendy here in Portugal for all men to go to waxing salons or even laser certain areas or all. Also, it is very common among men of all sexualities, so common that I've seen more ads catered towards men removing hair than women. So you can trim, shave and there's a lot of Gillette items and I guess depends on your country but the shaving aisle also should have those creams which you apply and wax, waxing strips. There's a million different ways. Pre-T I enjoyed being hairless when I was younger, so I'd just wax everything at a salon but I lived where it was very cheap to do so, then I'd just shave everything off or wax, but I was crap at waxing myself.


my cis bf does nair + shaving it every time he showers as maintenance


as someone with thick, dark, coarse body hair, waxing isn't that bad tbh. i do it myself. i buy those wax strips from the store and just kinda go to town on my legs & arms. armpits, tummy, face, etc - i shave all those since it takes like 30 seconds lmao. i think buying like an actual wax kit (machine to melt the wax, sticks or papers, etc) would be more cost-effective in theory, but honestly if you get into a routine you can go multiple weeks without seeing any hair, unlike shaving, so for me i'm buying a single box every 2-3 months or so. my record is a little over 3 weeks hair-free :') or if you're too nervous to wax yourself, you can get it done professionally too, but it's definitely more expensive that way. so tl;dr: i wax my arms & legs, i shave everywhere else (pits, tummy, face etc) since those are way less time-consuming.


Shaving is the easiest/most accessible (but is super-super temporary and can be itchy), waxing is the best non-permanent solution (but tends to hurt), but you may want to consider laser if you have the right hair/skin pigment combo (albeit can be expensive). Nair/chemical hair removal products also work for large areas (i.e. legs, arms, chest/belly, back, etc.), but I'd be careful with that around sensitive bits (face, undercarriage, etc.)


Met a guy who kept himself super smooth, swore by Nair.


Fwiw I prefer not having body hair and was surprised by how much having it does not bother me. YMMV. (Not that I went from not having it to having it, but before it was super thin and light.)


I use a beard trimmer on my beard so I don't look scraggly/maintain a permanent 5 o'clock shadow look. Anything past that does *not* suit me, trust me. My hair is curly, my beard hair somehow extra curly. Other than that, body hair stays. I've really tried to be a fem otter, but lack the chest hair still 😭 You can absolutely shave and wax if you want though. Think of how common it is for cis guys to shave their pubes for instance


Ye I wanna know too so imma leave a comment here for the updates


i used to shave but got bear-levels of body hair on t D: so now i use hair removal cream for most of it and shave the rest XD


I think there's something called IPLs. Someone in a femboy sub suggested that to me. They can be found on Amazon or other websites but are costly. $100+ I'll definitely look into one in the future once I have money to spend on something like that. (I'm broke rn) Hopefully something like that helps. I'd read up on them to figure out if that's what you'd want before buying.


I'm gonna guess trimers but I'm curious too


Even after t I only have a moderate amount of body hair and I'm severely lazy so I just leave it for the most part. I shave my face every other day or less if I'm not going in public.


Im scared of the butt hair haha


I'm over that at this point but still I use a Philips one blade to trim. Not much though I don't want to itch


You can do laser, electrolysis, shaving, waxing, hair removal cream, IPL; whatever works best for you. Also, taking finasteride can minimize hair growth, though it can also reduce the general effects of T.


yeah i get nervous about it. i’m pale and blonde naturally so while im a little hairy it’s invisible since im pre t.


Yeah, waxing probably. Some of my friends also trim, shave or use nair, if you prefer that. Laser is sth to save up for for sure.


Just shaving with a razor works fine for legs and arms, or anywhere you can reach really. I’ve heard Billie razors are good. For the rest of the body, you can either get it waxed by a professional or get a buddy to apply nair/shave for you.


If staying this way is important to you and laser or electrolysis isn't easy to access for you, I'd say the best bet is to stay off T. Honestly it is a bitch to deal with the hair and you'll likely have to full body shave every few days if you want to keep the current look. Only go for T if it's other effects are still worth the hassle the hair brings. Once the hair follicles have been changed it is permanent without laser/electrolysis.