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I was sold on it when the trailer had her basically fail a speech check and try to shoot him with a tranq dart instead.


And then a paladin comes in later on to save her, just like in Fallout 4 when Danse has to cover my ass after i fail to talk down some dangerous people lol.


Funnily enough I've actually been in the scenario where I had to dart a ghoul into submission, it's my go to strategy for dealing with Sinjin to save Kent Connely from him. Syringer with a Lock Joint syringe after using the Shroud dialogue to make all of his allies flee in fear.


Wonder if he’ll also make it impossible to shoot around him, like Danse did. I remember purposely shooting some of my companions out of sheer frustration. There was a perk to decrease friendly fire but why couldn’t there be one to increase it?!


Wdym you don't like clocking Danse or Strong in the brain with a fully charged up gauss rifle shot as soon as they walked in front of your scope?


Makes it easy to put him down when you side with the Institute though.


People complaining about that dialogue was pretty funny. You could basically roleplay as that kind of character in FO1.


I saw it perfectly described as someone with 10 intelligence and 1 charisma lol


Ella Purnell is so good as Snackie in Yellowjackets. I can’t wait to see her in this!


Not snackie ☠️


She was the sort of character you can really sink your teeth into


Her character made the show more digestible for me


She didn’t leave any meat on the bones of that role


Lucy better take the Cannibal perk in this show, is all I’m saying


I’m just hoping she has better survival instincts. Imagine if she spends all her time playing on her pip boy?


Oh shit shes Jinx too!


Her name is Jackie Taylor. Have some respect


I don’t know about respect, but I think I will have some seconds!


That's where I know her from! It was bothering me but not enough to look her up yet.


Fallout is a blend of comedy and bleakness, just remember that. It’s also not whole-heartedly comedic in nature, even if it’s black comedy. Stalker and Metro kinda throws down the gauntlet of, “this is absolutely fucked, everything is shit, no fun here). Fallout is meant to have more comedy than no comedy, but it’s also not “fun” either. The og games like 1, 2 and 3 all have their comedic moments, but like 60-70% of the game is bleakness, depression, striving against fate yada yadda yadda. I just hope they blend it correctly. Be a shame to have it be wholly comedic, I’d actually rather have it be wholly dark rather than that.


Not to nitpick but 1, 2, and 3 all have wildly different tones. Fallout 1 is what you describe, but Fallout 3 and especially 2 are downright zany for large portions


Mad Max + Dr. Strangelove = Fallout


Fallout 1 is Road Warrior. Fallout 2 and on has been Thunderdome.


fallout 2 was goofy as hell just like New vegas and 4 fallout game always have variety on their tone


>A lot of dark, comedic relief They can tank it if they do this part incorrectly imo


Yeah, if they go the Fallout 2 route with humor, they can really mess things up... But the showrunner is a massive fan of Fallout 3, which has a nice balance of bleak and humor, so my hopes are up.


yeah, personally, i feel like fallout 3 is the perfect tone


Meh, even if they get some of it wrong, which I doubt they would, how exactly would that tank the entire thing? Can people stop being pessimistic for 5 seconds and just enjoy something for once?


Yeahhh, Fallout isn't Borderlands. I feel like people over exaggerate the amount of humour in the series because they're more likely to remember the funny parts from 10 or 20 years ago than they are the 99% rest that's dead serious. Or maybe a vocal New Vegas population skewed by Whacky Wasteland. Also, meme culture really only highlights the most comical aspects of the franchise. I'm playing a Fallout 3 completionist run at 100+ hours in and can go hours with nothing funny at all. It's an unforgiving, unrelenting wasteland with occasional odd and quirky times to diversify your experience. If every other line in the show is some self-deprecating dry humour joke it's going to feel like a cop out. You shouldn't need to fire funnies at the audience every 60 seconds to retain their attention. Edit: What I mean is the live action show shouldn't be as joke based as something like Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. A lot of "haha" humour in Fallout is either optional (dialogue) or hidden stuff you have to go out of your way to find (terminals, Easter eggs). The rest, while satirical in nature, is embedded so deep into the world that it's taken seriously by its residents and in turn accepted as the normal by the player. "You can say I turned that radroach into a splatroach!" type 2010s humour is going to be super abrasive for a live action show like this.


I mean, we've had the vault boy's friendly and cheerful person doing horrifically gruesome things since fallout 1


Childkiller perk was him kicking a pregnant lady in the stomach




Are you just spending hours shooting things? Because I think dramedy fits fallout well.


Fallout 3 is littered with absurdist, dark humor. 3 is bleak, but I found NV to be much more serious in tone and far less humorous overall, Old World Blues not withstanding. Speaking of OWB, it’s got more goofy stuff, but OWB, to me, perfectly exemplifies fallout style humor.




New Vegas is just less farcical. Fallout 3 is certainly gritty and dark but it doesn't always do it's themes justice and instead goes down the absurdist route much of the time. So while fallout new Vegas might seem like it's funnier than 3, it's much smarter about it. When it's trying to say something, New Vegas does it respectfully.


Yep - New Vegas is way more funny than Fallout 3 but a lot of New Vegas feels more dark and mature because the game handles it's themes and subject matter with more nuance. The Kings is a great example. A gang of Elvis impersonators is inherently goofy and silly. However, their conflict with NCR encroachment into Freeside has a lot of shades of grey and deals with a lot of mature topics.


You're definitely playing the wrong game or not understanding what you're playing if you think Fallout wasn't built on weaving satire and humor into the game. In every single game there are tons of pop culture references and encounters played off as jokes, all sandwiched between serious moments. Hell, the pivotal fight in the Fallout 3 base game has a giant robot spouting anti communist propaganda while hurling mini nukes at the remnants of the U.S. government. Fallout was never a serious game, and I don't know why you're pretending it ever was. edit: blocking people because you're upset is pretty soft. Don't be a little baby. Stand on your words.


"All sandwiched between serious moments". It really comes across like you're trying to frame Fallout as a comedy. Satire and parody elements in a mature, post-apocalyptic, nigh-horror action RPG don't make it a comedy. Stop over explaining to me the funny non-serious parts of the series, I am aware of them and you're wasting your time. The game has a abundance of things on the serious side that these replies seem to be totally overlooking. Fallout is not a comedy, this show should not be a comedy especially since WE are no longer in control of the story, watching funny things happen to people gets old way faster than things a player can OPTIONALLY experience (etc. reading terminals, finding Easter eggs). As I said, it's not Borderlands where every minute a newcomer plays is "haha I'm shooty-shooting baddies for fun", there are legitimate stakes and losses at both the personal and nationwide levels weaved into every Fallout's story and gameplay.


All the traits/perks. All the quests. Becoming a porn star. There was way more comedy than you’re letting on or remembering.


Fisto disagrees bro.


I feel like people are taking your comment the wrong way. Both Fallout 3 and New Vegas took themselves pretty seriously. Sure they had goofy moments, and especially goofy references and imagery, but the characters took their surroundings as they were shown, dangerous and grim. The "marvel quipping" style of humor where the characters are mostly goofing off and not taking their situation seriously just does not work. I know that Fallout 4 had a bit of that issue, but I hope the series (including the TV show) doesn't take it completely that way.


The Borderlands movie looks way too corny too me judging from the trailer. I’m definitely hoping the Fallout series takes a different approach because you can’t say Borderlands and Fallout are on the same level of wackiness


Fallout 2 is frankly the biggest tonal outlier, rather than any of the later games. Almost all the zany stuff people remember from classic Fallout comes from 2 rather than 1.


The problem is he is acting like those said goofy moments are not also a part of fallouts identity which it is. Even though the games are serious they are also satire and goofy as well. You don't get to cherry pick what you think fallout is because you don't like its goofy elements. They are a part of fallouts identity you can't change that.


I dont think he is. He's acknowledging it has goofy moments, he's just saying it shouldn't go the actual comedy route Which is a fine concern to have given that the previous two entries jacked up the goofiness and, let's be honest, a lot of shows and movies are trying the marvel formula of quipping every other sentence


"wacky moment in fallout are a very minor part of the experience" the dude literally forgot the setting is already wacky, like cmon futuristic setting with advance robot and laser weaponary but the culture is still stuck post ww2 USA is not wacky? don't mention how cartoonishly evil corporation and government in this world work.


Which is a fair comment to make in comparison to the grimness and serious characters/scenarios it presents lol


i play new vegas, yeah the setting look serious but i will giggle when NCR soldier say "patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter" and when i see Legion uniform for the first time i can't take them seriously.


I dont think a handful of goofy throwaway one liners from non named npcs make it a comedy lol I agree with the legion bit but that's because that's part of the fantastical elements of fallout, like how the BoS come off as a stereotypical crusade type faction


New Vegas is more funny than it isn't and has more comedy than the Bethesda titles. It just feels darker and more mature because New Vegas handles a lot of it's themes and tone with more nuance. The very existence of The Kings is silly. But how they got to be a gang of Elvis impersonators feels interesting and well thought out. And their conflict with the NCR encroachment into their territory and how you the player are able to navigate that feels real and layered. Even Old World Blues being almost joke after joke had a very mature overarching theme to it's story and characters about an unhealthy obsession with a past that never was. Whereas Bethesda titles lean more heavily into the absurdist humor and situations of the world Fallout is set in. Fallout 4's counterpart to The Kings is the Atom Cats and the joke is that they're 50s greasers that like to deck out power armor instead of cars. There's not really much more to it than that, or an interesting justification for their existence. Their existence is in the game world is to be silly. To me, there's where the difference in comedic tone lies between the Bethesda titles and other games in the series.


I mean the horrifically bleak way pre war corporations treat people is pretty funny a lot of the time, it doesn't take away from the bite of the satire. I imagine a lot of the humour is going to come from Vault-Tec. Borderlands wasn't wall-to-wall funnies either to be fair. People just remember that being Handsome Jack's entire schtick and forget the parts where he's a horrific monster venting people into space out of paranoia or what he does to your group after >!you kill Angel.!<


Uh.. what? Fallout is a game series designed to be a parody of American culture/life. Maybe we’re not playing the same game or maybe you’re just media illiterate but Fallout at its core is pointing and laughing at all thinks American. The original games by interplay were so interwoven with mockumentary style quests and characters that it’s difficult to look at it as anything other than comedic macabre. And don’t even get my started on New Vegas and 4 lmao, they’re about as dark humour as it gets Edit; he’s blocked me 😭


Something being a parody isn't the same thing as having every other line of dialogue be a joke. Stop misconstruing what I'm saying, not going to bother replying to the rest of what your high horse ass self is rambling on about. "Maybe you're just media illiterate", holy shit someone's throwing out their favorite buzzwords. Interplay isn't going to mail you checks for defending their honor against someone who isn't even attacking anything.


Yep, it's satire first and foremost. People take it way too seriously when it comes to more of the nitty gritty detail. Some of the shit in the games is literally just sending up some other type of media.


Something being satirical doesn’t mean it’s comedic, a modest proposal isn’t going to make anybody laugh out loud but it’s a literal textbook example of satire. The wacky moment in fallout are a very minor part of the experience mostly meant to add variety to gameplay, if it’s a main part of the show it’s fine to say that’s not accurate to the games.


speak for yourself bro, a modest proposal is hilarious


fallout is satire version of our world dude. like cmon are you not read some funny terminal or encounter weird shit since fallout 1 ??


On the contrary, I feel like people over exaggerate the serious-ness of the series. Going 100 hours without anything funny in these games is a *real stretch.* Fallout is not The Road or The Last of Us and it never has been and never will be. What separates Fallout from your boilerplate gritty post apocalyptic affair is how wacky and goofy it is. It is dark game, there is adult content and mature themes and stories to it, but series has a lot more humor than you remember. Each game has had different degrees of humor and styles of humor but none of them have been inherently straight faced and you're not going to go through a 100 hours of game play of pure misery and darkness. A game like New Vegas is more funny than it isn't. Even without the Wild Wasteland perk the level humor in the base game is a lot. Even right from the very intro cinematic. New Vegas just handles it's story, plot, characters, tone and themes with more nuance so it feels more mature and dark.


... Fallout 2 was full of wacky shit that was mandatory to do the story like the monty python bridge at the start. Fallout has always had a dark comedic humour. Not on the level as Borderlands but it hasn't been a dark and gritty game since the first game that even the original Devs steered away from.


Fallout 2 went way overboard with the goofy pop-culture references. Even the devs admit it. Everyone thought it was their job to add something funny without checking with the others. 


That doesn't change what it is and how it defined what fallout would be in future games. It's clear the original Devs didn't stop with the references with both tactics and BoS and then with Bethesda's fallouts having them. Of course not borderlands style goofy and not fallout 2 level but it does still exist and is a part of the games identity.


Nowhere did I deny that. Just stated that FO2 was more wacky than was intended, and tbh I do worry sometimes that Bethesda took FO2 as their template. To varying degrees, and competences, a seam of dark humour has always run through the games. 


Yea F3 did have alot more wacky aspects but F4 toned them down even 76 the travesty it is has toned down goofy moments.


My favorite things about New vegas are the more serious in tone things that show how dark the world is. Vault 11 is great, the Sharecroppers problem is also great. No funny at all, all dark and serious tones with both of those things.


Anyone who's played fallout 2 isn't overexaggerating the humour. I've heard plenty of people argue ots *too* humorous but personally I found it perfectly darkly humorous 


Going by this comment section I'm glad they said they were not aiming to please the fans. It would have been a fool's errand to try and please a fandom that is split into 4 groups all fighting each other on what fallout is supposed to be.


So meta! Everyone wants to save Fallout, it's just, they disagree on how.


Fallout fans be like: "This entry is awful. I put 200 hours into it and did all major endings"


“I watched it 15 times and the spark just isn’t there anymore”


"Only 15 times? The spark hits around 509"


The fandom is split into factions you say? How appropriate


Honestly me too because it’s crystal clear the fans have no clue what Fallout is


as a fallout fan idk what fallout is supposed to be but i’ve had a pretty good time with all the games so far… it’s almost like… something something the friends we made along the way or whatever


No but fr


A video game series?


Yeah, instead of evaluating the franchise as a whole, they just pick their favorite game a say "Fallout is defined by this game". And too many people are clinging to it being RPG and RPG only. Game franchises don't work like that. Fallout can easily support many types of games, as long as they are using the same setting, lore and tone. My goto example is Borderlands. It was an action FPS-RPG franchise, but then Tales from the Borderlands proved that Borderlands is not shackled by a genre.


I think a key problem in this is that Bethesda has a short leash on their IP and won’t lend it out to studios a-la Warhammer and the insane amount of games studios have produced under its banner. You want a FPS Warhammer game? Cool, you have the Vermintide and Darktide series. You want an RPG Warhammer game? Cool, you have Rogue Trader. You want a TTRPG, an RTS, or a TacRPG? Cool, we’ve got those too! I like all the Fallout games - even Tactics, and I’ve been playing a LOT of Fallout Shelter lately - they’re all fun, and they all have their own flavor and genre, but Bethesda could benefit by looping in other key industry partners to pitch them on games and experiment with the bounds of Fallout’s mechanics in other applications.


Well 90% of Warhammer games are mega-ass so there’s also that


This is also true


Its an Anthology. We should be grateful for that as a TV show can fit in perfectly to the storyline as its own thing. One episode in and Im pretty sold.


I love *New Vegas* so much because it is essentially the greatest treatise on the trappings of nostalgia, and how everyone wants something to be "the way it used to be" but for completely different reasons. **Begin Again** and all that jazz.


You have the boomers who only play the old isometric rpg's, the zoomers who only play 4 and 76 cause it's more modern (frankly the least problematic of the bunch), the arrogant purists who play ONLY New Vegas and constantly shoot down anything positive about the newer titles, definitely the worst of the bunch. And then way off in the distance you have the fake "fans" who only participate in wanting to trash the """woke""" aspects of the series. **Edit:** Case in point, the replies below me.


Don’t forget the guys who played them all, and just enjoy them all for what they are as their own game in the franchise, not needed to be compared to the last or next.


Ah those are just normal people thats why i didn't include them lol.


Who plays Fallout 3? *besides people that enjoy unstable games replete with bugs and sadistically timed crashes*


Playing it with mods via GOG currently, doing so with zero crashes.


That is most definitely not a common experience. Though I do understand the UPDATED Unofficial Patch has stabilized the game, the creator advised me to play it with next to no mods and keep the frame rate as close as possible to a steady 60. Tales of Two Wastelands seemed like the more solid option but it had a large number of gameplay differences, both in deference to the FNV engine and creative decisions by the creators. At the end of things I just got too tired of it and started up FO4. I had a great time with FO3 back in 2009 or whatever so I just have to stick with the memories,


With that destruction you also dont like New Vegas


I'm in the category of playing and enjoying 3, NV, and 4 equally and for all different reasons.


Everyone doesn't have the same taste and some are hard to please because they aim higher than some and won't settle for less. It's okey for people to like an okey game, it doesn't make it good, it's so so.


Uh huh, aight bud.


Honestly, at present, 4 and BOS are the only dogshit ones of the bunch 1-3, Tactics, NV (still the best imo) and the revamped 76 are all good in their own ways.


Ave, True to Caesar!


Absolutely. He knows what hes doing as hes said he thinks “what would fallout 5 be like?”


Only 4? That seems like a very optimistic number.


I mean it's 2 groups. Normal fallout fans. And those troglodytes that can't shut up about new vegas


At this point it's like a cult that they're doing this out of spite and not for actual game reasons.


4 groups? i thought they were 2


It says there will be nudity and sexual content. True?


Probably just Fisto making his rounds


Fisto doesn’t make rounds. He makes craters.


This thread: No one hates Fallout like Fallout fans.


Seriously, expecting the most critical takes to be from people in this sub tbh


the funniest part is that most likely "fake fans" will love it


It is the same as other franchises/books/or everything adapted to screen , isn’t it? When you’re fan you expect more than regular spectators and when you’re not fan it doesn’t matter if the show is not accurate.


Non fans usually don't spend enough time thinking about things they aren't fans of to even qualify so thats more or less equivalent to a participation trophy rather than anything else.


Love this quote "It’s deeply authentic to the source material and is a wonder for long-time franchise fans."


Every impression so far seems very positive. It seems more and more to be as good as I hoped I’m excited and can’t wait tbh


"It’s way more violent than you’re thinking – and it gets into that brutality very early on" So we know what their starter perk was?


Nobody hates fallout more than fallout fans. I don’t care what any of y’all are on about I’m excited🤷🏻‍♀️


Is it just me or does that look like a skull


It's intended to look like that 👌


Yeah that’s the symbolism basically Lucy is leaving the vault and entering her death the two buildings look like check bones and the picket fence is the teeth


Reminds me of the face of an Atlas Mech. ....which looks like a skull....so, yes.


"Are we the baddies?"


It's just you


The cast of actors and the director give me hope. Bethesda's inteference was minimal and that's good news.


Umm... Todd Howard was an executive producer on the series and had creative control over and above Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan. I believe Nolan mentioned that he was only interested in making the series if Todd/Bethesda were on board with helping to bring the world of Fallout to the screen.


The way people talk about Todd here you'd think he was some supervillain, frankly no Bethesda game has ever been actually bad, it's always been either revolutionarily good like Skyrim, or mediocre like Starfield.


Fallout 76. Jokes aside I do agree. Todd is the escape Goat for Bethesda he might be the reason the games have gotten worse but thats not out of malicious intent to destroy the games but what he thinks will make the games fun. With starfield his aspirations were too high especially for the creation engine but he isn't a Saturday morning villain.


Hehe, escape goat. “All hands abandon ship! Get to the escape goats!” “Baah!!”


Todd howard is an amizingly charismatic dude, who made legendary games. but fallout fans pretend he killed children on his free time or something


>Bethesdas interference was minimal and that’s good news. That is? I mean I can’t speak for the director and actors so I’ll take your word that they’re good, but I feel you’d want the people who are making the overall series to have a decent chunk role to make sure they’re getting lore stuff correct.


They were involved, folks just want to shit on BGS because it’s in fashion. Anyways, Jonathan Nolan is a good writer and showrunner and Walton specifically is a fantastic actor. If you’re not familiar with Walton I highly recommend Justified and Righteous Gemstones. Though he’s had some smaller parts in larger movies like Django that were also fantastic.


And the Shield, don’t forget The Shield! Watching him play Shane, the most corrupt, brutal and slightly sociopathic cop ever was a milestone in my viewing experience Edit: WTH? Why’d I get a downvote, playing Shane was a breakout role for Goggins, he dominated that character.


Not to mention the GOAT Kyle MacLachlan


Just started Twin Peaks recently! Loving it so far but still in Season 1.


You’re in for a treat!


i mean he was AMAZING in the hateful eight as well


Todd was HEAVILY involved in making this series authentic but you know \*that\* side of the fandom agressivly hate BGS


I wouldn't trust the minds behind Fallout 4 to have any part in an attempt at competent worldbuilding.


The writing behind Fallout 4 is nothing to write home about, but the ideas, the worldbuilding is miles ahead non-Bethesda games. Like c'mon, the factions of FNV are ridiculously simple and one-dimensional. It's only the good writing that saves them. Fallout 4 factions are more interesting, just the execution is lacking. In idea, the Institute is much better villain and more threatening than the Legion, for example. Fallout 4 may not have every raider named like New Vegas, but its raiders are more diverse than FNV raiders. The whole story of the area is more interesting and coherent than New Vegas city and its deus-ex-housina (e.g. which saved New Vegas from nukes, which turned tribals somehow into casino businessmen,...) And so on..


You don't want people that brought the franchise from the shitter to a pretty much a house hold name that it is today to have a say?


Fallout succeeds in spite of Bethesda, not because of it. There’s a reason why New Vegas is the best one.


I love Fallout, but not crediting Bethesda with the current popularity of the series is absurd. Sorry I forgot: Bethesda bad Todd Howard bad.


Nah, I’ve learned to redirect my ire at Emil Pagliarulo. BGS is a qualified team of gifted programmers and designers held back by the continued failures of their lead writer. Every increasingly mediocre, plot-hole-filled script from the studio has had him as the lead writer and designer, and he has a storied history of ignoring/overruling the writers working under him and deflecting criticism, not the least of which was a massive rant on Twitter about how negative Starfield reviewers didn’t “get” game design. The team of folks at BGS are consistently capable of creating these vast, interesting digital realities and filling them with amazing things to see, and Emil seems to be the reason so much of it doesn’t make sense if you scrutinize it too closely. Replace Emil with a competent writer who cares about nuance, intrigue, and continuity, and everything at BGS gets better.


What a stupid comment. Fallout succeeds because of Bethesda Also, many people, including myself, find New Vegas to be the worst. Of the modern games at least. Just so boring compared to 3 and 4.


I am sorry for necroposting, but goddamn seeing your comment not be drown in dislikes gives me hope. I've been saying this for years, and just got ridiculed and laugh at for even suggesting, that NV has problems


Then why did Fallout 3 and 4 outsell FNV and the classic games? Why is Fallout 3 the best rated Fallout game? Why does Fallout 4 have a magnitude more players than New Vegas every day?


We’re still doing this bethesda bad circlejerk?


Sadly, we do. The replies here are more than enough to show you why the director doesn't want to please the fans. Because some "fans" don't want to be pleased, until we all stop having fun with Fallout and it turns back into a dead franchise. I really hope the show is a massive success and spawns even more positive attention to Fallout and Bethesda, just to spite those hateful jerks.


fallout fans will just not be happy until the funny rock studio makes another buggy game


Dumbest comment award right here


i don't agree with that people really have to stop pretending this isn't a bethesda IP the MORE they are involved, THE BETTER


I’m giving it two episodes.


Maybe 3, some shows based from heavy narrative have the buildup last 2 episodes


That’s fair


Yeah Andor abosulutely needed 3 for example.


It’s all people complaining about the fans here and barely any fans actually complaining about the show.


From what I'm seeing it appears they are trying to hit the high notes from every game in this series. Kind of a please all type show. Probably the best route to go. I already know this isn't gonna be 100% on the lore but Bethesda can take that bullet lol.


I hate how “fans” of this franchise act like all of these other fandoms that hate anything and everything that releases. The actual bar is low, the only two things that should be asked are “1. Is it lore-breaking? and 2. Did I enjoy it?”, beyond those two things it doesn’t really matter. Some of the people who cry about it are no better than the professional movie reviewers back in the day who went out of their way to critique the spoof movies like Scary Movie or Not Another Teen Movie as though they were meant to be Oscar nominees.


Tbh I care less about lore than I do about tone. If they overdo the humour or it’s cringy, or if they don’t include different factions conflicting, or if they fail to adapt the aesthetic or something, it would be much worse than if they forget to mention President Tandi or whatever. Capturing the spirit of Fallout is more important to me than upholding parts of the lore that 99% of people don’t even know about.


Therein lies the issue, though. What IS the spirit of Fallout? That’s the part that the fandom (and every studio that has had a hand in the franchise) cannot seem to fully agree on. Some people like the goofiness, some like the seriousness, some like the violence, some like the lore and world-building. It’s rare for a fan to like all four of them, despite whatever claims they make on the internet, because quite frankly when it comes to modern fandoms people just want to complain about anything and everything even when they secretly enjoy it


I've never played the games but I've been really excited for this show, the last Jonathan Nolan / Michael Emerson combo was absolute perfection. I remember seeing my brother play one of the games (maybe the first one) when I was younger and still remember some of the imagery so I'm definitely intrigued to see this.


On the 11 of April at what time does it get released?


Usually my experience has been that it drops anywhere from 11PM on the 10th to 4AM on the 11th. Amazon has been kinda random with its release drops, compared to other streamers, IMO


Thanks! That is USA time right?


Yes, though I thought it would be adjusted by region? I guess I just don’t know enough about that.


Prety sure it is not, most HBO shows are only available Monday instead of Sunday for instance


Throwaway account to protect my access but I have seen all 8 episodes and I’m absolutely obsessed. They knocked it out of the park and I can’t wait for season 2. I haven’t liked a TV show this much since Severance.


If you're legit, that's awesome to hear. If you don't mind me asking, how many of the Fallout games have you played (if any) prior to watching the show?


I played Fallout 4 and I played Fallout Shelter on my phone lol… but the TV show inspired me and I’m going back to play New Vegas


Cool, have fun my dude!


Feel like people online are too set in their ways to give it a proper chance. If they’re saying now it’s gonna suck, it doesn’t matter how good it actually is, they’re never gonna backpedal. Personally, I’m not that invested. I was always more Skyrim than fallout but I enjoyed 76 with my friends a lot, and had about 100 hours in 4 so even if it’s not true to the “lore”, I’m not really gonna care as long as it’s entertaining. I’m just looking forward to it because I finished the last show I was watching and need a new one


How much of the west coast lore did they fuck up? Cause Bethesda is insistent on making everything canon to their games


I’m sitting here like patience on a monument waiting to find out the real details, not the marketing lines and carefully curated audience viewings. But knowing how this usually goes? I’m expecting to discover they went and fucked up the lore. Sue me for caring, I like the west coast canon and don’t like words like “we didn’t set out to please the fans”. I’m back three days later! They did indeed fuck up the lore but even worse than I’d expected. I hate being right.


It probably comes down to copyright, so they had to retcon certain aspects. Also, tbh the director said that you can't appease everyone, and most game adaptations are designed to not be for the fans exclusively, but for other's to get involved in the series. Likewise, it's impossible to do a 1 for 1 adaptation, and with the series, they are open ended with different endings based on how people play, usually with a few factions, and the DLC's as well.


Inb4 it's a good show, but not a good Fallout show Edit: It's a play on complaint about Fallout 4/76 where they say it's a good game, just not a good Fallout game.


Ok what is a "good" fallout product to you then? Everyone said the same thing with F4 but saying it's not a "good" fallout game/show is meaningless when you consider every single fallout game has been completely different than the others in tone and gameplay to the point it's completely subjective to say what is a "good" fallout product. Fallout 1? Interplay didn't even bother staying with the same tone was heavily comedic in the second game, brother hood of steel? It's a diablo style clone with rock music or tactics that made the game into a tactical shooter and not a RPG, fallout 3? It brought in into the open world setting or new Vegas that removed some of the goofiness for a more serious story, fallout 4? Having a voiced protagonist and in-depth crafting but returning to have a mix of goofy and serious tones like a theme part over run by raiders or a terror of the sea being a tiny mirelurk or fallout 76 that was mainly about environmental story telling but later added NPCs but has the most goofy stuff in the series since fallout 2. So what would you consider a "good" fallout product? It's completely subjective to the person.


You're preaching to the choir. Obviously there are no singular or multiple things that what make a Fallout media good or not because different things speak to people differently. Criticism of gameplay or game mechanics can be objectively true but even then, some people enjoy Starfield even if that game is panned by most people due to it's outdated gameplay. I'm just yanking on that phrase because it's used by plenty of people back when Fallout 4 was released.


One common denominator between a lot of fallout games is RPG character choices and consequence to those choices. You dont really have any of that in F4, but tbh you don't have much in F3 too, but that was a defining characteristic of F1, F2 and FNV. That is what people mean when they say its not a good fallout game. It doesnt have some key elements that the originals relied on it has other different elements.


Yea but most people say F3 is a good fallout game even with it missing RPG mechanics and fallout 4 having a closer tonal consistency to OG fallout than both fallout 2 with it's goofy references and fallout 3.


Well back when fallout 3 was released I don't think any fans of fallout were calling it a good fallout game. It was a good Bethesda game in the fallout universe. They nailed the world creation, artwork and design but failed utterly on the mechanics of gameplay . It was a successful game. A fun game. But other than the aesthetics it didnt really capture much of what made Fallout what it is. I feel that Fallout 4 was more of the same in that direction. Pushing traits that had proven successful to them in Fallout3. So the aesthetic is even better in my opinion, i absolutely loved the look of fallout 4's art work and the game in general. The gun play was vastly superior too, but it strayed even further from what made fallout 1 and 2 good mechanically, gameplay wise.


You mean the game that got game of the year wasn't considered a good game. Do you hear yourself?


No. You are now arguing in bad faith. Typical.  As I said, listen up. Good game, Successful game, fun game, BAD FALLOUT GAME, BAD RPG.


And that's not a fact but your opinion what you consider a good fallout game I'm not arguing about the RPG part as I agree but being a good fallout game is purely subjective to ones opinion.


Of course its bloody subjective, theres no Oxford dictionary explanation of what a good fallout game is.  But its rather logical to compare games to previous iterations and see how they measure up.  F3 did not share qualities with F1/F2.  F1 and F2 were RPG games, F3 was not. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Therefor is it logical to say (around the time of falliut3 release) that falliut games were rpgs? Yes! It was a defining characteristic.


I will agree with everything you say.


I'm not arguing in bad faith but pointing out that most people consider fallout 3 one of the good ones no matter what people think of fallout 4.


No, thats correct. The reason you are arguing in bad faith is because you cherry picked words that I didn't even say to alter the context and argued against an argument I didn't even make. I. E. I didnt call fallout 3 a bad game, i called it a bad fallout game, then explained what that means. Essentially it was not a good RPG and thw writing was dog shite. But world building and exploration and aesthetics were brilliant.  My fellow Fallout fans did tend to share the same opinion as me. Google will show you that. Prople liked it but the rpg elements were crap and it lacked many things that made F2/F1 good.  Enter stage: Fallout New Vegas... Which did hold up to F1/F2.


I'm not arguing in bad faith but pointing out that most people consider fallout 3 one of the good ones no matter what people think of fallout 4.


I guess now there are probably more people that have played Fallout 4 than any other version, even more than f3 so i guess these days the definition of what a Fallout game is is up in the air. You could argue F4 is what a fallout game is purely because more people experienced that. I wouldn't agree with that personally, but thats because I was raised with the originals. I guess the point I was trying to make was that whrn F3 came out, what a fallout game was was already defined. 👍 But F3 purely by being so popular kind of changed the definitions I guess.


Dude episode 1 is meh only, nothing interesting at all. The only thing is maximus with his quest the rest they wasted alot of potential....what we leave the vault 25 mins in the show!!!


The carefully procured test audience/critics say it’s amazing. Well duh. No company is taking a chance of bad reviews. They choose and bribe the reviewers with gifts and special treatment and the implied intent is that they give them a good review or never be invited back. I can tell this is gonna suck. I’d love to be wrong though. The brotherhood of steel guy is going to have the exact same storyline as Finn from Star Wars I’m calling it now.


>I’d love to be wrong though >I can tell this is gonna suck.  I'm not the biggest fan of Bethesda's direction of the franchise but if you're going into the show with that mindset, it doesn't matter how good the show is you're still going to hate it.


Wait are you saying you didn’t get the goodie bag and free pip boy?


It’s going to be universally loved, but you pessimistic dipshits will refuse to backtrack and admit you’re wrong. Enjoy not enjoying it.


But if it is bad will you backtrack and admit you were wrong?


I’m crying u really just went “I see black man he MUST be like the only other black man in a story I can think of”. Y’all are so fucking miserable over a show.


Lmao I was comparing the empire with the BOS bit racist don’t you think?