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Why is the bbc interviewing a mod maker?


Probably because the mod revolved around London being (unofficially) added to a popular game series


A popular game series that just had a popular television show. And this is one angle they can tie to their country, so why not.


also probably a slow news day


Slow news day


I'm guessing because of the resurgence of Fallout games due to the TV show and the mod being loosely tied to London, so the BBC wanted to try to get some Fallout content in order to get a bigger reach.


The people complaining about potholes were busy that day.


You guys have issues with potholes, too, eh? Shit sucks. It's not hard or expensive to fill in potholes, and yet local governments continue to fail at doing the bare minimum.


Even when they do fix the pothole they shove cheap tarmac in and within a week the pothole is back


Probably got stuck in a pothole


Not enough people in boats.


Because it’s very infinitely loosely related to the huge amount of buzz the show is getting. Both have Fallout somewhere in the description.


Because the BBC, despite being government owned, still has to operate as a news service. As in, publishing news that attracts people. Fallout is super hype in the mainstream at this time, and London is appealing to the Brit viewers, their prime audience.


Because anger drives engagement and this is a chance at easy potshots at a company known for people getting angry at.


This was what I had in mind too! I don't even know how to express it. I understand that they want to raise concern but I think there are better topics for an international news organization you know?? Maybe it was a slow news day but still?? Like they could have reported on the local problems or some quirky news from another country.


Because fallout is really popular right now, and bgs is one of the most popular game makers right now.  It's easy engagement talking about them, and negativity also brings in views




For what it's worth, that was Sky News not the BBC.


I thought his youtube video was very fair, he said that while it was frustrating Bethesda didn't owe them anything. Has he changed his tune?


No, he's just done a couple of interviews where he's come across as "entitled" after the fact, mainly in saying things like he wishes bethesda had made the team sign an NDA and share info with so they could work things out with the update, like they did back in the day with some Skyrim mods. Sure he doesn't come across that great, but imo he's just someone who doesn't have any experience in the public eye so is just reckless with his words. The odd thing is that OP is saying that hate is being thrown at Berhesda for this, but so far I've only seen people defend bethesda against this guy. The hate had been about the quality of the update itself.


he didnt say he wishes to sign an NDA, he said he had signed an NDA with other companies as a comparison to the fact that bethesda had not even reached out to them


Why doesn't op link the video lol? 


Why do you think? People are riled up and getting ugly with each other based on OP's single-paragraph summary of an interview they haven't seen. Where's the fun in linking to the interview that doesn't say what OP wants it to say and spoiling the charade? If it does say that, cool, *where's the ~~lamb sauce~~ evidence?*


It's sounds more like he wanted the same treatment enderal got.


He's not wrong either. Bethesda takes full advantage of their modding community. They should give something back in return. There's almost zero communication between Bethesda and modders.


You can tell he was annoyed by it but people here are massively overreacting to this like they do with everything. Like it's crazy to me that OP said that people are sending hate to Bethesda for it when literally every single post I've seen about it have been shitting on the modder. It's just karma farming and it's so annoying.


Welcome to reddit. Where a small minority of incredibly obnoxious people suck each other off.


No, but this is reddit so everyone is pretending to be offended on Bethesdas behalf.


Weird change of tune from when NV fans forgot what an arrow means


Honestly, I think I’ve lost some interest in Fallout London because of how much of a whiny baby this guy is being over his unofficial mod being ruined by the very popular game franchise releasing an update they’d announced 18 months ago that was very obviously gonna come out around the same time as the show. Newsflash, mate, the billion dollar company doesn’t need to get permission from you to do an update.


The level of entitlement is insane tbh. Look at the Skyblibion guys. They don't care at all they just keep working.


Is that mod ever coming out? I don't think a game remade in another mod has ever released


Morrowblivon, although it's rough iirc.   Weirdly enough I've seen a full game made in skyrims engine, and it's even free on steam.  Enderal is it's name


Enderal is also a sequel to a game made in Oblivion's engine, Nehrim.


Iirc it's also on steam now. I tried it years ago and had too many stability problems to really get into it.


Stability ain't much of an issue nowadays, played it on the deck recently. Its mediocre. Fell off it after a dozen or so hours.


Your the first person I've seen that hasn't overhyped that game to death. Literally have seen comparisons to New Vegas and dozens claiming “it's better than Skyrim”. people try so hard to hate that game it's sad


People will say anything to justify their time spent.


If I'm not mistaken there was even another one before that built onto Morrowind, granted I don't think any of them were as good as Enderal


They made two total conversion mods for Morrowind: Arktwend and Myar Aranath


Oh wow, how were they if you played them? The Oblivion one seemed really rough around the edges and if I remember correctly it was only German va's for a long time.


Hell, Forgotten City began as a Skyrim mod


me waiting for falloutblivion


isnt Falloutblivion literally just Fallout 3


Enderal is so good. I like the tone more than Skyrim


I definitely enjoyed it. There's definitely some jank, really dislike the leveling system for example, but it's better than alot of full games I've bought


It's actually incredible how good it Is, I would have happily paid money to play it, it does a lot of things better than Skyrim itself (obviously not everything) and it's a shame that the guys behind it no longer exist as a team but I heard some of them are working on a new Gothic title so I'll keep my eyes out for it.


Black Mesa.




Don’t forget Skywind! I’m pretty both got announced shortly after release, so well over a decade ago!


yes, 2025: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1q1nXLDjB8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1q1nXLDjB8)


Black Mesa sort of fits that description


I'm not sure if I'm just misreading your comment but isn't that exactly what the tale of two wastelands is? It's fallout 3 used as a mod for fallout NV so you can play fallout 3 in New Vegas engine.


The thing is that nv is basically an official mod of fo3, they didn't have to remake everything from scratch - just Insert fo3 files into newer engine. Skyblivion is not like that


No ttw is moving the existing  semi compatible files from 3 to vegas. Skyblivion is remaking all assets and sounds from scratch.  And no well see star citizen 1.0 before either that or skywind sees a playable release.


The difference here is that New Vegas and 3 are essentially the same game with some changes here and there for mechanics, so TTW is really just directly importing fallout 3 into New Vegas and adding a transition between the two games as if they were just different parts of the same game. What is being talked about here is completely remaking assets to essentially remake the game from the ground up like with Fallout 4: New Vegas.


I think they said 2025 at the latest.


It has a release date of 2025 for skyblivion


It’s got a release date and everything


As a software developer, shit breaking due to updates is just the name of the game. Imagine something that isn't intended to be a functional feature of thousands of apps being used as a dependency. 


The update barely changes anything to set him back. He's obviously in over his head and making excuses


For decades modders have known that official updates can and will break mods. It has always been the core paradigm of modding and modders were fully willing to deal with it. But for some reason, recently modders have grown really entitles, at least in Skyrim and Fallout modding. My guess is that after so many people patting them on the back and saying "you guys keep this game alive", they really started to believe that. They don't want to hear that mod users are still a minority and most players don't mod the games, not even Bethesda games. They don't want to hear that any game update, no matter how small, will benefit more players than it harms...


They should be grateful Bethesda doesn’t DMCA these fan games. Especially after all the Fallout Frontier bullshit. They could pull a Sony and shut them down like the Bloodborne Kart. But no. Bethesda is probably the most mod friendly studio there is


No other game lets me install mods from the main menu on my Xbox.


I've never seen a non Bethesda game on console that offers mod support full stop


Me too


Farming Sim has mods on console, Fallout was first though obviously


Even games like terraria that are extremely friendly with modders dont support mods on consoles.


I've seen one, a game called Surviving Mars, but it's amount of modded content is obviously nowhere near how much a Bethesda game has


Especially Rimworld :(


Farming Simulator does


It's so weird because he had released a video prior saying it's all good and that they could use the extra time to get the game in a better state, and basically asking for patience from the audience. https://youtu.be/LpqMftkTteo?si=M8WntVB7JbWJGb2F Dunno what the flip-flop was in terms of that and then speaking to the BBC.


And that same statement said they were excited about the possibilities the new engine improvements would give them. Seems like an odd 180.


Because the update is a publicity update due to the Fallout show, and it's a very poor update for what it's supposed to add/"improve".


Could have been being on YouTube vs being on the big screen Or maybe something else but idk


The notion that Bethesda gave even half a thought to their mod coming out is laughable. It can’t be malicious if you’re not even an afterthought.


It's like flies complaining that a buffalo ate the wrong grass and the shit wasn't as tasty. Buffalo don't care.


Mad Men elevator vibes.


Have people who use that meme seen the show? Because Don was actually so jealous of Ginsberg, he was actively sabotaging his work.


I honestly think that they're not as far on in Fallout London as they thought they would be at this point and I've seen some annoyance with how long the Fallout London mod has taken to be released So I think they're being so vocal about this to shift the blame for all the time they still need to finish the mod onto Bethesda rather than taking accountability for promising more than they could actually deliver The Fallout 4 New Vegas mod has had more progress than Fallout London with even a beta version released so it's not like it's an impossible thing to achieve whilst Fallout London has only produced a handful of standalone mods


My suspicions too- Cascadia has gone on record and stated that the update won't affect them much because they went ahead and reworked most of their f4se dependencies and Miami even had a development stream yesterday. I can admire the talent and dedication but I feel like they're trying to rush London out, this hasn't been their only release delay after all.




It's been delayed after delay after delay for over a year. I'm still surprised there's interest in it given the amount of excuses they've come up with since "it will be released in the first quarter of 2023"


As soon as the Fallout London guy came out whining when the release date for the Next Gen Update was released, I immediately thought the same thing. This guy is probably actually relieved so he can keep working on his shitty mod, but gets bonus points for blaming Bethesda.


>update they’d announced 18 months ago that was very obviously gonna come out I gotta say it takes balls to be this bitchy about the *OG game/franchise he's literally basing his whole work on* . Other people show respect and love when they mod or even only do as much as write fanfiction or draw fanart. Yet he's acting as if Bethesda *owes him* anything. I thought FO London would be nice when I first heard about it cause I was sure Bethesda wouldn't move out of the US (which, in my opinion, even makes sense?). I'm not willing to support this whiny dude though by now to be honest. All the bugs and shit aside, I'd rather stick to Bethesda since they are the ones allowing mods for years by now, the whole creation club stuff, and seem rather happy that fans mod and have fun playing around with their base game. I don't need some mod creator to get too much of an ego.


Some of the modders for RimWorld loved the game so much that, when they were putting a new update out, they went and worked for the game as well as putting their own mods out for it Because of the help provided by modders, when a major update was put out the modders acted as beta testers in exchange for the new version bring put out as a beta version on Steam a month before the actual release so they could update their old mods by the time the new DLC dropped to focus on DLC content Frankly it's bs to expect Bethesda to make accommodations for your fan made mod when you've not done anything at all for Bethesda to deserve that accommodation


>when you've not done anything at all for Bethesda to deserve that accommodation And he's not really putting himself into a better place if he now goes around complaining about the update etc. If anything, it'll make Bethesda care even less about FO London, if they ever cared to begin with.


Same here. I was excited to try it, but after seeing the dev basically scream “Bethesda fucked us! They should’ve told us their inner company plans so we could make an unofficial mod!!” Dev seems unhinged, I don’t get why he thinks Bethesda even owes him a reply.


Also it's crazy because the video that got put out by their team earlier this month had a pretty reasonavle take, which is basically that "Yeah, it kind of sucks to collide like this but oh well. We'll do what we can"


My best steel-manning of it is they thought it was going to be a quick F4SE update like prior FO4 updates and not the larger effort similar to AE update. That said, I think that was overly optimistic, but that's also because I understood why the AE update was a pain for both skse and address library. Well, I guess also possible that it was just a matter of poor framing of the FOLON project manager opinion.


Watched the interview, and it honestly seems to come from a place of some nuance being discarded from the interview that is important, but also extremely technical. Their dependency on F4SE. An unofficial tool to hook into the engine and make changes to the game that are not actually supported by the game / modding tools provided. And their other video did touch on that nuance. Since SkyUI did get some coordination (admittedly, that seems to have been because Todd said so) before the AE release, I wonder if it is more a situation that don't coordinate w/ the native coding. It's a bit of a mess since it's outside of their tools anyway, and the specific nature of the script extender means they have to develop against the version that is released, not pre-release builds.


None of that happened, you've lost interest over lies.


I hate how you have news outlets and gamers making it out that it is a full fledged brand new Fallout game. No, it's a mod that adds unofficial content.


I thought it was a full game until last week. Granted I didn't read real deep. But I was more disappointed it was a mod than the fact that it was delayed


I'm already out from downloading. Was disappointed with the BBC making this a story at all, it's the opposite of news, way down there with their stories about how you can make an easy meal on less than a pound a day.


An update… to THEIR game. wtf is this guy on? How can people be so entitled?


And nothing is stopping them from just releasing it now and telling people to downgrade


Bethesda announced the next gen update was in the works all the way back in October 2022. Heck, everyone then had two weeks notice before it officially released when Bethesda announced the date for it back on the 11th. It is not like they shadow dropped it or something.


> his unofficial mod being ~~ruined~~ _[slightly delayed]_ by the very popular game franchise releasing an update they’d announced 18 months ago


I’ve lost all interest in the mod. Guy has known about it since it was announced in 2022 for 2023, delayed in 2023 til “24” so it made sense that it came after the show. They also updated Skyrim last year and it broke mods again. This dude is just a whiny baby - he could also just release it as it is because OH SO MANY people with mods on PC have kept their old version.


Oh no Bethesda committed unforgivable crime of updating their game, how horrific. It's not even like they got ind sided Bethesda announced this over a year ago. Game updates fuck with mods that's always been known and it's a fact of life you have to live with if you're a modder for any game Although it didn't even fuck with my load order that much because the only script extender dependant mod I was using was for the dialogue interface so that was the only one I had to disable. As I don't play with 1,639 that make th game complete unrecognizable I mostly have lore friendly weapons and armors to beef up the loot pool as well as a fuck ton of power armor I fucking love power armor


“Why didn’t the creators tell me about their new work! my fan fic is ruined!”


They didn't even announce it 18 months ago. It was actually longer. Back in 2020 is when I think they announced it.


This is why I couldn't care less about mods or people who do it. You aren't entitled to anything.


>This is why I couldn't care less about mods or people who do it. I don't think you should not care because of a bad actor. Modding is massive part of Fallout (and TES) and they have been integral to the maintenance and long life of basically every Fallout entry. Edit: ...and in some cases, are actually the first people to release patches and fixes to make the game work.


FO4 official patch I miss you!! I hope the mod creators care enough to remake these for the new update.


If you mean the **un**official patch, it's already updated for this new version of the game. They work quick.


It's embarrassing, honestly. What planet you have to be on to think Bethesda should have consulted with you, a mod developer, is completely ridiculous.


They made it sound like it was some regional office of Bethesda from the headlines.  Then I click through finally and it’s just some mod project manager.  Way to make what could have been a wonderful resume enhancer worthless and become unhireable in the video game industry. Delays happen. Don’t be a baby. 


Yea….assuming his mod is really good, he totally axed any chance of getting invited to any Bethesda event.


Honestly. It's been pretty obvious for months that Bethesda were waiting for the TV series before releasing the update. How is this guy even mad about it? He knew the TV series was coming. Also why should Bethesda delay or cancel an update for a mod that the majority of Fallout 4 player base can't even play. Fallout London means absolutely nothing to Xbox and PlayStation gamers because it won't work on the consoles


Reading a bit about the creation kit upgrade they did fuck up pretty substantially for the modding community. Any mod that changes textures or is dependent on a mod made before this update is not gonna work now. Something to do with how ba2 textures are packed now. What does this mean? Fuck VR fallout 4 players the hardest. Any new mod made won't be ported over as its hard to do Edit: So op is a fucking liar and nothing his posts says was true. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/s/jORINhT2UV


So we should just unpack all ba2’s for clothing mods? Everything loosey goosey?


As much as he is absolutely in the wrong, and being a whiny brat, anyone would be annoyed by months of their teams work being destroyed, whether they knew about it or not.


But you don't blame the people who are graciously not suing you into the ground. If FOL were paying a licence for the IP they were using, they'd have an argument. But they don't, Bethesda owe them literally nothing and they knew that from the start.


Funnily enough, that's why I said he's in the wrong. I'm saying nothing about him being correct, just that his anger is semi-justified from a specific point of view.


I didn't think the project leader was really terribly whiny. A couple of points in his defense: 1. He very specifically said it was \*not\* malicious on Bethesda's part and he even says they are "fantastic" with their community, so it's just false to portray him the way a lot of people are. All he was basically saying was that they would have appreciated some notice/communication, which is commonly done with other games with large modding communities. Paradox Interactive regularly gives modders working on large products for EU4, HoI4, Stellaris, CK3, etc. early access to beta builds so they can have patches ready on the first day of the new update. Are they obligated to do this? No. But is it an easy way to show appreciation for a part of their community that drives sales of their games? Absolutely. 2. Also remember the context, that this was with the BBC and like all media they want controversy to drive ratings. Fallout has obviously been a hit, even overseas, but it's an entirely American product, so what spin allows them to portray it as controversial to British audiences? Major American corporation shows contempt for plucky little British volunteer devs. That's clearly the angle the interviewer kept pressing towards, and the project leader was actually moderating his implications a lot, IMO.


The only malicious actor in this story seems to be OOP, who is wildly misrepresenting the interview, and straight up lying


And yet the top comment on this post has 3.5K upvotes. That's honestly absurd given the commenter hasn't worked to create something for FREE whereas FOLON have put 4 years into a community project that a lot of PC players would be enjoying right now. I can wait for it to come out. I'm patient. At the same time I don't understand the hate for the community project team over the AAA company who fell short (yet again) with a PC "update" that's simply irrelevant.


Yeah, I think there clearly seems to be an effort to smear this guy, because basically everything I've seen has been way more hostile than necessary.


Not to mention the modders have clearly put in a herculean amount of work here. Is it really such a crime to be frustrated that, right at the finish line, something came along and broke it all? I get it. I'd probably say a lot worse. I don't understand all the hate on him. The dude's only human.


This update also seemed to randomly make mods not work because it radically changed the way BSAs were packed, and the update had basically no positive effects for PC players, so there's already going to be some resentment. Honestly, I'm starting to get a little concerned for how toxically pro-Bethesda and anti-Community this sub has gotten.


Why are you lying? did you not watch the ACTUAL interview? where he literally states it is \*\*NOT\*\* malicious??


he literally said "not malicious" and now you are saying "being malicious" like do you have faults in your reading comprehension


Right. I watched the same interview, he tiptoed around it, it was hardly vitriolic


I’ve never seen a dev company no matter how big or small answer to modders. They are simply that, modders, not shareholders, parent company, or their bosses They delayed Fallout London so many times that it was probably never going to be released anyways.


The only one I can think of is that [Eric Barone](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=ee520a4c543f855e&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ACQVn0-ORvQvcWaSL1abwDhIoj3GgUsDPA:1714228340285&q=Eric+Barone&si=AKbGX_rO4P19IF_yO85wYpkEaz-W_oZWd5JUOOVnUVftf2aeobAb9abYj-1a6ldeNcmvA-x9ydmJ9OhPyar3tGkNZlmoSq9z7ysbnbcDvLfBWi7lt-ehi-3Ljj1lewMzXdzVEFrhoCQAEP4HhzwMvQfzzMLzO9f2PCmS9k7nEeU3Q1wM5UqM1F-5WPclr1_O9xoko9tm7UnAHkjgVzy26pG2rB3lHt1A7Q%3D%3D&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjDhqWazuKFAxWYLUQIHehZA54QmxMoAHoECGkQAg) - Concerned Ape of Stardew fame - reached out to the developer of one massively popular and large mod (Stardew Valley Expanded) to give them a heads up on the changes so they could update the mod ahead of time. But Barone is literally one dude and Stardew is an old school graphics indie game. That's about the only time a game developer CAN take modders into account if they so choose.


Didn’t the guy from SVE hit hard times and Eric actually hired him on to help with the 1.6 update?


I'm not sure, but it wouldn't surprise me.


Sounds like something concernedape would do. Dude is a great guy.


Was it firaxis that let the devs of the long war get the tools ahead of time? I remember when XCOM 2 came out there was already a few mods by those guys, like the officer training path and smgs. Long war 2 came out shortly after. So, it can happen, the FO:L guy just felt entitled to it, it seems.


RimWorld does a similar thing with a lot of the big modders giving them early update access or, in some cases, hiring them to work on base game It's a great symbiotic relationship that's created a wonderful mod community around the game


Rest in peace Wall Light king. You served the community well.


Bro could've gotten out tho and threw himself back in adding more features to lights truly a man of respect


Factorio is another example where they hired the dude that made the space exploration mod to work on the space exploration update


The company Paradox Interactive does this a lot, they make historical grand strategy games and theres a huge modding scene for each of their games, and they do tend to work heavily with modders to make sure that updating mods is smooth, even working with some of them to start updating their mods updated before the update comes out so that way theres is significantly less waiting for the players for the mods to get updated. Recently they actually worked with some of the largest modders for the latest update in their game Imperator Rome. And this is a rather large company and rather large games too, so like it isnt completely unrealistic for Bethesda to have done that as well. That being said, this is a rare practice, and to expect it when the company has no precedent for doing so is a bit silly


Ludeon Studios, the makers of Rimworld, and Paradox Interactive, frequently send pre-release builds out to modders, so they can have their mods updated and ready when the new update comes out.


And Firaxis brought in the creators of the Long War Mod to not only have their input in XCOM 2, but also let them include some day1 mods such as a weapons, enemies and even an upgrade path.


I’m pretty sure Bethesda gave the SKSE team the recent Skyrim update early for them to work on, but that is a mod that thousands of other rely on so it makes sense 


That's silverlock. They're the backbone of the modding resource community for sure.


And the script extender is one of the bigger things the fallout 4 Patch broken... So it's still the same...


F4SE is the same thing, a mod that pretty much every other "better" mod uses. But apparently, Bethesda decided to screw them over this time...


A bunch of studios with official modding support will send pre-release builds to modders in advance so they can update their mods so they don't break. They don't "answer" to modders but they certainly do facilitate them.


The thing is just that it is kinda impossible for Bethesda to even do that. There are always hundreds of modding projects, a lot of them really big and ambitious being worked (many that will never come out) it is kinda hard to pick favorites that get special information befor.


They could have at least picked the fucking Script extender which 3/4 of substantial mods rely on and which they broke more than probably any other mod...


Leave it to reddit to blow the entire thing out of proportion. Yall sound like a bunch of boomers with all the talk of him being "entitled" and "whining". If you actually watch it, he gives Bethesda PLENTY of rope. He says it's probably not malicious, but more a communication bungle by the community manager who they worked with and a matter of bad timing combined with delays.  But he also conveys frustration that ANYONE would feel in his situation. Years of work had led up to a perfect date to release - and all of that tossed out the window with no clear end in sight. Dude doesn't seem mad, just exhausted. Of course, people on here don't know what that feels like. And it could all be alleviated with some care on Bethesda's part. They could have easily just provided a fork that lets you continue using a previous version so mods still worked, but no. If they really supported modding then they would have done something to that effect, or ya know, communicated or even worked with them or the people who develop the script extenders to make it work. I'm not saying "BETHESDA BAD! BETHESDA EVIL!" But they really screwed the pooch.


Exactly, people making every issue a weird team/side based conflict. The fact that they were in contact with a Bethesda community manager shows that they were owed better communication. Mods keep these games alive longer than they ever would without them.


Did you actually read the interview? Clearly not. Wah wah stop being mean to this company that got bought for billions.


Wha... Wha... What? A thing they said they would do 2 years ago, they did? Oh the fuckin humanity. Completely out to get them.


they said they would do it 2023 though, and that is why fallout london was delayed till 2024 so they could work on the bugs and so that the F4SE authors could work on the bugs from 2023 to 2024. idk why everyone here is just straight up lying about information


Are you sure you didn't hear that wrong because in every interview I've seen with him he's specifically says he doesn't think it was malicious. But yeah, if you're a big modder or making overhaul mods a lot of times developers will give you a heads up.


I'm pissed at Bethesda because they release broken games. I don't care about mods whatsoever.


Nope asshole move from Bethesda as usual


I don't think he said it was malicious, it kinda seemed more like the BBC reporter was trying to hype it up like Bethesda was intentionally sabotaging them lmao


Why the fuck are you actually lying. We can all see the BBC interview and he is not acting entitled at all. Leave it to idiot OPs to make up enemies.


No, actually. I think the FOLON team being angry at Bethesda is more than justified, and frankly the dismissiveness of OP and the rest of the people in this thread towards the hard work and dedication of an enormous team simply on the basis of being "unofficial" is genuinely staggering. Just because Bethesda is not obligated contractually to keep mod developers in the loop, it is not by any means unreasonable to suggest that it is a little callous not to do that, and Bethesda in particular should be held to a higher standard based on how much of a selling point mods for their games are, and Fallout London is one of the largest mods for any Bethesda game. Bethesda knows about fallout London. They have hired people who worked on it. The chances that they did not know about fallout London's release date are astronomically low. Not giving them warning and then announcing the update is to launch 2 days after it is either gross incompetence, or a degree of negligence that I think fairly constitutes malice. And for the sycophants: no. Telling everyone an update is coming 2 years prior and not informing anyone of any specifics is not fair warning. Edit: OP is just fucking wrong, prilladog literally says he DOES NOT think Bethesda is malicious. If you're going to slag off people who put in hundreds of hours of their life out sheer passion for the source material, do your due fucking diligence, Jesus Christ.


It's so weird because he had released a video prior saying it's all good and that they could use the extra time to get the game in a better state. Dunno what the flip-flop was in terms of that and then speaking to the BBC.


He didn't really flip flop. The BBC interview was more talking about the project in general. He did say the update came with a 'tough setback' but overall was positive about the project in the long term. I think this is an issue of sensationalism really. He was upset that it broke so much, but understanding and excited to see the series he enjoys getting so much attention and then pivoted to hyping up the future of the project and talked about some of the projects plans. I wouldn't call it whiney really. A bit upset but rolling with it at worst.


It seems most here didn’t watch the interview and base their opinion on what they hear.


This thread is packed with morons who didn't watch the interview and have just swallowed the lies of OP.


This post is blatant misinformation about the interview. I highly suggest you actually watch it rather than read posts like this.


OP got what they want though. A lot of comments and the most upvoted comment has 3.5K upvotes, despite attacking the community project team working on a free project. They talk about entitlement yet their the ones sounding entitled.


I'm not really sure how to make your last sentence, but it appears you're agreeing with me. Oh the damage is done. The misinformation has been spread and now you got couple thousand redditors thinking the modders behind fallout London are a bunch of assholes. GGs


I mean it's entitled to say things like "this makes me not want to play fallout London now" Like, ok cool don't let the door hit you on the way out. FOLON dont owe these people anything and especially if they're going to tear down a community mod project releasing FREE content over Bethesda who fell short yet again on a PC "update" that was unneeded given it doesn't fix or improve anything that mods already haven't.


Oh yes. Agreed. People will throw all kinds of shade over an interview. But then happily download it like it was made for them. Pukes


this is also coming from the same group/person that; knew the show was coming should have known the update was coming after should have known that the update would break mods exactly how bethesda broke skyrim should have just fucking released the mod early because you can't convince me 2 weeks would have added enough to be noticeable


2 weeks earlier it probably wasn't ready and neither is it now, it's probably far from being completed and they just wanted an excuse and some extra publicity


can you even explain how they would use it an excuse for the game to be incomplete? they announced that the game was releasing the 23rd of april earlier this year or last year, with no knowledge about when the fallout show was coming, or that the fallout 4 update was coming. ?


It's so weird because he had released a video prior saying it's all good and that they could use the extra time to get the game in a better state. Dunno what the flip-flop was in terms of that and then speaking to the BBC.


Because the op is lying 


This is the toxic side of modding. People talk about modders as if they aren’t just another group of human beings and they can’t be stupid/ entitled or have hot takes. Why should Bethesda have to reach out to this person? If that is what they are saying verbatim (or even lightly paraphrasing) then this person is insane.


This is also the toxic side of Reddit misinformation. Just read an entire post explaining all of what this post gets wrong. I think most people should actually check out the interview for themselves. This post paints the team behind fallout London as entitled pricks. It's just blatantly not true


Bethesda don’t owe them to cooperate. But tbf, I do think the rollout of the update could be better. Mods are the lifeblood of Bethesda games ,they could probably reach out more via community manager and whatnot. At the very least, utility mods like script extender which is a prerequisite for so many mods


I’d be a lot more on Bethesda’s side if the update didn’t literally break the game in most ways.


Let them cry, or they can create their own game and have complete control


You guys are hilarious. Bethesda announced two weeks before they dropped the update that it was coming. They should have dropped the next gen update when the show launched. It was strange they decided to wait two weeks. Also OP has already declared they didn't care for the mod already. Hence mis-wording the title the way they did. Lead dev said he didn't think it was malicious. And said it would have been nice if at some point they'd have reached out. Didn't demand. Didn't expect. Said "it would have been nice" This whole drama is being manufactured. Fuck I hate fandoms.


Not to mention in one hand is this post and in this other is a sea of "wow this update sucked ass" backed up by years of "Beth games truly are built like modders will save them."


I'm glad someone is saying this in this thread, I watched that interview and at no point did I see any demands or whining, just "this kind of sucks, here's how the situation could have been avoided, it's still coming just not as soon as we though" I'm betting most of the people commenting haven't even seen the interview


Precisely this. People are just attacking the Fallout London devs at this point because they are rabid fanboys who have to defend any slight against their precious Bethesda. The TLDR of what they have said on the matter is. The update was announced two years ago, they thought it might drop alongside the TV show but no new was given, it was only as the TV showed aired they announced it. They dont think it was malicious, and dont think anyone should blame Bethesda. They just wish Bethesda would have communicated more with them (and modders in general) even if just so they could work on their PR and set expectations, and they find it frustrating that they have to delay their volunteer passion project that they have worked on for years. That all sounds completely reasonable to me. Yet people here are turning that into "Entitled modders hate Bethesda and complain that they updated the game"


Honestly this fandom has gone to shit lmao


Gone? When was it NOT shit?


Bethesda troglodytes have always been along the worst. I've seen one guy complain about the timing of this stupid update (which gives PC absolutely nothing apart from a shitty wide screen support), and hundreds of posts like this full of simps for billion dollar company. Ridiculous


The more I hear about this guy and the audacity of his behavior the less interest I have in that mod.


The OP has a hard time reading things and misinterpreted the entire interview.


Wait I never heard of fallout London is looks fucking awesome what the hell people can do all that in an unofficial mod?!? I don’t understand how that’s possible


The power of Bethesda's games being so mod friendly that people band together in teams to create their own expansions so big as almost as the game itself they're modding. There are more projects in the community like Fallout: Miami, Cascadia, the Fallout 4: New Vegas remake as well as Enderal for Skyrim.


Yup, I played one a few years back called Enderal that was an entire game built as a Skyrim mod. It was pretty good. The game The Forgotten City also started out as a Skyrim mod before it was remade in Unreal Engine 4 and released as a standalone game.


I’m only mad at the New Gen update because the mod I play has a 3 chapter story and I can download part 1 and part 3 but can’t download part because of an issue with Bethesda has. Not furious and not gonna play just wanted to complete the mod


Yeah honestly it’s a little strange. I understand that they are putting work into the project but it isn’t a Bethesda project, it’s weird to think they owe you anything.


Very entitled behavior by them...like Bethesda doesnt answer to them. Fallout London is unofficial, so its up to them to adapt to whatever Bethesda does to their games


FO frontier, and now this. Why are FO modders such a weird bunch lol




Also, the mod is fucking huge, almost like an entirely new game.


I assume F4NV is suffering from the same mod breaking patch? So no release any time soon after 4 years of development?


I'm more mad about Bethesda dropping a broken update no one asked for on PC. They don't owe these guys an explanation but this update was completely unnecessary and did more harm than good in my opinion.


Why don't you link the video directly so people can watch it and come to a conclusion themselves?


I can somewhat understand that the FOLON team is annoyed Especially as it seems that the next gen update has done little to improve base PC fallout 4, and in fact has some painfully clear mistakes (the red blocks with exclamation marks) That said, indeed, Bethesda is not beholden to FOLON, and while late, better now than announcing the release a week after mod release and breaking it two weeks later. And people accusing Bethesda of fucking over FOLON because the mod would make them look bad need to take of their tinfoil hat and go outside to touch grass.


It’s Bethesdas game! Why would they consider some entitled mod creator while releasing an update for their own game…