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# Vault 74 Located somewhere in the Piedmont Region of Georgia. Inhabitants are welcomed into the vault normally. However, slowly, of the course of time, the Vault's internal clocks (terminals, pipboys, the like), slowly shift the shown time slower, so five 'real' minutes, would only be registered as one 'fake' minute. Continue this over generations of vault dwellers, until one day lasts two real days. Theory: Vault Dwellers will slowly adapt over time, going for longer periods without requiring sleep, thus, making them harder/better workers, and more efficient.


Very nice! I love the experiments goal very vault-tec


Roger Roger


Uhh blast em.


So the same with how 33 was meant to produce perfect managers, this one is meant to produce perfect blue collar workers?


Another thing: Originally the vault experiments were to be used for future space travel, and in space where there is no sun or need to follow a 24h cycle, how long could you stretch a day while keeping people efficient?




Vault 74.5 Located under Atlanta. All the rooms are named Peachtree. Every floor is called Peachtree. Everyone’s name in the computers slowly get replaced with Peachtree. The only fruit available will be pears.


Vault 70, Its not even really a vault, its just a door that opens to a brick wall with a painting of a vault lobby on it


I see the coyote left Acme for vault tech


A roadrunner somehow enters the vault.


Imagine their faces when it opens and the bombs are falling behind them


"These pranks are getting out of hand"


Id make it 404, like the error lol


Vault 91, Washington, DC. There is no leadership/authority structure. There's an overseer's office, and when everyone shows up to the vault, the "overseer" is there to greet them, but winds up accidentally stuck on the wrong side of the door as the vault is sealed. From that point on, any time the group turns to an individual to be a figure of leadership, something happens to them. Illness, injury, death or even straight up disappearance. How do humans behave when every attempt to identify authority in their environment gets ripped away from them.


This is interesting I like it


This is how it starts !


How would the Overseer get stuck on the wrong side of the door? Who is monitoring the Vault to ensure that the experiment continues?


The overseer goes in a secret room or something


Maybe there's another vault next-door whose sole purpose is to carry out the experiment.


That vault's entire purpose could be the training of stealth assassins.


Didn't that Vault in Fallout 4 actually have an entire secret section for the scientist to test different diseases on the residence?


Theres been a few vaults that have observation areas separate from the vault population. FO4 has the one where its all children and there's basically a whole second vault for research staff


As well as 81 with its diseases and cure.


Programs/AI are fairly common in the fallout world/vaults (Zaxx for example in fallout 76 aswell as Mr.house and President eden)


Take it a step further. The disappeared Dwellers are dropped into a second vault next door. They are given a separate experiment that trains them up. After a long time the two Vaults are opened up to eachother. Neither is given a goal of any kind. The doors simply open and allow them to meet eachother. What happens from then on is left to the dwellers. Do they fight eachother for supremacy? Do they ally together? Do they just completely fall apart because they realize the “disappeared” didnt die at all, so those who moved on to new relationships abandon those new relationships to return to their old ones? Or do they stay with the new relationships?


Or like a robot overseer. He’s like a securitron.


I think they would eventually default to a full democracy, then proceed to start electing people overseer as a death sentence.


Pretty much vault 11


Vault 23 - New York City It's a vault where everyone is informed after the apocalypse that the Vaults have a secondary purpose besides survival. The holotape tells everyone that while being a secure location for survivors, it will double as a social experiment. The holotape would inform everyone that other vaults are centers for social experiments as well and mentions the purpose of some of the other vaults - ranging from the mundane to the extreme. Before the holotape can finish saying what Vault 23's social experiment is, the audio cuts off. The experiment - nothing. No monitoring, no experiments, no weird changes. It's just a vault with lots of supplies, including cryo-freeze chambers (and plenty of them) for those who just want to wait until things blow over. They have weapons for a hostile world should they ever want to go out. They can leave whenever they want to. There's plenty of food, space, and extra material should anything break down with instruction manuals and robots to help with repairs should anything happen. The overseer is picked by random chance by a computer every year, and everyone knows it. They're even allowed to go through the Overseer's computer if they ever wanted to ensure he's not getting any additional messages. The Vault Dwellers will be left to their own devices to interpret what the meaning was of the holotape.


So you tell them the truth and see if they go crazy with that alone? I like it, kind of a personal demons thing.


The worst demons are the ones we create.


Imagining what their experiment is. Some would probably go nuts trying to figure it out.


Especially leaning extra hard with “Remember: YOU are NOT part of an experiment.” Signs everywhere.


This is the best one


Love this.


Oh fuck. Insert that "I am a big fan" Satan picture here.


Could I use your vault experiment idea in my story? It’s honestly a lot better than what I had written down so far If you’d like, I can send the document of what I came up with so far through DMs


Go ahead! Don't even worry about sending anything as this was just something I thought of with the prompt. I have no control of the Fallout IP. No need to credit, either.


Good Guy Rockwell


He rocks well!


This is insane because I have a rough idea similar to this, also called Vault 23, but it’s set in northern Maine


Vault 25, it'll be a test on the human limit on minor inconveniences. All socks have little holes on them, all the computers will be slow, lights randomly flicker, Food is either served too hot or cold, there will be a leak somewhere at all times. This is similar to the white noise experiment but increased to not musicians, but families. How will the adults react to this? Will the children mind it (these issues will get worse when they become adults). This is to test adversity & patience for things we would consider to be small issues. Edit: Gonna keep adding more issues: All shoes are a bit slippery, There's a little weird feeling with the vault suit on your crotch, the shower water takes 5 minutes to get hot, toilet paper is single ply, One part of each fork is a tinee bit bent, some couches have a lump (see how people will compete for the non-lumpy couches). In fact, as time goes on, some of these issues may be fixed but in such limited supply that we will see if people will be civil or fight for a sock that doesn't have holes. The entire motto of the vault is "beats out there". Adding more, in a cruel mood atm: No cake/pie is perfectly cut, some TV's have dead pixels (very few though), Pip Boys vibrate softly, the structure of the vault always leaves the edge of a table out for your hip/knee to conveniently hit it if you're not paying enough attention, if the TV somehow has subtitles it's 5 seconds ahead. Book pages are the sharp ojnes that give you papercuts easily, please add more if you can.


You're evil




The shoes being a little slippery would absolutely drive me mad. I would be dead in a fortnight by my own hands or go mental.


They should be the kind of shoes which squeak a little bit as you are walking. So everyday you hear the 200 or so people squeaking down the hallways.


There’s always smoke detectors beeping


But only slightly. You *think* you hear it the first time and then wait, not to hear anything, only to hear it faintly again...but it may be your imagination. So, you stop to hear it again, only for nothing to sound off no matter how long you wait. Then the second you turn away and walk down the hall....you hear it again.


That little chirp it does when its batteries are dying!!! Took me forever to find an old unused one doing that in my garage!!


You forgot to mention that all the toilet paper is installed backwards by the service bots.


It's not backwards if you have a mischievous cat


All tp gives one square at a time


"They lasted 3 months before the bloodbath began."


My guy, this is the current military. All these problems are check in the boxes already. Ripped socks can be common Gov computers are slow. Food is either shitty especially chow hall food White noise? We have all them noises Uniforms can be weird at times "coveralls" Single ply toilet paper because Gov is cheap Furniture is usually hand downs and poor condition Always limited on supply Motto is "embrace the suck" Served pie/cake is a hit or miss usually old and stale TVs/Monitors always trashed again hand downs lol


So you're telling me that the people who should enter this vault should be rich people who never have thought of having these problems.


That would be entertaining lol




Would people born into this find it normal and not be bothered too much since they don’t know a difference? If it’s generations?


That's where they'd have protocol to have things altered after so many years. Once it becomes obvious that people are adjusting, overseer or those hire up orchestrate measures to disrupt the environment again so that it can maintain a consistent atmosphere of irritation and chaos


Ah! Yes! So cool! In a way that makes me wanna run into the mushroom cloud instead of into the vault


Power cycles in random nights resetting everyone’s alarm clocks. Holotapes have a 33% chance of being eaten by a player console. There are noticeably less spoons than other utensils. Any robot will mishear you 15% of the time. Every job task is understaffed by 10-30%. Better food is served to random people during meals. location is the most slightly annoying place on earth: Houston, TX


Every projector will have a slight smudge on them. Like a mouse pointer on every video that you see


Your name is always spelled incorrectly or pronounced incorrectly by the overseer.


ima be real it just sounds like college life for single men


Satan, is that you?


Calm down, Satan


Vault 299, somewhere in Florida. Vault-Tec creates the only one vault totally on deep of seafloor where the residents can see the deep dark waters through their windows.The purpose of vault is researching the people under the deep sea pressure and observing the deep sea life.The first residents were marine biologists and they carried there with submarine.


What if Ryan Industries from Bioshock was in fallout pretty much. Honestly you could mash those two universes pretty easily


Bethesda seems to agree. Fallout 4 had some Bioshock inspired cut content: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Vault_120


Add in geneticists for full reference.


Vault 54 (just I like the number), in California. Experiment would be that everyone in the vault comes from a white collar business background, and slowly I would have things around the Vault break in ascending urgency (broken lightbulbs, then a leaky faucet, and then power fluctuations, eventually more critical failures like water purification system malfunction, structural integrity failures, etc) and see how long it takes them to figure out each task … and whether or not they’re able to adapt.


Vault 1. A vault where the only person inside is the (young) overseer. Resources to last them their entire life. Locked for good. The vault door is only unlocked once life signs of the overseer are no longer detected. To study isolation on the human psyche. I feel like this was a vault at some point but maybe in Mandela effecting myself. EDIT: didn’t mean to make this a reply I’m not sure how that happened


There was a vault with 1 guy and crate of puppets. But this would be TRUE isolation


What about Gary?


Well he had Gary, and Gary


Gary's Vault had a normal population and separate experiment, they just also had a cloning machine


It honestly makes it so much more funny for that to be the case.


Not only that but weren’t the clones only hostile because Gary had been cloned so many times it wore the machine out or something?


Yeah. Every aspect of the Gary Vault was a complete accident. They just left the cloning machine and there was a guy who liked to clone himself.


Fixing an issue extends the amount of time before the next fault, but with diminishing returns


Damn I love this so much what happens when the rich cant fix the simple tasks around the house lmao


Seperate the vault dwellers based on music preference, allow each genre to develop a small isolated community, and then merge them all after 100yrs. Record results. Edit: Vault 144


I'm guessing the actual issues will crop up before the merging. Genre groups are going to divide into subgenre groups, leading to infighting. Given a lack of meaningful differences, humanity will create differences to hate one another.


But it's okay because in the diner they allow both kinds, country *and* western.


This could be fun. The country genre and rap genre would develop farming and business tribes but be at constant war with each other. Pop and techno genres would remain peaceful to each other but may be a nuisance with 24 parties. Rock and metal genres would develop their own raider societies. Christian pop would develop a raider society around Jesus. Swing and jazz would seem like mellow folks but also run their own mafia families. Phonk genre was last seen walking out of the vault while blasting Can You Hear My Heart, Gigachad remix.


>Rock and metal genres would develop their own raider societies. Having known a lot of metal heads and punks, they'll just be a cooler Minutemen. Every metalhead I met is a total sweetheart, and punks can be a little brash but have the best intentions.


A viking inspired rock and metal group would be awesome. It could be like [Brutal Legend](https://youtu.be/ef1LEH19uZU?si=5qNqOPJdWKjB_aaP) in the wastelands. And it could be cool to update the music roster on the player's pip-boy with different music genres.


Trolls 2


Vault 38, Salem Oregon. The entirety of the vault population consists of newborns with specialized Miss Nanny bots as their caregivers. Vault dwellers will be raised and nurtured by these robots to test the affects on an entire culture that has been brought up by artificial maternity, and whether they can progress beyond their teachings, or if they will flounder. Eventually, the Miss Nannys will be deactivated permanently. The effects this will have on the vault and the psychology of it's residents will determine whether they leave the vault or stay. If they can move past this, they will remain in the vault, but if turmoil breaks out and the residents are unable to care for themselves, they will be forced out of the vault, to determine if extreme pressure and brutal environments will temper them.


Ooooooooooh, I hate this


Oops said it on another post. Nuka Cola Quantum instead of water. Maybe they all turn into feral ghouls? Nuka Cola would finance this vault obviously so I’d let them pick a number. Has this already been done? I feel like this might not be my idea.


>Has this already been done? I feel like this might not be my idea. Water, like out the toilet? Nuka Cola: it's got what plants crave. It's got electrolytes.


Brush your teeth with nuka cola? People would go crazy in a month.


Sounds like vault Tec wouldn’t have a problem approving then lol


The population would have to evolve wide-ass urethras to pass all their kidney stones more easily.


Vault 30, Atlantic City.  Experiment: a psychoactive agent will be deployed within the vault which completley blocks all sexual attraction between humans. While physical arousal is still capable, emotionally the residents will be rendered apathetic. Query: will the residents develop a means to maintain the vault population divorced from any and all sexual urges.


Close your eyes and think of england


I dew it fer 'er.. (wipes tear) me queenie..




Considering sex drive drops drastically in outer space the enclave would want this data badly.


That's a good one. It would be an interesting play on procreation not being incentived.


Ever watch Zardoz?


Or just put ace people in the vault?


But the Overseer is left unaffected, thus controlling the population within the vault like a commune. It’s perfect, did I also mention that the Overseer is a plant sent by Vault tec?


vault 28 and its normal and we all hang and grill and drink light beers, im the overseer but its no biggie


Hell ya


hell yea


Hell yee


ah yes, the Lebowski Vault, which will also include a rug that “really ties the vault together”


The experiment is “What would happen did everyone’s needs are met and they’re just happy”


Bit like king of the hill. Hang out, talk about grass growing and hang out in the alleys.


Vault 164 All food is cabbage, beans, broccoli, eggs, and brussels sprouts. The ventilation system cannot filter the smell. Overseer is selected based on the amplitude of their flatulence. Edit: location is Just north of Austin, TX... near where everyone stops for Kolaches. (mmm, yao guai sausage kolache...) Vault 164's population would be initially made up of random lottery selectees... similar to how the draft works.


Absolute madlad


opening this vault would trigger another war


wastelanders vs vault 164 dwellers - the "please keep the vault shut"-war, the only time every fraction of the wastelands band together to secure the area from the big stink


Vault 7, Hot Springs, Arkansas: The success or failure of even the most basic task is determined by slot machines. If you wanna flush the toilet? Insert a nickel and pull the lever. If you want dinner from the food dispensary? Insert nickel and pull lever. If you wanna leave your room in the morning? Insert nickel and pull. If you win you succeed in the task and get all your nickels back, if you lose you have to try again. Just try not to run out of nickels.


The experiment with be how long a society can last with a critical and very limited resource. It will fail between 20-50 years and will create a raider gang who kill all in search for more nickels. I love this!


The Nicklers Raiders that seem to love pre-war coins, especially nickles.


Okay, Vault 73, A vault where pre-war athletes and their families are all housed together. The vault includes every faculty an athlete might need to train. A culture of physical fitness and prowess would be introduced and each vault member must complete various high physically demanding tasks in order to stay in the vault. On top of this, steroids and performance enhancing drugs are introduced to the food and water supply. Recreational facilities and sports centers are also available to residents. Basically I want to create a vault where every man, woman, and child is built like a Greek god and can bench 225.


How about the overseer is chosen by feats of strength? Or a decathlon? And the overseer can be challenged for his position at any time.


Yes, and the dwellers that are too “Weak” in their eyes get sent to the surface. This means a player in this hypothetical scenario could come upon absolutely Herculean npcs that could be potential companions.


Got kicked out for failing to run a mile in under 5 minutes. But can swim like a dolphin.


This is interesting. What is "weak in their eyes"? They could be kicking out absolute demigods because they ain't good at one specific sport the current overseer deems the superior one


But now devoid of his roids he will go mad in the wasteland.


I'm gonna create the opposite vault. A vault filled to the brim with the weebiest anime known to man. Every pillow I'd a waifu body pillow, every alarm clock is just yelling uwu and there's absolutely no music that isn't from an anime. The vault suit also has a pre attached tail. Then fill it with the same athelets mentioned above. See what happens and how long until they devolve into weebhood


Vault 73, how quickly will it take to change people's entire lifestyle Situated in California, Vault 73 was filled with 500 people from the city and 500 from the country side. When the Vault was sealed, the country people were put in a section of the Vault modeled after city living, whilst the city people were situated in the section modeled after the country side. Every 50 years, the sides would be forced to switch sections of the Vault.


Vault 27, Michigan The vault will violently shake every once in a while


To add to yours, I would change the color palette to scarlet and grey and play nothing but OSU football highlights over the PA and TV’s.


Vault 93, full of artists but they don't have anything to draw or paint with


Deprived of their primary creative outlets, artists improvise. Your vault of painters will become a vault of sculptors, musicians and other such types


Or on maybe there need to express turns them to depraved means making art with human remains or something sinister


That's a really cool idea


Or start painting with blood and feces.


You can use food to make some paints/dyes.


Yea eventually they'll rub mash potatos and ketchup on the walls to make the Mona Lisa


They would cut them selvs and paint with there blood


Vault 44. Midwest commonwealth A vault comprised of former convicts and felons possibly even have it connected to a prison and have current inmates as well as current and former law enforcement officers. After closing the door, all the convicts will have the same rights as the cops and everyone's background is a privileged secret that only the overseer knows unless someone chooses to disclose their background. All tattoos, regardless of if they're prison tats or normal tattoos, will be laser removed. The overseer will be selected by a lottery that's rigged to select a convict. This will be a test to see how people of authority (the cops) react when the paradigm is reversed and how people with trouble pasts react to having authority over those who previously had authority over them. I work for a local sheriffs office and have spent time working in the jailhouse. Personally depending on who made overseer I don't think I'd have an issue most of the inmates I supervised were good people who made mistakes either because they felt they had too (like for robbery or dealing) or they thought it'd be fun (like possession of drugs or dui). Most of the people I work with would riot if they had to take orders from an ex-con regardless of their alleged crime.


Prob ky favorite one on this thread


Vault 113 - Lancaster Pennsylvania Vault dwellers are compromised of Bankers from major Pre-War Banks, Each divided into Vault levels. Each level has their own currency that they have to exchange for goods and services initially exclusive to their level of their vault. Each level has their own mint. Overtime The currencies fluctuate in value as each can print as many notes as they want, eventually ending up using Bottle Caps from the shared commissary as currency.


What a missed opportunity for an Amish themed vault in Lancaster lol like the idea tho


Nah. The ideal Amish thing in fallout would be a community of Amish ghouls living exactly the same lifestyle as they did pre-war


Vault 96. I'd fill mine with management. They would be told they are managing from a remote location in the vault separated from the rest of the population due to some BS like an earthquake collapsed part of the vault. Everyday, they would have to make decisions about how to complete goals, projects, etc. They would communicate via emails like the terminal stations like the other vaults however, there are no actual other vault dwellers. The people responding to the emails would be AI that gives predetermined response set depending a 1 in 3 chance outcome. Those being finished early, on time, or going to be late. It would just be managers in chaos having no clue that they have no actual impact on anyone's life other than their own. Side note, I'd use the light bulbs that hum when they're on. I'd even have speakers play the lightbulb humming noise when the lights are off.


Vault 99, there is only one bathroom


The incredible hell that must unleash when everyone needs to pee . . .


Birthday celebration traditions are drinking a cup of tea for every year of the birthday person. The extra twist is that the water supply is spiked with longevity drugs so it’s not uncommon for residents to reach 200 years old


Multiple bathrooms....one Plunger and every 3rd flush a toilet plugs. 


Vault 121 Normal vault except in the centre is an altar with meaningless religious symbols on it. Randomly every few months the altar checks if there is any noise near it (this is not known to the vault dwellers) if there is noise then a completely random item is raised from the centre (toothbrush, food, dog, whatever). See what religions form


Seems like an idea to work with. It's an interesting premise.


Vault 42 has to figure out the answer to life, the universe, and everything without knowing the question.


Could take this a step further, have all the vault systems run by a ZAX supercomputer, when the vault closes have a vault tec confederate ask it the meaning of life the universe and everything, see what dwellers do when the automated systems all go offline while the zax puts more and more processing power towards the question.


As I replied in another post. Experiment is thus: All residents have their jobs switched at random every month. So you end up with a janitor who is now a doctor and the doctor is now an engineer etc etc Location, well let's say.... Ontario(Canada was annexed) The number is irrelevant but let's go with 48.


Need more Canadian vualts, for the meme, vualt 310: Saskatchewan, it's a massive underground cave, but instead of a vualt, it's a trailer park, with former trailer park residents. Weed is legal, but arbitrary laws are enforced to annoy residents. The purpose is to preserve working class Canadian culture. The real purpose is to embezzlement money and make a cheap vault.


Vault 39, made up completely of vault tec employees who are told they will be monitoring the other vaults, but all the info they get is extremely horrific and depraved, until they become insane


And give each employee a secret note that the *real* experiment is monitoring the other dweller’s reactions. That they need to take copious notes on fellow dwellers reactions to this material and to send it to “HQ” through a tube system secretly placed in their rooms. Only the notes go nowhere. ^(I may have stolen this from lost.). haha


i wouldnt make them go nowhere, but to a supercomputer which works through all the data and creates new horrible situations of the other vaults that the monitored vault can see into. maybe one gave a little detail of horrifying thing that happened to one spied dweller, just to see that something terrible might happen to them too, since they had the same minor problem, therefore increasing their insanity.


Vault 105- Vault residents believe they will be put into suspended animation until radiation is low enough to exit. In reality their minds and DNA are to be extracted and stored digitally. Every twenty five years the AI overseer will clone the test subjects to run genetic and cognitive tests to determine if there is any degradation in the data. After testing is complete residents are sent colonize the surface.


404, the experiment is every single job is automated by robots except for one family who’s the mechanics keeping all the robots working. Education is not required and teaches no practical skills. Except for the one family which learns mechanics and computer science from childhood.


Vault 99, the number of inhabitants to start out with. Each year, a citizen is removed, records erased, total gaslighting for anyone who remembers them. And the vault number changes each time someone is removed, and again, it’s always been vault 98…97…etc.


I really love this idea. You may need to start with a higher population or some more small gaslighting to get everyone questioning their sanity before you start removing people.


Vault 420. We grow uh….plants


Was waiting for this one, where all foods are infused with cannabis


Not from the US so dont know exactly where to put them but perhaps some people here got a Idea. Vault 54: Compromised by people from rather comfortable backgrounds who are noted to have a rather low drive in life (sterotypical trust-fund kids and so on). Inside the vault all their needs and wants are directly catered to by the automatic staff and they are completly pampered with the next generation (also being cared for by the automatic staff) being not taught any skills and any development of independence being directly discouraged. Then after the second or third generation the staff will automaticlly shut down. Vault 184: A Vault being populated by self proclaimed true american patriots. The Vault Tech Staff (being comprissed of known communist sympahisers and being fed false intel) are told to stage a communist take-over a few months after the vault closes. For that they are giving methods how to take absolute control over the Vault and are trained in Propaganda, Interrogation, Crowd Control and various other methods to pacify the populance beforhand. This is to "test the resiliance of the american spirit in face of communist opression". Vault 185: Similar to Vault 184 but instead of a direct hostile take-over its to research a slow "corruption" so to speak. Like their education is just Marx, Lenin and Mao but with the names replaced for american ones and some pro-american messaging sprinkled in or attributing communist slogans to the founding fathers. And also organizing the Vault after socialist/communist principles but making those overtly patriotic. Vault 28: A Vault just stuffed with pseudo-scientists and believers in those. Just to see how long it takes for them to reject radiation as a supposed conspiracy and open the vault doors.


Okay, it’s a vault where everyone thinks they’re vampires and all the mirrors are actually just windows into identical but reversed rooms! Oh, but how will we account for them picking things up and moving them around? Hmm… holograms? Yeah, holograms. Oh! Oh! And make it so they have to smash one of the mirrors and enter the mirror world to find the vault exit!


I like the premise. Have a store of "human blood" that can be like a nutrient paste type thing, so it keeps up the illusion. Maybe transport everyone to the vault under anesthesia and file their teeth while they're out, but then the next generation wouldn't have filed teeth. Idk how yeet, but this could work.


a vault where several vault tec employees raise a bunch of kids and never tell them there even *is* an outside world


vault 409 there is an equal number of humans and dogs with an equal male to female ratio, each human is a different nationality, and each dog is a different pure bred species. the vault would be studying the effects of cross breeding, and how far it'd go before a new species is discovered.


Mutts, mutts everywhere. But all dog and human mutts now have a life span double that of their “regular” counterparts as well as enhanced abilities and natural talents.


Vault 76 everyone in sensory deprivation tanks and paralyzed, playing through the reclamation day experience for vault tec to extract dopamine from their bloodstream to use in pharmaceutical experiments


They’re right here officer


The simple Rick vault


Come home to the unique flavor of shattering the grand illusion.


Vault 365: A vault with precisely 365 people in it that have a birthday on each day of the year. Each day you would have to endure a terrible rendition of happy birthday sung by 364 other people who are all tired of the constant birthdays. When a dweller dies, this would cause a moral dilemma in the dwellers as they would be sad that the dweller died, but they would also secretly be happy that there is one less birthday to endure.


Vault 1984 - every action is monitored and all infractions, even the smallest of violations are met with high levels of discipline. People are told what to do, what to think, and what to believe. Vault 7 - all residents are served everything they need or want by an army of automated machines. Every whim granted and pleasure is the name of the game. Think “Wall-E”, but underground. Vault D - all residents live in a matrix of sorts. Real life has become a waking nightmare on the surface, so don’t live in the real world, just forgo your caporal form and plug into a second, computerized world. Vault 35 - professions are assigned at birth. Individuals aren’t necessarily raised by their parents, but become a part of their profession’s tribe. The security tribe, the trades tribe, farmer tribe, managerial tribe, etc. Vault 99.5 - everything’s a little bit less than what they should be. Light is a little dim, radio is a little quieter, food slightly under seasoned, the calendar has 364 days, shoelaces are just a little too short, etc.


I live in Los Angeles, so my vault would be 405. The Traffic Jam Vault! Not so much an experiment as a torture mechanism (containing a bit of LOST-style bunker/hatch mechanics with having to enter the code & push the button every 108 minutes): The vault is technically overcrowded, but not if everyone stays out of common areas/hallways, and a pacifist-style toxin is released daily through the ventilation to eliminate urges for violence. But, everyone in the vault has a role to play / task to perform in keeping the vault from imploding. So between the hours of 6am - 10am and 4pm - 9pm are when tasks need to be done by everyone in the vault to prevent implosion. The problem is, everyone's tasks involve going to the opposite end of the vault from their normally assigned areas, so, during these windows of time, the hallways/common areas are packed with dwellers like sardines in a can, everyone trying to push their way through the throng in order to do their individual little task to keep the from imploding. So now you have people who's only urge is to finish their dumb little task but they have to weather the traffic jams twice a day for an hour or two on end just so the vault doesn't implode.


A vault where misfiled documents and terminal "mishaps" slowly reveal information about all the other vaults to the inhabitants. Pump in some drugs and get them all real paranoid about what the experiment in their vault is and who's a secret mole for Vault-Tec. Would be suitably psychological and sinister and it would be a fun lore dump for the player who comes across the vault, learning snippets from the documents that survived the ensuing carnage.


Vault 1000, under Colorado Springs, its designed to be run by the military and has a contingent of soldiers, but all the other inhabitants are pacifists and object to any killing. After 100 years they get orders that everyone is to be drafted and will have to train to kill.


How could they guarantee that after 100 years, the next generation in the vault would *also* be pacifists?


Vault 93, West Tennessee For the most part a standard control Vault meant to keep a stable population. But, the only main form of entertainment appears to only be those VR pods with a singular game where a person controls a Robot that explores a Wasteland. The story is that it is to prep the residents for the Wasteland. The catch is, it isn't a simulation. They are actually controlling real robots being launched from a "Sub Vault" connected to 93. So everything they do in the "Sim" is being done to the actual surface, and the score is based on how many "savages" you can exterminate. Also there would be constant hints that there is more to what's going on. Such as the "game" filter would fade for a few seconds to show what is actually going on. I feel like it would be an interesting plot point in a game. This Vault keeps sending out killer robots for some reason, and you have to deal with it. How do you deal with it, what happens when you learn the reason why, and what is the Vault's reaction to learning what they have been actually doing


Vault 666. Iron Maiden is made immortal and has one concert a month.


Vault 24: Phoenix, AZ The vault will lack any method to tell time. Items that should be in regular intervals will be programmed to take arbitrarily longer or shorter lengths of time. Pip-boys will lack the clock feature. How will humans adapt to not having a clear way to tell the passage of time.


Vault 64 - Baltimore/Annapolis/Frederick Maryland triangle (which includes Bethesda and Silver Spring). Experiment would be to divide the dwellers by height and weight. The fatties get the more grueling jobs while the skinnies get the very cushy relaxing jobs. Fatties are provided with less food while the sknnies get much more. Eating area is divided but with a window on both sides so they can see each other eat. Overseer is decided every 5 years with both sides running. Idk. Just came up with it.


So would the skinny people that get fat from overeating get switched with the fatties that get thin? I would think you would create a lot of eating disorders.


It would. And it's a genius idea for a vault, I like it. On one side you have well fed, skinny bureaucrats and on the other side you have underfed chubby manual laborers. The population will be in *constant* flux as people gain and lose weight and their exercise levels fluctuate. It's a genuinely good, malicious idea for a vault. I love it!


I like this. An interesting idea would be if any of the Fatties lose a certain amount of weight in a healthy way, they can join the Skinny side and are given a cushy, relaxing job. On the flip-side, if a Skinny goes over a certain weight limit, they are 'banished' to a Fatty role and are forced into a very laborious job. The Fatty's food is very lean, high in protein and healthy, with smaller portions. The Skinny's food is deliberately high in sugar and fats, and they have an almost unlimited amount. Basically, think vending machines everywhere than can only be accessed by the Skinnys. All of the Skinny's jobs require minimal movement and lots of sitting. All of the Fatty's work in agriculture, digging, fixing things, and other strenuous labor.


Vault 420: As you get older and raise in prominence you are given, without your knowledge, a ever increasing psychotropic cocktail through the vents while you sleep. The effects last the day, you awake altered (but less aware as it is unknown and just how you awake), and go about your life. The overseer will obviously be the most heavily intoxicated at all times while making decisions, that effect the whole vault. This means that children would effectively be sober until young adult age. Great care to automate *many* functions (including all life support, and food/water/power supply) would have to be heavily automated using Mr.Handy models. As well as healthcare and early education. Every so often, a control would emerge that would also, never be intoxicated. Every... 100th baby or so. Because, why not!?


Vault 24, and hear me out: It would be near the Sierra Madre (or however you spell it) and would be a human experimentation vault. If yall don't know, vault 24 is technically in Fallout NV, but only a jumpsuit can be found by console commands. My idea for this vault would be testing "the cloud" on human subjects after the Bombs drop. Unknowingly, the clouds' effects caught up to the tested and essentially caused a mini-zombie outbreak in the vault, dooming its residents. This would be an amazing vault to do for a horror-like theme.


Vault 404. You open the door and there's just bare rock. I've pocketed the rest of the funds and disappeared off to ride out the apocalypse on Reunion Island, thousands of miles away from anything remotely worth nuking. Because Vault 404: Vault not found.


Vault 69 and it’s a snu snu vault.


What if instead of vault dwellers it was freaky dwellers and instead of reclamation day they had freaky day


I mean that one does exist (at least according to the fallout bible so only semi-canonical). Vault 69 has 1000 woman and 1 man as it occupants. And then theres vault 68 which is 1000 man and 1 woman.


Vault 285, under Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport. The experiment would be that there is an unlimited food supply, and that everyone is taught about proper nutrition in youth, but after age 12, everyone eats what they want when they want to. Everyone is in charge of their own diet, and there is no designated communal eating area. The vault would track nutritional intake per dweller and look for eating disorders as outliers in data because humans are lab rats here, and Vault-Tec would absolutely let an entire vault develop eating habits that would lead to death.


Vault 83, and it’s in a quarry somewhere near Philadelphia. The experiment goes as follows: Most of the vault’s facilities (sans the entrance) is buried in layers of stone. The dwellers must mine the stone to get deeper into the vault and access facilities like quarters.


Vault 50, located in Richmond, VA This is not my original idea but I liked the idea for it: The vault is divided into separate vaults that are unaware of each other, in one side raw components come in on a line and are assembled by the vault dwellers before continuing on the line into the other side of the vault were the dwellers there disassemble back into the raw components that are sent back to other side of the vault. This cycle goes on for a few years until one side of the vault is filled with poisonous gas and kills everyone on that side, and then see how the other side reacts to the work of the other side ceasing.


Vault 24 in Hillsborough Ohio. A vault with the most advanced technology Vault Tec has available I'm talking the newest Mr Handy models, top of the line food production and medical care. No one would want for anything and nothing would ever break down. The catch is the entire vault is populated by Amish vault dwellers. The experiment would be how far you can circumstance push people by limiting their self reliance and faith before they abandon their beliefs to find relief in an environment that cares not for their faith. Minor injuries cannot be healed traditionally only through the auto-doc. Food cannot be raised by hand, just by bots like at Greentop Nursery from Fallout 4. The only religious book allowed would be the Jefferson Bible (which for those of you that are unfamiliar it was President Jefferson's rewrite of the Bible to remove all supernatural and mention of miracles. Jefferson's version focused on Jesus as a moral teacher and philosopher, rather than a divine figure). How long would it take for generations to give up their traditional ways in favor of the modern comfort provided by the vault.


Vault 666, it’s to test what would happen if a vault was filled entirely by satin worshippers. They are given free roam to express their beliefs in any way they seem fit. This includes sacrifices.


Number: Vault 16 Location: Omaha, Nebraska Experiment: to see how the human body and brain reacts to continuous, repetitive stimulus. "Hit me baby one more time" (or the fallout equivalent) will be played through the vault PA system 24/7 at a consistent volume loud enough to not be easily drowned out, but quiet enough that they can still communicate


Vault -173 You are only allowed to leave your room for an hour a day to eat, and do your daily chores for the vault. Only 3 people can be let out at a time. The handyman will oversee their duties. Groups of the 3 will be rotated with others. Basically the goal is to see how far gossip will go until it's not true. The whole vault would be based on seeing if they can live truthfully and will tell lies to make them turn on each other.


The vault that thinks they’re being filmed as a sit com, complete with timed laugh tracks