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Well, Responder has Fire Breathers unit, while they weren't "elite", they still kinda cool


Showing my ignorance here: I’m assuming this is from 76?


Indeed, the responders are the remmants of first responders (Police, medics, firefigthers...) that survived the great war and banded together to rebuild civilization in Appalachia The guys they're talking about are the firefigther division of the responders, who took up the duty of figthing the victims of the scorched plague (basically the marked men from NV) Sadly at the end they ended up perishing to the scorched plague themselves alongside most of the population of Appalachia right up until vault 76 opened and the remmants from different+new factions was able to come back to Appalachia thanks to the work of the vault dwellers from 76


I love the headcanon that they hear it’s safe again, come back, and right as they crest the ridge they look over Appalachia and glimpse a couple hundred brightly-painted power armor suits sprinting all over the place erasing monsters


I mean its literally what happened lol They did come back and they more likely than not did see a random vault dweller whit a Nuka-cola painted power armour suit one punch a deathclaw whit his fist


Every vault dweller is canon


In Fallout 76 at least /s


That’s what I was indicating


Somewhere in West Virginia the apocalypse lives on...for all the irradiated horrors out there


Come home because of rumors that Appalachia is safe again "Attention, citizens! Nuclear strike imminent!"


Nah they will be fine as long as they dont settle down in whitesprings or a very specific corner of the map... ..wait what do you mean they settled on whitesprings?!


Comeback during a scorchbeast queen event going on seeing a bunch of vault dwellers running around in nuclear fallout lighting up the sky like it’s a rave with their gatling lasers.


the suddenly see some insane persons running around nuking everything


I’m imagining the scene with Maximus trying out the armour for the first time except there’s like a hundred of him


Thanks for the info. I appreciate your effort, and your enthusiasm.


Yes. Play 76. It actually has a lot to offer now. It’s on gamepass if you have that. Grab a friend or two and play 76. It’s actually pretty freaking cool to explore the wasteland with a buddy, and they have added enough NPCs and unique story lines that it feels like a fallout game. I will admit you may have to replay missions because there is separate story progression for each player, but it also kinda gives you the opportunity to explore different ideas.


is there a way to play it without all the mmo baggage? that's what i am avoiding it because of. i just hate most of what makes an mmo an mmo. Edit- i should specify that i hate leveled equipment and not so much doing things with other people.


Yeah, the end game is where I find it gets more MMO like. You can have a lot of fun just doing the story, side quests and exploring. It should have been a single player game


Yes and no. You can definitely play a lot of it solo, and playing it with a First subscription you can even play it solo on your own server. But there are a very few quests that require more than one person, and while the quest content doesn’t repeat you still have repeating events (meaning some of your actions only temporarily change the world). It was worth 2 months of my time, and it’s a great Fallout game despite my own disdain for mmos.


It plays like a single player Fallout except you occasionally team up with 23 other people to fight a raid boss or do a endgame event, or stumble upon one of their CAMPs. Like, we don't even join public teams for anything besides the exp buff


As others have said it pretty much works just like a single player fallout game but with the option of coop. Gear works the same, leveling works a bit differently but still feels “fallout”. You get perks points and perks cards (which give you a perk) when you level. Each perk card takes up a perk point from that SPECIAL category. It’s actually pretty good because you can adjust your perk cards around how you want whenever. The end game is where it starts to feel like an mmo, just like others said because it lets you stretch your play time by doing events with other players or grinding for specific stuff but that’s all optional and not what I recommend about the game. It’s more like “I really want to keep playing, and here’s something else to do”. I really do recommend playing with a friend because it’s kinda a blast to be exploring an area and have your friend freak out about something crazy they found or vice versa, and you can compliment each others builds.


I truly hate MMOs but I’m loving 76. You can absolutely play solo. I got Fallout 1st to have a private world, but ended up not using it because the game almost seems designed for people who hate MMOs. Nobody is on mic, there aren’t tons of people in a server, and you can join teams and literally never interact with them. You just all get caps and extra xp and extra free fast travel points.


It's the first long coat available. Like before that you deal with jumpsuit, default vault suit and fresh-from-academy police slacks. And whatever pre-war stuff you find (nothing special). Fire breathers are the best here, imo. Next long coat outfit we unlock is Brotherhood field scribe, which takes a while to get to.


Kinda? That shit is bad ass


The fire breathers were honestly morons though. "Ah yes, new recruit you will go into this cave full of zombies and fire and grab an item from the end of it."


Can you really blame the responders for following the same tired quest design that bethesda has been recycling since morrowind?


That actually reminds me of the Brotherhood of Steel "quest" in FO1. Go to the Glow to get some item while being irradiated af :D


Always loved the Fire Breathers. In the early FO76 days before we had the armor and power armor samurai skins, Fire Breathers armor + Shishkebab was my wasteland samurai drip for the game.


Dunno, my minutemen are all sporting power armor with fresh paint and more advanced energy weapons now 😏


I did this for about 3 settlements and then it just gets too much. Thats a lot of gear to lug around. Easier just to build missile launchers for defences and be done with it.


I already had a warehouse full of Power Armor, when i wanted to fit my whole settlement, all i did was put fusion cells in all the armor, and leave them out side. Settlers went to town on the next raid.


Yeah fair enough. I just figure less up keep as well. Those damn settlers tend to trash stuff and it’s time consuming repairing the power armour compared to a two bit repair on broken turrets.


Oh they trash stuff bad, any decent sized raid, and settlers come back with broken armor, and the upkeep is horrendous. Definitley a late game strategy, when you have an absolutely rediculous amount of screws and aluminium.... and nothing better to do than repair busted power armor.


"I'll give back the power armor when you learn to take care of it. Maybe Sturges can take a break from hammering nothing and fix it for you"


I made a trip back to dump loot at my house and Sturges was sitting underneath the weapons workbench. Lazy bastard.


What's the deal with sturges being so cool and friendly at the beginning. And then later being such a cold shouldered dick: "...I'm busy." >:|


Dead plotline i guess as he is supposed to be a synth?


It's why I don't give them Power Armor. They're usually just making do with well modded Sturdy Combat Armor, both my guards and provisioners.


Yep, i usually take sturdy and heavy combat armor from gunners when i do my “shopping” runs. Use the gear taken from them to arm my caravans and settlements.


That's honestly also why I have to make sure all my doors for my bases are either locked to settlers or powered doors. I won't tolerate settlers raiding my power armour galleries and trashing my power armour, if I find my settlers stealing my stuff, I'm helping the Raiders or Super Mutants that are attacking.


They can still spawn on the floor tiles inside, and then they are trapped. Just don't leave fusion cores in your frames.


Basic training ain't what it used to be


Rule number one read the manual 


Missile launchers are a trap because their aoe damage can damage your own structures. Not sure if they damage your caravaners. But I also don't want to aggro the NPC caravans so I stick with a ton of heavy machine gun turrets. Quantity is a quality of its own.


>Quantity is a quality of its own Calm down, Stalin


>I did this for about 3 settlements and then it just gets too much. Yup Sanctuary is my Mecca, and every other settlement is just a rugged bare recruiting site for random settlers gather at in order to eventually get shipped to the Vegetable Starch factory that is Sanctuary lmao


Giving me Imperium of Man vibes.


I just give them "lost gunner armor and gear" when I can. When I see a settlement getting attacked I just watch with popcorn to see how my prep work in defense does.


missile launchers will straight up kill your own settlers


Theres one or two mods that auto equip the minutemen with good armor and the occasional power armor patrol, plus more patrols in general. I say one or two because I can’t remember which of my Minutemen mods did that but I love em. They run with miniguns as well.


But alas, they drive those things like a fuckin’ shopping cart.


And forgot rule number one which is read the manual 


Of course they didn't because thout shall be sidetracked by bullshit every time.


My game: year is 2290 the minutemen are 7500 strong, far harbor and liberated nuka world are now part of the United Commonwealth and the brotherhood is destroyed, their standard power armor is the hellfire armor and they use .308 combat, lazer, gauss and handmade rifles The standard minutemen uniform is a minutemen military camo uniform with a full suit of heavy combat armor Tanks, apc's, vertibirds and artillery: yes Those pesky little raiders and gunners are also gone too


You’re so good Preston has stopped asking you to do shit for him.


It'd be crazy if WE, the GENERAL, could ask HIM to do stuff.


Seriously. This mod has to exist, right?


Preston is collecting scrap for me 24/7, you can definitely order him around.


Minutemen of Steel is where it’s at.


Minutehood of steel lol


And I always upgun the Minutemen General costume if I can, and slap on a mod to clean it up and fix the damage on it. Stylish -and- has armor under that vest. Good way to say “I’m here to talk common defense… whether you’re a participant or a victim is up to you.”


The Brotherhood of Steel watching the ever-growing Minuteman army equipped with top of the line Hellfire power armor and plasma rifles:


The followers have cool outfits. Julie Farkas ROCKS that punker hawk/labcoat combo. u trippin


Julie Farkas rules! Arcade Gannon also has the best/snippiest commentary of any character. Followers of Apocalypse are the best organization for the Wasteland.


I really wish there was a Yes Man ending variant along the lines of "give the Followers full control over Yes Man and Vegas". Helping out the Followers / being idolized with them gets you part of the way there, but it still feels like they're just dealing with the side effects of an independent Vegas instead of actually running it as the refugee utopia it could be.


Arcade Gannon is such a cool name without trying too hard


I've always dug The Followers since Fallout 1. [Nicole the leader of The Followers in Fallout 1 had a killer punk mo-hawk too.](https://imgur.com/I6bnhsI)


I remember first entering the library in fallout 1 and thinking I found some sort of gang hideout, only to discover these leather jacket wearing dudes were actually just nerds trying to make the world better. love them all




One of the things I would have loved in FNV that never came about is the chance to join the Followers. I thought I had an in first time I played Veronica's quest, but that doesn't work out too well...


Oh, you can join the followers sorta, it's just weirdly... Not really hidden, but it's not all that well telegraphed. You have to manually keep donating medicine to Julie, because the faction approval benefits from helping two of their members overcome addiction and giving them a source of water and a trade partnership with other chem dealers is slightly below what you need, even though the quest makes it seem like hooking them up with the Garretts is enough to eliminate the need for donations.


Wow wow wait up... People don't like the drip of Minutemen and Responders?


the responders look amazing. That jumpsuit is simple but it’s cool as hell, and the Responders Firefighter uniform was one of the most desired outfits when the game first launched and


.... and what?! Don't leave us hanging


The world may never know


🎶Set me free why don't you, babe Get out my life why don't you, babe Cause you don't really love me You just keep me hangin' on🎶


Kim Wilde lmao


Oh whoa I didn’t know she did a version 🤯 I love her song “Kids in America”. When I thought of the song when I read the comment I was thinking of the version by Vanilla Fudge. It’s so good!


Sorry, they're talking about the game launch so they had to stop the post in the middle. No NPCs, terminals cut off midway cause they died. You have to finish the comment.


Comment crashed.




That bastard can’t keep getting away with




Firebreathers is still one of my fav outfits. Then they added the Responders Padded, and it goes so well with my Union helmet.


The fire breather uniform is still one of the most seeked after drips in the game. Almost impossible to get.


Wait really!?


A certain variant of it. The basic Fire Breather Uniform has a guaranteed drop in the main story


Love the Firebreather uniform and the standard Responder overalls. The Police uniform looks a bit silly with the pants but 2 outta 3 ain’t bad.


And what? That's all? I'm a First Responder and here's a million dollars...or I'm a First Responder and here's your own spaceship..I mean what the f... Ohhhh noooo I get it. They got him... Somebody fed him to a ghoul. This is so sad. u/alecpiper I pine for you. [Sauce](https://youtu.be/mUj88_aPNkg?si=QybshAhnXXlB1nkW)


The Minutemen besides Preston don't have drip, they are dressed like any regular wastelander because... Well they kinda are.


They do have a uniform but it only spawns on minutemen who spawn at the Castle and in random events out in the world. I managed to get it and the Milita hat and it looks great.


Do you mean [this one](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Minuteman_outfit) which is what I know of and was kinda referring to? Its not really drip, it just looks like any regular old wastelanders outfit. If they all wore colonial dusters like Preston then hell yeah they would have some drip.


That’s a buckskin jacket!


I know it's a broken ad but I clicked the link and all that showed up was Jarjar Binks under minute men. Lost my shit for no reason.


Also settlement clothes vendors typically sell it, along with Preston's hat. Not sure what tier vendors, though


The responder fireman's outfit was one of my most worn in FO76. It used to be a really rare drop wayyyy back and was a bit of a flex.


I mean, apart from a few exceptions, mainly Preston, most Minutemen do look like random settlers/npc's.. their attire definitely doesn't scream minutemen, its kind of a bummer, so I try to give them full sets of the same armor.. not power armor though. that's mine.


TBF the point of the Minutemen is they’re Citizen Soldiers/Militia. They’re not exactly a standing army with a uniform appearance and weapon besides Militia hat and Laser Musket.


I absolutely ADORE the Responders. Most of my time in FO76 is playing into the concept, I love it.


The Responders are such great tragic heroes (before they got added back in, now theyre just normal heroes). A group of cops, firemen, and EMTs who made it their mission to continue to save lives after the apocalypse hit? Even with the world ending, they continue to look out for people. No matter the mutants, no matter the lack of infrastructure, no matter how people turn on each other. The Responders continued to help. No matter what the pre-war government Enclave, post-capitalism execs of Vault-Tec or the ex-military Brotherhood say, the Responders are the true inheritors of America. Then, a chem-addicted executive decides to form a gang with his mistress. His girl raids the Responders for a birthday gift for him and gets killed, so he blows up a dam and wipes them all out.


Reminds me of a quote by Mr. Rogers "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.""


Technically she just got captured and ironically killed by said executive when he thought she was already dead.


The Appalachia brotherhood and the responders would have saved Appalachia if they didn’t have backstabbing raiders fucking them over at every twist and turn.


Yeah, it's nowhere comparable to the NCR and Brotherhood. Hell, I even wear the Brotherhood Fatigues as my go to in Fo76.


The Minutemen are my favourite as it is how it should be, the people looking after themselves and protecting one another. You help build the faction from the ground up after it was all but decimated. You earn people's trust not by saying "We are protecting you, you should be thankful and give your food and ammo to us the Brotherhood who steal" or protection racket like the other raiders. Sim Settlements 2 for example shows what it really could have been as you start at zero and with you and other leders you can help build up and assign you can rebuild the commonwealth. It isn't so much as having a god like player character take over, its about simply having a competent leader who helps up people who have fallen down, giving them the confidence to fight back on their own and show them, the Minutemen are back and here to stay. If you think back, had the Institute not decided to kill everyone at the first meeting of all the Commonwealth settlement leaders and then terrorised them with hit and run tactics, replacing people then yeah you would not have to be helping them.


I feel like the minutemen are the only actual good guys in the series. No ulterior motives or delusions of grandeur, just people helping each other.


Yea. Too bad it was/is the most repetitive and boring questline. I have not played in a while, so I heard it was streamlined a bit?


I haven’t done the main quest in years. Too busy getting my settlements up.


Only if you consider settlement quests to be part of the mm quest line. Only 4 are required to be done before Preston sends you to the castle, so I wouldn't really count them. 


Not yet they don't. I think they'll end up like the NCR eventually


Players are just lazy. Being an actual good guy requires effort? Nobody told me that! I don’t want to build up a fighting force, I hate the settlement system. Which I mean, sorta fair.


Well it’s more that the fighting force doesn’t fight without you there. That’s not exactly what being a genera is about lol.


It would have been cool to direct settlements for expansion goals.


But it does fight If enemies attack your settlement there is an off screen battle


I'm gonna focus my comment with the MM as they are my beloved faction in the franchise, despite loving FNV and the NCR. Their outfits are TRASH. If only the colonial duster was a somewhat standard outfit Preston would keep but upgrade, people would love them. And, well, it's a bethesda game. Lore friendly user created alterations are available for free. (is the shorter word still banned here ?) Plus people are too harsh about the whole "another settlement need your help". Once you're in all settlements you can just...Not care. Well, at least do the "kidnapping" ones tho, they remove one settler from your settlements until you go do it. And put actual defenses in your settlements, like at least two heavy laser turrets per guard. Granted, it takes time. But it's an open world RPG game. You can do other things while collecting resources to grow your minutemen. And you have no obligation to listen to Radio Freedom 24/7 or actually go to already well defended settlements for defense missions. When your settlements are fully done, the Commonwealth seems to change. You meet random MM way more and can wipe the BoS and Institute with them. In truth, until Bethesda tells me I'm wrong, it's my headcanon that the MM won the Commonwealth conflict and either forced the BOS to go away (when you got artillery it's quite easy to persuade a slow mowing target to just go away), or the BOS left because the Insitute is gone. TLDR : I'm a MM glazer.


How the minutemen were the first faction to come up with a full-coverage artillery network is beyond me. I have complete dominion over the commonwealth, no one can move in the open or set up a defensive line. It’s also absurdly accurate for close range support purposes.


To be honest, I think the other main factions can simply disregard the need for artillery due to their sheer size and numbers (NCR, Legion) or tech and tactics (Enclave, Brotherhood) It's the unique position of the MM as an emerging power, lacking both tech and numbers, that makes the use of artillery a good choice imo. That and the numerous Super Mutants and Raiders locations in the Commonwealth, both in and out the city proper. (Wish the MM had a questline that involved clearing out the Gunners tho, and make Gunner Plaza a settlement or logistical base and a Second Battle of Quincy.)


It’s not great for expansion but in terms of establishing a zone of control it’s second to none. The numbers don’t matter that much because any force of significant size could be wiped out without committing much manpower.


I wish there was an option to recruit the Gunners into the Minutemen as a specialized branch. I also wish there was a way to actually govern in the Commonwealth instead of just common defense. Like, if we're gonna rebuild the Commonwealth, *lemme rebuild it*. Let's Annex Diamond City. Let's pass legislation to tear down buildings that have been destroyed (and aren't POIs) that gives me more materials in order to rebuild the cities and roads. Gimme Fallout that turns into Cities Skylines near/after the end game.


Recruit the Gunners ? With the past of both factions, you'd need a hella good written questline to make this credible, but I could see gunner remnants choosing to surrender and become Minutemen once you get the upper hand in a decisive battle




Wasted opportunity to take Fort Strong (before the BoS quest), Fort Hagen (after the related quest), and the National Guard Training Ground (instead of county crossing) for the MM to have military outposts used as logistical bases


My headcanon is that the MM took over everything from the Commonwealth to Far Harbor. The premier force of New England.


My demented Fireman from Fallout 76 would definitely prove you wrong.


Fellow fire axe enjoyer as well?


I think most people just believe they aren’t organized or savvy enough to really stick around/make a dramatic difference. In an indirect way not having compelling uniforms is pretty good evidence of that.


If there was people who were dominate and making the wasteland safe we wouldn’t have any games though


I always thought the responders were lame but authentic. No style but actually very realistic for an immediate post-war faction.


That's why Militarized Minutemen is essential! Gives them cool uniforms AND awesome combat gear.


Personally, I prefer We Are The Minutmen. It gives them unifoms and level-scaled equipment, but still fits in with the vanilla assests.


Responders have great outfits


One of their lines is something like "we're here to help people, the snazzy uniforms are just a bonus".


Firebreathers and Padded Jacket come to mind


Responders jumpsuit is my favorite in the game.


I don't know, all three have some great drip. The police, fire fighters, paramedics, and fire breathers for the responders. The colonial duster and hat plus generals uniform for the minutemen, wish you could standardize the equipment after taking the castle armory. And the followers are great for a science madlad build.


The minutemen are extremely unorganised and their main base is a ruined fort, they mean well but the reality of how they are setup leaves holes in their long term success because they need outside individuals to help them. They even fell apart before the sole survivor came along because of this


i mean when you find them they have been all but exterminated, being led by a man who was not a leader, constantly about to die. it’s not really a massive surprise they have no power in the beginning and need a demi god (the pc) to lead them to expanding and unifying


And once SS leaves/dies? The faction will probably implode again unless they set up and defend themselves instead of constantly needing the PC.


Oh no I doubt it. I full cleared just about every factions base. Population is running low and I scrapped everything not nailed down. I reinforced the castle With concrete and their are bunker cement foundation strong holds all across the lands. Each one with stores, bars,medical facilities and sleep space for those workers. Also provided many with fresh water and militia barracks to operate security for the compounds and safety for the farmers. Trade systems are set up and backed by mortars. Even if brotherhood showed up like they did but went at minutemen id be able to send their army home in pool sized urn.


I just read somewhere that the provisioners you use to set up supply lines are unkillable so I'm creating a hugely redundant network of supply lines all over the map with the intent that the provisioners will engage and destroy pretty much any hostile spawns before they even show up at the fortified perimeter of my settlements. I just started linking most of settlements directly to hangman's alley as the central hub to see if with enough of them regularly heading in and out of Boston if the whole city can effectively be pacified.


Could be awesome but I wonder if it will kill the game. I once had a mod that let you shoot flairs for back up units on demand. I just went through the game everywhere letting minutemen fight inside and out of buildings it was fun to watch. Eventually I’d lock up every time I went into the denser parts of the city. Maybe it was the mod but I feared it was having too many minute men spread around the place. I’m curious how that works out for you.


Ideally the sole survivor still has a couple decades and the minutemen would repair the castle and start the process of governance. They’d form an assembly and have representatives from all the settlements, the trick would be getting Diamond city, good neighbor, and bunker hill to sign onto it. In a way theyd become like the NCR with the minitemen accepting the suzerainty of the civilian government and becoming an actual standing army.


Well, the Minutemen got absolutely fucked over by a number of things with one of the most recent obviously being that one of their higher ranking members betrayed them and helped the Gunners invade Quincy. As Preston explains, they had to get out of there quickly and by Lexington, they barely had double digits survivors and then Feral Ghouls caught them where they were knocked down to 7 people (I think there's two bodies in the Super Duper Mart in Lexington which indicates 9 people minimum prior to the Ferals) and are down to just 5 by the time you meet them (there's 2 deceased Minutemen near where you first find their group which is how you get to 5 left). Ronnie Shaw also fills in some of the history too, where things just destabilised and fell apart because they lost their General. She got out before things went to shit but the same can't be said for Preston. Learning what happened from Preston and Ronnie, it's no surprise the Minutemen basically don't exist by the time you meet them and it's under the Sole Survivor as the General that they rebuild bigger and better. They take back The Castle, they become a more favoured group in the Commonwealth among the settlers who are more than happy to join the Minutemen and have additional support and can even take down the Institute if you choose to go their route. Their downfall basically snowballed from the death of the previous General (~~whose body you find in The Castle~~) so it seems like they had problems that weren't handled properly. With the Sole Survivor, Preston and Ronnie? They're in much better hands-especially Preston. He's ready to kill himself when you first meet him but as you progress through things, he finds a reason to keep fighting. Even if the Sole Survivor were to die before Preston and/or Ronnie, I reckon they'd be in safe hands.


That was General McGavin. Ronnie Shaw says that they began to fall after General Becker died. It's unclear where certain events in the timeline take place.


Y'all expect a lot from an organization pretty well set up to be undermanned, on the ropes, and desperate. Like, of course they need outside help, lol.


The NCR and Legion need your help in game. So does the Institute, the BOS and the Railroad Can we stop pretending that “faction bad because played character helps”


The NCR and the Legion both give the impression that left to their devices, they'd play out the battle anyway and you're more just helping them out. I sort of wish the main quest was timed in some way to accommodate this but I understand why it isn't.


The dialogue in New Vegas all points towards a likely outcome without the Courier intervening as well, which is a bloody NCR victory, followed by the NCR strong arming House who only has his Mark 1 securitron guards.


Idk you can definitely see Casear Legion being the winner. The Frumentari especially sabotaging the monorail, getting Khans already, White Legs coming down from Utah being a huge possibility too. Mr. House having his Securitron army being on the basic programs AND the one hidden under the Fort but even being used. BoS probably won’t join either side but will most likely attack Helios One, Freeside attacks NCR folks due to the two sides hating on one another, Powder Gangers at the Prison and Vault 19 attack NCR, same with Black Mountain Muties. While they aren’t directly attacking, they are making NCR losses much more significant and wasting resources. I’d say it’s a coin toss on who wins BUT Casear will definitely die either right before or right after from his tumor.


House never gets his army without courier intervention and you forgot Kimball gets assassinated. Legion definitely wins, then NCR pulls out of Vegas, then Caesar dies, then the Legion dissolves


I ment to say House never gets his army under the fort. Damn autocorrects lol


If anything, it's swinging the other way in Legion favor. The NCR won the first battle with the Legion worse off for wear and the NCR better supplied. Now, the Legion's got *considerable* spread chewing into the Mojave and has rigged a large amount of the area into their favor while the NCR's grip has been slipping and failing.


Yes! The conflict in FNV happens in spite of the player, where the conflicts in 3 and 4 seem to only occur BECAUSE of the player. Makes the world's feel thin.


Whats different about 4? Danse and the recon team manage to get the long range transmitter without the pc. The BoS learn about the battle of bunker hill without you and presumably it would still happen without the pc. Same for their attack on the railroad and getting liberty prime going. They're more than competent enough to retrieve the berylium agitator and build a few electromagnets which is all the pc does. Minutemen probably just die out without you and I don't think it's unreasonable to leave their existence up to outside help considering their state at the start of the game. The institute get their reactor going without the player and presumably just keep treating the commonwealth like their petri dish. The railroad doesn't really have any big goals and even with the sole survivor they're still on the back foot til the pc gets into the institute. Really the only event that won't happen without the pc (in my opinion at least) is someone making it inside via teleportation.


If the player character didn't exist, then the Minutemen would have become only a memory. The Railroad would have most likely suffered the same fate, either at the hands of the Brotherhood of Steel or the Institute. It's unlikely the Brotherhood of Steel would have been able to gain access to the Institute on their own. The Institute probably couldn't have pushed put the Brotherhood of Steel either though. So it would most likely end up a stalemate. There is a big difference between needing help to win and needing help to continue existing and even existing in the first place.


The Brotherhood is the only faction that *could* have gained access to the Institute on their own, on account of them using a big stompy robot to laser a hole in there.


They don't know where the Institute is though. The only reason they find it is because of the Sole Survivor...


i still feel like they would *eventually* figure out that the institute uses teleportation to get in and out and would *eventually* get their hands on a courser chip. from that point i think they could locate the institute.


I have route BoS could kill a courser no problem but honestly not sure if they would even know what to do with a courser chip, as far as I’m aware they only destroy synths, not really reverse engineering


>!The BOS plan to attack the Institute hinged on getting Liberty Prime online. This was only achieved after the SS got into the Institute and persuaded Dr. Madison Li to come back to the fold.!< From replies to this comment, it seems the above is largely irrelevant. The below still applies though. Edit to add: >!I see no reason the BOS couldn't have dug up the nukes in the glowing sea, regardless of other outcomes!< (Spoiler tags to protect those who recently started playing off the back of the TV show). Also: remember that the Institute had at least one sleeper agent inside the BOS.


>! If madison lee is killed, you can actually recruit a different scientist to get the task done, so yeah shes not relevant !<


Yeah, but the NCR, Institute, and BOS would clearly survive without the PC. Because they havw for so long. However, the legion would fall apart left to its own devices, so did the minutemen, and the railroad is doomed to fail without the SS.


Yeah, in my [headcanon](https://unitedcommonwealthrepublic.fandom.com/wiki/United_Commonwealth_Republic) the sole survivor reforms the Minutemen into a more proper military force (thanks to mods like Militarized Minutemen and Minutemen Service Rifles). I in fact see my headcanon as more of a successor to the Minutemen, rather than still being the Minutemen.


What does any of that have to do with whether they are good guys?


Right? "Here are the good guys who heroically go up against terrible odds for the sole purpose of helping the downtrodden." "Their base sucks and they're not strong." 


"The Rebel Alliance would have failed and fallen apart if Luke Skywalker hadn't come along at the right time" /s


It is a law of storytelling that the good guys must have the worst aesthetics, while the bad guys look absolutely badass.


NV is an exception to this because the NCR are kinda the good guys and anything they wear is much better than the fucking dorks in the legion wearing their metal armor. They're like a bunch of teenagers larping as romans.


The Minutemen could have been more fleshed out to be honest, we should have been able to retake Quincy without mods and make it a settlement. Yes, you see the Minutemen get new members and make outposts but I think they should have been more involved. I like the idea of the Responders but it feels like they're not doing anything, I mean I know us 76ers are also the Responders but I think we should be able to see changes from them instead of us running errands from them. Also, that girl who kept failing the fire exam should have been inspired after we passed the test.


Minutemen drip is lit. Its the golden age of Uniforms, no camouflage crap or armor just pure drip to impress and be recognised. The lasermusket should have been some sort of Springfield Trapdoor design where you load a single MF Cell for a single shot and it should've had a bayonet though.


Oh yeah, the laser musket is such a cool design, but the cranking is a bit awkward. At least it actually had a mechanical aspect connected to it. I suppose without the cranking, the laser musket would just be a slower laser rifle


It originally was supposed to be a laser rifle that didn’t need fusion cell


That thing is a beast in survival. Crank it up to max, peek your head out for just a brief moment to blast a single enemy into a pile of ash, then take cover again while you crank the weapon for the next shot


The only group out of these three that I can’t take seriously are the Minutemen, and that’s because they have the fashion sense of Caesar’s Legion (historical cosplay to the point where it interferes with practicality) combined with the dumbest energy weapons I’ve ever seen. At least the Legion’s excuse is that they’re a bunch of dumbass tribals who are too stupid to operate a laser musket, and their football pads are marginally more protective than running around in no armor at all. I think it’d be cool if the Minutemen were more like the NCR but wearing tricorne hats or something. Make them visually distinct and thematic without making them look like tribals who are more committed to aesthetics than practicality.


In MM’s defense: The “cosplay” doesn’t look too dissimilar to regular wastelander fashion and the Laser Musket in Art book is shown to have originally been conceived as an infinite ammo weapon, the cranking taking so long to balance unlimited ammo, and ability in late game to hit like a freight train with right perk choices.


If you’re playing Fallout 76 and you’re over level 500 and you’re not roleplaying as a Responder to help out fellow players you’re probably in power armour terrorizing and killing everyone lol


I don't respect the minute men because they make some guy who they just found the leader of their gang. And then make that guy do everything.


*They* don't do anything. It's just Preston.


Exactly how I feel. Even if there was dialogue explaining that other minutemen squads were doing work in the commonwealth after you begun building them up, that would help enhance them as a faction choice. With the other factions, we encounter BoS members and squads and we know they are working throughout the commonwealth. With the Railroad, we know there are different people working behind the scenes and Deacon is working with other cells. We know everything the Institute is doing as well. Everything the Minutemen are doing is what the PC is doing. There’s no autonomy or presence anywhere outside of that.


They'd probably feel like a more significant faction if we EVER used that flare gun Preston gives us


Canonically the other guys are doing things constantly, you just don't get to see it very often. Part of the Institute questline involves dealing with some Minutemen who are interfering with Institute operations while helping a settlement that asked for backup, and there are patrols going through all across the Commonwealth fairly often


This is what I always thought: The Minutemen are strong canonically. They have artillery and manage to shoot down the prydwen and defended the castle from BoS and Institute invasions. The only reason they look weak is because BGS wanted us to use the new settler/settlement system so we could build them up the way we want


I mean... When you show up and save their lives, jump into Power Armour and take out a goddamn Deathclaw *and* give them a home where you lived before the war, it's no surprise that Preston assigns you to be the leader because at that point, his group are the only people still around that are continuing the cause. Ronnie Shaw shows up, yes but she was nowhere to be seen before that and even then, she approves of Preston's choice to make you the General. Not to mention Prestion is depressed and experiencing suicidal ideation before you meet him and help him restore the Minutemen to their former glory so he's definitely not in a position to lead and he knows it.


There's literally only one minute man left who doesn't consider himself a leader.


Minutemen are rednecks with laser muskets playing soldier of 1776, Followers are a charity foundation that doesn't get donations, and Responders idk, haven't played Fallout 76


The Responders/Firebreathers are cool as hell, the main thing I liked about 76. Pre-war first responders. You can’t even mod them into another game without breaking their lore, it’s a shame really


Militant the sh*t out of Follower of Apocalypse and I will be thier Joshua Graham.


Excuse me, responders are my favorite, and I won't hear any slander Also wish the fir breather outfit counted as full armor like it would have in other fallout games The minutemen are nothing without us like I wish it didn't feel like we were utterly starting from nothing


You're damn right I won't accept them. Well, time to mow down dissidents with my minigun. God bless Enclave! God bless America!


My Settlers/Minutemen across all my major settlements, wear the army helmets, combat armor, and military fatigues stripped from the corpses of the gunners I brutally murder. They also are equipped with a mixture of combat rifles and laser rifles, and every single one of them has various sorts of grenades at their disposal. Every major settlement is guarded by enough turrets to take down good old Frank Horrigan, and the Castle in particular is guarded by an absolutely insane number of turrets, both on the ground outside the castle, and on the castle walls. It is also guarded by several laser turrets in the courtyard, in case the walls I rebuilt are ever breached, as well as 4 artilleries, each manned by a settler in premium, specially customized and upgraded combat armor. I have four snipers nests on top of the castle wall, each guarded by settlers with 50 cal or plasma sniper rifles. This is besides the fact that there are currently 3 suits of Hellfire Mark 5 power armor, 3 suits of X02 Mark 3 power armor, 2 suits of T51 power armor, 1 suit of T60, and 4 suits of T45 power armor. All available to my Settlers purely for their own use, besides my own personally customized Hellfire armor. I do typically leave at least one Minutemen in each settlement wearing Minutemen gear and using a laser musket, and he becomes the "commander" of the Minutemen in that settlement. If you can't tell, I think the Minutemen are fucking cool.


Nah fr this is the answer lmao although I like the responders armor and the faction is a little bit better imo


Minute men have great outfits, and they're my favorite faction. They're the only good major faction in fallout. Everything else is just shades of grey or comic book evil. Followers are in this group, too, but they're too weak to be considered a major faction.


I support the Followers and Responders because they actually seem like they’d be able to help people despite their lack of resources and staff. The Minutemen however, are a handful of wasters who’ve cobbled together a few crank-operated laser rifles, some clothes, and ridiculous looking hats. Any success the Minutemen have during the course of the game is all because of the player. When you meet them, they’re 1 marksman, 1 mechanic, 1 junkie, and 2 civilians. They also never use power armor or even decent regular armor, they rarely use effective weapons, and they can hardly defend themselves without player intervention. The only thing they really have going for them is that they’re a distraction to keep enemies off the player.


The minutemen failed due to their own incompetence, divisions and of course treachery. We give a lot of attention to how quickly they rebuild in FO4, but they also collapsed just as quickly. They are a volunteer army, so what happens when those volunteers want more pay for the dangerous work? Or when the volunteers just don't want to show up? The issue with the Minutemen is their overall inability to flex power, both soft or hard. They have no great trade routes, offer no high value service that isn't already in abundance in the wasteland (while the gunners are evil, people still hire them by the truckload for everything from security to deathclaw egg delivery.) Their tech is... just plain not good. The laser musket is neat, but ultimately if we are being realistic, any dedicated military would crush them without main character protection powers. The Followers are in fact, good guys. But they are also near irrelevant. They occupy the same level of power as a modern NGO like doctor without borders. Meaning that they require a larger force to be their backbone. Which means whatever their desires, they will always be subsumed by larger more powerful groups. There is a reason why in the majority of F:NV endings, they are forced out and have nothing to really say about it. However unlike the minutemen, they have the ability to be self sufficient. Doctors are in high demand in the wastes, and so is the creation of medical gear. They also have the ability to in areas bend their morals to obtain greater amounts of "good", as seen with the Garret Twins dealings. Sure they help them pump free side with more liquor, but free side was already drowning in it, and now it also gets high quality anti-septic's. But they also require someone to make that push for them. Without someone working to force the followers to bend here and there, they remain a marginal at best group of helpers. It isn't all aesthetics. Sure the big power armoured bois looks neat. But the true defining reason why, at least I call the larger factions the real "good guys" is more their ability to not only imagine good, but actually do good on an appreciable scale. Without the General, the minutemen die in concord. without the courier, the followers sit in Mormon fort, until eventually getting kicked out by others.


Bunch of silly mfers


I accept the Followers and The responders, but the minutemen are simply too dripped out to be on this list. The minutemen general outfit puts the NCR ranger uniform to shame. Preston Garvey is iced the fuck out. The laser musket is pure fire, from a design standpoint. Also, what the other comments said about the Minutemen being too “Chaotic” is exactly what Britain said about the real minutemen before they formed a now global superpower.


You lost me at General > Ranger


Lost my shit at "Preston Garvey is iced the fuck out". Truer words have never been spoken. Got the whole Atompunk Musketeer look in the bag. Trendsetter


Someone wasn’t sleeping in history class. The minutemen, exactly as they are portrayed in Fallout, are a statement. In case you guys don’t want to bore yourselves with actual history and text books, watch The Patriot. Loads of B.S. and propaganda in there as it is with all MelGib movies, but the gist was there. Revolutions usually start as a derailed group of the displeased, dispossessed and disorganized, dabbling in disobedience until some direct leaders distill discipline and dispel the danger of Tyranny. This alliteration was an offering of the minutemen, the most dripped out civil support group of the Commonwealth.