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they say it like 2-3x in game, all of them during intro and credits lol


He likes to start a lot of playthroughs but always abandons them.


kinda like how he experiences parenting?


pump & dump šŸ˜”


Inseminate and dump. He doesnā€™t pump.


And the many companies he started that were supposed to change the world bit went nowhere because his ideas are shit e.g hyperloop


He did managed to con Las Vegas out of tens of millions of dollars for that stupid Tesla tunnel though so I guess sometimes he gets lucky.Ā 


Money just doesn't follow merit. We can thank him for demonstrating it so effectively, if nothing else.Ā 


He pumped hyperloop so people wouldn't fund public transportation options. It was a success, in a self centered and evil way.


There is at least one place where Sole Survivor says it in game! And I find it awesome


I think maybe when he is looking in the mirror or you find his speech on paper or on a holotape. Maybe when you blow up the institute


At the fraternal post they'll say it into the mic.


I believe the sole survivor says it at the speaking podium at fraternal post 115 when you interact with it


For me that was an indication that he hasn't really played the games


The point of "war never changes" is not to say that nothing about war ever changes. Obviously things have changed since we fought with chariots and bows to now. The point of the phrase is that, no matter how much war changes on the surface, no matter how much the mechanics of war are "improved" or innovated upon, the fundamental character of war remains the same: destruction, killing, death


as well as the motivations behind it: power, control, and money. war isn't waged by the working class, it's waged by the ruling class using the working class as their pawns. i feel like the games themes are mostly focused around this aspect of war, given the anti-capitalist themes present throughout the series. it's not so much just "war bad" as it is "war is the result of powerful people attempting to maintain their power through any means necessary, and is the product of a system in which people are granted immense power with very little oversight"


As Fallout 3ā€™s intro says, blood has been spilled in the name of everything from God to justice to simple psychotic rage


And as Fallout 2's intro says, "The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones."


And as Fallout 5's intro says, "War never changes, but the low low prices on the Atom Shop sure do so get it while it's hot folks!"


Gives me shivers every time.


When the Satire becomes it's subject


-Press X to skip cutscene.


Fallout 76 "War never changes, that's about as political statement that this game is comfortable with. Now kill 10 monsters while wearing a skeleton costume!"


When the game launched we had: * Mole miners are descendants of the miners who were being systematically exterminated by their old mining companies because they protested automation. * The raiders were a bunch of rich skiiers that wanted to continue leeching off society and enjoying themselves rather than band with the survivors and rebuild. * A group of preppers were so disillusioned with the government they secured before the bombs fell. * A group of the Enclave so wanted to continue nuking China that they released a plague that would have killed everyone by accident and then fell to infighting as a result of a military coup. That's just off the top of my head, feels pretty political.


Honestly felt more overtly political than most Bethesda era titles. It's also worth noting that quest where in order to join the Brotherhood of Steel you had to join the army, which included training to sniff out "commies" ie unionizers.


Wait, regular raiders or those blood raider guys? Because I'll start indiscriminately killing them now if that's the case, no mercy


It's the original raiders who are now all dead. So sadly for you, no chance to kill them.


And if your resources are ever scarce, just buy more from us! Thanks, capitalism!


or "We've just released repair kits you can pay for! it just by coincidence happens when we shorten how long the durability in weapons and armour last! AND don't pay attention to how we made every enemy a bullet sponge so those weapons will break even faster! Also we'll arbitrarily limit your allowed weight in storage, then make you pay to store more!" The shitty thing is, there was so much cool shit they could of expanded on. You know from stuff in the backstory that a much more interesting game was possible.




If only all wars were fought for simple, psychotic rage. We'd have finally stripped away one of war's worst traits: dishonesty.


Indeed we would have. Such a shame humanity justifies things with ideologies and vague concepts when in fact the simple truth is bloodlust


I think the worst part about war is the hypocrisy.


That is the worst part. Hypocrisy. Other than the killing part. That's the worst part. (Typed with Norm Macdonald's voice in my head)


Perfectly said. This theme is what sets this franchise apart from so many others.


Plenty of people cover their eyes and ignore the rather blatant anti-capitalist themes in fallout.


Paladin Danse: It was corporstions like this [Arcjet Systems] that put the last nail in the coffin for humanity. Seems pro capitalist to me /s


Funny robot throws nukes like American Football and say "Communism Bad". Game must be Pro Capitalism. Nvm all the in your face examples and subtext from the intros to every fucking thing you read ingame in ALL the games.


quarrelsome reach axiomatic exultant rude cheerful caption capable quicksand normal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"We have Mr. House at home."


I meanā€¦Amazon sponsored the television show and theyā€™re pretty much one of the biggest corporations in the world - a real Vault Tec.


political chase plucky chop agonizing overconfident historical concerned payment homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I dunno, my 8 year old ass was pretty [radicalized by A Bug's Life.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fKGFEGkoTo)


Musk would make the pulowski shelters


Musk for sure would see himself as a VT ceo


"But in the end, they did save everyone though, right?" I bet you hed say that.


Something something, control vaults something something


Fallout has got to be among the most anti-america, anti-capitalist franchise that has ever graced mainstream consciousness in US. Every time the feds or corporations get brought up, it's almost always something nasty. The way I see it, fallout us cyberpunk but retrofuturistic. So not exactly cyber, more like atomic. The jabs at modern american society are as subtle as the bombs that fell.


I believe the term you are searching for is "Atompunk" :)


Atompunk, baby, little Atompunk...


I remember having it out with a "go woke go broke" commenter on a PC gaming subreddit and he listed Fallout as a "non political" series - I almost choked laughing. Some people are truly lost.


This assumes they can read subtext, or blatant text, to begin with. Most of these people don't need to cover their eyes because anything that doesn't agree with their preconceived ideas just sails right through the empty space between their ears.


"The details are trivial and pointless, the reasons, as always, purely human ones."


I see it as more a focus on this, the motivations. Clearly "destruction, killing, death" is just what the word "War" describes. The quote however, is a philosophical one that is then expanded upon in the rest of the narration.


ā€œThe reasons? Purely human onesā€¦ā€


ad hoc childlike jar towering glorious license rob arrest hospital scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wastelanders when the propaganda spewing robot is somehow effective propaganda.


Right? That line usually follows a dialog that tells about all of these new things we have never seen before, and then "... but war, war never changes" Musk is 100% one of those "but ahkshully" fake fan types who would complain about a chalkboard they can't figure out.


It's so funny to me just how much he misses the point. "But we're always getting better and trying new ways to kill people. It does change!" He doesn't even register that the point is that the result of war is always tragedy and death. It doesn't matter if it's spears or drone strikes. War is hell.


Funnily enough, Hawkeye Pierce in MASH said almost the exact thing ā€œWeā€™re always finding new and better ways to kill peopleā€. It was in a tone of disgust, so even 50 yo TV characters have more awareness than Musk.


"War isn't hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell, and of the two, war is a lot worse." "How do you figure that, Hawkeye?" "Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell?" Etc. Etc.


"There are no innocent bystanders in hell." such a brilliant line


Libertarians generally lack emotional intelligence and subtlety


makes sense that it would fly over him, as he would never ever actually have to go to war, nor would any of his children.


And its literally just the intro where that line comes up. Not "frequently in the game". Heavy "Hi, fellow kids" vibes. I seriously doubt he has played any of it.


i mean to build on that i always took it as even in this wasteland state there is literally still wars between factions/govs/brotherhood/etc and itā€™s like what are we even fighting for hereā€¦power of this toxic wasteland?


"At the end of the day, as long as there's two people left on the planet, someones gonna want someone dead." - The Sniper


Politics change, the people change, locations change, climate changes, landscape changes, currency changes, technology changes. But war, war never changes




But if war never changes, then men must change, and so must their symbols.


"Politics is war without bloodshed. War is politics with bloodshed. " - Mao Zedong.


War is merely the continuation of politics by other means. - Von Clausewitz


"War doesn't determine who is right - only who is left" - Call of Dooty


I miss the old days of the original CoDs where it did have those historical quotes to put war and its horrors in perspective. Now its Gritty Fortnite that masturbates to the power fantasy of Special Forces Ops.


Oh my god I'm so sick of the spec OPs bullshit in these games with the dumb little skull face masks. I cant help but cringe at it all


Oh God same


"Its ahkshully a philosopher - Bertrand Russell - but I only know it because COD" - also Musk


I miss when cod took itself seriously, nowadays you have a gundam and snoop dog vs nicki Minaj and a space marine šŸ’€


I liked the Kasrkin skin, but goddammit cod now is so bad. I just want to be a nameless grunt again :(


War--what is it good for? Absolutely nothing. -- Edwin Starr


We will bomb the ignorant savages - boomers


"War is stupid." - Me


War-huh-what is it good for? Absolutely nothin. God god, y'all"- Edwin Starr/ The Temptations


Hey I like War. "Lowrider" is a banger!


That was the original title of War and Peace, you know


"All we're saying is give war a chance" - Sundowner


And a game of Kings where the peasants may participate.


ā€œWar is rich old men protecting their wealth by sending lower and middle-class young men off to die.ā€ -George Carlin ā€œCognitive dissonance is an uncomfortable feeling caused by holding two conflicting ideas simultaneously.ā€ -ā€˜Spec Ops: The Lineā€™ loading screen


"I am tired and sick of war. Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, for vengeance, for desolation. War is hell" - William T. Sherman


ā€œIf in some smothering dreams you too could pace Behind the wagon that we flung him in, And watch the white eyes writhing in his face, His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin; If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,-- My friend, you would not tell with such high zest To children ardent for some desperate glory, The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est Pro patria mori.ā€ -Wilfred Owen, Dulce Et Decorum Est


War is war and Hell is Hell. And between the two, war is a lot worse. \- Benjamin Franklin Pierce


"How do you figure that Hawkeye?" "Easy Father. Tell me, who goes to hell?" "Sinners I believe." "Exactly. So there's no innocent bystanders in hell. But war is chock full of them. Little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for a few of the brass, almost everyone involved is an innocent bystander."


The "You're still a good person" one hits hard


Iā€™ve always liked how it goes from normal game tips to making you reflect while looking at your atrocities. ā€œTo avoid fire while on the move, take cover while sprinting. Youā€™ll slide into cover from further away.ā€ ā€œItā€™s all your fault.ā€


Okay now I want to play this. Iā€™ve never given it any attention but this seems interestingĀ 


Itā€™s off all online stores but you can find downloads. I love it to bits! One of my favorite anti-war pieces of media, itā€™s so unique and genuinely has a great message


ā€œMan who pees in fan gets wetā€ -Confucius


I saw that quote in hoi4 a lot.


I donā€™t like it when he talks about things I like a lot


I don't like it when he talks.


I donā€™t like it when he


I don't like it


I donā€™t like


I donā€™t




Shit. Uh, guillotine the rich?


I'll allow it...


I Think


Therefore I am


I hate the way that he walks, the way that he talks


I hate the way that he dress


the fact that he definitely sees himself as Mr. House irks me even more


Bro thinks he's Mr. House but really he's just Caesar with better wifi connection


At least Caesar was somewhat competent


Look at least Caesar has some sort of philosophy. I don't agree with the football Rome larpers, but at least he has a point. Rome was successful, even if Caesar's Legion is doomed to fail. Caesar's philosophy is brutal, oppressive, sexist, and all around terrible... but given the world he lives in it makes at least some sense. Raiders act like savage barbarians, chems making it worse. So by bringing harsh consequences he can dissuade some of it. Granted though he also missed part of it. Part of what made Rome work was that they didn't just make it bad to resist, they made it preferable to join peacefully. Which Caesar misses by committing cultural genocide on every group who falls under his rule.


Every Fantastic thinks he's Mr. House


If it's any consolation, he likely hasn't played fallout 3 as they don't actually say "war never changes" a lot in fallout 3. Or Elon Musk is incapable of counting.


Ha ha! I saw a picture of him crashing the Fallout TV show Premier and everyone looked at him like "Elon please leave. You are killing our vibe here man."


He seemed smart when he was talking about things I didn't know anything about. But now that he talks about things that I know about, I realize how little he actually understands and it makes me question if he really knows what he's talking about when he talks about things I don't know about.


Musk is the type of person that Fallout points to as responsible for the nuclear wasteland.


MUsk is the type of person that would fund vault tec experiments


I mean... *Gestures at brain chip experiments.*


por que no los dos


his nemesis already started building a vault


He really said ā€œuhmmm actually šŸ¤“ā€


He probably sees the vaults as aspirational. I wonder if he knows how aggressively communist the games are


He thinks Liberty Prime's quotes are supposed to be taken at face value.


elon musk probably tweets liberty prime's quotes


Phony Stark playing Fallout and understanding nothing tracks perfectly.


Do you think he knows about the Institute? I bet he'd be a fan.


Well heā€™s talking about Fallout 3, so he must, right? Right?


Oh no...this might have blown up in my face. I have just restarted playing FO3 for the first time in a decade or more. Is the Institute mentioned? I was meaning him finding out about them in FO4. I'm dumb.


Yes, the Institute, Railroad and the Commonwealth first mentions were in Fo3. Its also why when Fo4 launched everyone was looking everywhere for mentions of what could be Fo5 location. The most popular theory is San Francisco, but I think it is a stretch.


Thank you! I need to pay closer attention on this playthrough. San Francisco would be interesting. Geographically, it feels like the size of a FO map. The terrain would be cool...the ocean, the Bay, the hills, the forests. There's even a huge park right in the middle. Maybe some DLC down in Silicon Valley where the Institute took over. The Railroad over in Oakland. I could see it, but it's such a dense area for development, I'd miss the open land. I don't really have a huge preference for the next location. I'll probably love it regardless. That being said, I do hope they can have it somewhere with snow possible in the game. It's underutilized in games. What's your preference for location?


Oh I would like San Fran since it is a very cool city and region, not to mention that is closer to the Fallout 1 and 2 lore, I just think (The Prime series aside) that Bethesda doesnā€™t want to touch the west coast, since it is the area that Interplay/Obsidian worked. But if I had to choose one, it would be Chicago, since the verticality would be awesome, there is already pre established lore there, and because of it's location, a Detroit and even a Canadian dlc would be possible. Oh, and I think a New York one would also be very cool because of its proximity to DC and Boston, so we could hear news of how the factions of said locations are doing (please, I want the Minutemen to be the East coast NCR soo bad lol)


When I was typing my response, Chicago came to mind. Maybe because then I'd have the potential to get snow! The verticality would definitely be awesome. And the river going through town would be similar to the water running through FO3 and FO4. And those DLCs would be cool. Plus it's not too far from Milwaukee. I wouldn't mind New York. I've seen people mention Florida or New Orleans. I think New Orleans would have some cool potential. Probably a bunch of ghouls in the bayou.


Wasnā€™t New York nuked into oblivion? Then again, so was DC.


People don't seem to realize that New York would be \*\*the\*\* location to nuke. The only thing left there would be a smoldering crater and maybe upstate


Washington DC too, but only the White House is a Rad hole in the capital. But anyway, your version of NY could also be nice. A story focused on the upstate that would require you too occasionally go to the irradiated city (the city would be kinda like the glowing sea in a sense).


Itā€™s all on Rivet City from memory, the replicated man is the name of the quest? Itā€™s pretty short if you donā€™t get lost and youā€™re ok with FO3 swimming


a high ranking Institute member is present in Rivet City looking for an escaped synth, he even mentions the Railroad


Oh hell yeah! Iā€™m going there soon!


The guy probably thinks heā€™s Mr House ngl


Itā€™s genuinely amazing how media literacy is like non-existent among conservatives


he talks like that shitty ai he developed. trying to wing it with zero fucking clue


Elon picked the most straightforward message any game had ever laid out, and still somehow missed the point


His IQ is so high it hit integer overflow


This means it resets to 0 right


Depends on the type of integer, could hit negative if it's a signed integer


After finishing MGS "nukes and AI are cool actually!"


Musk would 10000% agree with Senator Armstrong's ideal world, despite also being everything that Armstrong hates.


ā€œWarā€¦ war changes (a lot).ā€ -Elon Musk


"And war... War never changes... Changing"


I guarantee you Musk thinks Mr House is good


House is what all the techbros like Musk aspire to, House at least has complexity, everything he does is in service to his ego, but if House produced a cybertruck he would make ten million in the first 5 years and they would not break down That's why house is more of an idealized howard hughes than an Elon Musk, he is legitimately a genius, and if giving him control of Vegas doesn't result in the wasteland advancing it's only because everyone will ultimately oppose his control which is not an endorsement of him, if anything, his failure to compromise with the nature of other humans is why he's likely to not succeed - because he doesn't consider himself to even be human, not in the same way as everyone else is


I had the conversation with House last night about how if you side with him he would be an autocrat. But he would be a cool autocrat, all he wants is to make cool technology and as long as everyone in Vegas would be under his rule in 100 years he would have colony ships setting off to find new worlds for people to live on. He doesn't want to police people's lives, he just wants everyone to live and let live while he works on benevolent projects to uplift all the people around him. Then I asked him if he knew the White Glove Society had been kidnapping people and eating them. House had absolutely no idea and said it was a good thing I had already dealt with it. My way of dealing with it was getting the rancher back to his son and then helping him and his men gun down the White Glove leadership in their hotel. House had no idea there was a series of kidnappings and a huge gun battle going on just down the street from him but he wants us to think he's going to be some enlightened dictator who can raise humanity up from the ashes. Dude knowingly hired a tribe of cannibals to be enforcers in his city, told them to stop eating people and then never bothered to follow up on whether or not they were obeying the terms of their contract. It was such a perfect encapsulation of the out of touch rich person who thinks they are God's gift to humanity but are really just a fool with an over inflated ego.


Admittedly for a while they did stop. I can see why he'd trust them if for a while none if them were eating humans


He certainly makes some interesting points but unfortunately so does the 9 iron


Musk thinks he is Mr. House. He clearly doesnā€™t see that Fallout is literally making fun of him.


He feels more like Caesar. Cult of personality with bastardized ahistorical romanticism of an era/culture that never existed the way he preaches, insistence heā€™s a badass leader while actually being a nerd cosplaying as one, obsession with deviance and belief that women are breeding stock first and foremost, and propaganda that education is corrupting and faith should only be put in an elite few. Given his druthers, Iā€™d fully expect Elon to crucify people and pretend heā€™s Caesar, costume and all. Edit: Also forgot to mention that he thinks that slavery wasnā€™t such a bad idea too.


He's too much of a autist to be a Caesar, he'd piss off too many people


Snakeā€™s ā€œWar has Changedā€ vs. Ron the Narratorā€™s ā€œWar never changes.ā€ Letā€™s look at both Snake says that war is no longer about nations, ideologies, or ethnicity, but instead is just an endless stream of proxy wars with hired mercenaries and machines. Ron says that war never changes because despite the change in technology, engagement, reasoning, etc. of war, the factor of death and destruction have always stayed the same. Warā€¦ War Never Changes. Men do, through the roads they walk. And this road has reached its end.ā€ Thx for coming to my TEDTalk




If I wanted to see what the dumbest people on the planet where talking about I'd go to twitter myself. Why is reddit so obsessed with them?


You will see they say what you just said, but the opposite.


This is so true. I'm on both Twitter and Reddit and they both think that the other is a site filled with reactionary morons.


Well, neither of them are wrong


Twitter has clout chasing reactionary morons. Reddit has psuedointellectual reactionary morons.


We're all shit honestly. In the end, our communities are defined by our villians and our heroes. You don't hear about the regular boring redditors and 4channers who just post about games and playing guitar I'm reminded of Eve Online, youd think everyone was out to pull off a huge scam going off the news but most players just drink a beer and fight NPCs and mine rocks


Generalizations, _amirite?_


Twitter.......Twitter never changes


Because reddit loves rage bait and thinks posting someone saying something truly stupid makes good content


"War. War never changes. The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth. Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory. Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower. But war never changes. In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons: Petroleum and Uranium. For these resources, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth would dissolve into quarreling, bickering nation-states, bent on controlling the last remaining resources on Earth." Does Elon Musk think the writer of this thinks that the Romans used aircraft


he probably thought that the line was a plot hole


A man that somehow has 1 intelligence and 50 luck.


His perception is also low.


elon has literally no perception and takes everything at face value


Actually šŸ¤“ā˜ļø war changes frequently as new tactics and technologies are introduced!


seriously what a fvcking nerd


Ackshully šŸ¤“ā˜ļø


Elon played MGS4


Elon Musk got that 1 inteligence build on him since he was conceived by a Tesla car. Jesus christ šŸ˜‚


He's running an Idiot Savant build


(Elon slams the car door on his own dick) His fanboys: "He's a genius!"


Masterful gambit sir


ā€œItā€™s supposed to work like that!!! He was trolling when he designed the car door like that!!ā€


Elon is a synth


> *Niko Bellic : War is when the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other.*


I wish Elon would just ya know be quiet for a while


Why does his reply sounds like it was written by AI?


Because, while he knows what the words are, there isn't really anything going on beneath them.


They don't even say it frequently, it happens once per game


"erm akshually in the hit video game "Fallout 4" by Bethasada Studios, the main character says "War never changes" approximately three times!" šŸ¤“šŸ‘†


Heā€™s like Nolan Sorrento from Ready Player One faking that he knows geek culture


"Hello fellow Kids"


Maybe heā€™s a metal gear guy


And people idolize him for his intellect??


Im sure I am late to the party in asking this but.. Does Elon play Fallout???


i have a feeling he hasnā€™t played fallout, heā€™s just trying to stay relevant.