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The T-45 was designed to be overshadowed. It was deisgned gameplay wise to be inherently worse than the T-51.


Yeah but it looked so fucking awesome in fallout 3 that I didn’t care if it was worse. T-45 is even worse now and it doesn’t look nearly as good.


In 3 I used Winterised T-51b... T-51 is so much better, IMPO...


I used the T-45 medic armor, not because it was better, but because I loved that it yelled in combat.


Opinions on the Stealth Suit from OWB?


She's the best. It's like getting an extra companion with low self esteem.


Always my go to Feel bad every time i take it off and hear "don't you like me?'


The medic armor was T-45? I gotta play Fallout 3 again because I need to get my hands on this.


First few playthroughs that wasn't an option until operation Anchorage came out. 


Isn't there a T-51 set at the end of You Gotta Shoot Them in the Head?


Yeah, that’s where you get it in the vanilla release version


Yeah, but unfortunately there's no way to repair it besides repair vendors. You can find t45 or hellfire armor wherever though, so it's easier to repair. The Winterized armor doesn't have this problem due to basically having unlimited durability.


Without DLC I think it’s the only place you can get it


Winterized T-51b is amazing but obviously 95% of us are running a stealth sniper build so Chinese stealth armor it is.


Side note I’m surprised there’s no Brotherhood of Steel Chapter that has a Stealth Armor Squad.


I think the lore reason is probably because the US never learned how to create stealth suits, only stealth boys, so the stealth suits we find are a complete rarity. It is pretty surprising they don't have a stealth boy squad tho. I'd expect the Brotherhood to be a big fan of espionage.


If we assume that Christine’s kit was standard issue for the COS then the assassin suit may be the brotherhoods stealth armor


Is there a lore reason as to why stealth boys disappear when used? I thought it was a wrist mounted device and doesn't cover you in stealth goo or anything, so you should be able to recharge them or something. Maybe at the expense of 100 MFC or something once you have one. I guess lore wise that could be what you do, or we find a stealth boy and the majority of the extras we find are like, stealth boy batteries or something


Tatics with Brotherhood assassins


I mean getting into semantics but Knight Christine from the circle of steel was an assassin with her own unique stealth suit you can find. So you could argue there is one, just they’re so good we have yet to see them.


I mean, there kind of sort is? It's super unclear, not a ton of details on it, but it's called the Circle of Steel. It's implied to be like the military police or internal affairs of the Brotherhood. Christine from Dead Money was a member of the Circle of Steel, and she was sent to assassinate Elijah. I say that they're stealth armor squad, because Christine's gear can be found in Old World Blues: a personalized suit of recon armor, darker in color with +5 Sneak bonus, and a suppressed sniper rifle.


*laughs in melee build and dart gun* 


Haha I’m trying to do a gunslinger build with pistols on my current FO4 and I just can’t get over how much more EXPENSIVE it is than just 1 shitting everything with a 308 from a decked out hunting rifle.


In 3 the T-51b winterised from the dlc is absolutely broken because of the bug causing it to have near infinite durability due to the player not being able to repair it in the dlc itself…this bug may have been patched but I still have an old Xbox save and the armor is my best in slot gear


You mean it looks better. Because it does


Nah it’s too bulky. I liked the more slim look it had in 3 and New Vegas. The other power armors look better when their more bulky but I don’t think it works for T-45 as well.


I know everyone is entitled to their own opinions. But personally i hate the look of t-45 in 3/NV especially the paper thin pauldrons


I always wore the Outcast T-45 just because it looked super cool and especially after Operation Anchorage you have alot of it available.


Hot take. The T-45 never looked good.


You can’t be coming on here saying any Power Armor looks bad. Even dissing Horse Armor will land you in prison.


I hope the next Fallout has more Power Armor customization. I want to mount a Yao-Guai Head on my shoulder piece like the Scorched Sierra Power Armor. Or a Cape or half Cape to protect it from the elements and look stylish in the process.


If nothing else, 76 has done a fantastic job with the bulk of its power armor skins. If we see anything involving heavy customization of power armor in the next game, it’ll probably be skins like 76’s.


Too bad they'll probably be locked away behind micro transactions.


Even in 76, not all of them are. There’s a small selection available through in-game plans and the like.


I love the Strangler Heart set. It's the Ultracite armor which is slightly upgraded T-51 plus added mutant vines and mushrooms. Perfect for my Children of atom character


Eh… Ultracite is more of a side grade of T-51 than a proper upgrade, since it trades energy resistance for radiation protection (useful for the BoS when they designed it, since the scorched don’t use energy weapons, but not a suit that’s the best for every scenario).


Usually the cooler ones too


If I pay money for a game they shouldn't charge you for anything extra. Game devs took the idea of dlc and dumbed it down so they can give the least effort for the most of our money and it's our fault for letting them


There’s no fixing it at this point, especially considering that 76 does not have paid updates (the atomic shop is the main source of income for Bethesda and what keeps the lights on). At least the bulk of the skins and camp items Bethesda releases this way are well-made.


Forget not that Bethesda created the microtransactional monster a long, long time ago by charging for that stupid horse armor back in the days of TES:Oblivion. However, I completely agree with your take. Games also used to get released in a playable state, something all these developers with day 1 patches for the games they release need to look into.


in fo5? absolutely brain rotted when it’s a single player game




As long as my Nuka Cola T-51b skin stays out of the shop/remains earnable in game...


Some of the best PA skins came from the free season scoreboards. For example, Captain Cosmos, SamurEye, Skellscream, and Diabolical were free and they’re some of my favorites. Fo76 isn’t *that* bad with micro transactions.


I hope the next fallout game


I'd love to see a port of "Immersive Equipment Displays" from Skyrim SE to Fallout 4. It's such a cool mod that essentially lets you attach any item in the game to any spot on a character model. For example, I'll put all of the artifacts on my character's body somewhere, like an elder scroll on the back, trinkets on the belt line, a sacred dagger across the chest, etc. I also use it to mount equipment and trophies on my horse. Having that mod in Fallout 4 would essentailly let you do what you're describing.


That sounds nice, i have to look at it and maybe add it to my Modlist.


I wanna be able to do the fallout 2 tribal power armor.


Honestly even adding the ability to add decals to Power Armor as a separate layer to the paint Job would be great, amd choosing were the Decal is located That and adding every paint job variant to all armor and making the non coloured Shielding a different customized part than paint unless the paint has a practical effect (like Winterized)


i always loved t-51 winterized edition from fo3 anchorage


That is the best armor in the game. It doesn't get damaged and it is op enough to be your end game suit


I only bring this up cause I find it interesting but technically it does get damaged. Bethesda made 2 versions of the armor, one with normal health and one with a bajillion health for testing purposes I assume and accidentally left the bajillion health version in the game. So you’re taking damage but it’s like drops in the bucket out of the armors actual health


Im sad to see the T51 get overshadowed personally


I don't think it is for the core Fallout fanbase, T-60 is new and is shown so much more, but I'd wager most old fans like the T-51 more, or the X-01. Me, personally, I love the T-45 only because I prefer the less rounded shape overall, and I started with FO3. But the T-51 is really nice and very unique looking. Imo in order of coolness from most to least to me is: T-60, T-45, T51, X-02/Enclave PA, Ultracite, Remnants, X-01, T-65, Excavator,


Was thinking the exact same thing. i feel like in favorite power armor discussions, while theres usually a nice degree of diversity, the majority is usually T-51 and X-01. Regardless, i think all power armor is fuckin awesome and all are great choices for a favorite.


i used to be a T-51 stan but then the show came out and i feel in love with the T-60


The PA in show is cool for sure. It would also be cool if someone had T51 armor on at some point in the show


i would love to see paladins in T-51, because in the series we just saw knights


Weirdly enough I’ve reversed, and have come to love the T51 as the T60 is just a rehash of the same design as the t45, which makes sense in game, but just the t51 has such a nice unique feel to it. Plus I’m a classics fan anyhow so


For real. I might like the T60 more if it was drastically different than the T45, but it's a lore thing I guess. 76 added a lot of unique Power Armors as well so I wonder if that's acting as a ground for them to put out PA models that probably won't be in any future games


The only reason I like it is because it reminds me of Moltar from space ghost coast to coast.


Very reasonable


It's still iconic during that Fallout 3 intro. Best helmet design imo.


yeah, i always put a T-45 helmet to whatever PA im using


The T-45 is still my favourite one visually.


tbh, bethesda asked for it to be forgotten. it was originally added as a worse but more common option to the T-51 (could only get 2 T-51 armors in fallout 3 and i found way more T-45 than T-51 in new vegas) but then, they added the T-60 as a resonably comon power armor that is already more powerful than the T-45 and the raider power armor to serve as an early game power armor (ok, you find a T-45 as your first power armor in fallout 4 but the Raider armor is much cheaper to repair and modify so it's more fit to early game)


I think giving the player t-60 so early on hurt the game more than t-45 at the start did. A simple rework to give you raider power armour at the start of the game and then a set of t-45 from the brother hood as "old stock" only getting a suit of t-60 once you move further down the brother hood


Reminds me of my first time playing fallout 3. It was the complete edition and listening to the outcast broadcast for the dlc made me go "oh they are in danger! I better go to them". I made my way to them, after going to megaton for the first time. I completed the dlc low level and didn't realize I had just unlocked the best power armor in the game. I don't remember how much of the main story I progressed. I'm pretty sure my most powerful before completing the dlc was a hunting rifle.


I love how he used a halo: reach scene for a fallout post


Thank you for confirming this, literally the only reason I clicked on this was because I thought it was the Lone Wolf screen


This is way too far down in thr comments lol


And I got more than 50 upvotes.


T-45 helmet was the selling point. The rest was meh.


the shoulders where cool


I never liked the shoulders personally.


I hate the shoulders so much, it looks weird having long shoulder plates


I love everything about the T-45 armor.


That's why I installed Brotherhood Overhaul so all the Knights would be wearing the T45 with only Captains having the T51 and Paladins equipped in T60. That together with a mod that makes available Power armors scarce with only ONE full set of T51, T60 and X01 available in the game world T45 is still the most available and used Power Armor in my game until the BoS arrive or until the Enclave reappears with X02 and Hellfire. The only thing left that I would need is that Power Armor pieces on drop are randomized and the rest being scrap metal when looting a dead soldier.


please give me the name


Check on Nexus: - Consistent Power Armor Overhaul - Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul But you need to be careful. CPA was not updated in years but it works. Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul provides BoS Paint for T45 and T51 for all ranks from Initiate to Sentinel and even Elder I believe. But they only apply at the second Model upgrade I believe. (For when you are at the workbench and painting a T45 Model A with BoS Initiate the colors won't apply correctly. But Model B will have them right.) If combined with mods that change PA Values it happens they reset to Model A and Knights run around in rusted T45's. The mods take a bit of reading into their respective requirements and skills and patience on troubleshooting if problems arise. But I run a list with well over 200 Mods and those two run like they were supposed to be in base game.


I wish I could combine the Brotherhood Overhaul together with the mods that make the PA balance more similar to FO76 where T-51 is stronger than T-60


I tried installing one with this exact effect but it led to the T45 problem of them being rusty.


I am rather fond of the T-51 myself, hence I was chuffed when the helmet came with the Fallout 76 Power Armor collectors edition.


T-45 is bae


I mean honestly it’s the T-51 that’s been getting overshadowed as of late. The T-45 is my favorite aesthetically but as others have said, it was basically meant to be FO3’s downgrade from the T-51, which until very recently was effectively the face of the franchise. Now it seems like the show’s emphasis on the T-60 in the first season has instantly boosted it to the poster child, one notable instance of that is how in the Fortnite collab they chose the T-60 and only the T-60 to be featured, at least for now anyway.


I imagine we’ll see T-45 in the show if they have NCR heavy troopers or flashbacks to Anchorage


If I'm being honest, I don't even like the T-60.


Someone call Elder Maxson




Yeah same, at this point it’s just a representation for newer fallout, t-51 represented the classics, t-45 represented 3 and NV and the T60 represents 4, 76, and the show.


76 has way too many other options for T-60 to represent it...


i don't get the T-60 hate, its just a chunky more badass T-45


That's my main problem with it. It feels too much like the T-45 to stand out. The 51 is *very* distinct, as is the X-01. Even the X-02 takes a different design approach since it went back to pauldrons, moreso than just "slightly bigger and bulkier".


Isn't it a direct upgrade so its just logical.


...Yes, because they wrote it to be that. Which is kind of boring.


It literally is. The texture was originally just supposed to be an upscaled version of the T-45 to match the improved graphics of Fallout 4. After they finished, they decided that it was unique enough to be a separate model and called it the T-60, and made a new texture for the T-45.


It’s a little over done


Me neither, it’s a boring version of T-45. The Brotherhood should’ve just used T-45 in Fallout 4 instead of something that looks like it but worse with the stupid ass explanation of “oh the Brotherhood just found a bunch of them.” It would’ve made more sense to say T-60 was a new kind of power armor made by Brotherhood scribes. Instead they’re just like “actually this power armor was common before the war despite there being no mention of it anywhere before Fallout 4.” Stupid Bethesda writing.


It is, I really don't like how over done it is. Also yeah, if it was t-45 upgraded by the bos with enclave material sure, but it's in the intro on the military personnel.


Even in lore…… the T-45 was a massive piece of shit


It was never my favorite, really... T-51 is it for me, in any of the games. And it actually bothers me that i'ts not that easy to find a full set on FO4 (I always miss the levels where it's supposed to have a chance to spawn, and either get T45 or T60 instead).


I love the t-51 but maybe it’s a stupid reason but I didn’t like its design in fallout 4, but I loved its design in every other game


I get your point, but I prefer what they did to PA after FO4, it just looks more like the "one person tank" it's supposed to be


I hope there's some kind of really good combat armour with some customisation for those of us who hate walking around in FO4 power armour.


You can do it piecemeal now though. I roll around with a T-45 headpiece for the slightly squintier eye slot and the outcast paint job (also the bright headlamp plan). It fits great there’s no clipping and the paint works very well with the slightly shinier knight paint job.


Halo has been referenced and I have been summoned.


I thought the T-51 was the new iconic power armor because of Fallout 76, the T-60 was a Fallout 4 thing.


The T-51 was iconic since Fallout 1, even though it was just called power armor back then.


That was only true of the menus. The power armor specs tape calls it out by name. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Power_armor_specs


Oh yeah, somehow I keep forgetting that, thanks for reminding me.


No problem!


i really loved the T-45 back in FO3 it looked awesome and badass, but after FO4 change, the T-45 looks clunky and kinda stupid, so the T-60 and the T-51 overshadowed it.


I’m a T-51 man myself


My favorite helmet, I still like 45 better than 60


T-51 will be the most iconic idgaf if Bethesda wants to make the T-60 the only power armor that has the right to be the only power armor


I remember T-45. Just bought a large steel poster. Have to wait until it arrives from America though. Fallout 3 was my first game when I had money to buy my own games. So yes T-45 has is a dear memory. That said wearing PA in the older 3D games sometimes feels like glorified steel armor. In Fo4 and Fo76 the Power Armors actually make you feel like walking tank. Guess they didn't want to copy 40K too much at the time.


The old 3d games power armor was restricted due to game limitations. I mean these games still crash more often without any mods then if I did add some.


T60 doesn't exist, it's only a T45 that got messed up by some bubba mechanic.


I'd prefer not to. T-51 supremacy. Paid for by T-51 is better Corporation.


t-51 has always been the best/most iconic power armor


The T-45 was designed to be a cheap replacement for T-51, naturally it was going to get overshadowed by something. Just happened to be by T-60


the t51 was designed to replace the t45, not the other way around


The T-60 was designed to be a cheap alternative to T-51. T-45 was the first actively employed PA


actually, the T-51 was designed to be a better replacement of the T-45


I know the t-45 is the predecessor, but was t51 the first armor designed in fallout? I've always thought it was pretty emblematic to the game because it was on the cover of the first game, but the numbers indicate its the 2nd gen. Was it like a prequel situation or did the community just naturally prefer the t51 over time? Sorry if I'm digressing I'm just confused why the lowest number or 'first' power armor isn't the most popular.


Before fallout 3, T51 was the only prewar power armor in the series and the x-01 was a postwar power armor developed by the enclave. Now Bethesda added a lot more power armor and made virtually all of them prewar at some point. I blame mostly Fallout 76 for that


Ok this is what I was kind of thinking but I’m so glad you confirmed it. Makes so much sense now. Thank you!


Even though I like the T-51 more the T-45 looks cooler than the T-60. The T-60 is probably my least favorite design from the non enclave ones.


Isn't the T-60 kinda based on the T-45?


I hate how similar t-45 and t-60 look, I don’t care if there’s a lore reason for it or whatever just think of how they could have come up with something new and cool like with the X-01 and X-02 they made a cool new addition with a unique design that derived from the original and both look cool!


But, X-01 design came from Fallout 2. It isn’t exactly new and Bethesda original


Yes, but what I’m saying is Bethesda is capable of making new and unique designs based off of older ones. Even the t45 itself is a Bethesda original design


T60 matches fallout 4’s art style perfectly but it looks out of place in other fallout’s honestly


T-51 or nothing.


t-52b team, but t-45 will always stay in my hearth


Horse P A all day. Neiiigh ! 🐴


I like the look of the t60 but the first time I saw it I just thought it was updated t45 I just don't like that all they did was bulk up t45 and say well it's the best from before the war even though t51 was still prototype and what was talked about winning in China but all of a sudden there is more of this one that none ever used any game before for no reason other then brotherhood.


Won’t forget you Noble 6 T-45


Remember reach 🫡


That’s the point is the literal shittiest power armor in the series. Which the t60 was designed to make fully obsolete


Except the T51 already did that. The T-60 was created in lore to just be a cheaper armor to the T51, not much else going for the armor. I believe the T-60 should've been a postwar power armor developed by the brotherhood after they defeated the enclave in the East Coast.


No it wasn’t it literally says the east cost brotherhood found the t60s which were literallly designed to replace the t45. That’s why their practically identical


What? The T-60 was designed after the conclusion for the battle of Anchorage, which the T51 was crucial for the US winning. The T45 was already replaced by the T-51. The T-60 were made because it would be a cheaper to mass produce that model than the T51, which is considered the pinnacle of prewar power armor in lore.


I'm sorry I can't. With X-01 pa existing I can't look at any other power armor. It just looks so fucking mean and imposing. That's exactly how I picture power armor. I know pa is supposed to be a walking tank but x-01 is the only power armor that actually looks the part. The other variants just look like a heavy duty set of tough armor. But with x-01 those shoulders and that head and legs it just looks incredibly imposing. 


*me wishing to see more T-51b*


I think the problem is that the T-45 just doesn’t look that good as modern power armor, T-51 and X-01 were designed in their respective games to look like walking tanks so they naturally made a great transition to Fallout 4 but the T-45 was designed to look more like a cardboard suit in 3 and thus didn’t make the jump quite as well as more design elements had to be adjusted. Then they went and made the T-60 which in both looks and lore is just the T-45 but better. IMO my main problem with the modern T-45 model is that the shoulder pieces are too short when they were original quite long in 3/NV. I think restoring the original length of the pauldrons could give the T-45 a look that differentiates itself more from the T-60.


T-60 is just cooler T-45 I said what I said


I mean, if you like T-45 so much, just use it and enjoy it without worrying about what random people online prefer?


The Outcast pattern T-45 was my first armor. Without knowing the Outcastd, i got to say it looked really cool.


Still my favorite helmet design


I started with fallout 3 prob. Thats why I pref T-45 over any other power armor


Same here, it’s just so good clean idk why


Isn’t this the shot from halo reach of noble 6 helmet 💀💀


X-01 my beloved


I just wish Bethesda would give the other armors some love and stop trying to push T-60 as their one and only (though given it’s the design that is the most Bethesda Original I’m not exactly surprised)


I kinda hate it tbh. I thought the t60 was supposed to be the cutting edge model that saw limited action and only produced in small numbers, with the t45 being the time tested workhouse that got mass produced. But all of a sudden everyone and their mom has the T60


I just genuinely have never been able to tell much of a difference between the T-45 and the T-60. Like if you put them side by side and told me to tell you which was which, I couldn't do it.


Hear me out: a deathclaw skull as a helmet


POS can't even recycle urine


In a recent Fo4 playthrough, I kinda had to use a T45 to go see Virgil and even upgraded to the D model... Damn it was brittle as heck ! Had to repair it twice... And I was kinda lucky to stumble on some Enclave shmucks


T-51 looks cooler than both


The T-60 is just T-45 with extra plating. But i dont like the pauldrons of the T-45.


I've always disliked the T-45 armor, T-51 gang for life


All I know is some dude yelled at me , shoved me in a X-01 and told me to stand in front of the hanger and since then can’t go play a fallout game without finding that bugger.


The t-60 is basically a t-45 that looks slightly better. So no problem with that


Honestly I’m team T-60 but I always use the T-45 for a LONG time in my playthroughs, in 76 my T-45 sits proudly on display as it has earned it’s retirement


They really need to properly sit down and design armours so that there is no "best" armour in the game, just armour that appears earlier and needs to be upgraded to reach the same level. It might also be nice if they distinguished them more, so while they should all be of a similar overall "power" level when fully upgraded, they would be better at different things. T-45 is the "lightest" of the power armours so it could have an advantage on speed when upgraded, T-51 would sacrifice some of that speed for more defence, with T-60 taking than even further to be the "heavy" option. Not sure where X-01 would be placed, maybe somewhere between T-51 and T-60?


I will admit I like the way it looks in 3 and NV. Idk why but I do


T-36 supremacy.


I am also a FO3 T-45 glorifier.


It’s just another narrative over site by Bethesda for hype. T-60 supposedly didn’t start mass production until mere months before the bombs fell. Yet the Commonwealth alone has more T-60 suits than T-45 and T-51 combined. Seemingly there must be even more of it across the East Coast too, since the brotherhood was able to outfit an entire chapter with it.


T-51 will always be superior to all the other power armors


I see more fans of t51-b lately


The T-45 looks fat and chubby while the T-60 looks buff and bad ass.


i hate how i thought this might be a pro-trump post for a second




T-51 been on top since fallout 1 always will be


T-60 and T-45 look practically the same whats the big deal


In terms of performance, I think they're all not far off and people are just using the best they have or what they like the look of.


Imo it looks better than t-60. The head isn't massive like a boar, the chest is simple and retro, the pauldrons have a unique profile, and the knee pads are far better. I like it.


I love the iconic t-45 in fallout 3. The image of that helmet on the cover of fallout 3 is actually what initially drew me to the copy of fallout 3 in GameStop all those years ago. Never had heard of fallout before then


I've always remembered that one meme about Daniel and the *Cooler* Daniel whenever people compare T45 and T60 power armor, they're both great, but one obviously outshines the other with community love and it's versatility in game.


T- 45 will always be my favorite looking armor from starting playing fallout 3 as a child 😭


I only wish the T-60 was a post-war T-45 upgrade made by the Brotherhood of Steel


Seemingly Half if not most current fans are Z**mers who came through 4, so it's not much of a surprise. Give it another decade and these same kids will be calling T-60 the "OG"


t-60 is just fat t-45


Remember t-51 the true king of power armors


It's a shame that it's the second worst armor in the 2 most recent games, especially when the coolest armors in New Vegas and 3 were T-45 variants.


Shitty ass Beth armor T-51 mobs both


It's honestly sad? Dude it's a computer game.


The only reason the t-45 is overshadowed by the t-60 power armor is do to toughness. But the toughness aside the t-45 is still cooler


T-51 my love


I really do like T-45, but i also equally love all the power armors :)


Just please get rid of fusion cores so I actually feel like using them. Such an anti fun mechanic. Brain dead game design


I don't get how Fusion Cores can power a fucking Vault in the TV show but can barely last 5 minutes in some armour in the games. I'd 1000% agree it's anti-fun to use ammo for armour. Finding and crafting ammo for guns is enough, imo. Maybe if the power armour did some extra stuff other than just damage resist and jet pack, maybe super-punches, higher jumps and speed by default, then sure.


If you play survival you will notice the cores actually last quite a while, the reason they run out so fast for most people is they are fast traveling across the map every couple minutes and that uses your fusion core.


Still don't find it super enjoyable as a feature, especially with the TV show example. I'd probably just use a mod to not need to replace fusion cores on PC because it just feels less annoying to deal with them. I'm fine with other Survival things like hunger, thirst, temperature out of armour, less ammo and healing, etc. I just don't like extra things like super low weight limits and the fusion core thing. I'm coming at this from someone who plays Fallout 76 on and off, the fusion cores aren't terrible, but it's an extra thing that's like, I've gotta go out of my way if I run really low to get more which can be tedious.


The quick draining of the fusion cores is purely a gameplay mechanic.