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Neither is better as they are all different birds of a common family. F2 is a heavy lift/large personnel transport F3 if an army heavy armed gun ship, light troop insertion F4 and on, is the naval equivalent of the F3. Slightly smaller in size and armament. With the body mass lower below the wing line all with the intention of adding the docking clamp for use on air ships


I was preparing to type that, glad u did already hehehe


Yup; different iterations of the same vehicle. That's how you know you hit it outta park with your vehicle design.


I like the fallout 3 bird the most.


Thank you! Although the designs of multiple inventions from the games throughout the years are different, they can always be converted as different models with different purposes or direct enhancements towards the invention (Like the Gauss Rifle for example)


The 4/76 version is actually quite larger than the 3/NV version.


I think size is very much in the area of what works for each game and not actually comparable size wise. There are side by side people have made that make the F4 look larger from the outside but that dost fit with the capability or interiors. The F4 has one deck with cockpit with space for 2 that has very small controls, then a crew deck that holds 2 side gunner locations that can hold power armour users and then you can squeeze 3 grunts all free standing at the back. The F3 on the other hand. Has a large 2 person cockpit with considerably larger controls. This is on its own lower sub deck. Then it has a separate stepped up floor space for the door locations again this can fit 2 gunners up to power armour. Then it has another stepped up crew compartment that is shown to have 6 seats that are compatible with power armour users seated, some art drawings envisage this area holding 8 PA users. So on personnel and there size of armour it has to be larger plus it fits in missile launchers and a whole bomb bay and storage. Logically the F4 has to be smaller and the rest I put down to game engine capability and stylistics change between games


Well, people have the theory that it's in reality the XVB-01 a.k.a the previous version of the one in 2, 3 and NV


In 76, you also have the Vertibot.


These are actually different in-universe designs. The one in Fo2/3/NV is the XVB02, a development prototype that was supposed to enter service in 2085. So it makes sense that we only really see the Enclave using them and the BoS and Pre-War US Army use the older model we see in Fo4 instead.




What else am I supposed to make my buster sword out of


Damned raiders


Bear Force One!


Went from a dragon fly type design to almost a step below a modern osprey. I like the newer ones since it’s closer to something we actually have in the modern world


The Osprey actually started development before Fallout One. First flight was 1989.


And the name of the vertabird as well as its fallout 4 color-scheme of bare aluminum with red control surfaces are both inspired by the Canadian CL-84 Dynavert from the late 60s


Yep it’s got a lineage in real world designs


This is dope as hell and good to know


im gonna be honest with you the newer vertibird design looks really fat and doesn't look like it could fly at all. The Osprey is way slimmer.


what about [this?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mil_V-12)


I didn’t know this was a thing and nothing could have prepared me for how funny I found it 🤣 I love aircraft designs lol


That is also much slimmer in relativity to its wider silhouette than the vertibird, and with far more wingspan.


I do find it weird they made the front part so bulbous and chunky,it would be insanely front heavy




This is an odd assertion when Fallout also has P90s, FN FALs, AR-15s, Desert Eagles, etc.




You might want to reflect because you seem to be unable to take criticism without getting angry. Different game engines, different models of birds with different functions, different perspectives, different art styles. You’re also exaggerating how realistic it looks. It’s *closer* to reality but still distinct as its own sci-fi Fallout design.


Which is fine for the older games but now that games look a hell of a lot nicer and the models have to move somewhat smoothly they had to trim it down and make it logically be able to fly and operate




It’s called an opinion my guy,learn to have your own quietly




My favorite's the F2, I like the insectoid thing the Enclave's got going on, with their armor looking like beetle shells.


BOS Boss the skies


I recall there also being a larger variant with 4 rotors in Fallout 2, was that a thing or am I just thinking of a mod again?


The Fallout 4 and the TV show desing makes somewhat sense. Most of those vertibirds are from crash sites that might have gotten scuttled, and the active ones look more like they were manufactured using spareparts, junk, and whats available so they can actually produce it. Fallout 2, 3 and NVs look more sturdier, better manteined or look like they have being well hidden on a hangar.


Well, mostly because the ones to at the enclave have were experimental before the war. They have the means to produce them and have the blueprints for it where as the BOS is stuck with the older pre war versions but they fit their needs as they can hang them on the airships and arm them as needed. But their mostly used for transport rather then shooting at shit. I think the BOS has a few captured Enclave Gunships but it’s kinda obvious why they weren’t included. Both Bethesda didn’t wanna model them and from a BoS standpoint they weren’t gonna bring the very few gunships they had to Boston.


They're canonically different vehicles, so none of them are the same thing, it's not old vs new, the old ones exist in universe still, they just aren't used since they were limited supply enclave ones that were lost after they moved east.


I like the windowlessness of the Fallout 3/NV, It gives a cool sci-fi vibe to them. I like Fallout 2's because it looks like a dragonfly. My favorite, though, would have to be the live action vertibird because it got my Boeing Engineer Grandpa got existed when he saw them.


Your engineer grandpa suddenly faded into existence when he saw the vertibirds come onscreen




Always preffered the design from 2, the dragonfly look is way better than the squished V22 Osprey. The 3&NV look is a good in-between tho.


I prefer the classic and 3 one. It looks like it could actually fly compared to the TV one, the 4 one is alright, not terrible.


Seems like the interior space of the older ones was almost unusably small at least for military uses. Real life US military would have wanted them to be 5 to 10 times bigger.


Fallout 2 is the best. The dragonfly-like design is just too good. 3/NV looks pretty good too, it's different, but still very reminiscent of the original. 4/76/TV just look too...stubby. They look more like a fish than a bug and just seem a little too short.


Old because there is not a gaping hole to fall out of, they seem a lot safer imo.


I mean a lot of irl helicopters fly with doors open, especially military helicopters because they have to you know, shoot and in case of fallout i imagine power armor units jump out of them pretty often.


Yeee vertibirds were made with the intention of delivering power armoured units to combat




The 160th SOAR almost always flying with their doors off in their MH-60Ms and their Little Birds would disagree with that


The ones in 4 and on still have doors though?  They're just always shown in the open position.


Meant to wear pa when inside them


Love the 4/76 design, quite like the 2, 3 was pretty meh


The number of rotor blades went in the opposite direction the real world C130's did. 


Fallout TV seems the most realistic


NTGL i HATE the vertibird design


New one would be perfect if the doors were able to close, or if it even had doors


Unrelated but I just saw a bos vertibird land without crashing, but as soon as they landed realized their mistake they shot thier vertibird until it blew up.


1 and 2 looks like an ornithopter from Dune


Aesthetically coolest? 2. Most feasible concept? 3. Most aesthetically apt for fallout? 4. Though apparently these are different types of the same aircraft, which explains the differing looks, one for cargo, personnel transport etc.


I'd never noticed that the Fallout 4 vertibird had fewer blades on its rotors than the Fallout 3 version. At this rate by Fallout 7 they'll have no blades at all.


That’s a [Pelican](https://www.halopedia.org/D79-TC_Pelican)


2, because that's the model Lily got her Vertibird Rotor Blade from


For 4/76 I noticed the only time they ever shut the doors on vertibirds are when you load up for a expedition on 76, in the loading area where you're team loads in on the bird the doors are shut, this is the only time, the responders are the safest pilots


Fallout 3/nv model will never not go hard


All great, don't care just let me pilot one in 5!!!!!!


I’m just trying to understand the aerodynamics …. Like how


"with enough thrust, even a brick can fly"


"For a brick, he flew pretty good."


They're using the same tech that allows Mr. Handy units to not burn down houses when they float by


U right I forgot … Fallout physics


I would not be surprised if all house construction materials were just coated with toxic flame retardants in the fallout universe.


With enough thrust you don't need to be aerodynamic, its the same in real life.


Don’t like all helicopters they known physics and gravity exist but they just chose to disregard it and punch them in to submission, they are constantly in a state of refusing to crash.


I think that they moved into the right direction with them in 4-onward, compared to 3/nv they look like actual helicopters and not coffins with propellers, but they should have returned to the more dragonfly-like appearance the original had, atleast by making their tails longer and wings wider and slimmer, also reducing the hump would help a lot but since it has an actual function in 4 i kinda like it that way.


>and not coffins with propellers But it does function like a coffin with propellors with how often they crash. Just like the real life V-22 Osprey


lmao thats a fair point


Fallout 4 onwards is by far the best looking versions IMO. Though I wish they’d show us the different versions together just to help the lore


I feel like the design from fallout 2 to fallout 3/NV was a major step back


How so both look good. The only one I’d call bad is the fallout 4 one. Every piece on it looks the same


If the trend continues next game the propellers will only have 2 blades.


Each fits the people who were using them ingame. 2 is for those Buck Bumble looking Enclave soldiers.


Reminds me of those dog evolution photos over the last few hundred years


I liked the one from the frontier


The early versions have an insect like shape and design and I wonder if this was dune inspired


All vertibrds are welcome 😊


Fallout 4 vertibird and Fallout tv vertibird look the exact same to me not how it's depicted in the pic


I remember the crashed Vertibird in Den. And how my 12 year old self felt proud after felling the robot with a just a spear.


Vertibirds in fallout 76 aren't the same as the ones in 4


Started as a dragonfly, ended as bumblebee.


3/NV version for me. The FO4/TV version looks like the tail is on upside down, it bugs me.


I like them all


I absolutely ADORE how chunky and heavy the ones in the show look. Thicc aircraft is peak design


Bzzzzzzzvvvvvv boom


FO2, for the win... again!


I've always loved the design of 3 and NV.


FoTV actually wins it for me. The front looks a bit more bug like than Fo4, but not as much as Fo2. Nice balance.




Fo2's design looks cartoony, oudated and silly. Literally just a dragonfly. Funky, and great with the capabilities they had back then, but would be considered lazy to today's standars. Fo3 and NV's design looks cool, but a bit too alien and high tech for the Fallout universe limited advancement in sci-fi tech and general 50s aesthetics. It also looks silly and it's a bit too on the nose that it's a dragonfly still. Fo4, Fo76 and the TV show designs are basically all the same with minimal changes in paintjob, frame maintenance, etc. They look the most like a helicopter while keeping the "50s aesthetic but high-tech" the franchise aims for.


Well the fo4 weren’t modeled after a dragonfly they were modelled after a goldfish


Yeah, but I wouldn't know (not sure if you're joking or if it's for real) that until now that you've told me. The dragonfly one looks very much like the bug. Too on the nose.


I miss the old bug designs


Fallout 2 and 3 designs are peak. In my opinion, Fallout 4/76 made it, like many other things, way too chunky and awkward. In Fallout 3 they seemed so agile, mainly because of a more scripted behavior, I know, but in Fallout 4 they feel so damn... stiff. Like flying bricks that barely manage to keep themselves in the air.


You couldn't get me on any of em, irl. So that's consistent. :)


Can’t lie 4’s vertibird is goated good glow up


I kinda wish Bethesda would bring that old concept back in the next game, along with the newer vertibirds of course


The Tv one looks sleek as hell. It actually looks airworthy, the other designs always struck me as incredibly unaerodinamic and wonky


Sounds like they couldn't figure out a design so kept changing it


I love the one from 2 the most, but I absolutely hate the one from the TV show, 4, and 76


I love Fallout 2's and 3/NV's equally, but I quite dislike 4's and beyond... they just look very off proportionally.


I really think that the final design for TV show is the best. I feel like the Vertibird is something devs and artists have been working out for a while.


Personally think the newer design is better. Gives me Fortunante Son vibes.


Degenerates like you belong on a cross