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Someone forgot grape mentats


mmmm mentats


“Delicious and smarty!”


...Mobius is that you?


N-nooo… why? Do you want some mentats too?


There's even two of them right next to Danse.


Am I missing something here? Are those the ones that boost charisma? So it would make you pass the checks to convince Danse and/or Maxson to let him live/stay in the Brotherhood?




Or you can save scum


I usually just do really high natural charisma runs. so I can pass whatever I want


well, charisma wise.


Looks like SOMEONE forgot their DAY TRIPPER


She was a dayyyyyy tripper


One way ticket, yeahhh


The dichotomy of being an absolute ZEALOT of a BoS member, while simultaneously being a synth plant is probably the most interesting twist of the main BoS story and possibly the entire game. Its an even better twist than Shaun being Father. It gave me chills. How devastated was Danse? He gratefully accepts death, better to die by the hand of his beloved BoS than live on as in what Danse's opinion is an abomination.


I’ve always wondered if we ever get more evidence of Dans’ back story? Like do we have confirmation he was replaced recently by the institute as one of their clone spies or is it possible he’s been a synth that escaped years ago and isn’t in direct control of the institute?


Iirc, there’s no record of Danse in the institute, which makes it unlikely that he’s a plant. He’s likely an escaped synth who had his memories wiped and decided to join the BoS afterward


His memory of arriving at Rivet City is probably real, since there is a doctor there who is not only a master plastic surgeon, but also knows how to do memory wipes.


Thats a good idea


There is mention of a synth that had been last seen near Boston Airport within the SRB terminals. That is widely believed to be a description of Danse.


I always assumed this as well. Which made the RR seem even more useless to me. 


Maybe he came though the railroad


He was replaced while he was under the pile of synths at ArcJet Systems.


I usually like to leave him in there while I go make a sandwich and do some other stuff. He's an essential character so he can't die, and the synths just keep coming until you activate the jet engine. He will drop to his knees a few times but he just gets back up and keeps going. Always leave there a rich man after slow walking all the way to the nearest shop to off load dozens upon dozens of institute rifles. Nice way to make some caps pretty early in the game.


Was he really a plant though? Given his history with the BoS, it seems more like he was a railroad rescue that joined the Brotherhood of his own volition.


I believe that even railroad rescue synths have the override code. I'm not a fan of the whole synth thing, but i also hate those kind of covert operations (people being spies and never knowing it). It's so wrong in my book, and the reason why i don't think the institute is redeemable.


I doubt it, to me he reads like an institute plant who was an informant without even knowing it the whole time.


He came from rivet city though, and we know from fallout 3 that the RR works in the area and the Dr. there can preform plastic surgery/memory wipes.


But the other Synth plants we know of DID know they were synths and reported directly to the institute on the regular. The institute doesn't give their synths false memories. They believe that they aren't people, they're tools. Why bother making up that part about Rivet City?


Easily my favorite plot point in the whole game. >!although that's not saying much with F4's plot. Doesn't take away from how impactful this moment is though!<


I actually really liked how I went into Far Harbor as a BoS Sentinel, and I got the ultimate ending for a BoS Sentinel. Exposed Dima, nuked the cult, and extracted the girl *before* calling in the Brotherhood killteam to wipe out the synth sanctuary. That, killing Danse, and finding paladin Brandis were probably my favorite immersive moments. With Brandis, I had, early on, made a habit of repeatedly choosing the "up" option in dialogue to cause loops because I thought it was funny. If you do it to Brandis, though, he loses his shit and attacks you.


Some theories point to the main character being a synth too.


DiMa the manipulator has you fooled


That makes no sense, did you forget we we’re alive pre war and were frozen, don’t know much about the lore but pretty sure the institute weren’t there pre war


"But do you remember anything from BEFORE that?" - Dima Dude tried his best to just make the main character doubt their self identity, insinuating that those memories aren't real. Didn't think it'd spill over to players actually buying into his mindgames, though.


No they don’t. Explain dialogue lines like “oh yeah I used to come here (I think the shopping mall) before the war” or “I remember that guy (Eddie Winter) from back in my day”


I mean, you’re absolutely wrong about the theories not saying that. We’ve ALL seen them, they’re not very good, but they’re certainly there (also they’d probably give you some spiel about implanted memories or something)


A theory with bad evidence doesn’t make the theory still valid, it makes it a poorly informed opinion. The entire premise of the game is broken if the player is a synth, the whole point of the institute keeping the player character as a frozen backup is that they are truly a prewar human


Hey, at least you had a Revolver. Imagine doing this quest if all you had on hand was like a Flamer or a Ripper. Like, poor Danse is asking for a Mercy killing but its just the Chem-Fiend Lone Wanderer in his Grognak costume, holding a Pipe Wrench with the last guys brains still stuck to it. Edit: New Plan! Im gonna do this quest with that Whack-a-mole type hammer from Nuka-World.


Br00tl Metal AF


Hahaha good one


Scribe Haylen won't be happy.


You certainly didn't hesitate lol


If your charisma is high enough Maxson can be convinced to let him live and banished from BOS and you can stay in the BOS. Skip to 11:50 [Saving Danse](https://youtu.be/K-TjO2bFBf4?si=xyCyjoXiJ_l_ydUA)


Which is bullshit! The BoS murder the whole Railroad for saving synths, but he chooses to look the other way? This questline should have ended with you being kicked from the BoS and being made an enemy.


Options...just an option you can choose to take or not.


Danse was the peak BoS paladin. No matter what happened he was loyal. Hell the guy was willing to kill HIMSELF over the fact that hes a synth, thats how much of a BOS zealot he is. To Maxson, keeping Danse alive is a nono. However Danse for the Sole Survivor, arguably the BOS best weapon against the institute, is much much more. Danse is the guy getting you in. Telling you about the BOS. There all the way for you until Sentinel Site. Maxson basically realizes that its better to have Danse roam around with the Eastern BOS best man where he can be watched easily, be an effective combat booster and potentially keep the Sole Survivor alive, and at the same time honor everything the Sole Survivor or Danse did. Its an incredibly small sacrifice, and is the entire reason why Maxson basically goes "Tell anyone about this and you are dead"


Maxson brought the BoS to the Commonwealth to eliminate synths and the Institute. He finds a synth has infiltrated his ranks, and he lets him go? Doesn't make an example of him? Doesn't hand him over to the scribes to determine how he could have known?


you have to do alot of convincing alot and even after hes a kill on sight i see it more of the player being a great asset to the point of risng through the ranks quickly and danses loyal to the bos and so much hes done also he couldve sent alot of soldiers to kill him but he sends you so their mustve been alittl respect towards him


Well they didn't wipe them out because they helped synths, they wiped them out because the railroad declared war first and kept being a nuisance for the brotherhood


The Railroad didn’t declare war on the brotherhood?


Yeah they did? As soon as the BoS arrive in the commonwealth if you go the the railroad HQ they immediately state they will be declaring war and they'll make no attempt at diplomacy


It’s absolutely a gameplay consideration and I don’t really care about that fact.


Well you didn’t had to…


He had to!


No, he didn’t


Whatever you say institute sympathizer


You do realize that those sinths are essentially clones with embedded memories and commands, just like in star wars. All you did was kill someone who realized that they weren't who they thought they were. It's people like you that keeps making the BOS fail time and again. Instead of killing them to you ever think about using them against the Institute? Hell, sinths are better able to fight off Mutants and ghouls. So why not make them your front line heavies while the Natural humans are behind them giving support fire?


Oh, and how did those clones in Star Wars turn out for the galaxy?


That's different, that happened a long time ago in a galaxy, far far away.




[Like this mf](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwarsrebels/images/9/95/Captain_Rex_Helmetless_Rebels.png/revision/latest/thumbnail/width/360/height/450?cb=20240121152420) [And these mfs](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/b/b6/BadBatchLineup-SWquiz.png/revision/latest?cb=20210505021904)


6 rebelled, awesome. What happened to the other 6 million? They didn't happen to help overthrow the government, kill its Jedi protectors, and help establish an empire, did they?


It’s not like the Old Republic was going down that road anyway.


6 defects out of 6 million, that is a pretty dame good error rate. And they did just as they were programed to do, so what's the complaint here?


That having an entire army that can be programmed to be under the control of a small group or even just one person is a pretty bad idea for the safety and sovereignty of everyone else.


Depends on which side of the War you were on.




Doing this at work, can't fix all the spell check errors.


Not to mention, the main character is definitely a synth. How else do you explain using VATS before you get a Pip Boy?


Well, keep in mind I'm just spitballing here and could be wrong, but could Vault-Tec not have implanted the tech while the Lone Surviver was asleep or being that he/she was ex-military, could be implanted tech from their service days that could not be removed and/or they were allowed to keep it.


I was mostly just repeating in jest a common theory in the community. A big part of it hinges on this entry from the institute > Overriding directive to not alter our synths' basic functioning notwithstanding, Father has granted clearance for a rather unique project. > In select Gen 3 units, the synthetic brain is indeed capable of accepting specific enhancements to the visual cortex, basal ganglia and right parietal cortex. The result is substantially improved combat effectiveness, due to two factors: > 1.) An increased understanding of weapon accuracy, to the extent that the combatant can actually visualize the percentage of effectively hitting targets (or smaller areas on those targets). > 2.) An altered sense of perception that mimics the effect of slowing, or even stopping, time. > Recommend we commence surgery and field trials on appropriate operatives in the near future. So a pet project of Father was implementing what is clearly VATS as it's implemented in FO4 into gen 3 synths.


Other than the devs saying that it was an oversight? Drugs.


Of course, Institute rulez!


In fairness to you, you probably weren’t hungry enough to eat the grape mentats THAT WERE RIGHT THERE and changing clothes for extra charisma is just such a hassle ya know?


Bro put 0 effort 💀


For future reference, with clothes and grape mentats (+5)you can add 10 to your CHR instantly. Reginald’s suit (+3) Militia Hat (+1) Black-Rim Glasses (+1)


"Hold on Danse, I gotta change real quick before we can talk."


Tell me you have poor Chr without telling me you have poor Chr.


The thing is that you can just keep trying over and over. The dialogue just keeps repeating until you convince him to live


Nooo! Not George Clooney!


Crazy how much he sounds like George Clooney.


I had to look the actor up my first playthrough and I am still not convinced Clooney used an alias.


Install the danse dilemma mod. It solves all in a funny way


PC gamers accepting the outcome of a hard decision challenge (impossible)


I just want to keep Danse around on my brotherhood play thru, he spent like the whole game with me.


Actually when I first played with no mods I succeeded to save him, but didn't liked maxon's xenophobia onestly


Paladin Buzz Lighyear was far more loyal to the brotherhood than Elder Maxim, punk bitch betrayed the Lions


Brotherhood are a bunch of tin-can wimps


Drive their power armor like fuckin shopping carts too


I’d rather use stormtroopers if I want to hit something with lasers.


Bro what is your charisma?


Well...you didn't HAVE to do that.


Why excuse Danse when just outside Maxson is waiting to have his coat ripped off him.


I used righteous authority to execute him.


Now that\`s fucked lol


I love that kinda symmetry! I actually used Kellogg's pistol to put Father out of his misery yesterday.


So did I during the brotherhood ending!


Paladin Danse will remember that


He was the reason why i exterminated the brotherhood


You sent Buzz Lightyear to Infinity AND BEYOND


This is the point where you destroy the pridwyn


If you kill Danse consider you a opps


What is a opps?




Now do the rest of the brotherhood


This \^\^


I killed everything on the prydwin as soon as I got there. The moment you get to that level within the cult, you're complicit in everything they do


You didn't have to 😂😂😂😂


The phrase “had to” is doing some pretty heavy lifting here


On my current playthrough I got the bug where Danse refuses to talk to you after fighting off the ghouls outside the police station. Most annoying shit, i had to turn off survival mode, issue the console command to pass the quest and then the one to enable survival again... I will kill Danse with my own two hands. Synth or not.


Look at the flowers Danse


Only proper way to kill him is with righteous authority


I really, REALLY wish they had finished developing the story where Danse and you get to overthrow Maxon in a one v one challenge for the leadership of the BoS due to his insanity and paranoia that is obviously going to break the BoS.


Bro what is the meme here I don’t get it? Or is just a clip of a part of the game? Am I missing something?


It’s not a meme. OP is just showing a part of the game that they found was sad. It’s the same thing if they just made a text post to titled “I was sad when I had to kill Danse”


It's a clip from the game where you >!execute a prominent BoS member after he finds out he's a synth.!<


Yeah I know but what’s the point of the post? I could post a clip of me meeting Dogmeat at Red Rocket but why would I?


What's the point of any post on Reddit? What's the point of asking? What's the point of me responding? Let people live their lives and you live yours.


I hit him with a sledgehammer. I then carried him around for a few days and used him as a storage container. Fuck synthetic humanoids and their garbage fake ethics


Agreed! Death to the Stormcloaks!!


I saw a mirelurk the other day. Horrible creatures.


As fearless in death as he was in life.


The synths don't choose to be synths though they're made with the memories of who they're gonna replace, to them, they are human as you are, and apart from the single piece "synth nodule" thingy they basically are, especially danse, he's an advocate for synth destruction and willingly accepts his death if you choose that option. He's devastated as any human a part of the BOS would be Obviously each player is gonna play differently but if anything danse deserves to continue living to see the fuck over of The Institute AND the BOS, and who knows when he got replaced, was it before the commonwealth or did it happen as we travel with him? Maybe one night the institute did come and steal him away


Danse isn't an Infiltrator, actually, no moral dilemma there. M7-97 was rescued by the Railroad, dumped in the Capital Wasteland with fake memories of growing up there as a scavenger, then joined the Brotherhood with Cutler of his own will. Also, Infiltrators are a rarity among Synths, and not actually programmed with the mind of their original counterpart, it's more like they're given a script to follow. But I agree, Danse deserves to live.


The info we have regarding danse is that the institute considered him “missing”, implying he wasn’t a replacement, but an escapee who got mindwiped by the railroad before being sent to the capital wasteland.


My fucking sides


I haven't killed him in the 5 play throughs I've done so far (1 I didn't progress brotherhood story at all so no option). But the more I think about it if you don't side with the institute then you should kill him. The fact he was a real person and was replaced by the institute and the institute could be getting valuable information or he could be a ticking time bomb ready to damage the BOS is too much.


This raises a good point actually. If you choose to side with the institute you should be able to bring Danae in to be reset. That’s lost property right there. Same with the other synths you can have as companions


We don’t know whether he was replacing someone or just was an escaped synth from the Railroad.


Spoiler tag your shit bro. Not everyone has played this game


I just save scum my way through the dialog with that one guy to not kill him


Ok, so the time I did this I said Ad Victoriam brother before I shot him not knowing he said that, and I felt so bad after!


I think I might join the BoS during my next playthrough so I can finish this storyline


I was forced to do this. I wanted to save Danse but the game kept bugging and the only way to get past the bug was to kill Danse unfortunately


If your charisma is high enough you can get dialogue for maximum to send him to exile sparing his life.


For the Brotherhood!


So many mods. I don’t even recognize this part of the Dark Brotherhood intro quest


You don't have to do this. I spare Danse during all my BOS playthroughs. Then I just send him to Nuka World where nobody will bother us.


I didnt know this is, I just thought you kissed him I still dont know what it is lol after scrolling the comments


Did the same yesterday 😔


you don’t have to…


There’s a stack of mentats to the right


I only once did a BoS run and didn't feel bad about killing Danse. I guess it's my NCR nature... And Institute nature... ...If you can't Synth good, then you might as well die better!


You just say that you had to do it because you don't wanna admit that you wanted to. You didn't have to do it.


You don't have to, you can talk him into facing Maxon, then convince Maxon to let him live


"From where you're kneeling must see like an 18 carat run of bad luck"


You don't have to do it.


Takes a bullet to the dome and almost gets off an entire sentence, Danse is made different


He was a fascist. Why did you care? He would have killed every synth on their knees begging for their lives if he had the chance to do so.


If I fail the speech checks and Maxson kills him, Maxson dies, and the Prydwyn comes down soon after. I usually end up going Minutemen for the ending.


I'm not, he's a synth AND he had a fusion core in his pockets. (It is a sad moment, but i am a horrid person and so i have this reaction)


If you save danse do you still lose your chance at a promotion?


Can definitely get around this very easily


The BoS in 4 aren’t the Brotherhood from 3. Their soul left them long before the Sole Survivor woke up.


I didn't even hesitate


Man I didn't know you could kill him. Guess I failed to do some questlines.


My dumbass saw the spoiler and still clicked instinctively FUCK


The one machine that almost makes you feel like they are people.


i killed maxson to save danse and somehow danse died too


When I killed Tinker Tom I said this is one of my specialties.


It’s his own fault that he’s too dense to realize that himself even having the capability to think clearly and still be loyal to the BOS even though he’s a synth upends his entire ideology. A weird case of social Darwinism if you ask me is all it is.


Spoiler tag this please


If your true brotherhood you outta be happy, you’re doing it. One less abomination!


Hey how about a spoilers tag!?!?


I played the game at launch and still think it’s bs that they didn’t spoiler tag. It’s a late game spoiler. Many people watched the show and are experiencing the game for the first time. I saw a similar reel yesterday where some dipshit was doing a “DiD yOu KnOw ThAt In FaLlOuT 4…” video about “this strange robot” and proceeded to spoil the entire story and mystery of the Far Harbor DLC. Like dude, that’s not a meme or a secret story line. You’re just spoiling the game for newcomers for clicks and presumably some rage engagement.


Wdym he's a dirty synth but it to the ground already. Synths shouldn't be allowed to even exist they are abominations created by the institute so they can keep pulling people from the surface to continue their vile experiments. Disgusting. They aren't people.


More like ManadarTheHater damn


I'm going to unveil the secret sauce of this post. Ready? >!GOD BLESS THE ENCLAVE!<


how many people did Danse pull from the surface to the Institute?




two and many others? or two too many? or two, which is too many? or two people called Many?




Danes is a filthy synth and deserves what he got


Robots don’t have feelings, I don’t know how people say synths are human , and somehow say that mr handy robot in a synth body is human


Curie is actually a great case for synthetic humans to be more than just “robots” she was unable to make further advancements in medicine with her robotic hardware. getting moved into a synthetic human body allowed her to continue to advance her knowledge and experiences. The shows that the synthetic humans have whatever is required for creativity and innovation. That thing that we are unable to give to robots and create true artificial intelligence. A “soul?”They’re not robots they’re humans with enough control parts put in to make them act like a robot. But they are still humans. Just manufactured ones with control chips and upload/download gear.


Hes a pos. Bye bye


1. No you didnt 2. spoiler tag where? 3. bruh if you wanna execute someone shoot em in the back of the head.


Spoiler tag for a game that's been out for almost 9 years?


Or at least the side, you dont want to mess up the face of someone you actually respect


Honestly I don’t think spoilers matter when the game is almost 9 years old.


well there are many new players thanks to the show so yeah


It’s a nine year old game that’s been heavily discussed online. If you don’t want spoilers you need to work to avoid them yourself. It’s not our burden to stay silent forever to avoid spoilers.


Or just press one button to put on a spoiler tag


yeah youre kinda right i just thought it woulda been nice


What would be nice is if we didn’t have new people come into our nine-year-old community demanding that we shut up about spoilers that we’ve been discussing for nine years. We’re happy to have you here new people with new ideas and new opinions are always entertaining. I’ve been having a lot of fun hearing new fallout players, voice opinions and ideas I got years ago and bring up old conspiracies and ideas, but please remember where you are and don’t cry for spoilers. It’s been nine years already. There has to be a limit .


i know i am no new player, ive been playing for years, but i have some friends who recently got into the series and its been really fun to hear what they think abou the game and what theories they come up with.


Thankfully there is a mod to fix this problem😬


There is also a speech check in the game to avoid this but whey


The original quest options are still in the game files. In the original storyline, you could chalange and kill maxson to save dense and to become the new leader of the BOS. And with that, spare the Railroad... it was a option. The mod i mentioned does only reactivate dose options.


You did right brother, just out of respect for real people swapped for synth, ad victoriam!


If I'd know that a great poet is a fascist, I'd still shoot them.