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But isn't the ncr basically a shadow of its former self in the show? Having cobbled together armor isn't that weird in this case Edit nvm, they look waaay too decked out for that armor to be cobbled together


They always looked more like raiders or a bunch of deserters than actual NCR. Even when they were announced to be the NCR their actions leading up to the reveal mark them more as Raiders or some mercenary army like the Gunners.


I think they did hire raiders to boost their numbers. If you rewatch it seems like there are two groups, the raiders and the soldiers with The Flame Mother™️. Then they just leave the raiders behind when they complete their mission.


yeah, the NCR remnants under her are basically seen as raiders to people outside the fold *and* they hire straight up raiders


Desperate times and all. Whatever Flame Mommy wants Flame Mommy gets.


moldaver?! i hardly even know her! but if she insists.......


Dude, she's spoken for! Or, at least grunted for, pretty sure her ~~girlfriend~~ ghoulfriend is feral by the time Lucy gets there.


I quite liked the rogue NCR type stuff towards the end, but the beginning being total raiders seemed a bit too much of a shift. Still a neat faction


I think it speaks to how desperate they truly are. Either they are rogue or supporting a contingent of soldiers outside any main population area is so difficult that what’s left of the NCR government have given them carte blanche on how to maintain control of the region.




And the NCR *has* hired Raiders in the past. Just ask Vault City.


Whoa whoa whoa cowboy, that was the *Bishops* who hired the raiders. They can't control what their gambling and prostitution lover employee would do, right? /s


And Jacobstown.


That's certainly how it APPEARS, since there's that smaller group that peels off with her when she goes on her mission, and that's certainly my head cannon. If that's the case, however, what she was actually doing in Vault 33 has yet to be revealed. (and no it couldn't have just been getting Hank because there were a bunch of better and easier ways to get him that wouldn't involve accidentally killing him in the crossfire.) I'm guessing she was expecting that everything she needed was going to be in the Overseer's computer, and was so certain of this that she didn't try to secure Hank or use Monty to take Lucy hostage as a backup plan. So yeah, I'm excited to hear more about this if possible in season 2


Flame mother, what the heck was that about anyway. What an odd title for someone who is just a guerilla/raider. She didn't seem to be cultivating a religious following they were just doing cult stuff for funsies I guess it's not the first time but it sure seemed odd


For all it’s a dick move, it makes perfect sense. Her plan involves a large group being loud and destructive to distract everyone, while a small group takes the actual objective. The large group are taking all the heat and all the fire, so they’re going to take casualties. But you don’t need them to do anything beyond being a huge target. So yeah, rent a thug, at discount price. Don’t waste good soldiers.


Yeah how they raided vault 33 wasn't like the way well trained professional soldiers would attack a vault, they behaved very "raidery".


I think she hired actual raiders for the attack on vault 33. Notice while some of the Raiders are running around pillaging and handful stay close to Maldaiever and execute the mission. They then leave the rest of their group behind when the bombs close off the way. Seems like they may have hired some raiders as disposable muscle.


Great theory! Those guys that were with her did seem a bit more professional in the way they guarded her compared to the pie eating and psycho taking raiders


Even the way they walked and carried themselves screams "military" to me!


We posted the exact same theory at the exact same time. What are the odds of that?


Lol damn


That makes a lot of sense it always kinda bugged me how Raider they acted during the Vault assualt to how they were revealed the NCR


I think Moldaver just hired a group of raiders to come with her, her and a few NCR soldiers left and the raiders died or were captured


Because those were *actual* raiders…


I think Moldaver hired some raiders too, yeah, because after>! losing her hometown AND her new lover Rose to Rose's jealous ex-husband Hank, a Vault-Tec guy!< she didn't care if innocent vault dwellers got hurt while she was retrieving Hank/she didn't consider any vault dwellers in 31/32/33 'innocent' I think one of the points the show is trying to drive home is "doing *literally anything* to save or avenge your loved ones is bad, actually; you should have lines you wouldn't cross even for that".


Its interesting how many villains in the show can justify it with "love": Hank, Moldaver, even Barb Howard.


It's a common theme in the whole series no? The Master sought to unify humanity in an age of peace by turning all into Super Mutants.


its not love, its fear


Yeah I put "love" in quotes for a reason, its what they all *want* to think they're feeling, but none of these people's loved ones would approve of what's been done in their names.


Tbh i think their actions in the vault make sense. They found the guy who nuked their home and were pissed.


Some of them where straight up rock crye jpc plate carriers and airframe helmets


Not to mention the guy on the twin mount machine gun with an high cut ACH2 complete with NODs mount and side rails.


The armor makes perfect sense for the information we are given about the NCR in the show. NV fanboys are just mad they completely missed all the subtext that the NCR was already falling apart at the time the game takes place and that they are no longer the all powerful god force they think they are.


As an NCR fanboy myself, I don’t get the complaint. We know the NCR is still around and we know they have enough discipline and infrastructure to maintain SAM turrets, combat armor, and better weapons than most wasteland factions including the only laser weapon used outside the Enclave flashback. Of course this little group trying to rebuild doesn’t have the same level of equipment as the height of the NCR army, but I don’t see BoS soldiers in combat armor.


Not only that but it’s not like they’re weak either, they were evenly matched with people in vertibirds and power armor that also had superior weapons. Maybe they didn’t look the part, but they definitely fought the part


Yeah there's that shot towards the end showing a lot of dead NCR and BoS bodies together. Even without numerical superiority this time the NCR did well against the Brotherhood.


BOS in 3, NV and 4 use it iirc, Recon Armor for 3/NV and Combat Armor over Brotherhood Uniforms respectively.


I’m just pointing out the chapter we see in the show. I agree the BoS in general is very well equipped, but they can afford to be because even at their peak they couldn’t compare to the numbers the NCR have/had, see Helios One.


Correction: the NCR at NV was falling apart because of logistical issues - this is how basically every colony halfway around the world was able to free itself from the British. The NCR itself would still be going strong.


Believe both Mr.House and Ulysses both pointed it out I know Ulysses mentions that by nuking I-15 it would destroy the NCR in the Mojave region and not the entire NCR and Mr.House mentions I believe the logistic issues of them 


>[Mr.House](http://Mr.House) mentions I believe the logistic issues of them  Half of the NCR characters in NV mention their fucked logistics.


People are mad they were destroyed by a petty dude with a nuke. They didn’t fall to any of the reasons mentioned in fnv.


I think it was both, the show just didn't have the time to fill everyone in on NV. Things were falling apart and THEN Shadysands got nuked put the nail in it. There's still the rest out there though but it takes a bit to recover (if the will is there) after your leadership has been wiped out.


But the showrunners literally described the NCR as ["doing everything great"](https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/fallout-season-2-creators-interview) prior to their collapse. They're either unaware or don't care about what was causing issues for the NCR, and the show doesn't hint at any of the NCR's issues, despite having plenty of time to do so.


>Things were falling apart I'm not too sure about that. Most of NCR's issues were magnified because The Courier was running around in their frontier. The living standard and infrastructure in the NCR core by most accounts were pretty good (the best we hear about in the series outside of the Institute).


But the NCR did not even collapse as such. Todd even said that the NCR still exists literally after the Shady Hands bombing, the NCR regulated and moved away from Las Vegas. but there are still a little weaker ones but I don't think it's close to being a shadow.


Todd can declare things to be canon and that's that, but there's really not any evidence in the show to suggest that the NCR still exists. Going all the way back to Fallout 2, the use of the NCR's dollar has been used to signal the power they exert over a territory, that the only thing used as currency in the show is bottle caps (in the city where their dollars are minted) suggests the total collapse of any economic influence. The claim is that a single terrorist attack 20 years ago (and 200 miles from the LA Boneyard) was enough for them to abandon one of their core territories. *The* defining trait of the NCR is their need to perpetually expand, to exert their influence on all territories in their reach. If they've left one of their home territories (the one that houses their central bank, the home of their military's primary supplier, and their medical university) alone for two decades suggests their ability to extend political power is also extinct. The only point at which the Brotherhood of Steel even suggest they might have any issues running sorties through what has for over 100 years by the time of the show been NCR core territory was during their attack on the observatory, so it seems like their military power is also defunct, a point backed up by the only people we see wearing the gear of their military's elite are a couple random scavengers Cooper has no trouble taking out by himself. Maybe the suggestion is that there's a weirdly specific carve out of their territory just surrounding LA and everywhere else is fine, but carving out all the territory from the Boneyard to Shady Sands would also cut out Junktown (Shady Sands' oldest trading partner) and the Hub, *the* trading hub of the NCR. If they lost everything south of Shady Sands, that looses them at least half their territory. To have suffered such a level of total collapse of economic and political influence over the territories that founded their nation suggests very heavily that the NCR is defunct as an organisation. Like I said, Todd says otherwise and what he says is canon, but the level of loss the show portrays suggests that they're basically gone.


In New Vegas it is made clear that the caps were once again the currency because in the game the NCR's gold reserves were bombed by the enclave, so the use of the caps says nothing about the situation of the faction and second I think that leaving Las Vegas the same was also too dramatic on my part. The militia that we found in the observatory may not even have been part of the current NCR army but rather deserters from their own who joined Moldaver. but you are right that the only one who has the power to do this is Todd but there are many ways to literally not eliminate the faction that declaring extinct is still too radical


The use of their currency in New Vegas reinforces my point, in the time of Fallout 2, bottle caps are literally worthless, you come across a stash of 10,000 of them as a joke quest reward and can't get even 1 dollar for them, the NCR is growing its influence to the point their money is the only game in town even outside of their official territory. By the time of New Vegas, their economic power is waning, as you mentioned the Brotherhood of Steel sabotaged their gold reserves and confidence in their currency has declined, leading to unfavourable exchange rates at least outside their core territories, but it's still accepted as money. By the time of the show, they're in such dire straits that they can't even get people within what was one of their nation's founding states to use their money, people only want bottle caps. Across 2 games and then the show we get a clear decline from essentially total economic power, through struggle to total irrelevance. As I mentioned in passing, the LA Boneyard is the home of the NCR's central bank, it's where they *make* their money. If people don't want it in the city it comes from then no-one's using it. Time and again the show's language reinforces that every kind of power a nation can exert, political, military and economic, the NCR has none left within the LA area, which since it's one of their founding states, hundreds of miles away from their capital, and the show itself is set 20 years after the single terrorist attack on their capital all come together to say that the NCR as an organised group are done. Sure there's holdouts like Moldaver's band at the observatory, but they aren't even all using standardised equipment, so whatever logistical power their military had seems to be defunct too.


There’s probably very little seen of the NCR in LA because LA is hundreds of miles away from other cities. You seem to forget that despite being one of the larger factions they are still essentially trying to fill out a frontier as best they can with very little left over for them. They can’t just be everywhere at once without covering those miles upon miles of desert lol


People seem to forget that yeah, the NCR may have 1 million people but that’s spread across California, one of the biggest states, along with chunks of Nevada and Oregon, so population density would be pretty low


That was the straw that broke the camels back, not the whole reason they fell.


You theorise, but that's not official. I hope you're right, but you may not be.


I wish it had been the children of atom who nuked shady sands. Instead of a completely new random vault overseer


I don't think the Children of Atom cult has spread as far as California, but at least they're a pre-established group.


I'm thankful as fuck it WASN'T the Children of Atom. They were an annoying as fuck throwaway joke in 3 that got given WAY too much limelight in 4. If they never show up in the franchise again, it'll be too soon.


Tbh, yeah. I enjoyed Far Harbor but the CoA are just silly. They should've focused on the Church of Saint Monica and post-war Catholicism instead.


NCR in NV was on enge of its territory, yet had organisation and equipment second only to BOS. It was not falling apart.


Dude imagine shilling this, they clearly ran out of budget for NCR gears so they reused prop guns and armor from other shows. If anything NCR remnants would’ve used old standard issued armor from their old stocks instead of this raider shit.


The NCR was not falling apart for Christ's sake.


"I understood everything perfectly and if you disagree with me in the slightest you're just a salty fanboy!" - someone who definitely can back up their arguments with more than cherry picking, post game word of god, and screaming "FANBOY FANBOY FANBOY" I'm sure and definitely didn't base their understanding of an entire nation on outposts in a territory said nation didn't even actually control. The added strawman makes me even more sure you're definitely someone who's insights should definitely be trusted.


I won't pretend there wasn't unreasonable discussion from people with my same position (i.e. not liking the show's lore developments and place in the canon), but some people on this sub, from the opposite side, have been (and still are) downright petty. Have any criticism of the show? Salty New Vegas fanboy. Think that some fan theories that people came up with to remove potential conflict with the broader canon do not hold water? You stupid, media illiterate bozo, the show clearly confirms my theory that relies 90% on speculation.


Can you elaborate on how the ncr was falling appart? Government corruption is bad of course (if that is what you mean) but doesn't really weaken the country that much, certainly not to the degree of the country falling apart. If you are refering to the supply shortages, then idk stuff like that happens in war, I see it more as a problem with logistics than the ncr falling apart. Aren't we even told in the game that the mojave campaign is not really popular in california so most resources go elsewhere? But I am relatively new to the lore, maybe you can tell me more


Except even then the NCR is falling apart in ways that are absolutely fixable, and, would result in large power players still breaking off and being able to excert control over various regions. Though the show decided to delete one of the NCR s most populous and important states apparently, it's second city. And then nuked it's 1st. So who knows.


I don't know man, center dude is wearing a paintball mask.


I mean there's no in lore reason he shouldn't have a mask like that, paintball probably existed in fallout and these guys probably just wear whatever they could find. Not as a way of body armor but maybe as a way to keep their faces free from debris Edit: I looked at the photo a bit better and it doesn't look like a paintball mask to me. Maybe just goggles and a scarf


I mean, that’s how props are made in movies and shows. If they say it’s a combat mask when the prop that was used was actually a paint ball mask, it’s a combat mask


The problem is they dont look NCR they no longer have a unique appearance that makes them stand out. not just this weve seen , this done right via the Divide , former NCR marked men have uniforms held togther through scavenging but still look distinctive as NCR


He’s wearing a paintball mask. I hate when shows do that.


That's crazy isn't it, the NCR used to have all the important cities of the NCR and now they look like this? While being faithful to the source material, somewhat, the writers deffo skipped Fallout 1, 2 and NV. Shady Sands was in the middle of nowhere but still a proper city, tarmac roads and all


They look very similar to the ncr troopers in fallout 2.


They do? I mean, a few NCR soldiers in Fallout 2 either wore combat armor and the rest wore traditional police uniforms.


Yeah the combat armour in 2 looks pretty similar to this I think. Kinda hard to tell since fo2 is so low poly lmao. Point is the sick ranger armour and brown suits only show up in new Vegas, so I'm not sure why the poster is so mad lol.


A. Because Internet B. Because Reddit. C. See A or B.


Because people want a reason to shit on the show


I still think the show should’ve been set sometime during the period between the first games if they really wanted the wasteland vibe.


Something that occurred to me while watching the show is, with the exception of Maximus, everyone who moves the plot forward is pre-war, or the kid of someone pre-war. If you change the name of the town Maximus remembers being nuked when he was a kid there's not much else you'd need to change to set the show about 20 years after the great war rather than 200 years later. Which would also help avoid the question of how the Master failed to notice these 3 vaults within the LA area.


Yeah but the entire premise of fallout 1 only works because the master did in fact fail to notice a vault. It's hardly crazy to assume he didn't get them all


What do you mean? The fnv boyos were always getting the shitty gear, these guys look better equipped (except for that weirdo in the goggles on the left)


I'll have you know that Goggles is the best of his squad and has a great relationship with his parents who live on a small farm out near Goodsprings. He's out there in the wastes to aid his grandma in financing the homestead she and her husband have built for the family, but with the hits the NCR has been taking, it's been rough. He loves his pet gecko and has done so for over 8 years. His partner is back at the homestead, helping their grandparents, because his parents just didn't want a pure homestead, instead opting for helping out at a small settlement. His goggles are because his eyes are sensitive and his cowl because he gets cold at night.


Goggles are a must have in places with radioactive dust anyways


He also cooks a mean Bighorner steak. I gotta get his recipe sometime.


Some of NCR troops are wearing modern equipment (or more likely airsoft replicas) such as plate carriers with molle straps and helmets with nightvision attachment points (im sure theres a correct name for those), while pre war US soldiers were wearing 1960's uniform with optional polymer armor in retro-futuristic style. I was a bit disappointed by these NCR soldiers especially since the rest of the show has near perfect prop and costume designs


There were also scrapped F-4 Phantom IIs used in filly, and pretty much every junk car we see in the show is just old gas ones. They only made their nuclear mock-ups for the pre-war scenes, which makes sense


These NCR soldiers could just be militia considering how strained their the NCR army is


Yeah this is a greatly diminished NCR. Their capital is burned, they likely lost the Mojave one way or another… I think the concept of the “professional”, standard equipped NCR troopers is in the history books of the lore at this point


By NV the average NCR trooper wouldn't have looked too out of place if they were running through Bourlon Wood in the winter of 1917. By comparison the Observatory militia has a next-gen didn't-reach-full-rollout kit going on (shin-guards, better fitting chest plates, facemasks with mounts). it's not entirely professional but I can imagine a few NV-era troopers asking why couldn't they have some of that.


In the heart of the NCR? We should be tripping over armor here. It's not like the Mojave where they're picking at scraps. There should be surplus here.


The NVG helmet hardpoint is called a shroud, as an aside.  Also, the arm that goes between the shroud and the goggles is a mount.


Wow i can't believe the show in the future has weapons that weren't made in the 50s. Sorry to scare you, but desert eagles were in fallout 2 and those weren't made until the 70s and 80s.


Fair, tbh I didn't even know there was any ncr presence in the show aside from the rangers on my 1st wach through


Those were bullet farmers, not rangers. Maybe the dad was an ex ranger but he rolled over pretty easy for an elite soldier and his son obviously wasn’t.


He rolled over easy because he knew how dangerous the Ghoul was. The Ghoul even mentions they fought before.


Tbh those rangers barely seemed to be more than scavvers who got their hands on some ranger outfits/ex-ranger turned scavvers


It's a shame that they lost the ww1 aesthetic though


It made more sense in the Mojave desert setting which gives similar vibes to the African theatre in WW1. These guys look more like the California-based NCR soldiers


Bruh, these guys look better equipped than the grunts guarding Camp McCarran. Sure, they look rough and dirty with mismatched gear but that makes sense considering they're probably the last NCR holdout in the area.


Maybe some of the grunts but NCR soldiers are still given standard issue equipment and are on average better equipped than any other faction besides the Brotherhood and Enclave.


Well the boys at 'NCR Headquarters' get the tactical gear


\*meanwhile NCR Headquarters is 96 human skeletons and a man with a sock puppet named, "General Archie 'Pinky' Toe." He's a real heel.\*


Erm actually, if you watch the show, NCR headquarters is half an observatory


That picture is from before the massacre.


Patrolling the Mojave is looking pretty good now.


Were those degenerate scum who attacked 33 at the start also ex-NCR troopers or were they just raiders that Muldaver contracted for the raid? If they were NCR, then they have regressed to an almost feral state. Seemed more like old Legion guys to me they were so bloodthirsty and savage.


They were definitely raiders Maldaver used. She was angry at the vault for destroying Shady Sands, and wouldn’t have put the few NCR soldiers she had left in danger attacking the vault. So win/win for her. She doesn’t have to care about the raiders surviving and she gets savage revenge on the dwellers


Except all but 3 of them were naive innocents with zero knowledge of anything outside their vault. She's no hero.


Oh I’m not saying she is a hero. Just her motivations.


Tbf Moldaver was just a raider warlord cosplaying as the NCR to gain legitimacy rather than an actual NCR remnant. Her cult of personality, her brutal and ruthless methods, and her not caring for the comnon NCR citizen prove it.


So her big plan was to light up the LA Boneyards then... what exactly? And how are there extant lightbulbs in blasted ruins, let alone a functional power grid?


Well the power grid is mostly below the ground. But I think that it was a project from before Shady Sands went bang. The boneyard was a state, before the NCR pulled out.


Same way Abe Lincolns hat is still in wearable condition in Fallout 3 despite being over 400 years old.


To be fair I don’t think we know enough about her to make a judgement; we saw the flashback of her at shady sands so she must’ve been somehow involved with the original NCR. Obviously attacking a vault with innocent people who don’t know any better isn’t hero behavior but I wouldn’t necessarily call her a raider cosplaying. Also she was alive pre-war somehow.


To avoid spoiling any of the events revealed later in the series they used raiders. It also creates a much more dramatic and brutal first episode.


On another note what aesthetic would you define the NCRs military look in new vegas as. I'd like to say like it gives me more of a WW1 vibe then anything but I'd love to hear some opinions


Yeah, definitely a lot of WWI/WWII African Theater mixed with combat armor vibes.


Wait a moment The NCR always had cheap equipment for its soldiers


and I liked the basic cop outfits because that's what was also portrayed more or less in NV as well


can’t believe they used a JT paintball mask


FNV had LARPers in football pads Now we have tacticool paintballers


Wait until you look into the props used in the Star Wars movies. 


The funniest thing is that the guy in the middle is using straight up airsoft armor. I know because I owned it and used it as the base for a halo cosplay. You can find it on evoke for like [$100](https://www.evike.com/products/20696/)


The airsoft mask is what really does it for me....


At this point we may as well go the Enclave route and call them "NCR Remnants"


Thats literally what they get called


That's exactly what they are though


Looks fine to me, their uniform/armour will be what they can find or what is left. People also commenting on the paintball mask seem to forget films like Mad Max where people find and wear stuff just to look cool or menacing, the wasteland is a boring place.


Legion troops wore football pads for armor, and they were considered a major threat.


For a bunch of moderately organised wasteland scavengers it looks fine, good even. The issue is that the NCR has been manufacturing their own gear for their military for decades. If they're still supposed to exist as an organisation with any relevance at all then you'd think they'd have the guys at their "light up the Boneyard" mission equipped with better than whatever gear they were able to scrounge up. If the intention is to show they're a bunch of desperate hangers on then yeah, it tells that story well, but Todd says that the NCR is still a big and powerful organisation, it's just they're only powerful wherever the camera isn't pointing.


In the show, they are basically just remnants, the last holdouts too stubborn to die


They look fine I don’t get it


New Vegas fanboys gotta bleat about how a few background characters in a tv show don’t *exactly* match a few background characters in a video game.


This thread can't even decide what exactly they're mad about lol


Gives me dust ncr soldier vibes, which isn’t super far off for how things are going for the ncr


"You just dont like that your faction was destroyed" Yeah, sorry, kinda tired of "everything sucks everywhere except our poster boys of the series"


Fallout has decided you can’t have any kind of functional government in the wasteland. Even though it makes no sense that people would still be living in rubble 200 years later. Build a fucking house already. Or at least live in an existing structure instead of a shack you can see through because of all the holes in the walls.


Even Junktown, the town made of junk, had structures built of wood and clay, and that was in 2161. Also that's not true. The Brotherhood still keeps winning. Somehow.


I'm fine with the NCR becoming weaker, but if you're gonna make giant changes to the established landscape like that, you need to justify it by using those changes to tell an interesting story, and I don't think they've done that so far.


I'm okay with NCR naturally falling or shady sands being destroyed, but holy fuck, make it more interesting than "some chud with access to nukes throws a hissy fit and blows a city that was artificially moved like 200 miles from its original location for it to happen"


Giving us the "NCR wins but it causes issues" storyline would actually be really great. You'd still get that character beat where Lucy is like "But we were going to rebuild the surface" and finding a society in the verge of collapse, and realizing there's something for her people to do still. And if the NCR is fraying on the edges, those edges are a great place to tell a story where you still want there to be Wasteland to play around in.


I'm hoping they'll expand on it more in S2, but I've kinda got the feeling they won't. I feel like, "We want to set it in Cali, but we also want traditional fallout anarchy so the NCR needs to go", was the beginning and ending of the motivation behind that decision.


[Judging by what some of the writers said in an interview a few weeks ago it seems like that's pretty much what happened unfortunately.](https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/fallout-season-2-creators-interview) They should have just set the show somewhere else honestly. It's not like they really did anything with the lore on the west coast besides just destroy it for no reason. Like they could have set the show in someplace that's not really developed in lore, like Texas for example, and with minor changes to the plot it would have been fine.


Which is why I will never consider the show's events canon. Long live Shady Sands.


"Look, of course it's canon! Except for the location being wrong and the show explicitly telling us the wrong date three different occasions and vaults being in wrong or downright impossible places, us lying about the Prydwynn, the heart of the NCR being a completely vacant wasteland and none of the factions acting in a manner consistent with logic or their in-game counterparts... but other than that it's definitely canon!"


What 3 times were the dates wrong, I only remember the chalkboard and Todd saying it’s a misdirect. As for the factions acting differently, well the BOS has acted differently every iteration besides Fo1 and Fo2 really, so that’s a dumb critique ngl. The rest of them are spot on tho.


Chalkboard, Lucy saying her mother died in the "Plague of 2277," and the end credits of the chalkboard episode zoomed out from a library book. Honestly I think the show runners just oopsed the year and no one wants to admit it. I agree the BOS has only really been consistent in its inconsistencies, but usually there is SOMETHING to explain it, no matter how flimsy that is. We haven't seen the reason why yet. Also, if Chapters are that wildly inconsistent with one another, even veering into Heresy Land, one would think that there would be a civil war to establish a consistent doctrine. Certainly with the Prydwynn showing up in the West that would likely mean that Maxson's Faction would be in charge. Unless the Elder wanting to use the Cold Fusion to seize power meant that he would use it to overcome Maxson. Though it's still weird that he claimed that the Brotherhood used to "rule the wasteland" when that's never remotely been the case.


Yeah especially since New Vegas sets up so many ways that the NCR could fall too. When I first found out they actually just nuked them for real I laughed because it was so lame.


There was plenty of material to tell the story of the nation to emerge from the ashes of the apocalypse falling to the same problems that doomed the world before, overconsumption of resources, costly and unpopular wars and the control of politicians by moneyed interests. That last one specifically they could have told a story of the brahmin barons ruining the nation for their own benefit to get their "capitalism bad" message in without Vault-Tec somehow planning on nuking the whole world themselves. It would have taken a lot of work establishing the world to tell it admittedly, and it seems they didn't want to tell a story about the only large nation in post-apocalyptic America, they wanted to tell a story that could happen anywhere in the wasteland but set it in LA, since that's where the writers live, so we have to get rid of the NCR to tell the story that could have happened in New Jersey for all the relevance any local landmarks had to the plot.


Shit, they could have even mirrored it with the Vault Tec story to make the theme of the show "Greed. Greed never changes..."


"Yeah but if the NCR was around it wouldn't be post-apocalyptic anymore!" Set it somewhere else then **¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯**.


Sorry, but Fallout = Brotherhood now. Time to get excited for a new season where the Brotherhood somehow gets 4 new airships, while we explore the intriguing economy of Mojave junk farmers.


Just consume product and get excited for next product! Turn off your braaaaaaain!!!


Wait but in lore they have more airships doing expeditions too? Or I mix up my lore




this conversation again lol this sub has become so uninteresting


now everyone literally is forgetting game wise they had limited assets to use like it hit me when watching the show that legit everyone would be in raggs and not suits or button up shirts so like legit no duh the ncr would look scraggly


But that's not reflected here. They're dressed like airsoft players.


Why would people be in rags after 200 years? Surely someone could build a loom in all that time.


One of my many gripes with the show is how the NCR presence ***in its own heartland*** just...... fucking evaporated in the space of a couple of years. Los Angeles/The Boneyard wasn't some backwater province of the NCR, barely a part of the country. ***It was one of the founding states*** Yet a little more than a decade after a single, not-really-all-that-important-apparently city gets destroyed, any and all evidence of the existence of the country ***in the former heartland of said country*** just goes kaput. Outside of the kooky cult that is isolated to a single Vault. Like..... imagine if Albany NY got nuked. Would any and all traces of the US disappear from the Hudon Valley? No, the concept is nonsensical EDIT: I find it funny how any criticism of the show is refuted by "Lol, NV fanboys mad!" Nah, man. Im not a NV fanboy and I still think major points of the show are dumb.


Literally just one Brodie helmet and I would've forgiven how inconsistent their armor is from the game. But no.


Still better than niflgaard


NCR airsoft battalion


I don't like how they used paint ball gear and fast MT and Ronin Combat helmets, isn't lore friendly. I wanted to see some cool ass combat helmets.


The second one looks more like a UNSC marine than an NCR trooper


Patrolling reach almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter


Well, they at least got a nuclear summer on Reach


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a Winter Contingency.


Honestly you’re not wrong Guess that’s why I instinctively liked that guy the best


Last I remember, standard issue NCR uniform included a solid carapace chest piece armor, similar in looks to the old soviet sapper chest plates along with a helmet that more closely reassembles US and British helmets.


“NCR soldier” in the biggest quotation marks ever.


Looked pretty cool to me ngl


Show takes place 15 years after New Vegas so its very understandable that they might upgrade their goofy aah trooper uniforms with something more practical or better.




???? have you seen the average NCR soldier?


Yes, and he had a standardized, NCR-produced gear, not whatever throw-together scrap this is


Amazed how you’re being downvoted but no one actually says anything against your point. I will say that this is a holdout group so their gear being more dusty and dirty makes sense, but at the same time, it probably wouldn’t have been to hard to give background actors doughboy helmets to show some uniformity


I mean they def massacred them in the last episode xD just saying.


Ha, I know for a fact the guy in the right is wearing a riot chest armor for I have the exact same one.


They looked like nuka-world raiders or some gunner spinoff


Is that a paintball mask?


My headcannon for this was that after all that had occurred, the uniformity and appearance was very much not a concern anymore, thus leading to them looking a bit ragged. Somewhat could compare it to mid - late Vietnam in which US Forces for the most part except rear echelon tended to just do whatever with their uniforms.


I was actually under the impression they were Enclave who had just taken over and old NCR base.






They did a great job in other areas of the show. I'll wait until I see it before judging


I'm pretty sure the NCR massacred itself, plus its economic capital got destroyed. The NCR used to make their own stuff when they had power which made them distinct from every other faction all heavily relying on pre war technology. So the individual citizen has to rely on their DiY and scrounging skills to make their armor and weapons. What I love in the show that it hints at the former might of the republic more than any previous video game, with a standard of living par with living conditions in late 20th century first world countries.


I don’t understand how the antagonist is supposed to be with the NCR, yet her group when she invaded the vault was a incredibly bloodthirsty raider bunch


Or how a cult formed arround her


Looks more like the 2 soldiers, I prefer the NV design but impretty sure it's intentional


I thought these guys' armor was cool as hell. It makes sense that headquarters guards would be more well equipped than the soldiers of the Mojave campaign. Add 15 years and a nuke on the headquarters and the rugged armor fits great for these guardsmen.


I saw them as remnants of the shady sands division, the capital is gone but the NCR was a lot bigger than that. I believe the NCR is hurt, reduced but still capable.


"Facing power armor in bike pads almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter."


while I found the show pretty good, I found the costume design to be so god damn bad. it was like watching mad max thunderdome. why couldnt they do mad max fury road


they made them look like mad max extras


The paintball mask is a rough look tbh


Idk why they didn’t just recreate the armor from FNV, probably would’ve been easier too, just a brownish/tan jacket, brown pants with a vest, a helmet/goggles and boots, then slap an M16A1 in their hands and you’re set Hell, they could’ve just done brownish-tan combat armor with “NCR” on the front of the vest or the flag on the shoulder pieces


People are trying so damn hard to find stuff to complain about with the show lol That’s the dumbest one I’ve seen so far, congrats OP