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My most memorable Fallout quest is Fallout 3’s Oasis, I remember listening to Galaxy News and hearing 3 Dog talk about trees and how they still exits somewhere in the North, and I was like, “Maybe 3 Dog was just high or something and thought he saw trees,” but this felt like a quest, like how the Diamond City guards can talk and you get randomly thrown into quests, so I wandered around North and sure enough, found Oasis, and as I played the quest (this was before I had any DLC) I just thought it could be it’s own DLC it was so awesome, it also has probably the most player choice of any base game content.


Woah I forgot about that. And you point something very important that makes it even better: the anticipation in Galxy News. It was really amazing to see how the landscape changed after hours of dead trees. It really makes you feel that something important is ahead. Surely level design and ambient storytelling is what Bethesda does better, without any doubt.


So many great touches in the older games that show you don't need text to tell a story, I love Fallout: New Vegas, it’s my favourite without a doubt, but my second due to storyline, easily 3, I can't wander around Fallout New Vegas without using Fast Travel, I can happily explore the metros and wastes of DC for hours due to all the “silent” story telling which makes it great.


I wanted to replay FNV, it’s been a while and I don’t remember much. You say that that there’s no much goin on with exploration?


Not really besides the certain key POIs, even the towns felt empty besides their few quests. It was the characters in the game which made it great, not really the locations.


Bethesda was better at environmental storytelling and map building. Obsidian was better at Gameplay, Characters and Dialogue.


Back when quality side quests were part of the main games


You will help another settlement and you will LIKE IT!


I liked the settlements at first, but I kinda got burnt out on them after doing the minutemen playthrough After spending too much time doing them, they start feeling lifeless and a little hollow.


The only real way to build is Sim Settlements 2, that mod should've been official content. It lets your settlers build their own homes and workplaces, you can either choose where to place them yourself or assign a mayor and let them run the city how they see fit. It also comes with a cool new main questline where you need to get the help from the vanilla factions to defeat a full scale Gunner invasion, plus sidequests and side questlines. Oooohh and a little kid in a police hat shows up and tells you they need to talk to you down at the station, that is one of my favorite new factions. Selling Gunner scalps for caps is awesome.


personally thought it felt lifeless from the beginning, with how hard it is to actually build things without clipping or items just not being able to be placed etc didn’t feel fully fleshed out


It started feeling really off when you have over 20 settlers, but the only jobs are farming, food weapons ammo and medic. Each settlement is capped at 50 caps a day, irrelevant of how many shops you have. So eventually half your nameless settlers are just wandering around


Side quests are far superior to the main quest in F4 aren’t they? U.S.S. Constitution Cabot House The Lost Patrol The Big Dig The Silver Shroud!!! Not to mention high affinity companion quests. Curing Cait’s addiction. Saving MacCready’s son. Nick’s two detective quests and A Long Time Coming. Even small ones like Piper’s interview.  Side Quests are a strength in F4


When side quests where actually better than the main lore


Comments like these really make me want to replay Fo3.


I mean, he *was* high, but the trees were real man!


There's a lot of interesting back story to Harold, he's even in FO2 with a little sapling on his head


Oasis was originally meant to be part of the main quest and had a much larger role, so you're not wrong.


Did you put Harold out of his misery?


Yup, I crushed his heart with my bare bands. I did try every option through savescumming or whatever and I used the flamer, it was very agonizing to hear Harold’s cries.


Man looking back on it, that questline was dark


For me it's "You gotta shoot'em in the head" You meet the allstar side cast like Dukov and Dave, there's twists and secret motives a cool dungeon and a really good reward. Every replay I'm looking forward to it.


Damn, you're making me want to replay Fallout 3, because the only things I really remember about Oasis are Harold and everybody's stick robe outfits... I may or may not have murdered everyone for their clothes without actually doing the questline, and somehow never went back on replays


Tenpenny tower was super cool in how it subverted your expectations - the simple fact that sometime, doing the right thing has horrible consequences thaught me a valuable wasteland lesson


Refresh my memory?


If you help the ghouls move into the tower they murder all the humans after a few days. Worth it for the ghoul mask though.


Oh that one. I thought you meant not blowing up megaton. Yeah that’s a good one


And if you murder the ghouls 3-dog calls you a scumbag over the radio.


He's remarkably silent after the ghouls murder everyone.


Worth it for the ghoul mask AND the fun of being part of the proletariat literally ripping apart the bourgeoisie


But the ghouls aren't proletariat. They're lumpenproletariat. They don't have jobs.


very based


You either choose to let the ghouls live in tenpenny tower with the residents (who don’t want them there) or you go kill all the ghouls in their metro/sewers that they’re living in. Letting the ghouls live in tenpenny tower with the residents seems like the good option, but whenever you return there after doing so you’ll find they’ve killed all the non ghouls living there


This! I was so mad when this happened. I felt betrayed and angry and may have tried to enslave as many as possible. This was the one nice thing my evil character did, and it was thrown back in his face. Karma i suppose


Lmao, I usually just avoid this quest now because I don’t like either endings, I would probably just kill the ghouls but then you have three dog calling you a scumbag on the radio every 5 minutes


I'm convinced that Quest was supposed to be at least somewhat different originally. There's no reason Roy should have very good karma


He has very good karma because he is yet to do anything evil.


When you arrive for the first time at tenpenny tower, a ghoul named Roy Phillips is being refused entry into the tower on account of being, well, a ghoul. He's representating a group of ghouls living nearby. They have the caps, they can afford the rent, but the bigots in the tower won't let them in. Roy is kind of a douchebag, but hey, ghouls have it hard. Also his people seem to trust him. So you do the right thing - you spend a substantial amount of time convincing the people from the tower to accept them. There's some nice guys, some guys that are just afraid of ghouls, some that don't like them but are willing to accept them if they pay rent. It's a lot of work, but you do it. You give Roy Phillips the good news - maybe you're not so bad for a smoothskin ? Hell, even 3 dogs congratulates you on the radio. Then you come back a week later. Roy had every non-ghoul in Tenpenny tower killed. He threw their bodies in the basement with the feral ghouls he brought and took the place for himself. And you're the one who convinced them to open their home. Good job, hero. So for me, the lesson was this : always ask myself very carefuly wether I want to help the guy in front of me or if I should feed them a buckshot to err on the side of caution


I played the game a few years after it was released and then years later, watched Game of Thrones and it was in Game of Thrones that I heard a quote from one of the characters that reverberated so much with me BECAUSE of that Tenpenny Tower quest, my choice, and the consequences. It was during one of the middle seasons of the show when Jon Snow had become Lord commander of the nightswatch and had decided to allow the wild wings through the wall for them to live south of the wall, to escape the white walkers in the north, after fighting them for a millennia, and as Jon Snow and Sir Allistor Thorne are looking out over the hundreds of wildlings moving through the wall, sir Allistor says to Jon: “You’ve got a good heart, Jon Snow. One day it’s gonna get us all killed.” Upon hearing that, I instantly thought of Tenpenny Tower.


I always liked how it preys on the player character’s AND the player’s naivety M E T A


This questline was incredible and had some of the best ways of completing imo, the option to unleash a group of ferals into the tower to massacre everyone like it's a damn horror film, get them to live together 'peacefully', or just kill the ghouls or the residents of Tenpenny tower. It was nicely fleshed out for a side quest.


Doesn't the game consider you evil for killing the ghouls afterwards


Yes it does. Because 3 dogs is a tool who thinks : ghouls = victims


I really fell in Love with the Fallout franchise when I found a Stradivarius randomly in a Vault and took it because, of course it’s a fuckin stradivarius, and hours later I found a nice old lady in a house and gave it to her and suddently I had a fuckin new radio station with her playing the stradivarius. Man, that really felt that I was in a real place and my desitions had a real effect in the world. Felt pretty good, best reward ever. Also I have pretty good memories of the Dunwich places.


Oh fuck I never realised. I don't turn on the radio on fallout 3


Fallout 4, when the Prydwen makes its appearance at night, and Nick Valentine quoting Edgar Allan Poe "Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing."


The Prydwen reveal in Fallout 4 was really well done. I've been through it a dozen times by now, but I still watch it go by and listen to the soundtrack swell.


Fallout4 was my first I knew nothing of BOS and when it flew over I was in awe


Me expecting a more Lyons-like kind and charitable BoS, instead I find out they're on their way to become like the Midwest BoS chapter. That was shocking.


It's gets even worse when you realize there's a credible chance that Sarah Lyons was assassinated or that there was an amount of foul play in her death. We never get to read her Codex for the whole story of how she died, but it's very suspicious that in the only lore entry that documents her death and the rise of Maxon we have basically nothing about the circumstances of her demise but also plenty of mentions of the Outcasts, who aren't *supposed* to be written about at all per Brotherhood tradition. The Outcasts were stricken from the codex, meant to be pariahs forever... but now all the Lyons are dead, the Outcasts are welcomed back into the fold, and a young new hotheaded leader is taking the whole chapter down a very dark path. The implications are endless and are ironically a more interesting story than the actual Brotherhood questline in FO4.


That's something I never thought about until now 🤔 Maxson definitely gives me "I'll do anything to accomplish my goals" vibes. I wouldn't be surprised if the Outcasts did have something to do with Sarah's demise and Maxson getting the Elder position at such a young age. Furthermore, didn't the Outcasts and Maxson's views align very well with one another? Old school Brotherhood ideology instead of Lyon's vision?


The part that I'm not personally sure on is Maxon's personal complicity in Sarah's death, which by all accounts occurred while Maxon was still a boy. A lot of his post Fallout 3 history seems very mythologized, like rescuing a squad of Knights at 12, killing a Deathclaw single handily at 13, and negotiating the return of the Outcasts by himself at the age of 16. All of that was from the same lore entry that wrote on Sarah's death and it kinda reads like Juche-style propaganda. I think what is perhaps more accurate is that there was a powerful contingent of "loyalists" within the Lyon's chapter who resented Owyn for driving their Brothers out with his humanitarian mission and in the event of his death were more than happy to engineer a situation where they could be rid of Sarah and groom Maxon into whatever they needed him to be.


Hmm, that makes a lot more sense, I agree with you. Hope we get to see more info in the show if we ever get to see Brotherhood High Command 👍


Similar, and that Inon Zur's theme? Goosebumps. I know of BOS for the first time from FNV but in that game they were a bit of a ragtag, down on their luck sort of group. In F4 the BOS was much more menacing and actually kinda cool.


They should have disabled fast travel in that moment though. At least for a dozen seconds after leaving the building. In my first playthrough, I immediately opened the pipboy and fast travelled away. Was very confusing that suddenly everyone was talking about some giant blimp xD


It’s disabled now


Anyone that chooses a different companion for Reunions is missing out on some good Nick quotes <3


Noted, as I plan on running through reunions either today or tomorrow (whenever I find myself on)


If you assist in dividing the Nucleus, Nick says “And now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds”


What quest is that?


Far Harbor. One of the endings has you blow up the Children of Atom. Can be voluntary or involuntary on their part.


~~dangerous minds~~ Reunions immediately was my answer. Perfect quest start to finish, fight through a base filled with synths, face the man who killed your spouse and took your son and then walk out and see the prydwen flying over head announcing the arrival of the brotherhood. The first time i played that quest on launch night a rad storm was going on and it just elevated the scene


Right after you beat Kellogg too. I left that base wondering where do I go next, and once I got that rooftop and saw the Prydwen arriving, I knew I was just getting started. Really cool scene.


Garrrryyyyyyyyyy and Vault 108 (Fallout 3)


Gary! Gary! Gary!


Gary? Gary!


Ha ha! Gary!




Gary!!! 😠


>Gary‽ GARY


Went in there with a railway rifle, good times




Ah, Gary!




"Hey, chin up. I know the night just got darker, but it won't last forever" - Nick Valentine


Unless the sun collapses into a black hole.


Are we just not going to acknowledge the mission where you launch a whole ass pirate ship into the skies like a plane?


Except most of the questline is just fetch quests which makes it not very memorable


Not if you have max int. Then there’s only one mandatory fetch quest that’s far away.


Yeah but then idiot savant can’t power level you


I agree but at the same time: aren’t the 90% quests, fetch quests?


Yes but let’s be honest, Fallout 4 doesn’t have the best quests


I agree the mission structure is boring and fetch quest But it's actually got some fun writing and I like the robots. Still wish we got more choices to do this quest. And ofc you can always turn against ironside as an option if you are not fond of fetch quests.


But the ride is fucking *dope*.


Half of the answers seem to be “Fly me to the Moon,” and that’s way more fetchy than the constitution.


“Damn you Weatherby Savings and Loans!”




I never thought I’d be offended on behalf of the USS constitution but that comment caught me off guard lmao


The amount of people who call old sailing ships "pirate ships" really rusts my cannon.


Bro this quest is so much fun


If you turn on god mode you can actually survive the flight and you can ride the boat all the way into the building without falling off the boat has physics all the way up


"Warning: Subterranean Red Chinese compound detected. Obstruction depth: five meters. Composition: sand, gravel, and Communism. Tactical assessment: reach compound to restore democracy."


This was the Institute, right? I can't remember if it's a quote from Family 4 or the post content of 3. Also, it's crazy to think that the highest point of the institute was barely 16ft underground. That's barely a single floor underground.


Brotherhood ending in 4.


The Cabot House quest! the perfectly preserved House, clothes, and human had me SHOOK. Just to find out they're like 400 years old too?? also the end of FO3 bc I was a naive kid, new to ow rpgs, when I first played through and thought "yeah lemme finish this main story so I can branch off to the smaller ones.." I couldn't believe my eyes when it ended. sat in silence for 30 minutes in disbelief.


Republic of Dave.


> *"Here, I'll take you to Dave! Just be sure to call him Mister President Daddy. He likes that!"*


I think it's called Come Fly With Me in New Vegas. Helping Jason Bright and his followers hit space after dealing with the funny Nightkin has been in my brain since I did it. I also love the ghoul with the sniper and his attitude, Harland I think he's called.


Yo harland, we're switching it up and playing survival this time round and I've decided after dying 15 times to unreasonably angry invisible assholes with sledgehammers that I'm going to give them their stupid piece of paper, that cool? No? Then you get your head blown off


I play very cautiously with mines, when I first found Harland and sent him back up he got obliterated by my landmines at the entrance lol


Those hidden landmines are a bitch!


I always wished Harland could be a companion


I love that mission so much. I went most of the game wearing the space suit you get from it on my first playthrough.


Liked the concept of the caravan/covenant quest line. Just wish it was longer but fit with the vibe of fallout 4 and the fear factor of what synths are and what they are here to do


I wish there was a way to keep the Covenant residents alive but stop their "synth" abductions and experiments. They're all severe PTSD sufferers and I want them to be able to live in peace but also help them in their healing so they can stop living in fear and killing others by doing so.


I agree. It unfortunately comes back to them making each quest line as short as possible instead of giving us time to breath with the characters and seeing true repercussions to our actions. Would be very interesting to convince the town to accept synths and see how they are progressing as a society throughout your playthrough


"They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics. They said welcome aboard." Fantastic, FONV


Then I told them I couldn't join. They asked why. I said I could never be part of any organization that would allow someone like me to be a member. 🥁


Last Voyage of the Constitution. I went to it a ton as a kid, and my dad had his retirement from the Navy on the Constellation, her sister ship. So I always have a big smile on my face when I help some crackhead robots strap rocket boosters to her.


The buildup to fighting The Red Death. Still too scared to finish it on my playthrough


You might want to finish it, Red Death is the hardest fight in the game, hands down. Never had a tougher boss fight than that one


Yeah but the fact that it auto saves right on the start of the fight is scary, cause if I’m unprepared which I likely am, I’ll be stuck in a permanent loop of losing


Cabot questline was very memorable.


Agreed, that quest line was so different. I feel like they stopped short of what it could have been, or maybe we're limited by the engine, but I would've loved to see more of Lorenzo's crazy powers and get some real backstory on the artifact.


"In a hundred years, when I finally die, I only hope I go to hell, so I can kill you all over again, you piece of shit."


coolest shit I've heard in a game.


Cait’s personal quest.


I was pissed about that one because we had literally just cleared 96 like an hour before her affinity reached the quest threshold. And of course it instantly respawned every gunner.


A lot of good quests mentioned so far, and I agree with all of them. However, I'd like to include one from 76. Over and Out from the Brotherhood of Steel/Steel Dawn questline. I was on Rahmani's side until this quest. I agree that the BoS could do more to help the people of the wasteland beyond just hoarding technology. But then this quest happened. >!After getting into the Enclave Research Facility, and skipping an additional quest thanks to my completion of the Enclave questline and MODUS promoting me to the rank of General in the Enclave, I do the usual clearing out scorched from a location stuff and eventually clear everything for the BoS. Then, Rahmani destroys the communication equipment that Valdez and Shin wanted us to secure so they could contact the rest of the BoS at Lost Hills. That immediately soured me to Rahmani's side and caused me to start siding with Shin. Rahmani was so afraid of what the BoS Elders would say that she would rather strand her forces in Appalachia with no means of gaining reinforcements than to keep communications open with Lost Hills.!<


By game(s)… Fallout 3: Wasteland Survival Guide. It got me to explore more of the map, in places I otherwise would have just marked on the map and have been done with. Fallout 4: Blind Betrayal. Arguably my favorite main quest writing, where your Sole Survivor is between a rock and a hard place. Comply with orders and put down Danse, or see Danse has expressed human emotions and sentience, despite his Synth origins. Fallout 76: Atlantic City. This pre-war boardwalk paradise offers plenty of intrigue, and your actions will largely affect the Russo family.


Wasteland Survival Guide might be perfect honestly. It basically teaches you *everything* you need to know. How to heal, how rads work, where to find supplies, how to disarm mines, etc. It also shows off how the easiest solution to a quest (Kill Mirelurks, Don't investigate too far into Rivet City history) isn't always the best solution. It also gives you a stick that blows up mole rats.


my love for Moira took me to places I wouldn't even go with a gun lmao


There's a fantastic mod that turns her into a companion after doing the guide, and helps in rebuilding megaton. It's killer


Fly me to the moon


Giving Gabe's bowl to Borous in Old World Blues. It just hit me like a freight train and I get teary eyes just thinking about it


I adore the character of Kent Conley and pretty much all the silver shroud quest


Walking around in full costume and responding in character was some of the most fun I had in Fallout.


Just the entirety of fallout 3 really


The one where you enter simulation


Fuckin around the neighbours in Tranquility Lane > Kelloggs Memories


Fucking hated Kelloggs memories, stupid kid me thought you had to wait and interact with everything, I'm glad I learned you can just run through it till the end.


I think Kellogg's memories is a great quest. The narrative and general voice-acting for Kellogg is awesome. Of course, when you have to play through that quest a second time... yeah... then it starts to suck.


Eh, every f3 quest? The quest with the android, the quest with super hero and ants, the quest where you go the children town, the quest were you nuke megaton... etc


The one where you rescue Nick was my favorite in F4. Oasis quest in Fallout 3 and the Cannibal village quest in F3 are also on my top spots. Many listed FNV quests here thats not developed by Bethesda.


The reveal of Nick is just perfect.


you can't even see his face through the window and once you free him he lights his cigarette and the light of the flame shows his face. fucking amazing and cool.


That one quest in Fallout 4 where there are a bunch of robots stuck on like an old ship. And then after you help them they immediately crash and go “better luck next time” lmao


Idk why but finding the treasure of Jamaica plain is so fun to me. One of the few pockets in the world that went pretty much untouched from the war which was really cool the first time I found it


I had two memorable ones in Fo4 recently. 1. In the Far Harbor dlc there was a vault in the bottom of a hotel and everyone there had switched there brain into a robot so they could live longer/forever. You had to figure out what robot brain murdered another robot brain in cold blood. Shenanigans ensue. 2. Just checking out a random building downtown revealed some epic Halloween party for a company that went terribly terribly wrong with some kind of gas in the vents. All of the ghouls were named and there was a puzzle to figure out to finally get back out. You get a tv as a power armor helmet too there.


I think that Cabot House quest line has some of the most interesting lore implications of any side quest


Silver shroud- fallout 4 Or Republic of Dave- fallout 3


Meeting Joshua Graham in the Honest Hearts DLC, then watching him proceed to blow General Gobloblygook’s head off with his pistol.


Sending the ghouls to the great beyond , just because I did it every play through without fail, despite kinda’ hating it.


Hunting down pretty boy lloyd in fallout 2. The exchange with him at golgotha has been etched in gold in my mind since i first did it almost a quarter of a century ago


Love that for you, we need more nostalgia-riddled players who keep coming for more for all the right reasons!


he said Bethesda fallout game


Taking a stroll with Liberty Prime was pretty epic


This one is probably unpopular, but the quest where you go back into Vault 101. It's one of the few exceptions in FO3 where there is actually a moral question that isn't just "good vs bad"


Not a quest but i remember accidentally stumbling upon old olney and getting obliterated by 4 deathclaws


I once staged a coup and shook up the power structure of the entire Republic of Dave. 


Boon’s quest at the pee wee Herman dinosaur fuck.


Fallout 76, when you have to go through the DMV in order to get a driver's license. It is not particularly hard, but the almost insane hoops you have to jump through and long waits to get a license through the DMV when the "workers" are still present but there is nobody waiting was epic. Almost as bad as trying to deal with the real life DMV.


I forget the name of the quest as it's been so long but getting the talking stealth suit was peak for me. I loved being the sneaky type and having a laugh because of the jokes it would pull was great


For me it’s The Silver Shroud quests.


"I'm only going to ask you this one time, GIVE ME THE NAUGHTY NIGHTWEAR!!"


Wasteland Survival Guide. It is not as bombastic as other quests, but it has its own charm. It is basically a poster child for a Fallout quest - it expands the lore, introduces many gameplay concepts and makes players travel all over the map, bringing them to places they may have not yet found. Another interesting facet of this quest is that the reward - the perk - is based on what you answer to Moira. You can even stop her making the Guide and get a Dream Crusher perk. Additionally, the resulting "first edition" you receive is different based on what you accomplished. If you do all quests and optional objectives, the Guide states the player as the main researcher and Moire as an assistant. If the player does less, then the player is the assistant.


Even though it’s unmarked, I’m a big fan of Andale from Fallout 3! DON’T GO IN THE BASEMENT


I've hated on F03's story a lot but it was my first fallout and did have some really great moments. The vaults always screwed with me they were so dark. Vault 92 I'll always remember for the terminal entries about a musically gifted girl going completely insane because they played white noise engineered to create super soldiers, which of course backfired. A terminal entry about her excited to go on a date before later her vocab turns into garbled gibberish really messed my kid self up


The White Glove Society questlines in Fallout NV. Beyond the Beef's complexity and many branching paths are unmatched.


Yes! Was looking for this comment. Beyond the Beef is my answer as well.


Maybe not favorably, but Fallout 4’s DiMA Puzzles.


Silver shroud 10/10 the quest keeps going after you finish it with loads of optional dialogue


The one with the pirate ship. The environment is fun to get through, its vertical but not overly complicated. More fun if youve got a jumppack already. Defending the ship is fun. You get an actual good reward out of it. The environment of the game world is altered by the end of the quest, and you can still get to the ship after and dialogue has changed to reflect their new situation.


In my humble opinion, finding a man in a nice suit, which just shot me right in the head, is probably the most memorable questline of any game i´ve played so far.


The Chinese submarine in Boston Harbor.


When I got to be a superhero as the shroud plus free submachine gun and a cool armour set




Fallout 76's DMV quest. It's so frustratingly true to dealing with real life beauracracies there's no way you'll forget it.


Pint sized slasher was a fever dream


I really liked the Reilly’s Rangers quest, for the longest time I didn’t know Reilly was even in the chop shop, I thought it was just a filler NPC laying there, till I tried talking to her.


Moira Brown and her damn hot potatoes!


Fucking a robot


Last Voyage of the Constitution is my favourite, and most memorable. Meeting some crazy robots, negotiating between them and raiders, fixing up the shit, the crazy sentry captain, defending all the attacks and firing the cannons, and finally excited to see them get back to opens seas...only to see them blast through the sky to the Boston skyline. Such a great quest.


There's a quest with a guy that mutated into a tree 🛤


Not necessarily a questline but the whole Dunwich building experience


No one saying the tenpenny tower quest where you nuke megaton is shocking.


My favorites from each game: Dealing with Gizmo/Killian in Junktown Getting my goddamn car back in New Reno Kansas City in Fallout tactics Reilly's Rangers rescue Taking out the Fiends in their vault Diamond City Blues Belly of the beast in 76


That lucky old sun


another settlement needs our help .. always.




I Could Make You Care- FONV. Veronica made me care


Fallout 3. Having to fight the Super Mutant Behemoth outside of Galaxy News Radio!




FO3’s exit vault 101. That blinding light to reveal the wasteland. Chills.


Reilly's Rangers


The Red Death in Far Harbor. That final fight will stay with me forever.


Republic of Dave for the humor. Human Error for the making me sit there and wonder if I made the right choice


The Nuclear Option BOS


For me it will always be fallout 3 beginning where your the baby you push the ball around and you grow up in the vault, shooting the rad roaches with the BB gun, then just escaping made it feel like a super real experience to me going to school taking the GOAT too


In fallout 4 when you have to kill danse on the BOS route. I immediately named the gun he gave me “Ad Victorium” in his honor.


First play through of New Vegas (first fallout game att), I really didn’t get the game until I did the Come Fly With Me quest. Everything clicked for me during that, combat, stealth, the branching quest lines and decisions, and it’s stayed with me since. I helped Jason Bright and his followers, and seeing those rockets fly off was such a fulfilling moment. I got a tattoo of the Repconn rocket on my arm a few years back and I think about the quest all the time.


Honestly loved little lamplight. Not the most epic quest but it was my most memorable.


I love the Billy in the fridge questline


USS CONSTITUSION BABY also the evil ass book of point lookout


Tenpenny and megaton nuke, or like 30 other quests from fo3. Didn’t have the same memories from fnv imo I just love 3 so much more. Harold, meeting three dog, little lamp light, etc.


Last voyage of the uss constitution is an all time favorite


The one from your screenshot for me, I talk about it all the time. Little lamplight/big town and cannibal pre war town are up there too. All from 3


The kid in the fridge, but for all the wrong reasons.


Fallout 4: USS Constitution, Cabot House and Diamond City Blues Fallout 3: Tenpenny Tower, Tranquility Lane, Oasis FNV: Main (especially the second half), Beyond the Beef, Come Fly with me, that lucky old sun.
