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I'm sure there's a settlement that needs your help somewhere


Eh Developing new settlements is a very eh thing to me


I recommend adding a mod which increases the random encounters your settlement can have, it’s crazy fun to actually manage a base


Finish exploring area's that you missed, work on your settlements, collect loots, finish side quests, derp around in boston, go try and kill a deathclaw bare handed, talk smack to preston, build robots, just go bananas.


.....build robots?


Automatron DLC.


Do it again but with mods


And different choices


I have an Xbox it already crashes with rain


Xbox player here. I know that feeling. I have to quick save every 2 minutes.


I play Xbox with like 15 mods, though most are fairly small. You just have to watch a video or something to help you arrange your load order correctly. You definitely can't go mod crazy though sadly


I play xbox I have like 30 Mods and my game runs fine and I Have a xbox one s


But with all the mods


Survival mode. I wasn't sure I wanted to immediately replay the game, so tried survival mode on a whim. Wow! It was like night and day. Vastly more immersive and difficult. It transformed a good game into a great one. Check out the Survival options mode if there is something about the difficulty setting you don't like the sound of - you can adjust everything (there are alot I change). My other recommendation: play Nora, if you played Nate. The voice acting is delightful. I am quite smitten. BTW: I recommend travelling with many companions in turn to get their perks and get to know them. Preston has a great perk. Piper is adorable. Deacon sounds sleazy (to my ears) but actually is a Zen philosopher who opens my eyes (in real life!). Danse is a great man to have by your side in the Glowing Sea and other heavy combat zones etc.




Yes, settlements seems rather pointless on normal but now in survival, I even like Preston's spamming quests for them. And with the lower respawn rates in survival, settlements help give a sense of taming the Commonwealth.


Can't remember but I don't think the Railroad has any radiant quests after the end. You could just start helping the minutemen but at this point if you finished dlcs or don't want to I would start another game with a different faction. Brotherhood was always fun for me but I'm currently having alot of fun playing minutemen for the first time.




They have some post game quests are quite focused around Glory.


New vegas or 3, alot of characters from 4 are in 3, however DO NOT play 1, 2, or tactics until you have played through the other games multiple times. Also if you dont want to hate fallout dont play BOS, 76 is a solid 6/10 in 2021


I remember the beginning of 76 and I hated it. Now it has actually grin on me to the point that I play it regularly. I still like 4 better though because of the fun mods and DLC’s.


If you don't have any of the other Fallout games play 4 again but side with the Institute this time. If you have others start with New Vegas


I will only consider siding with them to get the heavy synth armor other wise I’ll join the minute men this tim


Minuteman ending is basically the same as Railroad. Honestly though the Brotherhood one is the most fun because of Liberty Prime


Ah yes liberty prime aka Anti communist power ranger megazord


Now with throwable NUKES!! and more American propaganda!! 🙃


Desdemona prolly has some raider she wants you to kill because they were mean to a synth or ten


Yeah I kinda only joined the railroad cus I didn’t wanna be a) machine/ mutant racist or b) developing a settlement for a single person to live in


Just saying there is a mod the you can install that if you join the BoS and get the blind betrayal mission to kill Danse, it will allow him to challenge and kill Maxon either allowing you to become the leader of the brotherhood of Danse to become the elder if you have a high enough speech check. They’ll stop making all the comments and what not. At least they did in my game.


Do it again


If you’re considering a replay I would recommend trying out the Institute storyline, it’s interesting and unique in its own way


Do an Institute playthrough since it doesn't have the Nuclear Option quest to end it and something a little different.


Fallout 4 has great replay value, but take a break first. I had a blast joining the BOS


play again, go with a different faction


DLC+ mods


Go through a BoS or Institute play through. Lot of combat and fun. Also maybe check out far harbor since you did a rail road play through.


You could beat the new one OFF. You could beat that


Play again but this time with fancy restrictions like Fist only or Laser Master


Play the nuka world and far harbor dlcs. 2 new areas to explore with their own story's. Also recommend automatron(however that's spelt) so you can make codsworth an absolute tank and build other robots to keep at settlements


Play FNV ​ Its just better


Try a new play through with a FudgeMuppet build. Look them up on YouTube...great for inspiration.


keep playing, or play fallout 3 and new vegas, however for those it's probably best to install the tale of two wastelands mod which adds all of fallout 3 into new vegas's engine, so all the added benefits of the new vegas engine plus just 1 save for both games


Did you try the expansions? Nuka World and Far Harbour are both a lot of fun.