• By -


this goes back to the old discourse about the bear and the bull and the bear and the bull and the


The gear and the rock


[Terrifying Presence] Both of these sides suck, you should all go home and rethink your lives, you're pathetic, like the wise Driver Nephi once said: "get f*cked", find a middle ground and stop fighting like idiots, you're embarrasing all of us non-idiots. Don't dump stat Intelligence!


That fiend bounty mission is just like someone leaving out a free sleeve of oreos. Free caps and xp? Don’t mind if I do.


Game is game


[Intelligence 1 Speech 100]


What's a rerun?




Same, shit went from worrying about the FNV timeline to discovering that GW apparently hates money, because if Muscle Mommy's always been real, why didn't they try to monetize


The 40k drama has been going on for over 5 years at this point. I wish it was them complaining about something that actually matters like how GW hasn’t created anything original in 40+ years


I don't think female custodes have been a thing for 5 years.


Really it’s a continuation of the “boo boo people don’t want exclusively male space marines because the lore on it is just hands down badly written” which is a continuation of the whole arch warhammer things and yeah warhammers community is a dog that should be put down with how it’s acting


There's an honestly earned backlash against a small subset of fans who have been shitting on this show before it was released simply because it's Bethesda. They've done this to anything Bethesda related for years. They've been absolutely toxic to the point I've had to unsub from a few fallout subs to avoid it. I'm relishing in their misery now as much as I'm enjoying the memes made at their expense, but I also recognize not all FNV fans are the stans who have polluted all these communities of the franchise for so many years. I hope those fans understand the backlash isn't pointed at them, but I also ask those fans to quit feeding the stans when they dog pile the rest of the franchise and community as they have been for a decade.


> who've been shitting on the show before it released simply because it's Bethesda Or because they didn't like what they saw in the trailers. Before the trailers, pretty much the entire fanbase seemed sceptical, at least from what I'd seen, since Bethesda hadn't given us any reason to believe they could oversee the building of a good story or world anymore (the last game two games they've released being Starfield and Fallout 76), and because all of the video game and book adaptations happening at the same time aside from TLOU tended to be mediocre or downright sucked. Whether the show is an example of a good story or world is another question, but it wasn't unreasonable to be sceptical of the show before it came out.


honestly, I’m kinda surprised the one “Nate is the one who watches a Canadian POW get killed” retcon didn’t get more flak. Like bruh, that is some JK Rowling level of retcon tweet


Yeah, he walked that one back really hard. Which is kind of scary tbh bc he can just make even more dumbass decisions like that just to create some retcon to the retcon to make people happy Oh wait...


mfw retconning the player character, that has barely any hint of this, to be a war criminal is met with criticism


Hear me out… that was totally a joke


Like some of my favourite games are ones with protagonists who have done really shitty things before I started playing them but those games also spend a lot of their writing on exploring what that means where Fallout 4 isn't interested in who the player character was before you took control of them at all.


Lmao now that you mention it, that is the kinda stuff Rowling would Tweet (based on my knowledge of her, at least, I'm not a Harry Potter fan). Honestly, I always play 4 with alternate start mods anyway, but my Fallout 4 protagonists would absolutely be war criminals, so I don't really mind it.


With how I play the game(I don’t use an alt start mod but have one save that I’m just near the Vault exit and change everything there since you can do that in Fallout 4 and only really start a new game for like Playthroughs I deem special or use mods the specifically required me to start a new game) yeah my character would also probably be a war criminal as well




i mean he was clearly right lol




Well you are a text book example of why he said that.


I think it’s been elitist new vegas fans over the years shitting on every other game and acting like new vegas was objectively better than 3/4. Most of the community got tired of the gatekeeping and just want to enjoy things, hence the backlash against new vegas fans nitpicking reasons not to like the show when majority of fans and critics loved it.


This is the way I've always seen it. Over a decade of New Vegan level elitism is enough to drive a fandom mad until it starts devouring itself. I didn't see this so-called "toxic anti-gatekeeping" until more recently. It's a reaction born out of the existence of a loud and annoying minority. No one game in the conversation is objectively better than another as they all have glaring flaws and all have enjoyable high points. Anyone challenging that as "um ackshually NV IS objectively the best" refuses to accept its shortcomings and refuses to acknowledge that 3/4/76 are all great Fallout experiences. Your like or dislike of any of them is entirely a subjective opinion. It's perfectly okay to like New Vegas the most; it's a good game. It's perfectly okay to like 3, 4, or 76 the most; they're good games. What's not okay is shoehorning your opinion of one of the games into every tangentially related Fallout discussion while presenting it as gospel. I've seen people in communities dedicated to an entirely different Fallout experience brigading in the comments to tell everyone how "Fallout X is bad and Fallout Y is the only REAL Fallout game!" It's tiring as hell and bordering on autistic levels of obsession. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred it's New Vegans as the other communities are usually happy to enjoy their favorite in peace without forcing it down others' throats. It's cultish and weird.


Well we also have to remember the elephant in the room *cough 76 cough* that has killed a lot of goodwill of fallout fans towards the franchise. For example, I as a random data piece, absolutely have no interest in new fallout content after 4. I’ve played almost all the fallouts, loved all of them to varying degrees, was excited for the next thing, and 76 came out. The Internet Historian has a great video about that dumpster fire, and I personally don’t care about how good it got. If a restaurant served me uncooked, rotten food and tried to screw me over in the process, i’m not going to give them another go. I’m going to a different restaurant. After that I washed my hands clean and decided it was time to end the fallout franchise for me. We all have our little eras of gaming where a particular IP was what we called golden and i’d rather stick with that. Now, there are others who experienced this, but was rightfully angry at Bethesda and wants to see them and associated properties fail for being such a bad company so they learn or sell the IP off to someone else. I am subject to this as well to some degree. Further the frustration by seeing Bethesda doing well with their shitty behavior, and the newer fallouts that led to this point becoming more popular, they are mad and directing their frustration towards innocent new fans who through no fault of their own, are ignorant to what it was and where it came from. I don’t want Bethesda to succeed not because I want to gatekeep, but because new people thinking 76 or 4 is what fallout is brings about lower quality games down the line, and I want better games from my favorite IPs.


Ah yes, the widely loved new Vegas. Known for having an amazing launch with no bugs or missing features…


I don’t recall external product scandals, catching innocent players in banning sprees, refusing refunds until the absolute last second, and it being unplayable with server issues. Was it perfect? No. But putting those two games on the same level of dysfunction is not being honest.


I don’t know about product scandals(keyword, EXTERNAL, as far as I know, the merch was the job of another company) and that happens with online games. And refunds were quite different back then. And… if you played launch version on PC especially, it’s awful


A refund is a refund. There is no back then or now difference. If you released a product that didn’t deliver on the promises that it made, you give a refund to those who want one in exchange for your shitty product back. If your name is on the merch, you are responsible for it. At the very least, Bethesda green lit the stuff they didn’t make and said it was okay. They greenlit the shitty rum with a shitty plastic cover that broke, the 276 dollar jacket, the shitty bag of an inferior material than what was advertised. And unplayable technical issues or game breaking bugs galore everywhere on top. Server issues, duplication issues, pvp bugs. All of it. The worst launch they’ve done that I can remember in and out of game.


If it’s any consolation I played fallout 76 last week and it’s still utterly terrible MMO fandoms are super weird, they always claim their games are amazing and always getting better, I think it’s like a combination of Stockholm syndrome and sunk cost fallacy 


"acting like new vegas was objectively better than 3/4." I mean... sorry to say but it kinda is, even if you might enjoy 3 or 4 more, and i respect it if you do. It does not justify their excesive, exagerated behaviour tho. "new vegas fans nitpicking reasons" Some of em do that yes, but alot of folks come up with fair criticism and opinions on things and its now very disregarded as nitpicking or hating for the sake of hating, people are becoming overly positive and unable to withstand any criticism towards things they like, and that's bad. A case of "monster creates monster" here, can we wipe the slate clean with them? Start over again? :))


IMO nv is far worse than 4 when it comes to gameplay gunplay sucks, can’t sprint, power armor sucks. That being said when it comes to roleplay, nv takes the cake


Well I mean its built off of fallout 3 with a fraction of the dev time, so all the gameplay reasons are more of a bethesda thing. Also the gunplay was succintly better than 3, having far more weapons and uniques as well. Fallout nv came out in 2010, its kind aunfair to compare the rwo when 4 had far more graphical fidelity technology, not to mention nv is build off a 2008 game. We wouldnt say fallout 1 sucks because its gameplay is lacking compared to 4.


I didn’t compare graphics, that would be unfair, I said gameplay.


But story, tho…


Fair, but gameplay tho…


Things advance


Again that's fallout 3s fault, and new Vegas already improved on it with slightly better gunplay, ammo types and switching, soft and ap dt system, how are you gonna blame new Vegas when it was made off a Bethesda system?


So Vegas is bad because of three, but Skyrim would be using the creation engine one year later (the same engine as fallout 4)


Vegas and fallout 3 are not bad, I'm just pointing out how absurd it is to say fallout 4 is better because it came out later with better graphics technology especially since Bethesda allowed obsidian to make a spinoff using gamebyro which creation engine is built off. Idk what you're trying to argue but it's really dumb. Fallout 3 was made in 08 of course it's gunplay isn't gonna be stellar. Fallout 4 does some things better, and of course it's gunplay is better, it has more development time and wasn't hampered to the old game byro version with fallout 3 code. There's even a popular mod called TTW or tales of two wastelands that makes both games concurrent in one exe.


I’m not saying that either I was responding to the comment saying 3/4 was objectively worse than nv by saying 4 is better gameplay wise. Not trying to start an argument. If nv and three were in fours engine I would probably prefer nv tbh


Me too. I wish 2/3/nv got remade in the engine


Sorry to say NV is not(3 is the best), But that’s just like your opinion man. The main thing people were whining about day 1 when the show came out(The ncr stuff) got rectified in Todd’s interview. You can go back and look at the post the day the show came out. Point is,people are tired of others using vague points to get other people to not like something. The show was great 8/10 imo.


Well its fine if you like 3 more but NV just does most things better, i ain't forcing you to like it the most tho cause that would make me just like them, have fun. Yeah the date thing got explained, but it was fair to be concerned about it, and people just don't like how the world and some story decisions are handled so far, again fair stuff here. I agree with your point, but not everyone who complains uses vague points and tries to get people to hate the show, tho some people now act like they do, and that's the problem.


3 does more things better imo but I enjoy both. It was fair to be concerned but people were jumping to conclusions and calling that retcons/plot-holes while pretending it was valid criticism. Most complaints I’ve heard have to do with subjective taste or just vague things like bad writing with no further explanations. OP even said it just rubbed him the wrong way.


"Most complaints I’ve heard have to do with subjective taste" Well yeah, not everyone is gonna agree with every decision in the show, doesn't mean we need to make fun of them or call them dumb or crybabies or shit. Instead understand it and respect it, even if you don't agree with them and you enjoy these decisions.


no games are objectively better. you dont know how objectively works


Some games are objectively better than others when it comes to mechanics. Fallout 4 has objectively better gameplay. It allows you to have a grenade and weapon equipped at the same time, made the favorites menu easier to use, PA is superior to the other games, gun modding is easy as hell, it has a better Survival Mode than NV, ect ect. Writing and story is always subjective. So arguing for or against one of the other is dependent on opinions.


thats also not how objectively works, people will like different things or mechanics more then others


That is true. People will like what they like. But just because you don't like them, doesn't mean it's not objectively better. F4's gameplay is more streamlined. The ability to use grenades without having to equip them separately is a huge improvement, all weapons can be used fairly effectively regardless of build thanks to a lack of a STR requirement, sprint is a great addition to mobility, and there's an, albeit clunky, cover system. F4's gun mod system is objectively better than New Vegas' because rather than be regulated to only CERTAIN weapons sold by Vendors, each weapon is moddable. It's easier to get into the modding system, as it's a regular resource commitment for lower level mods - meanwhile higher level mods require perk investments. And mods can make different guns more versatile. For instance, you can make a fancy legendary 10mm you found automatic if you weren't investing in regular pistols. Meanwhile NV's gun modding system requires you to spend caps on the GRA Variant of a gun, and its mods. That's it. F4 PA, is objectively better. PA can be mixed and matched to give different benefits and effects due to legendaries, it's possible to actually upgrade your PA beyond its base states with the different MKs, Mods give PA more versatility and customization, and Fusion cores force you to invest in your new armor. F4 survival mode expands upon New Vegas' Hardcore Mode, by adding additional challenges in addition to what was seen in NV and making it actually feel like a challenge mode. Everyone has their preferences, but I'm not speaking out of bias when I say F4 does a lot of things objectively better than NV and 3. Because when it comes to gameplay, it is probably the superior game from an unbiased view point. There are several systems and features present in F4's base gameplay that just aren't present in NV and 3's, that only add to the experience. Of course, F4 is objectively worse in some regards. The inability to craft ammo without a DLC is idiotic, no PA training makes PA too easy to get, pretty bad performance issues in the main area of the game, ECT.


objectively is not influenced by opinions, like 1+1 is objectively 2, something obviously being better then something else in a game, even when its obviously true, isnt objectively, also I do agree with everything youve said


I've been seeing more posts complaining about gatekeepers than I have actually seen any gatekeepers in this community


You haven’t been on twitter then


Well, yeah, that place is a cesspool.


Or YouTube… it’s shocking how bad it is over there


don’t get me wrong, I liked the show but somethings that was done, kinda rubbed me the wrong way


Criticism is perfectly possible without being dogpiled. I have several times complained about Shady Sands moving with positive karma.


When complaint is reasonable people have no issues with them. It's when whiners go "they retconned everything" people get annoyed.


I think the issue is I cant even voice a criticism of fallout example, I deliberately said I liked 4 and thought it was good but thought the environment could be better, then BOOM -45 dislikes, unless i suck off and praise it 100 percent im a "toxic hater"


Can you link that comment, I'm curious what exactly was said


Can you link it? Never seen anything like that


Honestly the only thing I didn’t like about the retcons was changing Shady Sand’s location. All they had to do was call it the Boneyard but for whatever reason felt the need to move SS all the way from inner Cali to the coast for no reason


It never made sense for the capital of the NCR to be in the middle of the desert in California that’s why they moved it.


I think this is ridiculous. The worst I've seen has been from people who like the show has been a generally relaxed - if anything defensive - approach to the canon and the story, meanwhile game lore people, especially in New Vegas subs have been struggling to be normal in their approaches. The worst I got from an "anti-gatekeeping person" was a "nah I don't agree" or some desperate gymnastics to make the show coherent with the games, meanwhile I mentioned one thing in a New Vegas sub and got a wall of rabid text with no paragraphs ranting like a Nightkin. Its just not the same.


Most of the criticism I have seen is pretty brain dead




i never understood the timeline thing, like it was pretty easy to tell the nuke happened after the fall




This is the thing that's annoying. If you add something called 'the fall of Shady Sands' and spend the entire season emphasizing that Shady Sands is a nuclear crater, with other dates to corroborate Bad Shit in 2277, people are going to go 'yeah the Fall of Shady Sands was the nuking'. That is a very clear props or writing mistake - you don't make up new events without either explaining them or giving enough background for people to tell what it is, *in the show you have.*


It’s not the shows fault you don’t understand how timelines work ngl


To be fair the Fallout community has been going through this since Fallout: Tactics came out, probably even earlier.


Since Fallout 2 came out


The majority of this subreddit over the past few days has been nonstop hate and mockery towards the show's detractors that literally gets justified as "well this NV fan I made up in my head is an evil elitist so I'm justified in my toxicity and bullying" lmao


>made up in my head You’re not going to be able to gaslight people into thinking what they’ve seen on /r/fnv, /r/newvegasmemes, and twitter isn’t real because now there’s a pushback. Josh Sawyer, Todd Howard, and Emile wouldn’t speak out about shit if there weren’t a bunch of rapid weirdos frothing at the mouth.


Who's frothing at the mouth here is it the FNV fans who clearly don't like the show or is it the ultra defensive types who can't stand criticism of the show lmao


>who’s frothing at the mouth Which group of fans did Todd Howard, Josh Sawyer, and Emil Pagliarulo have to address because they were shitting up a storm?


Ok? They can say whatever they want. What are they the fucking Fallout clergy and you have to obey them without question lmao. idk why you'd want Kid in a Fridge guy to educate you about Fallout but that's your prerogative.


>the fucking Fallout clergy Yes, the directors of the last 20 years of Fallout games and the head lore writer are the closest thing you’ll get. The only other big influence comparable to those 3 for 3d fallout would be Avellone but Josh called the shots for New Vegas.


"Guys everything's OK the Bethesda guy who brags about disregarding prior lore when writing said so" They could take a shit right in your mouth and you'd lap it up without question like a good little consumer lmao this is the kind of stuff I expect from the average Star Wars fan but it looks like Fallout is suffering the same fate


Josh Sawyer directed and led the development of Fallout: New Vegas. He has spent the last 14 years working at Obsidian. A subset of toxic fans hating on every part of the Fallout franchise that isn’t their own specific game isn’t new at all. NMA has been around since 1997.


Again, Josh Sawyer can say whatever he wants, it won't undo what people see on the screen, in New Vegas or the Fallout TV show. If he says Benny is a woman wearing a green pinstripe suit who shoots the player in the foot with a laser rifle, you might think it's true but I won't.


>Won’t undo what people see on screen, in New Vegas or the Fallout TV show. Is this about the NCR? Josh Sawyer was the only reason it wasn’t nuked to shit in New Vegas.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMemes/s/XTpmIgH0Pc Literally from this thread. You can find plenty elsewere in tis sub, and checking other Fallout subs.


SHHH he needs to play clueless to gaslight the people here that those toxic fans don't actually exist.


Toxic fan ^


That’s a bad faith argument and you know it.


Says person who has tons of nonsense posted about how Bethesda hates New Vegas. You think your name hasn't become familiar by now?


If I have become that well known, then you’d know that I never said nor implied that when discussing the show. Plus you only remember me because you would not stop replying to me over something I don’t even remember


Yup, pretty much. They’ve attack any comment that ask questions about the show, especially if they’re from other show fans


my issue is that FONV fans appear impossible to please. the first issue was shady sands being nuked (even though an ounce of critical thinking would reveal that as a non-issue). once that was resolved by todd himself, the cheeto-munchers moved on to complaining about other aspects of the lore (shady sands got moved, vault-tec dropped the bombs, etc.) they complain for the sake of complaining because at the end of the day, they hate bethesda and bethesda can do no right.


I don't like vault-tec as a villain, I think they're really mishandled. Other fallout villains are mysterious, eerie, and almost otherworldly in their agency. Vault-tec is bland, beurucratic, and they haven't done anything on-screen to make them awe-worthy. In Fallout 1, we get the slow burn into the Master through the lieutenant, and in 2, players get to run into Frank Horrigan doing his brutal shit throughout the game. But we're a whole season into the show, and vault-tec bombed a city off-screen in the most clumsy way to kill a country. There wasn't even a face to Vault-tec until the last episode. The brotherhood of steel would make better villains, and they at least get screen time in a completely superficial sub plot.


The fascinating thing about Fallout is that there is always more than one villain.


My partner was saying that Maximus is actually a great opportunity for a villain origin story. I do think his hard turn to becoming a power hungry elder would be cool. I just wish I had that kind of anticipation for any other characters.




Ding ding ding. If it'd been set in Texas? If it *hadn't* nuked the NCR and upended the plot of New Vegas by proxy? NV fans would've been limited to 'oh it's Bethesda's take on Fallout therefore it sucks', and I say that because I *am* a NV fan and that's the greatest criticism I can direct at the show's themes. It does earnestly frustrate me because I don't have a lot of issue with Bethesda's take on Fallout. It's fun for games, it's fun in 4, and it *can* be written well (just...not with Fallout 4's dialogue system). If they'd left the West Coast alone, I think the show would've gone completely unmolested. Instead the showrunners (including a dude who allegedly said F3 was his favorite game of the series) nuked the major harbinger of development and progress off the map for...no real reason? It wasn't necessary to do so and introduced far more contradictions than it needed to? Just set it in Texas, nobody cares if you finish off BoS's 'canon'.




We know now: literally the showrunners wanted it set in LA as their first consideration, and they didn't care what they had to pave over to do it. I'm not joking: there's an interview with GQ out now and apparently the first decision they made was setting it in LA, *then* deciding to nuke everything so they could tell a 'Western' in that area. "I will say that it was very, very early in the decision \[making process\], once we decided to put the show in L.A. That was the very next thought, because it's a post-apocalyptic show. And if you study the Western, which has a lot in common with the post-apocalyptic genre, ‘civilisation is not around’ is a big part of it. A lot of them end with the railroad coming through, or a house being built, or they put a church up in the town, or a motorcar appears. And you're like, ‘Well, the wild wild west is over.’"


What 10+ years of pent up aggression towards NV fans does to a mf


dont NV fans treat todd as some bogeyman who personally wants to ruin their game?


This is what happened to me. The most vocal FNV fans have always been assholes, but recently the non-stop negativity and elitism has become unbearable.


I've been seeing a lot of nonstop negativity and elitism recently but it's not coming from the FNV fans this time


Right after the show dropped, it was FNV fans bitching and complaining because they thought their main personality trait got non-canonized (even if there was little evidence to suggest that)


And it will be you bitching about FNV fans bitching over them not liking what they see as *your* main personality trait. Pot, meet kettle


Who said I was bitching? I’m just making observations based on what I saw on the FNV subreddits


You just said FNV fans make the game their whole personality and that they are "bitching and complaining" over what they see as a continuity error. *You* are the one being negative how do you not see this.


I said the *most vocal*, not all fans. There is a distinctive difference between the two


Ngl this NV hate has made me want to stop coming to this subreddit. I never had a big internet presence, still don't honestly, never saw the shit storm around New vegas/fallout 4. New vegas is probably my favorite game in the series, loved 3, enjoyed 4 but I'll always go back to vegas. I don't see a ton of posts here, but all I've seen is people complaining about vegas fans. Show was great, can't wait for season 2!


o7 I have left the main sub for the same reason. Just constant 'those FNV fans are terrible terrible people'.


New Vegas is a fantastic game, and is personally my favorite in the series. I just think that a lot of the most vocal fans of it tend to get a bit insufferable when it comes to Bethesda stuff


I basically only see the positive toxic People always complaining about a very small negative toxic group. Like there are a few of them, but there are far more complaining the whole time about them.


“Positively toxic anti-gatekeepers calling valid criticism 'toxic'” whatever moron wrote that is trying to cope so hard rn lol that’s the most toxic case of denial I’ve ever read


just like another guy that commented on this post said, the majority of this subreddit in the past few years has been like "this evil elitist fan i've made up in my head said mean things to me so now i'm justified in my toxicity and bullying"


Yeah that’s kind of what I’m saying too lol “Positively toxic” is just their way of saying “someone has a positive opinion of something I hate which makes them less than me and bad” hence them assuming their criticisms are the only ones that are valid. The post speaks for itself and to those with lesser brains. Shits sad bro people just need to shut their mouths and enjoy the games or don’t no one cares which side ur on and those who do aren’t worth thinking about or interacting with


Direct examples for ppl saying this isn’t happening https://x.com/ermin_h/status/1781499238188482674?s=46


The show haters seem to think that shady sands falling would meant the total dissolution of the NCR...


I just don't like how Bethesda handles the property . I don't dig their vibe as a continuation of 1 and 2


What valid criticism? Seriously asking.


Has it been shown or told anywhere else in the games that Ghouls need a vial of meds in order to stay sentient rather than feral? I always thought it was simply radiation that dictated how feral ghouls were, rather than an arbitrary drug


We don't know the mechanics of that yet. The specifics I mean. We can theorize. But we probably won't know the full story until it shows up in game. Hopefully it comes with playable ghoul like we've been asking for. We can make inferences. Like it's probably only really necessary for very advanced cases of ghoulification. Very old ghouls. It's also possibly a post war creation since none of the vials have a label. Never see them come from a pre-war box or see them found at a pre-war medical center. We just don't have enough info to go on. It's possible that it's a nod to Van Buren and was created at The Reservation. (The B.O.M.B. satellite nukes could also have been what was used on Shady Sands) - https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Reservation


Whilst I am always a bigger fan of “show, don’t tell”, then in this case I do feel a slight expansion or explanation as to the specifics or origin of the vials would’ve been nice. It just feels a bit jarring to come from the games where there are so many ghoul characters, none of which need any vials to keep from turning. Otherwise, characters like the Vault Tec Rep. or the refrigerator kid from FO4 probably would’ve had a harder time than they already had.


Being a Bethesda shill isn't a skill or perk


Who's shilling? I asked for legit criticism. Put up or kick rocks.


except this show is actually good


Except the criticisms aren't usually valid. Most of them are coming from a place of just defaulting to hating anything Bethesda touches. Calling that valid is disingenuous at best.


I think Creetosis is doing a good critic of the series.


Creetosis? The giy who called REPCONN Test Site a "great landmark", while accusing Fallout 3 having no land marks? Same guy who complained about quest arrow in Fallout 3 and then praised it in New Vegas? Yeah, I don't think he is exactly... unbiased.


The loser that made an 8 hour video whining because someone dared to enjoy a game he didn't enjoy?




Yes, he literally did? ["FALLOUT 3 ISN'T BETTER THAN YOU THINK."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMhsmBGbIv0&pp=ygUTY3JlZXRvc2lzIGZhbGxvdXQgMw%3D%3D) Talk about fucking sad. An EIGHT HOUR video whining because someone dared to enjoy FO3. And a four hour video whining because *gasp* someone dares enjoy FO4!? lmao downvoting me already just proves how fucking sad *you* are to defend him.


You said "dared to enjoy" not poorly defend.


"poorly defend" **why do they need to defend it to begin with? All the video says was "hey, Fallout 3 has a lot of positives"** and then Creetosis comes in and whines, daring to say someone's subjective opinion is wrong. It's called **fucking pathetic** pal. Oh and newsflash to Creetosis, **Bethesda saved the fucking franchise.**


Just admit you didn't watch Creetosis video.


I'm not wasting 8 hours of my life because some twat thinks FO3 is bad. Boo fucking hoo, just don't play it then. Nobody's forcing you to accept it. Pal, it was made in response to a video saying FO3 is good. There's no universe where you and Creetosis are anything more than fucking gatekeepers. Let me guess, you also think Schizo Elijah is based and redpilled.


So you didn't watch the video and you are critizising it? And no, I do not like Elijah.


Star Wars deserves the hate it gets. It’s never justified to harass actors because they didn’t write the script but Star Wars should be an example of what not to do.


Fr tho, I had a lot of problems with the star wars script; I do feel awful that Daisy Ridly and John Boyega took so much flack. I see a lot of the same issues with the fallout show: too much reliance on convenience to progress the plot, some characters aren't contributing to the plot in meaningful ways, issues of tone blindness. Just a very clumsy handling of the property.


I think it also sufferes similarly to plot recycling, alot of it just feels lazy and uninspired


There are people thst just want to hate things because that's all they know. The best thing to remember is that these losers have no say, no input on this at all. That's why they scream so loud, they know they're opinions DO NOT MATTER lol. In fact, they're deliberately tuned out.


Downvote me but you know I'm right, ya whiney cunts.


Ngl the way this meme is made already gives me biased feels. When the show first was shown the only remnants of the fallout community were already pretty toxic against each other. Now that the show has positively shown most wrong, there's still plenty who will find stuff to hate about it. Honestly pretty sad and it's awful that the fan bases are putting more labels on each other with all the great things the shows success is doing for fallout. Let's be honest since 2018 fallout had been on a major public reception decline. We should show others what's to enjoy and not group and make names, it will only hurt this franchise.


It seems to be trendy to diss on NV right now, maybe just play it?