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Look it's Camden Town but there's a bunch of skeletons piled up at the lower steps underneath the bridge crossing and there's a bunch of jet everywhere


Its the Queen and King as Ghouls!


Honestly would've been cooler to either make their own Fallout universe Queen, or have Lizzy be inexplicably alive but not Ghoulified. Making Liz a Ghoul is just kinda the most boring way to go about adding the Queen.


The joke that the Queen is a long lived human but King Charles turned into a Ghoul as did Harry and Meghan


See, that'd be a banger way to do it!


Honestly if they wanted a Queen they should just have a new Queen. Perhaps it could be a wastelander who found, like, a museum dedicated to the history of England and modeled her faction off of the royalties of old. Like, maybe each Queen has to take on the name "Elizabeth" when they take on being the queen. Then her guards could be knight themed with guns and maybe they'd have customized assaultrons with those royal guard style uniforms but their hats are actually where their machine guns are. Just making the Queen a ghoul is seriously missing how many opportunities you could have with the idea of a "Queen".


They removed the queen ghoul out of respect for her death.


I'm British and I consider that lame


It was very lame. They banned a ton of people from the discord at the time for objecting to the change or for stating the mildest criticisms of the queen or those crying over her death


That’s ridiculous. The banning of people for criticizing royalty is just absurd.


Im american and Same wouldn't it be more respectful to keep her


Codsworth confirmed!


What is this the 1400’s


God save the queen She's not a human being


That's a bit rotten




Is it even going to come out they updated fallout 4


I mean that's basically just Camden anyway


No change then?


So basically the same then ?


Looks it's the British version of products in the USA!


Thats just normal london


Sounds about right to be fair


Please don't put fetish stuff in this mod. After The Frontier and Fusion City Rising I don't trust these kinds of mods not to put some kind of fetish on them.


After New California and the Frontier i don't trust any kind of big mods


Was New California bad? I remember it coming out and then just silence.


At the end it's revealed that you and another companion were fev experiments using The Vault Dweller's DNA and that you were a perfected version of that and able to regenerate wounds naturally. Using this power you were able to eventually become a well traveled courier, deliver a package to a town near death valley that blows up warheads (iirc it's also implied that it was purposeful), all while feeling your regeneration powers draining after using it often during your journeys, until you take a job for a platinum chip and two bullets from Benny, using the last of your regeneration abilities to bring you back. It isn't mentioned before this that your courier six


So the headshot survival, what is supposed to be a testament to The Courier's luck, suddenly the excuse becomes _"no actually it's because they're Wolverine."_


Granted you can give your courier abysmal luck, so who knows


You can still get lucky even with a luck stat of 1, it's just much more rare.


It all got used up saving you from dying


Oh it's even worse than that. It's "because they're wolverine, but their wolverine powers ran out afterwards"


Maybe Benny didn't aim straight for the middle of the Courier's brainpan, hoping something might happen regarding the super awesome doctor who lived just down the hill.


Staring almost slack-jawed at my screen as I read this. Boy oh boy am I glad I didn't waste time with that.


And that I'd all because of parasite nonsense involving... several characters. Mikeburnfire did a series on the mod.


Not gonna lie, that Series was a lot more interesting, than the Mod itself...


It’s much better than the Frontier, but far from being good or sensical.


lmao Gamers complain about writing in games and then cook up such insanities. I kinda respect it for its sheer amount of nonsense


hire fans


Jesus Christ and this is on top of the rapey slave fetish crap. What a load of garbage. Glad I didn't touch the mod.


That's the Frontier. AFAIK while New California does have slavery, it's not fetishized. In fact the Frontier's release made people look back on New California a little more positively.


You know that there’s like… a lot of rapey slave fetish crap in fallouts 1 2 & 3 right? In fallout 3 you can have a stalkhom syndrome ass slave who u buy from her “daddy” and sex is a huge thing in fallout 2 it’s kinda like really up front. Not to mention missions about snuff films and rape in new Vegas Always confused me that only the mods get in trouble for this sorta thing when it’s always in the base games


Did you play the mod? Just curious, because in my opinion it really crosses some lines that the actual games don't. The presentation really gives the impression that a few fetishes of the mod authors are only lightly masked and it's really distasteful. Again, this is only my opinion and others are free to theirs but the majority of feedback I've seen has been similar to my experience.


I did play the mod but a lot of the fetish stuff is really avoidable if you’re just playing the game imo. I probably spent 30 hours with it total on 2 play throughs and I didn’t understand the controversy because I don’t ever do the evil options anyway. I never play legion or like do slaver shit really so I didn’t explore the evil options that were there. I watched a bunch of videos tearing it apart at the time and most of them seemed to be taking issue w someone on the mod teams creepy fetish art and relating that back to America I get that but it didn’t phase me because again I’ve played all these games before. I’ve found the snuff room in gammorah, I know I can fuck robot or ghoul hookers whenever I want, I have the pornstar perk in fallout 2. It all seemed like par for the course but maybe I was less offended bc I didn’t even think about choosing the fucked up options with her and just kept playing the game


Big difference between mentioning it as lore and using it as fetish bait. America talks about her 'dirty feet'. And prior to a patch, not enslaving America made her kill herself. Plus adding in the "happy 18" card is as creepy as the Romeo & Juliet law scene in Transformers. The Legion rapes kids, should we let the player? (HELL NO).


Not to be pedantic, but just in case you didn’t know, it’s Stockholm syndrome


Ight that’s fair my point still stands clovers entire character is having Stockholm syndrome


Oh I 100% agree, no arguments from me on that front


Stockholm you say? https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Stockholm


Yeah but 1,2,3 and NV weren’t written by horny teenagers


Eh FO2 got pretty weird at times but that’s no excuse for doing weird shit like what I’m reading.


That’s gotta be the most crackpot shit ever someone wrote that? Why intertwine the stories?


I mean they literally put in a dialogue option that “this isn’t lore accurate!” And the big bad says “damn the lore let’s live dangerously!!!” It’s actually done quite funny


That doesn't sound so bad..? It sounds downright interesting when compared to the frontier.


I mean they weaved it in pretty well, the dagger point key was a good addition to explain how the player blew up the now divide. And the fact the mutation lets you live in NV may be a buzzkill but you cant not say they didn’t weave that in well. The endings are decent, it’s the sort of endings that fo3 could have had, 13 endings that only happen depending on the main quest rather than side quests like in NV.Realistically fo3 would never have unique side quest endings like in NV, but the frontier showed how a main quest focused story should have had their endings. NC had more ending variety than fo3 so it’s already better than Bethesda so that surely cheers up a lore nutjob that is all too common on New Vegas subreddits and forums (NMA).


My courier six what?


Just one convoluted and unnecessary lore dump for why the Courier lived a headshot. The real reason is just luck, there doesn’t need to be an explanation.


People expect too much from mods sometimes. Even the mod authors themselves, they overpromise and think they can do a lot of shit then eventually burn out. NC was fine but it wasn't a whole ass new Fallout game and clearly had to cut content so it kinda petered out when it was released. And people get really critical of the writing of some, ultimately it's fanfiction. It's not a surprise that it's not as great as the games which were written by professional teams. Honestly as long as it isn't filled with weird fetish shit or morally questionable views by the author I give those guys a break. Constructive criticism is good but people just saying oh that sucked doesn't accomplish anything.


Storylines are one thing, but New California has loads of endless waves of enemies rushing towards you Turning New Vegas into Killing Floor is an "interesting choice" that has little to do with scripting No I'd say many mods problem is they're trying to be entirely different styles of games from Fallout itself


I struggled so hard with those fights. Not because they were difficult, but because my game had a 90% chance of crashing


Yeah, the way some people are reacting it's like this is the second website they've ever been on after Project Gutenberg where they've only read Paradise Lost and Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Get over yourselves and enjoy some fanfiction writing with a cool mod built around it lol


Except I didn't enjoy the writing, I found it to be exceptionally dumb and that it cheapened the story of Fallout New Vegas. I really didn't expect much and I'm cool with mod storylines being off the wall, but I still didn't like the story in New California, and that's fine. It being a fan project doesn't render it immune from criticism. Get over yourself and stop telling others how to feel about New California.


Where did I say it's immune from criticism? As the person I replied to said, there's criticism then there's "lol what garbage, glad I didn't touch it." >I really didn't expect much Cool, I thought it was obvious that I wasn't talking about someone going into it like you ("the way some people are reacting it's like this is the second website they've ever been on after Project Gutenberg where they've only read Paradise Lost and Thus Spoke Zarathustra"), not sure why you thought I was.


It does have you connect to a sexy live chat pretty early on Because naturally that's the singular priority for communication infrastructure


If you’re mad at New California for making the star player a clone of the vault dweller, you have credibility but not enough to put it next to The Frontier. Far from it. NC was gonna be a mod of the times but it got cut short as RHM is a business and I’m guessing a mod that was free got sidetracked, although they made the main quest and the story is pretty darn good IMO. Radan Helix media can actually do shit and at least make a product worthy of someone’s time. FTF was quite literally a rag tag team of teenagers and men in their early 20s who were too childish to work together and the competent team members only got to make so much compared to the utterly childish NCR lead who threatened to delete the scripting if they couldn’t work on the NCR story and the manager tgspy who gatekept the mod to the point it failed. Edit: Nuevo Mexico is still in the works iirc and it might be promising, it’s not tied to NCR so NCR fanboys needn’t open their mouths as it’s set before the legion and actually the NCR, it’s set in 2166. Their YouTube got hacked, but they are still active on discord. However they are a small team of 4 and have been at work on this since 2021 so I would expect its release in a couple years time.


Look if you can't embrace Teletubbie super mutants and ghouls that look like donald trump you don't know how to enjoy the game...


> Fusion City Rising Such potential in those series of mods too with the changes to Sarah Lyon but it's ruined by how damn horny it is.


Is that one made by Thuggysmurf? Seems on-brand.


Thuggy is so weird in his mods. I mean, you're first on some deep, serious quest...then you're in the "naked female Enclave shower room???"


Oh noooooo, I was so into the story, will somebody pleeeeease let me out of here Oops, broke the lock, oopsie daisy


I was so excited for Fusion city rising. But all the dumb pop culture references killed it for me. So I never even saw any fetish stuff.


As someone who just played 1&2 I can tell you. You get the same feeling going into fallout 2. Way more upfront pop culture references. Not to a point where it is terrible. But definitely jarring compared to the first game.


Welcome to the internet, love.


Yeah seriously, and tbh bad writing should be critiqued fan project or not, otherwise how is anyone gonna improve?


It was such a shame The Frontier turned out how it did because I personally thought the open world was really cool. Walking around in the northern parts of the map at night with nothing but a sniper rifle and a few of the ambient songs was a vibe. And from a technical standpoint it's very well done (especially the cars). Shame the guy who made the main NCR quest was a dork and that there was so much sexual bullshit that didn't need to be there I also did the Fusion City stuff once and the thing that killed it for me was the creator shamelessly putting dumb political posts in the terminal entries. I remember there's a quest where you go into a bank and on one of the terminals I found a treatise in favor of the gold standard and lost any sense of seriousness


What the fuck. What is happening with these mods 💀💀 can people make amything with out putting their weird fetish in it like its bad enough tv does it but fallout mods??


People who make large scale fallout mods often have a lot of free time on their hands, and the Venn diagram between people with lots of free time and people with weird fetishes is pretty close together 💀


I do just wanna say I laughed at the TV show during the scene when the vault dwellers got naked... Or when Maximus asks Lucy if she wants to make his cock explode. Could see fallout fans crying if a mod writer wrote those lines or scenes lmao.


It's still not quite "having a barely legal sex slave talk about her dirty feet" levels of disgusting fetish.


In Frontiers their were so many characters getting literally r\*ped for no reason.


I better not see any power armor or so help me...


Considering the whole premise requires a lot of made up lore, you could just say there were some US troops in England. Make it an endgame item where you have to raid that base that is now overrun by insert stupidly op mutant monster


Well I mean… there are US troops in England.


I have asked the dev team and they said there won't be any power armor.


I'm both relieved and kinda sad at the same time ngl.


I understand lore reasons but there could have been something like the British Interplanetary Society Lunar Spacesuit


That would’ve been sick ngl, that moonsuit is rad


British Interplanetary Society Co's Units Traversal Spacesuit. Or BISCUTS for short.


Or some sort of powerloader.


It’s Power Armour to you sir!


Weren't America at war at the time? It isn't totally unrealistic to imagine sets had been salvaged even if only a handful, countries would definitely be taking that shit if possible. Lore isn't established for these areas so why would it be a big deal?


Britain was already a wasteland before power armour was invented


No it’s not lol. Europe is just ravaged my resource wars. It’s not a wasteland though.


We have no official Bethesda lore in Europe. But according to the Bible the resource wars between Europe and the Middle East turned into a nuclear conflict. They bombed each other to pieces just like America and China. So it's fair to say it's a wasteland Also there's severa European characters in 3-4 that immigrated to America. They wouldn't bother traveling there if their country was fine. Tenpenny is from the UK and came to America with his family as a child.


Okay even if that were accurate I doubt everything is gone, we know someone in game that traveled from Britain to the capital wasteland. Raiders have power armour FFS what a pathetic thing to whine about.


Part of me thinks it's pretty great that people are making a whole game-sized mod set in my own home country and in London But then the other part of me is just like... Because it's not in America, doesn't have any of the series-specific hyper capitalism, any of the main companies (Nuka Cola, Vault Tec etc), doesn't have vaults, pip-boys, super mutants, deathclaws or anything always just leaves me at "why didn't you just make your own game?" Especially when they have a whole team making new art and models and items, voice acting and music and things anyway. But I guess making it in Fallout means they already have the base skeleton to work with?


I mean companies do sell internationally but according to Todd Howard nothing outside of America and Annexed Canada exists in lore and that's they way he wants to keep it. It's natural to ponder what other parts of the world are like. Australia is basically Fallout but just imagine bigger monsters and radiation etc.


The real reason there's no nukes in the southern hemisphere; no one want's to risk Australian nuclear abominations.


Fallout in Australia would be absolutely batshit crazy. Some might even say Mad...


To the Max?


Ooooh.... wait! I'm coming up with something!


It need some type of fast transportation, and Australians do love their cars… I think I’m getting the same idea!


but maybe the streets are really angry too


How about... Frustrated Maximilian: Angry Street How does that one work? I like it.


There is rumours America stored radiation in the NT outback and filled it with cement during the 80s/90s decommissioning nuclear warheads


I've never heard of that, very interesting. I'd be more concerned about the bomb tests the British did there though.


My best friend’s Aussie and honestly, by the way she describes it, the nukes wouldn’t change much.


Imagine if nuclear fallout actually made Australia more tame and safe. Like it became a safe paradise while the rest of the world went to hell. That’d perfectly fall in line with the irony that a lot of this series does. Like all we hear is horror stories from Americans predicting how bad it will be compared to the states, only for like a restored cruise ship of full Aussies to show up in Miami for summer vacation and a little wildlife hunting.


We do know countries in Europe (I don’t think all of them) ended up nuking one another. So it wasn’t just the states and China.


Yes but Todd Howard said only USA had vaults.


I know that but I’m just saying, that’s pretty much all we know.


Todd Howard: "Maybe the rest of the world exists...or doesn't. Maybe everyone died. Frankly it's a market we could do without!"


I don’t understand his refusal to look at other countries.


"Because f**k them that's why!" Team America Theme Song Plays! He has no problem making connections like the Chinese Sub in Boston but I think he is limiting himself a little. Imagine a relay/teleportation like the Institute has that changed send you to Japan/China/Mexico/Russia etc




I don't personally care what Todd Howard says about lore. He had nothing to do with Fallout until he bought the rights to make 3. If Tim Cain says something, I'll listen.


This is hilarious considering a few weeks ago Tim Cain said it's not his anymore and he doesn't give a shit what happens to it. He said it's all on Todd Howard. Pretty sure he said that in either an interview or his review of the TV show. He doesn't make lore or anything for fallout anymore. What he says doesn't matter.


> Australia is basically fallout I hold the ~~theory~~ headcannon that mad max takes place in the same universe.


I did too until people shit on my head Cannon due to lack of petrol etc. Couldn't sustain the vehicle use


Bro… if the whole game is focused around America and its flaws and shit… it makes sense that it’s in America only


It’s often down to the game engine and framework. Building that on your own is quite a significant task, on top of the art, world building and voice acting. Even if you take a widely available game engine like unreal or unity, you still need to spend a lot of time making the game engine behave the way you want, and be able to interface with it in the way you want. Fallout’s engine is already set up in a way that these modders are familiar with. Meaning there’s no need to re-invent the wheel per se. They can focus on building and implementing the content, rather than re-learning how to make a new engine do what they need. It does cut down a significant amount of development time.


I mean tbf based off of the gameplay trailer and every other showcase the devs have put out for Fallout London so far it seems to embrace the Fallout aesthetic very well so far, just from a British perspective. The UK is arguably just as imperialistic and jingoistic as the US is, and there are plenty of aspects of British culture that would fit well within the Fallout universe. The British were one of the greatest pioneers or colonialism with the British Empire being one of the largest, and you have people like Margaret Thatcher that perfectly embody everything the Fallout series criticizes. There are so many things about British culture that fit perfectly into Fallout's dark satire. Also, the devs of Fallout London even took the effort to design their own mascot in the user interface as the British equivalent to Vault Boy (iirc, it's based off of a cartoon character from British WW2 propaganda.) They're taking care to make sure everything fits the Fallout vibe, just with the idea of it being outside or the US- another good example is the computer companies being created by a corporation named after Alan Turing rather than RobCo. I do agree that an official Fallout title should never be set outside of the US, but for a dlc sized fan mod game that shows what a game set outside of the US within the Fallout universe could be like while keeping all the dark comedic satire of capitalism and jingoism that's iconic to the Fallout series, I genuinely think Fallout London will be something truly special.


I agree, I feel the series was and is set in the US, it would be weird seeing anything outside the US officially.


F.E.V. Mutant Thatcher is the secret end game boss


[Perception 1] *Piss on grave* Bonus: +2 Charisma for 1hr


This whole “non-canon” thing is so damn petty. Feels like people that think this way only started yelling out of spite to mess with people who like modding.


Lmao that's not how it works. It's got literally nothing to do with the actual games, it doesn't matter how anyone feels about the game it has nothing to do with the Fallout IP so it'll never be canon.


That’s such a boring way to think. Of course it’s not canon. It’s still fun and does interesting things.


It's almost like mods aren't canon. Wow. Real novel of them to add stuff that they made up then. Almost like that's the whole idea.


Yet you ave'nt met Frank Horrigan rides over mate time to die *pulls out knife*


*Yet you ave'nt met Frank* *Horrigan rides over mate time* *To die pulls out knife* \- Spygaming\_TF2\_2 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I really don't understand the problem? A free mod that you can play or ignore. Why be negative about it? I'm personally extremely excited to try it. This reads like weird jealousy about another country even being shown in fan fiction. You've probably seen TV shows that are actually remakes of British shows, hell apple pie was invented in England not America. It's just not that deep


Yeah these comments are mad weird. These devs are bringing us something HUGE to play FOR FREE and people are somehow still being negative about it? I’m excited to try it too!


If I were a mod or game dev, controversy on fan reddits would be a great way to advertise for cheap.


Yeah I don't get it either. The whole "Fallout only works in the USA because it's satire of US society" never was a good argument to me. Like okay. Then we make it make fun of the British. It's not hard


Yep, most British comedy already mocks the British anyway so it's not gonna be hard


Like brits when they see their wifes teeth? Sorry, I'll show myself out.


Haha more when she see's mine. My wife's American 🤣🤣🤣


Even if it was true, it’s a mod so who cares lol? If it’s a failure it’s a failure, no skin off Bethesda’s bones.


Didn’t you know capitalism only exists in the US ??? And only affects americans ?? /s


It’s just the core of fallout is about America. I’m pro mods and dlc/expansions going out of the us but don’t want a main game to


Im so excited ! People are of course weird about it as if british fans of fallout don’t fully recognize the themes of the series. The US isnt the only place in the world !!!


When there's close to zero canon for where you're setting your mod, there's a lot of leeway for nonsense.


Im hoping its got some nonsense in it lmao


I don't care AT ALL about the fact it's non canon or any of that crap. I love the setting and theme of Fallout and a post nuclear winter London would be dope.


Thing with British fallout universe is they can make as much shit up as they like, provided they include lore on pre war Europe (which about covers it for the UK).


Why are a sizeable potion of people here being so fucking miserable? No one thinks a mod is cannon and also, so what? So what? It’s also possible to do a parody of the 1950s U.K. and of capitalism. Stuff like the Bretton Woods Agreement highlighted the shift in power from the U.K. to the US as did increase imports from the U.S. (we could fully expect to see a lot of the same products, particularly robots), you also had rationing of food, introduction of the welfare state and retraction of initial services… Don’t forget that the parody even for the USA is not just limited to consumerism and advertising. In FO we see very real issues addressed, such as increasing and obvious control of government institutions, loss of democratic rights, lack of access to welfare services, lack of housing, militarisation of society, corruption, union activity like strike action, questions on the treatment of criminals, automation… In FO4 we find out that the national guard and police stole food from distribution centres (as people were staring pre-war) and when people started to protest the lack of food the guard and police opened fire on the crown of starving workers. These issues can be parodies and highlighted across a range of contexts, while keeping to the retro-future vibes. If anything we can further explore the setting.


*Insert god save the queen/king here*


As a UK fan I'm currently trying to wrap my head around pitching an RP campaign in Idaho from scraps of lore and indistinguishable non-canon bumph. Hats off to the folks working on FoLondon, but realistically I don't think I could muster the gumption. I live here and I'm not inspired enough. So much so, I'd rather fumble my way through the mire of irl lore of a place I know nothing about across the pond that coincidentally is about on par with my spawning island scale wise.


Personally I am super hyped for it, jus hope it won’t be a the frontier. Anyways, if besthesda ain’t gonna drop any lore for other places then why not?


Yea, you need a LOT of caveats to make Fallout in the UK *feel* like Fallout. The UK got bombed to fuck in the 2060s. Power Armour, Micro Fusion, and Supermutants were all invented *after* that. Like sure, it's entirely possible for someone to be shipping tech across the pond, but there's not gonna be much of it. We got Ghouls but that's about it.


PA and super mutants straight up shouldn't exist, the uk would be more tribal than the west coast on the US, our have tribes of people, maybe soldiers in chainmail and everyone has homemade melee weapons, a gun of any kind would be the equivalent of having PA


Ngl a "BOS" with chainmail and melee weapons would be interesting if done right


Says whom? The resource wars happened and there was some sort of nuclear exchange but we don't know the scope and scale of it. Given the fact that the world was not over in the 2060's I assume it was mostly restricted still.


Exactly. Shit. China would make a more interesting country rich with Lore


super mutants shouldnt be outside california


Wait you guys actually expect lore friendliness out of free total conversion mods? I just want to run around a new environment and hear a new story


Honestly it's about time someone made a fan project like Fallout London, there's so much potential for interesting settings outside of the US, like how come we can't have a game set in China? they're equally important to the lore. I mean i guess when it comes to non-English speaking countries there might be a bit of dissonance going on in the game if the dialogue is dubbed in English despite them speaking a different language in-universe, kind of like dubbed anime, so that makes the UK a much better setting from that perspective at least.


Well since besthesda isn’t going to explore other countries other than the US requires you to make up some stuff, since you know there’s no lore there as it stands. Downside: some things like US power armour has to go. Upside: you can write some stuff to make the setting unique.


Jellied Eel Centaurs?


I dunno but the Loch Ness monster, mutated pigeons, new chems and blitz attitude are a must. (Well maybe not Loch Ness in London but still)


I know there’s gonna be a robot spy pigeon in the game already


Well this comment section is a hell hole of hate on all sides to everyone.


I'd actually laugh really hard if the actual canon is that only America and China got nuked, and thr rest of the world is carrying on like normal with a no-contact policy.


Honestly this should be it, because that would be the cherry on top thematically


Purists when they find out that all lore is made up and you can imagine whatever you want


FALLOUT IS MURICA ONLY /s Edit: What do alien movies and Fallout have in common, USA is the center of the universe


Has anyone made Soviet fallout lore?




Is this just a post to shit on the work of other people? I honestly didn’t expect any negative stuff about an optional mod. This is the first negative takes I’ve heard about the mod


this post screams of jealousy.


I mean, fair. I play fallout 4 with the sole intention of modding it until it's almost a completely different game. Such as: - Sin City: The Game - The Walking Dead/The Last of Us (but it's during a nuclear winter) - Silent Hill - Almost but Not Quite Fallout: New Vegas (but I play as a gun-slinging gen: 1 synth) And a few more.


and theres something wrong with that? this subreddit is starting to feel like a bethesda astroturfing opperation.


But Bethesda is pro mods and does not care about fan stuff breaking canon


I hope they make one set in the North of England. With all the pre-war shenanigans. There's a lot of untapped potential there for British industry, actually being a major exporter until it all collapsed due to a lack of resources


I can understand taking some light jabs at mods which im hoping this meme is. But why are we generalizing UK fallout fans to be all pro FOLON, and why are we giving a shit about canon in a mod, in another side of the world. They have cool concepts, Angel is institute, Camelot is Lyons BoS, Gentry is the Enclave, Tommies are the MM if they were suck ups to the enclave whilst I cant say Im that hyped as itll be a real challenge to capture fallout outside of america I pray Boris Johnson that they still can capture the fallout feel. "non canon" "non sense" what do we call quest mods that add new factions? im not name dropping any mod but there are multiple ones to be considered "non canon non sense"


I don't get it You saying they shouldn't have made the mod?


With Bethesda completely uninterested in making a game outside the U.S. I would love to see mods teams from a binch of different countries make their own Falloutgame set in their country. Just to get a great head cannon for what the rest of the world looks like in the Fallout universe one country at a time


Ok this is just a theory but since Vaulttech is the one that dropped the bombs on the US, what if no one else got nuked? I mean yeah there would still be some radiation but still


People are so used to having all Fallout regions being the exact same because of Fallout 3 and 4 that they act with almost unflinching rejection to anything that tries to be creative and original. If you don't like the mod don't play it.


I think I missed something, tf is Fallout London?


A fan mod for Fallout 4


I love how big of a hissy fit they threw over the next gen Fallout 4 update


They should make fallout 5 fallout London. And employ them to.


You could replace fallout London with Bethesda and it’d be just as accurate


It's interesting how Fallout in another country is not ok, but Bethesda's "Fallout is set in the 50s" theme is fine.


*OIOIOI* You go' a loicense t'be sellin' jet?


In fact, forget the Fallout lore!


There aren’t very many guns in London so what are the weapons? Just pipe guns, or did they mod in cups of acid and stuff?


Instead of blamco mac and cheese, they have chicken curry and juck jet shoots cups, but filled with hot tea for extra damage. And coattails on red power armors with a yau gaui hat.


I wish them luck, but all the same, after The Frontier I don't have faith in modding teams.


As long as its not a big lame circlejerk like The Frontier was


Ofcource it'll be non-canon. Canon and lore friendly are 2 difrent things.


I know Todd said probs not outside the US, but I'd love to see how Europe or China are doing even if its like a small DLC.


If it gets me a Fallout Game without the Brotherhood or the Enclave I'll take it.


Non-canon non-sense = Canon Sense ! Fallout London is Canon !


What’s wrong with that?


Meh its non canon anyway. As long as it doesn't have weird sex shit and terrible marvel writing I'll enjoy it


I imagine the Fallout setting in Europe as England being the closest to how things are in the US, even having some remnants of US military presence, still trashed, but with early signs of greenery recovering thanks to frequent rains, while the rest of the EU has been steadily recovering from the ashes of the Spanish empire that was finally restored to a republic, and is becoming a green and lush post-scarcity society with people living in futuristic biodomes made with the technology they salvaged from the first alien invasion European countries united to stop unbeknownst to the rest of the world. And now they are slowly building their forces and resources and planning to stop being isolationists and bring the rest of the world into the future with them... kicking and screaming if necessary.

