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Oh, ya ... I couldn't help but notice that, too. Meanwhile, they have made the last 2 islands in this bunch more expensive than I have personally ever seen before with the least amount of reward.


Do the gift piles work with the booster? Last night my dumbass thought the countdown said 2 hrs left instead of 2 days and I picked up all of my blue boxes 😩


I haven’t figured that out yet, I just know they gave 1000 energy, now probably not any more :( And think don’t theres a BBB coming


they probably wont send another booster for blue and golden.


yeah i think they do, barrels and gift piles both for the blue box and gold box booster.


Wait—does the booster for the blue boxes also work in the gold ones? I thought they had gotten rid of boosting the gold ones


not that i know of, there is a specific booster for the blue and the gold. i remember trying out the gold booster on the blue boxes before but no dice. never tried the reverse though hehehe


i think there was comment about this in the last event and they brought it to the attention of support. the answer was basically yeah no mistake, things are being tested out blah blah. it was just in the last event so it should be easy to find it.


Yep. I contacted support about it and they said it wasn’t a mistake. They changed the amount of the blue boxes. 😒😒 I posted my screenshot here a couple of days ago.