• By -


Also, congrats on writing your first fic! šŸ„³ writing is way hard, but you did it!Ā 


What a nice idea! My least interacted-with fic is this short [supernatural horror/suspense piece](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50100775) from last year (final Fantasy VII, T). The young narrator's mother goes missing during a gathering that has a distinctly apocalyptic air about it, and no-one will tell her what's going on.


Oohā€¦ this is my cup of tea! I donā€™t know a single thing about Final Fantasy, but Iā€™m sprinting anyway!


I hope you enjoy it! There's a few Easter eggs and references that might go over your head without canon knowledge, but on the whole I think it stands up quite well by itself.


Beautifully written! I left you kudos and a comment :)


Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks so much for your lovely comment! Proper reply forthcoming <3




OOH! Thank you! I'm definitely going to read this!


Youā€™re welcome! And thanks for your time :) feel free to drop a link to the work you posted too.Ā 


[Desperado](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47806549/chapters/120519283) It's an OC-centric Better Call Saul fic that heavily features Nacho and a bunch of other fun cameos!


Eyyyy!!!! šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘‰šŸ½šŸ‘‰šŸ½ BCS is so rarely mentioned on here lol. What are the chances!Ā 


I don't know, I'm just glad we found each other! lol!


Truly a story for the ages.Ā 


Yes! More fics for BB/BCS plz! Hereā€™s my most recent fic if you ship lacho: [Love my terrible husband who wants to kill me so so bad](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55681933)


Itā€™s happening like a pre-poison pool party in here!Ā 


I'm not in either of these fandoms but the first chapter was great! Fun read even w/o context.


My most unpopular fic isnt a fic... I just made a Canadian School of Magic for a Harry Potter fic I had in mind. It's just like an info page and I don't mind if people want to use it as well. I'll still link it though if people are curious. [Iska- Canadian Wizarding School](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46748611)


I am just reading it, it's great! I would love to make art for this as well. I love interesting architecture for magic schools. [This is my reinagining of Durmstrang as a Nordic stave church](https://www.deviantart.com/tereyaglikedi/art/Durmstrang-888192968), for example. Will write you a comment in a bit :)


Ok... if you do art on this I will literally cry. It would be amazing!


Completely off-topic, but I feel your user flair on a soul-level. šŸ˜„


You certainly did your research for this. Apologies if this is too personal a question, but are you of Cree heritage yourself?


No worries! I'm white, but I studied a lot of Canadian history in university and I did a bit of research of the Indigenous population and stuff like that.


I read it and really enjoyed it!


Thank you! That means so much to me šŸ„ŗā¤ļø


Haha just checked and yeah - no wonder it's this one! No ship. No canon characters. Second person. Under 700 words. Based off a memey tumblr post: [there's a therapy office for robots now?](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52260694) Set in the Sonic universe, in a doctors office where people are treating the robots who've revolted for all the mental problems dr eggman gives them. You (reader) are a human (or furry, idc) who's been sent there. Idm at all, it's not everyone's cup of tea. It's actually a setting I was thinking of continuing with other characters, as it's something that interests me. Plus, this fandom is kinda driving me mad, and I just wanna make my own stuff in my own corner and not get bothered right now!


You guys are so lovely omg! You doubled my kudos on this fic you legends ā¤ļøā¤ļø


[Slavers' Bane](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23111632) is a sequel to a TROS-alt/fixit fic (Star Wars Sequel Trilogy), and thus got little attention after the MCs got together. I still had a lot to say about slavery and Jedis Hubris, and I wanted to explore further development for Ben Solo, and Rey, and how giving space to Rey's Darkness to achieve balance would be a challenge for Rey... and the rest of the Crew.


[Carry That Weight](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56720260) ā€” a Solasta: Crown of the Magister fic, featuring my OC halfling sorcerer and some progress in her relationship with Anton, the gameā€™s pregen halfling rogue. Part of a series but can be read as a standalone. Itā€™s my only fic with 0 hits. šŸ„² (My next-least-popular fic has like. 3 hits, itā€™s the first part of the series. Solasta is a tiiiiiny fandom.)


This makes me so sad. I have nothing but respect for people who write in small fandoms. šŸ˜­


Iā€™m the only writer for one of my other fandoms but the cast reads those fics so I stay winning for that one! EDIT: Solasta has 7 fics including my two, Careful Cantrip (the fandom where the cast reads my works) has 22 ficsā€¦ All by me. Tiny fandom life go BRR. šŸ«”


It's not really my most unpopular fic since it's the only one I have written/am writing so far, but sure as hell it doesn't have many reads. I'm still learning how to write though, so that's probably why. It's called The Lady of Ithilien and it's a LOTR fic set in the Fourth Age (post-LOTR) with some characters from the Silmarillion. Hope you enjoy ā˜ŗļø (if you decide to check it out, that is ā˜ŗļø) [The Lady of Ithilien](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45609841)


Mine is a [Yandere Simulator x Reader](https://www.quotev.com/story/16360143/Bad-Influences-Your-Yandere-Simulator-Life/1) fanfic. Main love interests are the bullies and the delinquents. I still need to find motivation to keep writing tho.


[The Song of a Mighty Hero and a Girl That Really Likes Potatoes](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56563582/chapters/143760259) It's an OC centric Attack on Titan fic that takes place around the ending of S3 of AOT and will mainly focus on romance, war, and not being as helpful as you once we're. I've only posted the 1st Chp, but I'm currently writing the 2nd on rn.


Your title has ensorcelled me.Ā 


Thank you!


[Headfirst Slide into Latveria on a Bad Bet](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43506706/chapters/109379470) is mine and my writing partner's origin story for Doctor Doom.


Congrats on your first fic, writing is never easy and it took guts to put it on AO3. My most unpopular fics are definitely my [Star Wars poetry drabbles.](https://archiveofourown.org/users/AulaCicero/works?fandom_id=101375)


I love poetry fic! Iā€™m going to look at these when Iā€™m not at work. My German isnā€™t great but I can manage.


Im so glad if you could give it a look, only one of them is in German. Edit: REminder to myself to not type on my phone it makes me sound like yoda.


Small ship in a small fandom (Who Rules The World) https://archiveofourown.org/works/50422231 I would love it if someone wrote fanfic for themā€¦ but all other fics for this ship are in Chinese.


[https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12128281/1/mollys-diary](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12128281/1/mollys-diary) one of the first fics i wrote back in 2016 for BBC's our girl only has 1 review. (i do have others with one review but one is a new just published one )


I would share my fics on here, but honestly I have major anxiety about doing so because of people being jerks and harassment in the past and the other thing is all of my fics are actually unpopular because I mostly write for rare pairs.


Rarepair writer here, my fics have always been well received in this sub. People here are much more positive and supportive, so don't be afraid to drop them here if you ever decide to share them! :)


Thanks for the encouragement, but I just donā€™t know because another thing is it seems like every time I want to share them no one wants to read them meaning I never hear back from them Iā€™ve tried already and I donā€™t think anyone here would want to read the couple I write for or fandom I write in unless theyā€™ve never seen the couple or the show and the couple is hated by the majority of the fandom anyways it seems I get more attention from fandom blind people wanting to read them than actual fandom people who have seen the show plus said couple and thatā€™s a little weird to me, but šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


For what it's worth, I don't share my works on this account and then have a separate account solely for sharing my fics in relevant threads, to avoid accidentally doxxing myself ā€“ it works well if you're concerned about people being dicks!


Thanks for the suggestion Iā€™ve never actually done that before and donā€™t know how either.


If you want to know how, you just sign up with a different email address.Ā 


[Frost Rebellion](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56420047/chapters/143363119) it's a MHA fic and I think I'm proud of it


I guess mine (if we are going by finished and non-one shots) my least favorite fic would be Absolute Zero, a fic set in the Fallout 4 universe. Please be mindful of the tags! [Absolute Zero](https://archiveofourown.org/works/25024063/chapters/60599680)


Right now, itā€™s [Blazey Tales](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54256792), a G-rated slice of life Onward fic.


[Son of Snow](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56120098) An short, What-if poem about the inner world of one of President Snow's children. Fandom: Hunger Games Summary: With the ransacking of the capital and success of the rebellion, an unnamed soldier wanders away and finds an unremarkable book stashed inside a wall. The book holds a handwritten poem, titled: Son Of Snow


I read it. Great work on the poetry!!


Thank you so so much! šŸ„¹that means so much šŸ„¹


Congrats on posting! Here is my lowest kudo-ed. It's a one-shot, it assumes you've seen the first 5 seasons of The 100. [Desert Tent](https://archiveofourown.org/works/43810365)


Thank you for the opportunity to share, OP :D Mine is for a rare pair (Karl Weathers/Sonny Greer from Fargo) that I wrote recently. However, it *should* be fandom-blind friendly. [You And I Were Fireworks (that went off too soon)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55925890) (T for mild language)


[I Want You to Beg](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52169734) Mcu fic where kang blackmails Shuri into joining his side. Tw for non graphic harm to a child


BG3 Rugan (side character with maybe 15 minutes screen time in total). Barely anything to tag. https://archiveofourown.org/works/55583209. Little angst fic. I love it but yeah, it's not popular.


Itā€™s a Theo Nott/Vampire Luna Lovegood one-shot. I usually write Dramione and those get a lot of love, but this one has been neglected. [A Dream of Thestrals](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53706853)


[Desperado](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47806549/chapters/120519283) I've shared little bits before, but this is a Better Call Saul OC-centric fic that features a bunch of everyone's favorites but especially Ignacio. It's rated M, and a lot of fun to write tbh.


Congrats on your first fic! This one feels like my most unpopular fic: [Renegade](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53443420?show_comments=true#comments). Feel free to skip it though, it's an extremely niche 'same actor' fusion crossover where one fandoms (Evil Dead) is well known but the other one (Terminal Invasion) just gets me figurative blank stares when I whenever bring it up, even around diehard fans of the actor.


I never knew what my least interacted with fic was until now. A bit of a shame because i envisioned it in my head way better then i was able to write it down. But it's a [Yuta & Inumaki fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55894024) just like a short sweet conversation between the two it's less then 1k words as it was written for a fanfic challenge


It's not my most unpopular, as in, views, but it has over 150 hits, 1 sub, 2 bookmarks, and 0 kudos as of now, and it's the only non-one-shot (might actually be my only fic, period) to have no kudos. So, I'd say it fits. Very much in-progress Star Wars Sequel Redo: [Episode VII: Legacy of the Force.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48380299/chapters/122025736)


[Rotten Memories](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56570533) (BG3, M, warning for some violence and decay mentions if thatā€™s an issue for anyone.) A short, angsty vignette fic exploring Ansurā€™s thoughts between being raised from death and before heā€™s killed again as part of his boss battle. I can see why it hasnā€™t had much traction - itā€™s very short, and I donā€™t think Ansur/Balduran is a massively popular ship and I didnā€™t have much I could tag, but I enjoyed writing it.Ā 


Congratulations on your writing! My least interacted fic is a one shot with Lois and Clark in the DC universe. It's titled "Entrapment" and is on ao3. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/22748089](https://archiveofourown.org/works/22748089)




[Miraculous Duel](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52692439) Miraculous LadybugXYugioh : An akuma forced Chat Noir to play a yugioh-like game with him. Also congrats on posting your first fic! Edit : Grammar


[The Institute](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44344216/chapters/111521143) This fic series is an X-Men AU told through combination of very short vignettes, in a small town thriller/conspiracy setting. This one is a repost of the first fic I was actually proud of! I think I wrote it when I was 16? I may rewrite it, but I enjoy its jankiness.


Ohh an X-Men writer? Iā€™m a Marvel writer too! Will definitely check it out, and just in general Iā€™m really open to letting people chat about their Marvel fics and ideas with me so I can hype them šŸ˜„


Hereā€™s my most recent one - itā€™s just a fun lil one shot when I was feeling [twilight](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53720530) nostalgia


[The Way It Is](https://archiveofourown.org/works/24256762) An older FF7 story (pre Remakes) following Aerith's lonely journey north during the game after she'd split of from the party (with some Aerith/Cloud elements).


[There Is (Always) A Future](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2951217) My weird Blue Exorcist/Evangelion crossover has the least amount of hits lol. This is technically a series, but they go in chronological order and are related. It's easier to do one-shots than a full chapter story for this so that's why I went with it. It's a weird crossover but I love both series and wanted to take a crack at it, and play with how Aoex lore and Evangelion lore could mix. I've got more planned for it too. I'm just a slow writer so I haven't been able to get back to it.


Well done on posting your fic and making this thread because Iā€™m definitely checking out some links! Hereā€™s mine, story from an old show called Workaholics (rewatching it made me want to write so badly), it was fun to do but the fandom isnā€™t popular seems to be sporadic content. [https://archiveofourown.org/works/56289496] (The dudes come across some old cosmopolitan magazines and exactly what you think happens) So if you know the show check it out!


A Trigun fic with FMA inspirations https://archiveofourown.org/works/54899551


Really cool idea for a post! Unfortunatrly [my least popular fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53600554) is nothing to write home about - PWP oneshot about a girl who almost eats out her bully. I didn't even make them bang. Disappointed in myself for that. The only thing that stands out about it is that it's the first (and so far only) thing ive written in irish - which is probably why it has so few hits haha


Here you go. It's part three of a series, but I think you should be able to read fandom-blind. [Little Bit of You, Little Bit of Me ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/34257091/chapters/85232197) (The Black Stallion books, rated T, Alec Ramsey/OFC, 21,525 words) Summary: 'No more secrets', Sarah had told Alec. But this secret is one she had to keep. It would change everything between her and Alec if he ever knew. After a personal tragedy threatens to reveal her secret, there's only one way to ensure Alec never finds out. But Alec has never been one to give up on Sarah so easily.


[The Stormlight Cupcake Diaries Crossover no one asked for.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55566742) I'm honestly surprised it's done as well as it has lol.


[1. a cardboard box full of meant-to-be gifts 2. a mother with a dead child 3. a bunch of kids with a dead friend 4. what remains.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55200340) which is a short Tokyo Revengers list fic about Bajiā€™s birthday gifts because (spoilers for the end of the valhalla arc!) >!he dies three days before his birthday, and I like to imagine that his friends had already prepared everything before his death, and ended up giving the meant to be gifts to Bajiā€™s mother instead, who makes the list.!<


u should be really proud of yourself :)) i wrote this one recently, [can't wait no more](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56687878) im a huge fan of the killing stalking fandom, so I wanted to write up a seungbae x female oc fic (inspired by somebodies piece of fanart.) so I hope you like it!


Probably [my captain america/bucky barnes](https://www.wattpad.com/story/266424854?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details&wp_uname=l0velyrand0m) fic, i dropped it for two years and now i'm updating it again and i think i lost all opportunity for any traction


[Yudhshala, the City-School](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52237321) - a mockumentary-style HP fic talking about the history of the one school that covers most of Asia, mostly to make fun of JKR's worldbuilding. Not my normal fandom, not my normal content, which is probably why it's so unpopular, but I still really like it.


This was for a Christmas exchange back in 2019. Easily my least popular fic, but to be fair itā€™s not really my favorite Iā€™ve done either. Itā€™s an IT AU.[Everything Changes (When the Sun Goes Down)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21208775)


Desperados https://archiveofourown.org/works/55590913/chapters/141093700 Its so far my most unpopular fic. It's not as popular as the main pairing in Pitch Perfect. It's a deep dive into a woman's psyche and her struggle with loss, perfectionism, she ends up finding new love and kink.


It's my only fanfic atm (the first of a planned series of short stories involving the same characters) but I suppose it counts: [Of Giant Frogs and Fighting Men - Chapter 1 - FrogAtRest - Dungeons & Dragons (Roleplaying Game) \[Archive of Our Own\]](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56643439/chapters/143981017) It's basically a trio of bantering adventures going on... well... adventure. The setting is a low-magic, gritty rendition of old-school Dungeons and Dragons adventure modules. I'm writing these to be accesible to anyone that just enjoys breezy, pulpy fantasy action (with a bit of grit), so no canon characters or plotlines besides what the modules already offer (and loosely at that). It's only 5.6k words and 5 chapters, so it's also a light investment if you're looking for a quick read.


Excellent work. I left you kudos and a couple comments!!


Le b i g thank you āœØ


Thank you so much OP for this space! I think my most unpopular one is [The Galahot, the Prince and the Warrior](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54689809). It may be because it's written in the infamous first person POV, or maybe because I never advertised it as something that one could read separately from the rest of the series, I don't know. But I had fun writing it. (the fandom is W.I.T.C.H., comic-based). Will definitely check out the comments and see if there's something from a fandom I know that I can read! Love this kind of posts.


Congratulations on your first fic. I have to agree with you that writing is very hard. My fic, [Too Sweet](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55958758/chapters/142107358) is a GojoxOC which is probably why it doesn't get that many hits but it's been fun to write. It's pretty lighthearted as opposed to the canon.


[Helen of Troy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54188518) - it's a genderswapped BtVS fic, technically with a ship but really a character study with a lot of religious ideas and a lot of Illiad references (as made obvious by the title). It will be the first part of a series, but at the moment it's the only part published


It's one of the few NON niche things I've ever written and I feel it's gotten so little attention but really deserves more. And yes, I'm obviously biased but I really think it's a good story with good writing šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø 2 chapters up and plotted start to finish Title: Words Left Unspoken Fandom: MCU (spider-man no way home) Summary: Five years have passed since Dr Strange cast the spell that wiped Peter Parker from everyone's memory. MJ, Ned, and Pepper are suddenly thrust into a mystery, when they start receiving enigmatic letters. Each one is signed by someone named Peterā€”a name familiar yet unknown.Who is Peter? And how can vague words of an unknown man shake them to their core? Old wounds reopen as they confront a past lost in oblivion. Status: WIP Rating: T Pairings: Michelle Jones/Peter Parker Warnings: some death/suicide ideation but nothing to graphic, intense and not the focus. Ideation only. Some violence (spider-man action scenes) Links: [AO3 ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56661085/chapters/144030031) [ffnet](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14365062/1/Words-Left-Unspoken)


[https://archiveofourown.org/works/52739425](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52739425) T-rated Good Omens oneshot about Aziraphale joining the Home Guard during WW2.


This was a delight! Proper comment incoming :)


[This](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54256819) is a lil fic I threw out there bc idk I love this tiny podcast and the voices were telling me to do it....


My least popular fics are probably the two with zero kudos, but both have over 100 hits. I think it's no coincidence that they have no kudos as I think they're really weak stories. It doesn't help that they are comedies, and comedy is aĀ genreĀ thatĀ getsĀ oldĀ fast, and those stories are both over 20 years old, and IĀ reallyĀ don'tĀ findĀ them funnyĀ anymore.Ā AndĀ forĀ thatĀ reasonĀ I won'tĀ linkĀ toĀ them.


I'm lazy but sure, it's called [The Angel Exorcist ](https://www.wattpad.com/story/336783994?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=MarcusTheAlbinoWolf) and it's a Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss OC insert. Yeah I know šŸ˜‘


So like.... just link my profile, lol.


My least interacted with is [To Lean on and to Hold on](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56442832). It's a Sonic the Hedgehog one-shot with him and Tails in the aftermath of Sonic Forces, and is honestly one of my favourite fics I've written!


Congrats on your first fic! I recently posted [a triple drabble](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56580700) that hasn't gotten any hits yet; it should be readable fandom-blind.


Way late to this, but this is amazing, thank you! [An Asset](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49381108) Nebula rescues a thief with a disability. Fandom: Guardians of the Galaxy Rating: Gen


Congratulations on writing your first story. I have been writing fanfiction for approximately 25 years and I still get nerves when I post a new story. Ugh, I have never shared any stories on here, but if I regret it in the morning I will just blame the morphine. (2nd time in the hospital this month for MS flare ups. Big fun over here.) This is what I consider my best, least engaged fic. It's a Boy Meets World story focused on the preshow life of Mr. Feeny and his relationship with his first with who is long deceased when the show starts. It also further explains his relationships with his favorite students and how he is able to move on and find love again. I usually write a Boy Meets World rare pair, but doing essentially a character study of Mr. Feeny was a fun challenge. *Deep breath and resisting urge to not post. I'm totally blaming the morphine in the morning, lol.* [Scattered Petals](https://archiveofourown.org/works/14395284)


One of my least popular fics is my most favorite fic Iā€™ve written- a scene study of the last scene in Altered Carbon episode one: https://archiveofourown.org/works/40455402


Iā€™m late on this so I assume almost no one will see this, but: [once you party with us (you'll be falling in love)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1060033). Hockey RPF, extremely rare-pair Jason Zucker/Darcy Kuemper, from 11 years ago. 2.8k, tagged with ā€œFluff and Angst, (mostly fluff), Karaoke, (drunken karaoke)ā€. Summary: > Jason says in an undertone, "You know I'm really from Vegas, right." > >"Well, I don't know any songs called 'Vegas Boys', so it was that or 'Waking Up in Vegas' and frankly, I'm really drunk right now and thought that might send the wrong message," Darcy says, before settling his face back into the curve of Jason's neck. 6 comments (not from me), 90 kudos, 2 bookmarks worth of interaction, which isnā€™t terrible, but definitely noticeably lower than all the rest of my written fic posted on AO3, I assume due to the rarity of the pairing & players involved.


Here is a small [One Punch Man](https://archiveofourown.org/series/2372770) series that is about different types of love the characters have. Not my best work but I hope you like it. And here is a one-shot[ Harry Potter crack fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30796589) where Harry decides that the power Voldemort doesn't know is the power of Anime transformations. Its a silly fic but it was fun writing it.


[Collision Point](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52608535/chapters/133071727) is my FE3H (mind you this is for ā€˜Hopesā€™, Houses loose sequel) and features the protagonist of that game, ā€œShezā€ trying to break a time loop that repeats every two years and always leads to bad things. Itā€™s rated M mostly because of violence right now (hard to get around it when itā€™s very canon typical to have so much) and it has slowburn romance if I ever can figure out pairs and stick to them but it definitely has gotten very little traction yet.


[This](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32433757) old Steven Universe oneshot.


I think this one is unpopular because it's so self-indulgent. Absolutely zero interaction on Tumblr and I have yet to post it to AO3. [Heartbeats and Purrgil](https://www.tumblr.com/narcissa-of-kaas/743142822160498688/heartbeats-and-purrgil-word-count-3618-prompt?source=share) Fandom: Star Wars - The Bad Batch Pairing: Platonic Tech and OC Hurt/comfort, lots of comfort.


Thank, i write a short genshin fic [Xiaoven fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56661199) The ship in the fic is Xiaoven


[Buffy](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52192999) my most unpopular fic thatā€™s completed. Itā€™s a one shot Spuffy fic


I suppose it's what I get for writing in a semi-dead fandom. But this X-Files fic has gotten the least amount of attention out of anything. I'm really proud of it regardless, but here ya go [I Want To Believe Fic](https://www.tumblr.com/hippiegoth97/744845730690351104/i-want-to-believe-a-fox-mulder-x-reader-story?source=share) this is the tumblr link but you can also find it on ao3 under my username I'm just not logged in right now. I'm working on a part two, possibly part three.


[Adventures in Ventures - FFXIV Fic ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50930143) Has the least hits and kudos but is possibly my newest ?


My least interacted fic is a cross post request I originally got on Tumblr. My friend wanted a reader's perspective on a popular Call of Duty mission.[Call of Duty mission](https://archiveofourown.org/works/46107007) I know people aren't super fans of reader's pov on AO3 so it makes sense. Plus I'd just been dipping my toes into the pov type at the time, so it's fairly old.


Marvel rarepair Tony Stark/Phil Coulson. There's few shipping it at all, and I think those who did did so around 2012 https://archiveofourown.org/works/56362858


https://archiveofourown.org/works/47068777 One of my first fics ever, was rewritten after a while on wattpad. It's a danganronpa 2 fic about hajime/Izuru waking up after the simulation and slowly realizing that something went wrong. It's like a less than 5 minute read and only 600 words. Kudos will be appreaciated uwuwuwuwuw ;))))))


[I'm Wheely Good At This](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45447598) College au that can be read fandom blind. T4T and a really nice fic and pretty popular for the fandom, just not as popular as our other fic.


It's got the resident Johnlock ship on the side, an OC for a linchpin on its entire premise, and the main characters overall are the games' resident Postmortem Spoilers. Yeah, it's the baby of the family and one of very few Fix-Its for The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles, [Crows Cry Wolf](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53959858).


Congratulations on posting your first fic, friend. The first of many I hope. **[Holiday From the Limelight](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14298209/1/Holiday-From-the-Limelight)** - For Jessica, the only thing more stressful than being a superhero is going on vacation. Worse is her sister's friends Starfire and Atlee joining them, as well as being named the Justice League's ambassador to the underground city of Strata. Anxiety, depression, and PTSD don't mix well with agoraphobia or claustrophobia, and chances are she'll need another vacation once this one is over. (Ongoing - Sequel to "Embracing the Limelight") **[(AO3 Link)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51573493/chapters/130354141)** Although "Holiday From the Limelight" is the third story in a series, it's very new reader friendly and stars Jessica Cruz, the reluctant Green Lantern who has been locked away in her apartment suffering from anxiety, depression, and PTSD for four years after witnessing the deaths of her friends. Now she's a senior member of the Justice League in need of a vacation. Only problem is that going on vacation with her sister Sara, Starfire, and Terra/Atlee may very well be more stressful than being a superhero saving the world. If anyone decides to give it a read, I hope they enjoy. God bless, and have a wonderful day.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/56725225 This was a short one I decided to do after my friend told me about a project they had done once.


Mine is a poly ship, for pride month :) itā€™s Finnick/Annie/Johanna from the hunger games just enjoying an evening out on a boat together https://archiveofourown.org/works/56438830 Would you mind sharing your fjc? Also, itā€™s really nice that your reading other peoples fics!


Aww that was cute!


Thank you! :)


Your fic is so good! Also here is mine if you really want to read it: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/56670286](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56670286) its a miraculous fic


Not counting my newest fic, which has only been up for a few days thus accounting for the low hits, my fic with the least hits is [Hard Decisions](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56409883), a less than 500 word Buffy the Vampire Slayer short. Set near the end of S7, it's an alternate response from Buffy to being kicked out of her house by her friends.


My lowest ones on AO3 actually got activity on another site a long time ago so I think my actual least popular one is a Jordskott f/f fic called ā€œThey Danced By the Light of the Moon.ā€ https://archiveofourown.org/works/16411127


What a sweet post! I love that you suggested this. My least interacted-with fic is a 3,000 word Original Work fandom, rated T, about two college women on a wilderness hike. Sinister plot develops. Warning for Major Character Death. [Lucky Girl](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52971760)


[It's this one](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55658656) Warning: It's RPF smut. Mick Jagger/Jim Morrison


Which one? I guess it depends because certain fandoms are smaller than others... and some languages have way less people than others. Taking those parameters into consideration, I would say my [GATExGuP crossover](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30107388/). I know the combination sounds odd, but there's a perfectly explicable reason for it: the original fic (in Spanish) was written by a bored group of highschoolers (me included) who wanted a power trip while shitting on a badly written story. The GuP was solely for out SI OCs to be in there. It has some structural problems that the English remake can't really adress, like excluding a lot of canon characters and limited scope. Considering the amount of people in the English language and in the GuP fandom, I'd say this is the most ignored one. Ironically, also one of the better made (though now it fits way more with OC work than its canon bases).


Iā€™ve written a [Detroit Become Human X Terminator fic.](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14262248/1/Detroit-s-Judgement-The-Rise-of-the-Machines) It takes place after the end of the game and it follows the ending where the androids go to war with humans. Basically the US government are freaking out about the androids but Cyberdyne systems introduce them to Skynet which will stop the androids. But of course they donā€™t know what Skynet is really capable of.


Sitting at a whopping 24 hits, [joy is like a spring](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56341171)


In terms of hits, my least visited fic, standing at 453 views, is "Damn your dark, damn your light" :Ā https://archiveofourown.org/works/45200731/chapters/113710828


[Here it is, it's unfinished so it's only like 2 thousand words rn](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52035304) It's a silly silly work that's gonna be just a few chapters long about meeting someone irl that you've seen in a dream


This one is probably just unpopular because it's an age regression fic in a hallmark fandom: [The Use in Trying](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56076232) Fandom: The Way Home (TV)


Here's my least popular by number of hits. [Dust](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50874445) It's a backstory for a character from a relatively unknown fandom, but it can be read fandom blind. CW for human trafficking.


Congrats on writing and posting your first fic! This is mine, it was my first real fic, got side-tracked along the way and now finishing the last chapter . Good Omens [The Stag & The Scale](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54199366/chapters/137240347) *Ineffable games reach far and wide. Follow the Demon Furfur and his Angel Justice as memories of the past resurface while they try to find a way to be together. Heaven and Hell have other plans, so will this be their new beginning, or is it the beginning of the end?*


My most unpopular fic is probably [The Undoing](https://archiveofourown.org/works/37629574/chapters/93932263). A Hiveswap canon character/OC dark fic that I abandoned due to nobody reading it


My least popular story is one I just posted, which I know, I shouldn't judge since it's new, but the concept is a bit zany and I don't think it will ever be popular. But that's okay. I kinda wrote this story for myself. But it's a Resident Evil fanfic that's part of a series called [S.T.A.R.S Anthology File #002: Self-Improvement Through Collaborative Efforts](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56704402)


This one is angsty, but I really like it. Also, it shoved me over 300K words posted for 2023: [Never Again](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52703869) | Star Wars - Original Trilogy | T | No warnings


Great idea! Just a little one-shot I wrote, rated T https://archiveofourown.org/works/51859705


Not including the batch i just imported from FFN to A03, it would be [My Danny Phantom](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52856284) one shot.


Mine is [Rev](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54374677), a Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2/Evil Dead crossover that features the rare pairing of Stretch/Ash Williams. It's smut with a chainsaw kink, but I just really wanted to explore how two horror movie survivors bond together.


All of mine are on AO3. Here is my least popular complete fic. The ones with less hits than it are a Buckaroo Banzai double drabble series that I'll link as well. I get that that one is really obscure. This one features my fav rarepair. Forget and Forgive by Tarn - The Lord of the Rings (Movies) https://archiveofourown.org/works/673774 Ps. Congrats on your first fic!


PT/R Drabbles Buckaroo Banzai https://archiveofourown.org/series/36484


Everything I write is M or E.


[Verandah Reminiscings](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55832635) is my least interacted work, but I greatly enjoyed making it and hope someone else enjoys reading it! It's a Wings of Fire oneshot, gen and fairly fandom blind.


**Title:**[Time of Secrets](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56247118/chapters/142893679) **Fandom:** Harry Potter **Rating:** Teen **Genre:** Coming of Age, Childhood Friendship, Drama, Romance, Fluff & Angst, Humor/HurtComfort, Secret Relationship **Summary:** After being possessed by Voldemort last year, Kellah decided she would put that behind her and try to have a normal school year this time. Of course, she was wrong yet again. Blame it on peer pressure. Kellah joined the Academic Decathlon while taking as many classes as Hermione. Good thing she has a time turner that she can use for all the wrong reasons. It's part three in a series which is probably why it doesn't get much attention.


[For Science, Then?](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53067634) Itā€™s a fluffy 1,600 word one-shot OC x Kabuto fic (Naruto). Has a sprinkling of lore that references my main fic, but can be read independently.


My least popular fic is titled [Adaptation ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47691415), which is a The Last of Us Part II fic centered around Ellie Williams (and just as a heads-up, there are spoilers for the game). This story is kind of like a character study and explores my own take on Ellie's journey following the end of the game but with a twist (the summary explains it šŸ‘€) This is the longest fic I've ever written and it took me forever to finish. Started it in December and completed it in June of last year! I'm super proud of it, it's literally my child lol


https://archiveofourown.org/works/54419980 A short poetry retelling of Link and Zeldaā€™s journey right before memory 13!


What a great idea. Congrats on posting! xo


Should I? I mean it has 69 hits.... [https://archiveofourown.org/works/55293940](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55293940) Agent 3 finds a place to nap. I always felt that Octo expancion for Splatoon took heavy influance from Portal for it's plot. So what if Agent 3 makes a Ratmann den. That's kinda it as I have only made 2 fics and my other fic is very much a WIP (and self insert cringe but if I stopped doing everything i thought was cringe I would not be here soooo).


At the moment, going by least number of hits, it would be [A Moment of Hope](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55122160), a double drabble for Profiler, featuring some pining by one character (inner thoughts on a scene in the show) - Sam/Bailey ship. If the fandom were larger, it'd have a few more, butā€¦ it's dead as a doornail, haha. It's not my favorite of all the ones I wrote for that fandom but I do like it.


Congrats on posting your first fic, OP! My fic with the least interaction is my most recent one-shot. Itā€™s a collection of drabbles about family, grief, and love. [when you build your house, then call me home](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56091121) Fandom: Star Trek Rating: T


Love this idea for a thread lol, congrats on the first fic!!! My least popular fic is this fella, [The Ingenious, Low-Born Noble Don Serra de Valdelobos](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56320243/chapters/143093179) It's an Resident Evil 4 Remake fic that explores Luis Serra Navarro's early childhood in Valdelobos, which we only ever get hints at via files in canon - the fact that he is stated to be a native to Valdelobos, ran away because his house and grandfather were BURNT TO THE GROUND was wayyyyy too compelling for me not to write. Plus, I'm a sucker for trying to apply real-world history/politics to fictional locations like Valdelobos. It's still being published, and it has two sequels on the way because Iiiiiii accidentally hyperfixated on this one specific character and now the fic has become my child, despite only having 21 hits atm.


[Here's mine](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21473938/chapters/51176599). Basically an answer to the question " What if gods lost their powers and became mortal?"


First of all congratulations on publishing your first fic, itā€™s super challenging and sometimes anxiety inducing to post for the first time. My most unpopular (finished) fic is [Gratitude](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51916570)(rated E), which is a Chrollo x reader birthday pwp fic from the anime/manga series Hunter x Hunter. The hits on it are low and itā€™s honestly not my best work so I can understand why it isnā€™t as popular. I thought for sure it was going to be my Gojo Satoru (a character from an anime calledJujutsu Kaisen) angst fic since thatā€™s kind of niche and was an exploration into a different writing style, but it had surprisingly more hits.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/51143443 There are plenty of good reasons as to why it has so few hits. It's based on a 17 year old DS game that has a rather small following as it is. It's not about a main character or even a main antagonist; it's about a minor antagonist who's only present in a single side quest in a game that has over 200 side quests. It's also not a shipping fic.


[Walkin' Aces ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55946488) Smokin Aces Ɨ Day Shift cross over in a zombie AU. Small Fandom, dying Fandom and niche interests. I have doomed this fic. Still love writing it though. CW: Gretuitous language, violence, blood, drug use


I guess my Stray Kids one shot is my least popular: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56307025 Rated Explicit, an American OFC meets and spends the week with the K-pop group, Stray Kids, while they are in Seoul as part of their tour. All explicit scenes are M/F. You don't really need to know much about the members to follow the story, but I recommend looking up a pic or two because their physical characteristics aren't mentioned in depth and they're all very attractive.


Congrats on posting your first fic! I hope there are many more in store for you. <3 Okay -- but, umm-- fml, you asked for it. [Deadpool Reads Uni!John](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10098614) Words:Ā 1,471Ā Chapters:Ā 1/1Ā Comments:Ā 7Ā Kudos:Ā 30Ā Bookmarks:Ā 3 * **Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings** * **Rated E** * **Deadpool/Tony Stark heavily implied** * Crossover -MCU and SGA Technically this fanwork is bottom-tier for feedback, too: [My Girl \[fanvid\]](https://archiveofourown.org/works/8856058) * **Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings** * Joker (DCU)/Harleen Quinzel * Harleen Quinzel * Joker (DCU) * Violence * Codependency * Alternate Universe - Canon * Fanvids * Closed Captioned * Subtitles # Summary > ~Character Study~:Ā *Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn* ~Warnings~:Ā *flashes, sassy tunes, wholsesale mayhem, Mr.J, canon-typical violence, Mr.J, codependent enablers like "Whoa.", fucked up agency* *Music by Fifth Harmony*


Congrats, OP! These two of mine are tied: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53683933 This is a Mad Men/E.R. crossover ficlet I wrote for the February Ficlet Challenge this year that hasn't gotten any love... Also from this year's February Ficlet Challenge: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54164131 a silly sort of crossover involving Captain Picard on the Enterprise holodeck...


thank you for making this post. [here's my fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53763817). it's a hetalia fic about a trans character coming out to his trans brother.


Congratulations on your first fic! šŸŽ‰ Going off of AO3 and ignoring ā€œA Small Mercyā€ā€”trust me, you donā€™t want to read that one, itā€™s traumatizingā€”Iā€™d have to go with [The Demon King and the Half-Breed Hermit.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/11982498/chapters/27103968) Piccolo doesnā€™t get enough attention in fanfiction, especially in pairings. Worse than that, the story takes place after the events of GTā€¦and many of us prefer to operate under the impression that GT doesnā€™t exist. That said, itā€™s got some good points and Iā€™m proud of whatā€™s posted so far.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/10947456 I think that's my only story that has 0 comments on both FFN and AO3. Actually has more hits and kudos than some of my other stories, so it depends on how you define popularity. It's a short angsty introspection from the perspective of Chizuru from Bleach. Not a popular character, and there's nothing happening, so it hardly qualifies as a story. I'm not surprised at the lack of traction it got. But I felt it, so I wrote it.


[Apparently this is it](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51682951) A Seymour x Audrey (Little Shop of Horrors) spoof of the song We'll Never Have Problems Again from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend I write almost exclusively for this small fandom so I really don't get a lot of views


One of the two out of all the fics I have posted that have under 100 hits. (The other is a new one so, no shit itā€™s way under) [Mystery Incorporated: Back In Business](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53196028/chapters/134606020) Itā€™s a Scooby Doo fic. Mystery Incorporated had been disbanded since ā€˜93 when the fic opens. Sam Rogers (Shaggy and now deceased Googieā€™s daughter), Dooby Doo (Scoobyā€™s son), Iris Dinkely (Velmaā€™s daughter) and Stacie Jones (Fred and Daphneā€™s daughter) decide to bring it back as the new Mystery Incorporated


This is a very short one shot rpg maker fanfiction of Legend of Zelda and Inuyasha. No one is really interested or probably not aware of these types of fanfics, but I have more of these in the works. https://archiveofourown.org/works/56346928


https://www.wattpad.com/1453576704-the-other-class-prologue Almost no reads since itā€™s a dead fandom. ;-;. My intent is to make it readable and fun even while fandom-blind too!!!


you should try posting on ao3, you might find more fanfiction from your fandom there!


Iā€™m not including my most recent story, because itā€™s drabbles and not very old at all. But here is a Supergirl x Brainy fic for all the fans of that ship and the CW show. [Others Watch](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53910736/chapters/136457554)


Loki x OFC and itā€™s an AU: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50988157/chapters/128818840 My least popular fic is the one Iā€™m having the most fun writing šŸ„² but Iā€™m updating it slowly and prioritizing other projects because itā€™s so unpopular. I get it thoughā€¦ I usually do xreader fics with no YNā€¦ but itā€™s so sad to see the numbers so low when Iā€™m enjoying writing it so much


My least-read is a triple-drabble, but my least-read full-length fic is this explicit "Fiddler on the Roof" fic: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/35155978](https://archiveofourown.org/works/35155978)


[Finding Serenity](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56129320/chapters/142575661) - a DCAU Justice League Animated Series romance fic between a female OC and Jā€™onn Jā€™onzz. It is currently ongoing and only like a month old which is why it has the least views. I update every Thursday.


Mine was also [my most recent fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56276527), for Dragon Age: Inquisition, with an Inquisitor/Blackwall pairing and a political(? Technically, i dont want to get too wordy) marriage with feelings. It only has 78 hits rn, but i feel like I did a decent job. It was part of an event too, so it also has art!


Your fic deserves more love. I ADORED it. Thank you so much for posting it here!! ā¤ļø


So it's my second most unpopular fic, but I'm posting it because it's the one before my most unpopular fic and it doesn't make the most sense otherwise. It's for the game Puyo Puyo, and written almost specifically for someone else that I no longer talk to, but I didn't orphan them as I love my OC (and may reuse him later for other fandoms). Anyway, here it is: [Refrain](https://archiveofourown.org/works/21480799)


This is my most unpopular fic. Itā€™s a Star Wars the old republic one shot. https://archiveofourown.org/works/54584686


From FFN: This one got one fave and no follows there; it's a short piece that's part of my Transformers: Cybertron Saga meta. [Ultimatum](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4727034/1/Ultimatum)


My most unpopular fic is [Untitled](https://archiveofourown.org/works/52472344) and I get why since itā€™s an original work, which only certain people read and the minor Ib reference in the title is also lost because of that. If I were to rewrite it, Iā€™d change a lot about it as well as improve the summary. I honestly donā€™t mind that not many people saw it because I was able to compare it with what did get seen and figure out how to improve my writing as a whole in the future. :)


This is my lowest by hits (it is, admittedly, made for the niche audience of gay transmascs who like reader inserts, Inuyasha, and specifically the character Jakotsu.) [https://archiveofourown.org/works/48222343](https://archiveofourown.org/works/48222343) Rated E for sexuality, it's about a one night stand with Jakotsu, but also trans feelings, self acceptance, etc, within the context of the hookup.


Uhh I mean, Im not in my Good Omens phase right now, but here's my [Good Omens season 2 fic](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49685608/chapters/125408389) I guess


Ooh good idea! Mine is Good Omens between seasons 1 and 2. It's fairly short: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49014799


Itā€™s a dark, heavy angst one shot with an unhappy ending. Please check the tags. [An Arsonistā€™s Anguish](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55393372) Rated Explicit, tags like >!Suicide!< and the fandom is Duskwood Everbyte Mobile Game. But I think given the context of the story, it can be read without knowing the game. I explain the main plot points that led to his situation in the story.


Not the least kudosed but generally the most unpopular. Cracky little brainrot with Harry Potter/Tom Riddle, modern uni AU: [Bluebird.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49710805/chapters/125475298) Congratulations on your first fic! <3


I only have one fic I am writing rn. It is also my first fic. It is also unpopular, and majority of the kudos are from a kudos bot that hit my fic earlier. You can find it here: [Shady Tale: The Beginning](https://archiveofourown.org/works/31766260/chapters/78632578)


I could reccomend most of my fics lol. I honestly do not care that much about hits, kudos and other stats, but oh man, they're crazy in this fandom. Like, I wrote a 150k fic and people barely comment on it. Anyway, here's a Final Fantasy IX fic called "[Laughing Stock](https://archiveofourown.org/works/44496481/chapters/111920734)", it's part of the Under The Crescent Moon series and I have updated it yesterday, it's been a year since I've wrote anything about it. The fic is mostly about Freya Crescent's past in Burmecia as she trains to become a Dragon Knight, Rated T for violence and a few swearings.


Hereā€™s [my most unpopular fic,](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56351401/chapters/143174881) which is incomplete. I know this isnā€™t my most unpopular fic, but itā€™s the first part in the series involved, so Iā€™m putting it [here.](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53892367/chapters/136408822)


I think this is mine, it's a bit out of the ordinary, just two powerful guys who encounter each other unexpectedly and wind up sparring verbally way more than physically, single-chapter, and it's a crossover (Thor \[Loki\]/Doctor Strange\], which makes it a bit harder to find on ffn in the first place. [A Strange Encounter](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12750119/1/A-Strange-Encounter). I did a lot of geeky online research into various Marvel macguffins for it. "Doctor Strange is committed to protecting Earth, but also to protecting life. An idea for how to defend without taking lives leads him to an unlikely destination, and results in one very strange encounter where not everything is as it seems." Yeah, writing is hard, putting it out there for strangers to read is hard, taking something from a kernel of an idea to a completed story is hard. Hopefully also personally rewarding, and icing on the cake if someone else enjoys it, too.


Itā€™s not really my most unpopular fic because itā€™s only one Iā€™ve posted so far but it hasnā€™t been clicked as much as I hoped.. I love it though! Itā€™s a real person fic about singer Baby Lasagna (my latest crush) - maybe itā€™s too obscure of a ship šŸ˜‚ [https://archiveofourown.org/works/56380765](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56380765)


Lol, I have given up on writing a FanFiction original character that shit too hard (it kinda supposed to be a Steve Harrington stranger things fanfic) but I didnā€™t want to be just a copy and paste too hard šŸ˜”


My most unpopular fic was something I cooked up for just myself. Needed to get it out of my head, even though I knew nobody would read it lol. Honestly, it got more interaction than I expected, with a whopping 3 comments. https://archiveofourown.org/works/26587357


Thissss, itā€™s called [Fateful Beginnings](https://archiveofourown.org/works/49194559/chapters/124128937) and I continue to have a lot of fun researching and writing for it, I just wish more eyes could find it :)


Congratulations!! That's amazing! My least popular fic is [this crack one-shot I posted recently](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56597461) (Bleach). I'm not too cut up about it tbh, because I just loved writing it!


My least popular fic is my current Dragon Age:Inquisition WIP, an exploration of Dorian Pavus's back story: his childhood in Tevinter, the moments that shaped him, and particularly his relationship with the father who betrayed him. https://archiveofourown.org/works/15521523/chapters/36029256 Part of the reason it is not as popular is because the fandom took a nosedive in popularity when the last Mass Effect game came out and stole all the Dragon Age fans away. (I'm hoping with the soon-to-be-released DA:V there will be a resurgence of interest.) That and, so far, this work has been disappointingly smut-free, as opposed to my *most* popular work, which is a kinky smut-fest. Also, life got in the way and I've been slow about uploading new chapters. I mean, as in months and years go by between uploads. Ahem. But I am still working on it. In fact, I just worked on it some today, and have several future chapters partially written. All that to say, get invested at your own risk. Lol.


congratulations on writing your first fic!!! and i love this idea. "[hounds tooth](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55612177/chapters/141151426)" is a short smut fic i spent two months working on, and unfortunately it only got 1 kudos. it's for the tapestry series, and is about the main character max being nonconned by Cooper and then having fantasies and Cooper having sex with his roommate David. warning for noncon, and sexual content


ayeee congrats!!! You worked hard so be proud of yourself !! hmm, excluding drabbles, this is my most unpopular fic - it is my most recent but also low stats ahaha- [don't leave before i-](https://archiveofourown.org/works/56305714) I'm not really surprised tbh it's kinda a more experimental writing format for me and it's open/bittersweet ending (it's about exam stress and burn out and a strange kind of coping mechanism :)) have fun reading all the recommended fics!!


https://archiveofourown.org/works/18974536 lol here it is probably the first thing i posted after making my ao3 account ā¤ļøā¤ļø congrats on your first fic welcome to the very cool club


Poison Ivy if she was a cannibal https://archiveofourown.org/works/56236747


[I Know What Kind of Crazy I Am. But, This Isn't That Kind of Crazy - WhiteKnightDragon - Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) \[Archive of Our Own\]](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50015158) I had to check because neither of mu fics is actually popular. This is a one-shot, which may be why it's less popular than my chaptered fic, at least partially, it was also posted more recently, in its entirety though there's overlap with the chaptered fic. It's a Buffy/Hannibal crossover, using the Buffy YAHF (Yet Another Halloween Fic) trope where Xander dresses up as Will Graham instead of generic soldier boy. Honestly, by kudos, this fic is only one kudos less popular than my chaptered fic, it has 48 compared to the chaptered fic's 49, I hadn't realised I was so close to the 50 mark. But this fic is far lower in hits, at just over 400, compared to my chaptered fic, which is over 1000.


That's a great idea! Mine has to be the latest one I've done, [The Dash to Victory](https://www.wattpad.com/story/347064166?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details_button&wp_uname=TheOverzealousOne). Essentially, it's an original story using the world of Pixar's Cars. I hope you all enjoy it! It's far from done, but I'm proud of how it's turning out!