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Cassandra Clare is a renown plagiarist, yet she's still publishing books.


Yep, stole *so* many lines from Buffy (and so much other stuff) for her Draco Dormiens trilogy back in the day. Which, I get stealing lines from the canon work of the fic you're writing occasionally, as a nod to the original material, but this was egregious to me. To the point that, combined with how awful she was in fandom in the early years, I've only read a single book of hers.


She's been sued for plagiarism as recently as 2016 and accused of plagiarizing AGAIN in 2023. [https://www.distractify.com/p/cassandra-clare-plagiarism](https://www.distractify.com/p/cassandra-clare-plagiarism)


The damn Kell an Kel bit teehee


There’s essentially no such thing as an original story. Everything made is just a remix/readaption/twisting of things inspired and influenced by other works or experiences.


If you mean tropes and such, most did not originate in fan fic. Almost every fan fic plot or premise I’ve read already had 100 similar mainstream media things. If you mean very specific details…I doubt many.


These days, probably most of them. There are few new professional authors who haven't had some kind of contact with fanfiction and every story is a remix of ideas you've seen before, inspiration doesn't happen in a vacuum.


It’s a tricky thing. Depends on the genre, but in general a lot what’s being published and sell is hardly original. Romance Harlequin type, MLM or reverse ‘why choose’ harem are just examples of what’s popular and just repeats the same storylines over and over (seriously, I don’t think I can bare one more ‘new kid at school’ getting on with a local loner and nerd guy scenario, just to name smth). Truly original stuff (which exists even though it’s impossible not to include some cultural references) won’t have copy cats as these are usually very individual stories. The rest, in the realm of the sane tropes, it’s impossible to tell what was first. Side note: writers writing original prose stay away from other fanfics as the accusation of borrowing someone’s plot/story is real.


Often, I would say. Creating art in general is just combining concepts and ideas you've seen elsewhere to create something 'original', and since story writers are all story readers, I wouldn't be surprised if many of them read at least a little fanfiction. And they steal these ideas, concepts, characteristics, tropes from anywhere and everywhere, including fanfiction. Although the word theft implies something bad, for artists it really isn't, unless you start to get into the limits of plagiarism


Are we talking plagiarism, or just 'heavily inspired'? In the case of the first, no clue. I like to think most authors are a bit better than that. In the case of the second, I think a lot of them. My original novel takes plenty of ideas from stuff I've read and games I've played, as well as real history, and the magic system is heavily based on FMA's transmutation circles (much like the glyphs in TOH are *also* inspired by FMA). I've also put a couple of lines from Fairly Odd Parents in it as shoutouts. I highly doubt that any of that is rare, nor do I consider it bad.


Fifty shades of Gray exists. People call it a fanfic with the serial numbers filed off.


It was an actual Twilight fanfic. The writer just edited it to file the numbers off. The same with Shadowhunters (used to be HP fanfic).


That’s what I said. I’m not convinced it’s that bad of a thing though as long as writers are injecting enough of their own ideas into it to bring it into the realm of originality.


There’s nothing wrong with the concept of filing numbers of your own fic (I’ve been thinking about doing that to one storyline of my own fic), though 50 Shades is such a bad representation of BDSM that I’d personally prefer it was kept a fanfic 😉.