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A fanfic author that has a lot of amazing but uncompleted WIPs. You could check this [ColeyDoesThings' video](https://youtu.be/zFwLeO5jdyY?si=zbGuMILFMq2X56QR). It's a funny (but accurate) video about the types of fanfiction writers.


I'm somewhere between the perfectionist and the good noodle. It's a weird junction.


It's me... hi... I'm the problem it's me...


Well, let's hope none of your readers are in this subreddit. Don't want them to catch you lurking around here instead of updating your fics. šŸ‘€


PFFT. The worst part is I started a *new fict* yesterday.


You're clearly responding to Taylor Swift. Everyone already knows where she is and what she's doing at all times.






Every time my favorite author pair starts a new fic and I get a notification, I grind my teeth. Finish the other thirty IPs!


One of my favourite authors does this too. Guess we just have to bear with it šŸ„².


Thank you for putting that video in my life. Omg. I try so hard to be a good noodle and usually end up somewhere between a million WIPs and DNGAF šŸ˜‚


not me and my roughly bienniel WIP updates over here


that we all write porn. lots of people are hesitant to touch the genre because of this stereotype. itā€™s not like people are scared of fan art despite thousands of porn artists


Yes!! This!! I find it especially weird for me as a sex-repulsed ace fanfic writer. Like yes that content does exist, but it's far from all the genre has to offer.


I came to write exactly this. Such a strong stereotype despite many ff writers do not write smut at all.


The most normal looking person ever can be a fanfic author in disguise lol. Like one of those grandmotherly librarians at the desk who are so sweet and helpful while they're writing the most saucy omegaverse on their ancient laptop. Stereotypes are fun, but subverting them can be, too. Let the girl next door be a freak.


totally! or someoneā€™s mom


I'm someone's mom šŸ˜… My kids know that I write fanfic, but I don't think they have ever read any of my stories, they - fortunately - are not interested in fanfic and the characters that I like. My niece drew a few fic illustrations for me and therefore had to read some, but luckily that was before I started to write the one or other smut piece šŸ˜‚


hell yeah! I know so many moms in fandom itā€™s great


I'm pretty sure my mum has written fanfiction, but I think it was in the early 2000s. It disturbs me that I might come across my mum's account somewhere, or read something my mum has read.


Thatā€™s why I stay off Literotica.


Yep. And then there's those you can tell are total fanfic writers, lol.


(Librarians are the best fandom curators. <333)


Always gets into weird accidents. Their house will burn down, they'll end up in an active war zone, they'll lose their whole family in freak accidents. No, it won't stop them from writing, they'll be back in a few weeks


Thatā€™s the ao3 author curse


I think people legit, didn't believe me at some point when over the course of writing the SAME FUCKING FICT, I had in the exact same year: Covid (January) Ear infection (February) Something Unspeakable for the months of March and April June, get into a relationship July - dumped his ass (GOOD. FUCKING. RIDDANCE. GARBAGE TIER DUMPSTER DWELLER THAT ONE WAS.) August - CAR STOLEN September - trying to get car fixed... no dice October - family tragedy And even more shit I can't even go into. Like, I kept having to take writing breaks but I'm still trucking and I even started NEW projects cause writing helps me cope.


Oh giiiirl (gender neutral), I feel you! That's me this year. In order, approximately, it's beenĀ Ā  Covid (me)Ā Ā Ā  Covid (mom)Ā  Ā Home renovations startĀ Ā  Extended family deathĀ Ā  Extended family deathĀ  Ā Close family deathĀ Ā  Sibling starts movingng inĀ  Ā Extended family deathĀ Ā  Renovations finishĀ  Ā Sibling fully moved inĀ Ā  Close family deathĀ Ā  Sorta offered a promotion? Yay?Ā Ā  Ā Ā And currently I'm spending all my free time helping my grandmother, who is now fully dependent on me to go anywhere. It's cool though. We've got this. I'll post again someday. <3


We got this hang in there hon!!!!


I'm glad you made it out the other side of yours. There's always path forward, you just gotta figure out how to walk it.Ā 


What the fuck is wrong with this year? It's only the middle of the year and I've had enough tragedy for a decade. I don't update my readers about my personal life but if I did they'd probably think I was making shit up. In just the last couple of months: I had the most amazing solo trip of a lifetime, got promoted at work, met some amazing friends, suffered through a tornado, my parents were in a bad accident and were scammed, my brother was shot, his girlfriend and dear friend of mine died in said shooting, leaving a little baby behind, and through all that I've developed a case of anxiety, and I'm also now immunocompromised, which of course, gave me covid. God, what the fuck. I'm also spending all my free time with my brother, he's temporarily disabled and needs all the help he can get. We got this girl!! It'll get better, it has to goddamnit.


I feel you on the 'I promise I'm not making it up' front. I've said a few times that I'm starting to feel like my life turned into an episodic soap opera and we're just waiting for the newest twist. My cat's now cheating on me, sleeping with my sibling every night! The horrors! Seriously, though, I am so sorry to hear about your brother and friend. Such tragedies are something no one should ever have to go through. That on top of all the rest, it's a testament to how strong you are to be there with him. Don't forget your own self care. I hope you and he both have speedy recoveries. I love you, stranger. You're going to do great. <3 drop me a line any time you need to vent, I'll keep an eye out for you if you need an ear!


As the saying goes, when it rains, it pours. How dare your cat cheat on you lol but you know cats are pretty good at sensing vibes maybe your siblings needed a little loving, or maybe they're just warmer than you xD Thank you, and same! Sending you positive vibes, and absolutely, my DMs are open if you ever need to vent! :)


Itā€™s crazy, I havenā€™t written in 7 months. But before I stopped writing, I got strep throat and then laryngitis. It was really really bad. But since I havenā€™t written literally NOTHING else has happened to me since. I simply THOUGHT about writing again and sprained my ankle.


the curse gives no breaks lmao


Sorry this update is late. My [cat](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-VhIfthXHnM4/UwSZOmUh0tI/AAAAAAAABsY/vi8j84ZrabQ/s1600/siberian-tiger.jpg) got sick and the car broke down so I had to build a new one to drive her to the vet, and then the pharmacy didn't have the medicine she needs so I had to make it myself out of paint thinner and pool chemicals. And then when I finally had time to start writing, the house was struck by lightning and my computer was fried on impact, so I had to write the draft on the typewriter that my late aunt left in the attic. That typewriter has a broken "P" key and the "M" key types upside down, btw. Right as I was heading out the door to begin the 25 mile walk, uphill, through 10 feet of snow, to the public library so I could upload, the house was invaded by three thugs wielding AK47s and I had to defend myself by siccing the cat, who had fortunately recovered from her illness, on them.




"Sooo... Next update back on schedule this Friday?" :D


Yes! Exactly this!


They already have the ao3 author curse. That's what it's referring to


Oh, I missed that part of the post


I swear this is so true šŸ˜­ since starting my newest fic in December, Iā€™ve had 3 new health issues pop up (one that required a 3 day hospital stay) had surgery in January and will be having another surgery next week! Wild times


How common is the opposite? Because I still about the guy who read my new chapter while recovering from a gunshot wound in hospital sometimes.


I'm a straight married man and for some reason when I mentioned my son was born, I got many congratulating me becoming a mom šŸ˜‚


The reason is that [78% of FFN members (2010)](http://ffnresearch.blogspot.com/2011/03/fan-fiction-demographics-in-2010-age.html), and [57.5% of AO3 members (2024)](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54011047/chapters/137740564) are female. Fandom is the single place where "she" is the norm, outside female only-spaces. Please don't begrudge us, half the human race, this *one*.


I don't think anyone's begrudging things here - but honestly it's good practice to keep your language gender-neutral, not just for the benefit of cis guys, but in particular since a lot of people in fandom are trans and already have to deal with a lot of misgendering in their day-to-day life.


Do you ever correct your readers or are you a married mother to them now? šŸ˜‚


I simply said I'm a happy father. And several were shocked. And one even said i write like a woman which confused a bunch of others haha. They said because I write the female characters so well. Simply explained "I just write characters."


Saying you write like a woman is a wild statement šŸ˜­ I knew a dude who got told his handwriting was girly because it was ā€˜neat and airyā€™. Still confused to this day šŸ˜…


If were going full stereotype she has a folder dedicated to bad photoshop yaoi edits and fics featuring her favorite husbandos from completely different mediums, most of which feature them fighting over an OC that just happens to share her name and appearance. Maybe throw in a t-shirt of her favorite fandom as well as a body pillow. (edit: in fact not even photoshop edits, edits made in MS paint)


The stereotype of fanfic authors not being heterosexual men, lol. I'm one, and since becoming a fic writer about 2 years ago, I've put out over 700k of fic!


I believed I was a heterosexual woman when I started writing fic. My second fic ever was actually a self-indulgent fic that represented the crushes I thought I had on men. Turns out Iā€™m aroace. Asexual for all my life, and aromantic more recently.


I thought I was cis until I started writing fanfic. Turns out I'm trans. I'm grateful for my fic for cracking my egg and every time I see others go through the same thing it makes me smile. Who would've thought that fanfic made so many of us aware of ourselves? :)


To be very very clear, I am not at all saying that heterosexual men can't be fanfic writers šŸ™‡ā€ā™‚ļø. I mean, I'm friends with one. But apologies if it came off that way!


Wasn't saying you were, I was saying that's a common fanfic author stereotype!


We had a poll on this sub a while ago, iirc its result was that the users here are like 80% queer lol. Hets are a minority.


Especially straight men lol.


Which is funny because it seemed like there were a lot of them in the 90s, writing either lesbian anime/video game porn, or M/F anime/video game porn. Or maybe it was just several very prolific straight dudes.


Ii feel like prolific. Because I remember a few from some different fandoms, but the vast, VAST majority I've ever seen are from women and/or people in the LGBT+ bracket and I've been in Fandom a very long time.


Still there, but on smaller, more niche sites, with the larger of those like RoyalRoad or Spacebattles banning sexual content.


I mean tbf there still is but they either share it in Discord or in other sites with male dominant public like RoyalRoad, AO3 is specifically more popular with the women and queers to attract this type of public


A rare specimen lol just joking, but it's really interesting to see a straight man using AO3, generally I just see them in RoyalRoad


I was when I started, but now? Idk what happened


is almost finished with the next chapter. I swear!


Actually has a real life outside of fanfiction, and it still constantly surprises the readers for some reason.


I kind of feel called out because I didnā€™t know it was a stereotype but ignores anything from canon that she doesnā€™t like, is basically me.


Look, sometimes the creators make stupid ass decisions. And itā€™s our prerogative to ignore those decisions.


Yeah well one of the things I ignore is mostly because it makes one of my favourite ships impossible.


Me too. Knock on wood my readers love it though! XD It always seems to surprise more canon compliant people though, that I got an audience.


Yeah I mainly write for the Percy Jackson fandom and thereā€™s definitely some things from the third series that I will just ignore.


I understand that entirely. lol


Yeah, same. I'm learning new things about myself every day. šŸ˜†


Colourful hair, left leaning, introverted, tumblr user


Does natural red count?, yes, yes, no


I was thinking dyed rather than ginger, but I myself am only left leaning and somewhat introverted.


seeing how many self insert characters have red hair I vote yes


Solitary and has cats.


That's what I wanted to write šŸ˜‚ I have four ...


-Not very sociable -Straight woman but writes a lot of gay stuff, usually between canonically straight male characters -Probably white and aged between 15 and 25 -Isn't actually a bad writer, but lacks confidence in writing ability outside of fanfiction -Doesn't really like canon, but will follow it to avoid trying to explain how their story works -Might make characters non-binary just because they can


omg points 2 and 3 are the same points i brought up!!


"Aces write the best smut" is one of my faves


Hey, if you're ace but you still have a libido (like me) all that energy has to go *somewhere*...! ;)


Not a stereotype if it's the truth šŸ˜


English not being the authors first language and then having the most amazing writing Edit: not sure if this is a stereotype but it happens all the time lol


I feel like this isn't even so much a fanfiction stereotype as a general one. "Sorry for my English, I know it's bad." *writes a whole essay on something in nearly-flawless, eloquent English, with maybe one or two obligatory typos or grammatical errors almost serving as a sort of pointed reminder that the writer is ESL*


As someone who also learned English through the internet, that means they struggle with conversational or colloquial English instead of the proper way.


Is a 13-year-old girl who is absolutely horny over her favorite character and writes self-inserts with them.


always smut, only smut


Often with many strange tags like 'wall sex'.


ā€œImproper use of (object)ā€


my personal "image" of fanfic authors (atleast in this sub) is "30 year old straight woman who writes yaoi" so probably that also as another comment said, always getting into super intense accidents and brushing it off "sorry for the delay my house exploded"


that ppl who write fic were straight white women who fetishized gay men. not sure this is popular belief anymore, this stereotype was realllllly prominent during the superwholock tumblr days though.


Has a pet named after a fictional character who gets between them and the keyboard


This is so true! šŸ˜…


Degenerates. Into disturbing stuff.


Well, I can check that one off myself. It certainly doesn't apply to all fanfic writers though.


Usually have strange fetishes, and seems to write about age regression.


Common stereotype is that we're ALL women, there are men here and I, myself, am a trans man


And thereā€™s some of us who arenā€™t men or women lol


Ah, are you an eldritch being too? XD


As a nonbinary person I can confirm we are all in fact Lovecraftian beings xD


And that to!


Honestly, most stereotypical depictions of a fanfic writer Iā€™ve seen has been like. An ableist stereotype of an autistic person but not explicitly called autistic so they can be mocked. So thatā€™s a common one you probably shouldnā€™t add bc itā€™s uncomfortable as fuck lol


After I started writing, I started having such stupid, insane problems, no joke. Firstly, I ended up in the hospital with a cannula due to period pain. Then my mom began drinking like a maniac and moved out. And now I have otitis in my left ear, after I JUST had otitis in my right ear (and had to have 3 cannulas inserted bc I have stupid weak veins + be stabbed a couple more times for blood tests and what not) šŸ˜€ Oh and let's not forget, because I had otitis, I accidentally skipped a few pills on the birth control I began taking and now my period hurts like shit and is really heavy again. And that coupled with the otitis is making me grandma levels of tired and slow as well šŸ˜­ Edit: grammar


Id recommend watching the anime Kiss Him Not Me. The main character is a full on fanfic writer fujoshi


Loves interaction, hates any and all criticism. Everyone comment on my stories but only say good things!


Usually will ask commenters to "be kind" in their comments because this is their first fic for a show.


That we are cat ladies lmao in fact I'm a dog mom


High five, me too!


Having too many WIPs


I look into the mirror And what do I see? A whole bunch of WIP. šŸ˜‹


Learnt English through ao3 Intense verging on codependent relationship with their beta, who's a college student from albuquerque they've never met


Alaskjsjsjdd A COLLEGE STUDENT FROM ALBUQUERQUE THEYā€™VE NEVER MET, im crying at the accuracy of this one šŸ¤£


That we are all wierdos and/or pedos. Heard thar one way too much


Ones Iā€™ve heard about the demographicsā€¦usually a woman/ trans woman or NB, teens- early forties rarely older, mostly bisexual or bicurious (some straights), politically left, was unpopular at school and was probably a nerd or an emo, trauma to fuel the fics, has a mental health diagnosis and or neurodivergent. Most of these apply to me and dad thinks no straight boomer men write fanfiction.


Beautiful, stunning, amazing, hot, fantastical... obviously all true for us all šŸ˜˜


Nerdy teenage girl writing about a self insert sold to her husbandos who fight over her Thirty five year old bisexual white woman with glasses writing ten million words of their favorite homosexual men while disaster continuously strikes their real life Large, smelly neckbeard man with waifus and furry tendencies writing their fantasies


2 words:Sexual depravation


Can write like 5-10k words in a day and then not writing/opening the doc for two weeks.


by any chance, is english not her first language?


The one I always get is the ā€œhappy beginning to soul shattering endingā€writer. Not sure if thatā€™s a trope but thatā€™s what I get classified as lol


that every fanfic writers are teens to young adults that cant be over 29


Writing Enoby style absurd mary sue self inserts.


The author curse is a good one. Iā€™m in the process of being evaluated (itā€™s actually a bit complicated) for a lifelong, incurable, untreatable mental condition. If it turns out I actually have it, my next chapter update is going to have a fun authors note lol


Me, too. If you don't mind... which condition? NP if you don't wish to share.


Autism! I donā€™t consider it an illness, but it is definitely a condition. Iā€™ve had serious mental health issues all my life and I believe they may be associated to autism. I was actually diagnosed when I was 3 years old, but then my parents dismissed it for some reason


Oh! I'm AuDHD with the classic complement of chronic anxiety and depression. Assuming your eval will result in an autism diagnosis, I hope you find the confirmation helpful to you. Mine defo changed my life for the better! What I'm being evaluated for is a rare neurologic disorder. Just thought it would be a cool coincidence if by chance you might have the same thing, but I'm glad you don't!


I actually have rare neurological disorders too! But theyā€™re malformations that have been there ever since I was born. If you donā€™t mind saying, what are you being evaluated for?


Oversharing. "I fucksturbated while writing this sex scene, but accidentally scraped a bit of shit off my taint that I missed wiping from my last dump, so now my fingernails smell and taste funny lol"


got to be honest Iā€™ve never encountered this one and Iā€™m not sad about the lack


Spelling errors!


My grandma died the night I published my fifth chapter. It was traumatising


*Danganronpa senses tingle*


Shhhh... don't out me.


Let hifumi have a bunch of stories in which he has had near life-death experiencesšŸ’€ but his updates are always consistent.


Sheā€™s hentai and often yaoi even if sheā€™s not writing anime. She often pairs the heroine with alien life forms, sometimes consensually. She has seen way too much adult animation (and I donā€™t mean Futurama!) andā€¦ oh wait, thatā€™s me isnā€™t it?šŸ˜Ž


That we all are into writing super weird super awkward explicit sex scenes. Obviously a lot are into that, but not all of us are. Iā€™m not saying smut is bad and shouldnā€™t be written, but I do think itā€™s led to fanfiction having a negative perception over the years.




That RPF fanfiction is the majority of fanfiction (a lot of peopleā€™s first and only exposure to fanfiction is fanfiction of boy bands and youtubers) is one I run into online a lot.


Female, some flavor of lgbt, neurodivergent, thinks her fanfics are activism, makes everything and everyone gay, childhood or recent trauma


That we're all either teenage girls or women. I mean, I guess I _slightly_ contribute, or used to, since I'm a trans man, but still. It's a bit discouraging - even tho it's not their fault! - when I get comments like, "Go girl!" "Aw THANK YOU QUEEN!" And other similar ones which I've gotten at some point. Also, someone said that I wasn't a "real" trans guy because I read/write fanfic. It really put a big weight on my progress in coming to terms with my identity, but I'm getting there :-)


25 year old tumblr-addicted lesbo. That's what I assume a lot of authors are, anyways.