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It might make them happy to know :)


Okay, Thank you!


Once someone told me they were binding my work and it made me very happy :) So you're not obligated to, but it's good to know as an author.


Ah, that makes sense. Thank you!


If you are truly only binding it for yourself and your personal collection I personally don't think you have any *obligation* to tell anyone. However it would be kind to let the author know anyway if you are able to.


That makes sense, Thank you.


My two cents, as both an author and someone who wants to bind fic for my own purposes: if you're *asking*, then yes, absolutely, but some authors may not want their work bound. If you're not going to be dissuaded by someone politely telling you they'd rather you not bind it, then just don't tell them in the first place.


I'd love to know (especially if you're willing to share photos), but there's no obligation to tell me! Following along with one of my reader's binding a fic was a joy. They shared their WIP of the binding process and it was so exciting. I definitely teared up when I saw the final project.


I wouldn’t care but I’d be so thrilled to know you wanted to do that!


I mean, if someone liked my work enough to pay for it to be read like a normal book, it would make me happy to know.


If they have an authors note saying “don’t bind my work” then I def wouldn’t, but *most* authors would love to hear it.


Mind if I ask you how you do it? Do you use a website or DIY? For people who might want to do the same (for self-use to have their own or favourite fanfic in book form not for commercial use)😊 I tried to look into this but don't know where to start


I use the tutorial on tiktok by NeatFreakGeek 😀


Thank you, omg🥺♥️


I was very honored! They bound it and sent a video/tiktok to me. So it was a finished product


I wouldn't ask. I'd just bind it and go on with my life. How is anyone gonna know you bound it if you don't tell them?


If someone told me they were binding my work, I would ask them to not do it. The thought of there being a "book" version of my fic really weirds me out. I can't express how much I hate it.


I think it would be polite to let them know!  I also would like to bind my fav fanfiction for personal use and ask the author for their blessing, but they've been offline since 2008 :')


I mean, if you *needed* to do anything here, it wouldn’t be to tell them, but rather to ask. Not sure what the actual etiquette here is as I don’t even download fic, but at least among the friends of mine I’ve seen binding fic, they all asked and the authors were delighted, wanted to see the end products, and in one instance, even “paid” a friend to bind a copy for them as well (and by paid, I mean they wrote them another fic for them as thanks.) Again, not sure what the actual etiquette is, but at least to me, if you’re going to talk to them at all, asking seems better than telling.


I would ask permission first. Let the author know you want it for your own use. If they say yes then go for it. If someone did that with my work I would be very honored that they think so highly of it.


I would ask permission first. Let the author know you want it for your own use. If they say yes then go for it. If someone did that with my work I would be very honored that they think so highly of it.


If you’re planning to share your work on social media (show pics etc) it’d be tactful to first ask the author. It’ll also make them super happy to know ^^


You should bind two, one for you and one as a gift for the writer. I'm sure they'll be delighted to have it. ❤️


No, if the author is a stranger to you, you shouldn't pressure them to give you their mailing address.


Chiming in to agree. I'd think it was pretty cool if someone told me they were binding my work, but I'd be instantly suspicious if they wanted my address to send me a copy. I'm not about to doxx myself over a copy of my own stuff.


I always reach out to offer to send the author a copy when I'm binding a fic bc it's my own way of giving back to them - but also it's entirely understandable if they would prefer not to hand out an address. I've emailed pdfs of the typeset instead several times, but I've also been blessed to be able to send author copies several times! Honestly it's just as revealing on my end as on theirs, I have to show ID and fill out a customs form on the books I send so I can't even use a fake name (the author can though, or a use proxy address).


Hell if someone wanted to bind one of my works and gift me a copy I would rent a post office box just for that.


Sometimes sadly it's way too expensive :( I made a blank sketchbook for a fan artist and it ended up costing me almost $60 to ship because it was going from the US to a European country


Another thing to keep in mind is that it may turn out expensive for the receiver as well! Depending on which country they live in, there'll be ridiculous fees to pay unless you mark the package as a gift with low value *and* write your real name and address as the sender. Shipping and/or receiving physical stuff these days really sucks :(


But think how much appreciation the writer will have, to have someone turn their work into a real book. I mean I'll be so happy to pay for shipping, and keep it dearly in a safety deposit box!


It felt really off to ask them to help with shipping when it was a random unasked for gift :( They did end up doing some art for me in exchange though which was really nice


True. If they didn't ask, you don't need to offer 👍