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Descriptions, purely because I like messing with readers. _he walked walkingly, steps shaking the earth as he walked…_


It's giving "she breasted boobily towards the stairs, and titled downward." I like it.


It’s always such classic literature, no matter how many times I read it.


Hemingway who? Jane Austen found dead (because she is). Agatha Christie in shambles.


i love this lol




Tough call, but...probably "tech porn". And I apologized in the author's notes for it. When the MC of my story left for her journey, which was a character arc about having feelings just so we're clear, I was fighting hard not to describe her gun in more detail. Like, the gamer in me wanted to start naming the specifics of the loadout she was using. I did limit it to one chapter per series. But it wasn't easy.


No but please, do include stuff like that in your fics! Nothing is more entertaining to read than a passage full of geeking out. Not only do the readers feel more immersed but also it's that way I find new interests sometimes. I mean it's a bonus but honestly, immersion wise, if you manage to vulgarize things for your readers everyone wins imho :3


...feelings. I love to write how a character is feeling, how they are reacting to the situation or dialogue to an almost absurd degree. I have to remind myself to add scenes where something actually HAPPENS.


I enjoy writing dialogue as well. My two pairs (A/B and A/C) seem to just spout dialogue effortlessly!


Character interaction all day every day. Whether it be dialogue or silent communication, it's my favorite.


I like that too.


I don’t think I’m good at dialogue, but I enjoy description a lot. Actions coming for a close second


World building.  I like filling the space cannon left unexplored and explaining why it is important to what is happening to the characters.


Little monologues, whether it’s in their head or outside. I find it fun for a character to just go off on someone about why the other person is wrong or the conclusion of an emotional arc they’ve been having.


I love fleshing out characters and experimenting with the world building with my writing, especially when it comes to canon lacking that. Makes it even more fun to write for the fandoms I do love despite their flaws.


I’m shocked to say: action and fight scenes. Looking where I started with fics 2 years ago vs now, it’s the clearest way to see just how far I’ve come as a writer. The difference in quality is night and day! Fight scenes used to terrify me but now it’s always a fun challenge to find out how I can make each more exciting than the last. My fights are always wild, dynamic, and have a good amount of gore :)


Dialogue, especially banter between friends. (Though sometimes I enjoy a sharp rebuke. The Doctor in Oncoming Storm mode is good for that.)


Dialogue comes the easiest because that’s where my story usually starts: with a little dialogue and I build the scene around it. But at the same time, there is something so satisfying about writing description. So really both. Action is…yeah, not for me


Introspection, snarky banter, and flowery descriptions


I enjoy sprinkling in small details about characters daily life (some which may or may not be HCs lol). :D


When i'm writing smut, I really enjoy writing when the Top thinks they hurt the bottom and so they start going "Oh! I'm so sorry! Did that hurt? I'll go slower-" and then the bottom is like "No no I was just... Surprised is all.. Keep going." Of course that's not the only type of smut that I write but that's the type that I get the most giddy for.


The narrative voice. Different characters think differently. Some talk more, and some talk less. You have less or more description because of that.


Dialogue. Always dialogue.


Dialogues are everything to me.


I loveeee writing dialogue cause it consists a lot of me just yapping to myself and going “oooo wait that kinda ate”


Description has always been my jam. I love painting pictures with words.


Smut that is so heartfelt and emotional u dont even read it for the smut


Oh and exposition that is so short yet sets u up so good. Lets cover the how in like 1 paragraph and get going!!


When I write a fic with a kid, I love writing the small interactions with the kid between all the action.


I like describing internal emotions or just very poetic emotional descriptions of things.


The narrator of my crackfic being all lemony (a word which here means An unconventional third-person deadpan snarked narrator). I dunno what it is about it, but I just find narrators like that hilarious.


Ayy! Same. My personal favorite is the "Listen here, friend, I'm gonna tell you what a bunch of idiots these people are, but in the most subtle way possible" narrator.


I love doing the whole: *Character A is* *thinking thoughts* "Uhh, what?" Character B says. "... oh my god I said that out loud, didn't I?"


Action but specifically battles where characters know each other so well that they can understand eachother better through fighting than by talking


Bickering. Not arguments or anything serious, just the kind of stuff you'd say to your friends well mildly inconvenience each other, fucking around, or during a game. I'll even use the dumb shit we say during those IRL moments and put them in a story lol.


Dialogue for sure comes very easily to me, as well as bits where I get to include extremely specific details to describe things and set a scene. I'm a little too good at show don't tell - I often have to go back and add internal monologue into pieces or they come out too sparse and pointy. Also any romantic scenes. I love when you've finally got both characters in the same place and you can just let them talk and get closer and touch. It's the best part of writing fic, it's the dessert.


I enjoy writing humorous banter-style dialogue, typically peppered with dick jokes and whatnot. I can write serious dramatic angsty stories, but a good ensemble cast of weirdos bouncing immature puns off each other makes me so happy.


+1 for dialogue I also love writing scenes where one character is admiring another because it's an excuse to gush about my faves.


Descriptions, Little fandom inside jokes, abstract expressions of feelings, I love being able to use the *cool* words :3


Nice, long, descriptions, food porn, hard sci-fi, and interrogation/questioning scenes.


Casual dialogue and internal reflections!


I mainly love writing dialogue to the point where I started writing fanfics in an almost script format in order to have the banter flow better


I love myself a good bit of description of the setting a scene’s taking place in.


Descriptions and world building, be it in the pockets canon has left unexplored or within the AUs I craft. It's where I spread my wings I guess xP


Dialogue is my favorite part to write as well. It flows for me - even when the character might be awkward getting it out, I still know what I need them to say. Same with internal dialogues.


Same as you! Also, trying to capture the atmosphere. Though, sometimes this comes to bite me back, when I don't have an access to the source material or enough time for research and immersion. For example, all of my current WIPs are based on shows and movies, but I don't have working earphones rn, and getting a new pair delivered will take time. So now I'm stuck with drafting as many chapters as I can, before I actually have the opportunity to refine and post any of them 😭


Letting the butterflies loose in fusion fics. That is to say, not handwave things to maintain the original status quo. Small and big things that make sensible changes. EX: * Buffy / Hellsing -- explain the "demonic vampire-making force" that contacted the Major as Maloker, and Alucard/Seras as 1st-gen vampires where Angel/Spike are 20th-gen and diluted. * DB / FMA -- the absence of magic negating Buu retroactively, meaning the Kaioushin auto-survive here. Goku & Chichi being in Xing with power levels of 2200 & 1400. * Marvel / Star Trek -- have mutants aboard the Enterprise; a Federation-wide Galactus protocol; diplomatic relations between Picard and the Shi'ar. - - - - Power upgrades / "Taking A Level In Badassery".


Dirty thoughts, not internal monologue, but more describing the hornyness, desire and fantasies of the character


I love writing descriptions because the scenes in my head are so intricate I need 500 words of description of the look on someone's face to make them see what I see.


I love fight scenes or just anything full of adrenaline. Also introspection and angst in general. I feel pretty bad at writing dialogue or descriptions though they're fun to write too...


same as you. i LOVE writing bantery dialogue, especially between siblings.


I love descriptions — especially when it comes to describing certain random areas because I can develop a character in unexpected and subtle ways. Action is fun to write, but I like to plan action prior to writing it. And I’m sorry, but I HATE dialogue! It doesn’t come natural to me and I often sit and think for half an hour on what Character A would say to Character B.


Dialogue-heavy conversations and vividly detailed descriptions of a scene's backdrop.


Worldbuilding and history


sensations, especially rough/difficult ones


I love to write about relationships, whether it's romantic or platonic or familial


Characters liking/horny for someone. Since I am aro, I like to believe that I understand how attractions work 😭


My novels


I enjoy writing dialogue and interaction between the characters, especially the kids with the adults.


Lately I've enjoyed a lot having characters talk about unspecified past events that the reader doesn't know about, but marked the relationship between the characters. Eventually the reader knows, of course, but details remain scarce at best. A small tool I like to use to sell the idea that the world is more than just the current events.


I've gotten a lot of praise for my dialogue/characterizations/descriptions, so a mix of those. I love trying to make the people feel as real as I can, the dialogue natural, and the settings alive.




Dialogue or inner monologue is probably my favorite. I love diving into characterizations and adding depth to characters and that’s where a lot of the depth and emotion comes from


feelings and thoughts


I like writing description, specifically of a character from another character’s perspective. I like to show the way someone feels about someone else just by the way they describe them alone. For example, in my most recent fic, I’m trying to do fic that is going to be part of a series of fics that ends up with a specific pair together, so in the first book, when I’m writing from one character’s perspective, I focus on the intricacies of what the other character is wearing, the way he walks, talks, etc. I also focus on how it makes the character I’m writing from feel. It gives some foreshadowing of what’s to come without giving too much away.


I love dialogue especially the moments or story-beats where I feel like I cooked and came up with something that I could actually hear in the source media and be completely in character!


I like writing speech, particularly monologues. I do like writing dialogue as well, but I much prefer writing one person lecturing/ranting while another (usually the POV character) just sits and absorbs it. Ever since SUF, a good like 60% of my WIPs have been Steven either ranting at various characters about his problems or getting lectured by those various characters because of different problems


I'm a big fan of dialogue myself, my fics tend to be dialogue heavy because I love character interactions so much. I tend to lean comedic but I've had sweet/heartwarming moments too.


Descriptions, especially those that give subtle hints on the characterization and world-building. Dropping hints, one word at a time...


I write a lot of [Marvel](https://www.wattpad.com/story/266424854?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details&wp_uname=l0velyrand0m) stuff, and what's a good action book without a scene of the main character being fatally wounded?


It's a tie between writing banter and sex. Most of all if there's both in the same scene.


i like doing descriptions, or adding a little drama/flair ! i like to make it sound a bit more poetic ? yeah i think that's the word ':DD


I like writing the internal monologue of the POV character. Specifically, tangents and 'i'm sorry, what were we talking about?'


i love writing a character’s thought process and how they think. like it’s so funny to personalize them yk


I don't end up doing this too often, but I adore writing as a sassy/ironic/comedic narrator and poking fun at my characters. (description)


I like writing dialogue. Like a character explaining something or two characters flirting with each other and the other character doesn’t know what to do


Really depends on the fandom and my mood tbh, I tend to cycle between struggling with dialogue, action and description lmao. But always just I love writing descriptions of characters. First impressions, soft affectionate moments, whether it's long paragraphs or just a one off line, it always makes me happy. Especially when it's future love interests, I love writing them being sappy about how beautiful their partners/crushes are.


I love a good banter scene, but honestly, any dialogue heavy scene is where I'm at. I just enjoy writing conversations, lol.


Dialogues are the heart of my fics, and I think I'm pretty good at writing them, too. I also love going way too deep on some aspects of world-building, usually for scenes that don't even matter that much.


...smut and kink. I'm ace but am hilariously good at stuff that I don't do and never will do. My descriptions especially, are great. Outside of fic writing, I never think of this much. I don't read smut or kink. Just write it.