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I immediately heard the "looking for a guy in finance" song when I read this title.... I'm looking for a Marvel fanfic. Blue Guys? SI. Marvel. Sci-Fi.


I'm not entirely sure it's what you're looking for, as it's an OC rather than an SI (but based on a lot of people in my social group and a bit on myself), but I'm gonna recommend my fic [Coral Fang](https://archiveofourown.org/works/30411231/chapters/74977419). It's about a burned out, broke 20-something who is failing out of community college and doing lots of drugs who stumbles across Loki right after he escapes NYC in the timeline in Endgame. They go to Waffle House. It's quite smutty, so it may or may not be your thing.


It's not self insert, but my book is an OC insert of Steve's twin sister. It's a Bucky fic I wrote on wattpad called Old Soul. It takes place throughout the first cap movie, and she's a nurse in the military [this is the link if you're interested](https://www.wattpad.com/story/266424854?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=story_info&wp_page=story_details&wp_uname=l0velyrand0m)


Hail hydra? https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/hail-hydra-mcu-villain-si-complete.851572/reader/


WEBNOVEL MARVEL STORIES “ Marvel breezing through history as an Eternal “ Si as an Eternal Ch 257 Superior Reed Richard’s - Si as Reed Richard’s Ch 32 Vex - SI with Superman’s powers Ch 39 An osmosian in Marvel - SI with Kevin’s powers from Ben 10 Ch 96 Magical Marvel - A Harry Potter/Marvel SI Ch 378 Frosts Greed - Si I think Ch 207 Star burst of sector 2814- SI with the powers of green lantern/ he creates his own Green Lanterns Corps in Marvel Ch 21 The Vision - SI as Vision Ch 140 Marvel Tech System Ch 74 Marvel Redo- SI Ch 244 I’m Voldemort - SI as Voldemort Marvel/Harry potter crossover Ch 271 A New Gods life in Marvel (Book 1 Complete) Ch 137 Marvel a New Gods Reign (Book 2) Ch 81 Well that’s all the stories that I could remember.


Thanks a lot for the recommendations guys 💙


[HammerTime Chapter 1: I am Hammer!, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14294743/1/HammerTime) Justin Hammer Self insert Anti-Villain Protag