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Check « David Gemmell » book. He wrote some epic stories. My fav is probably « Legend »


Totally agree. I read everything he wrote.




I cannot 2nd this enough. David Gemmell writes a hero better than anyone else in the business in my opinion. Waylander, Druss, Kaelin, Bane, Connovar, and easily a dozen more.


I'll have to check him out then


Red Rising


Second this


Hail the Reaper!


I wish I could downvote this more than once. First book alone has two cases of fridging one of which is right in the beginning, no foreshadowing, no chekhov's guns, no proper stake establishment, pretty nonexistent side character development, multiple cases of deus ex machina and absolute Mary Sue of a protagonist. Second book literally starts off with a deus ex machina scene as a culmination of the prologue. I swear I have read fanfiction power fantasy written better than this.


I’ve just started reading this for the first time, the first hour of listening is the main character talking about how badass and skilled and brave and handsome he is and how he’s the youngest to ever do it and how all the old people are jealous of him and how everyone respects him and does what he does and he’s got the hottest wife that everyone wishes they had.


You could read *The Legend of Drizzt* series by R.A. Salvatore. Long series, little romance for a long while, mostly about fighting in a dungeon and dragons fantasy setting.


*Heroes Die* by Matthew Stover. You’re gonna love Caine


Thanks a lot


Yup, Caine is very much badass. Does have some romance, though.


I mean there’s a(n estranged) relationship in the book, but it’s *nothing* like a true romance. >!Those two characters only have one actual conversation before the epilogue.!<




Talan was somehow a better fighter than him, Berne was better than him, even his girlfriend was stronger than him, didn't feel like a badass at all


If Berne was better than him, why did >!Berne die? Berne was even cheating with supernatural powers granted by Ma'elKoth *and still lost to Caine*. And if Talann is better, then why did she lose to Berne when Caine didn't? Caine is better than them all because he finds ways to win. Doesn't matter if he's physically weaker or slower or doesn't have godlike magic, doesn't matter if he talks up someone's skills in his monologue to hype up the audiences on Earth...*he's still better.*!< Besides, I don't think it gets much more badass than >!kicking a God Emperor in the balls in front of his adoring, screaming thousands of Beloved Children!< lol


I didn't like ot particularly the conclusion he just didn't feel like the kind of badass , the way everyone talked about him sure, but he kept getting out performed by everyone, particularly his gf who becomes a god. I wanted a power fantasy of sorts this just wasn't it...Though the concept of Actors and Otherworld was cool


Keep in mind this is just the first of four books. Caine's got quite a journey ahead of him (and given your current condition, I figured you'd like where the second book goes now that >!Caine is crippled, cuz boy does he find ways to work through that darkness and still do awesome stuff!<). In fact, you should at least read Chapter Zero of *Blade of Tyshalle*, which goes back to Hari's training and in which he's an absolute lunatic lol But if you're just not digging it, that's fine. Might be something to return to in the future when you're in a different headspace. Lots of dark places in the series, with some serious badass highs (especially in *Caine Black Knife,* which goes back to his most famous adventure, as a 25-year-old just breaking into Acting). It's my favorite series of all time, largely because Stover blends the crazy action with genuinely thought-provoking philosophical questions and themes. Not to mention wild writing techniques and experimental narrative structures—the first-person Overworld/third-person Earth stuff is just the tip of *that* particular iceberg lol


The first book just wasn't what I wanted. Her gf seemed more powerful than him and turned into a god...I just wanted power fantasy I suppose. He just action wise seemed not as adept as his gf. .O didn't really like that


You lied Caine never did much badass, his gf did more badassery than him, this was not what I wanted to read


The Will of the Many that came out last year, that might be a possibility for you.


Harry. Dresden. Enjoy!! (The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. His other series’ also feature awesome MMC’s).


Kaladin in Way of Kings has about the most badass arc I can imagine


Was gonna be my first answer


Sun Eater or Berserk


Berserk has romance, but you really can't do better when it comes to a badass MC


Cradle is a great power fantasy, though it doesn't really ramp up till a couple of books in


# [*House of Chains*](https://malazan.fandom.com/wiki/House_of_Chains)... i do belive that Karsa Orlong is the definition of badass




First Law trilogy


I agree. Jezal Dan Luthar charged the bridge at Darmium. Total badass.


Yeah and that bloody nine fellow is sort of hard too.


Say one thing for the bloody nine, say he’s hard


The Regressed Demon Lord is Kind.


Red Country (Joe Abercrombie). I find this much less depressing than the First Law books; although the main character is also in there, he's reformed now. Kinda. Here, though, Lamb tries to do the right thing, look after his kids, cause no trouble, but people push and push him to show how badass he really is (he really is!).


From recent reads: Sandman Slim Dungeon Crawler in obligatory audiobook format Non-fantasy bad ass characters: Reacher series Terminal list series Lucas Davenport series


Stormlight Archives


Obligatory BERSERK post — top tier manga. As for the fantasy novels → Cradle or Mother of Learning.


I've read Berserk, it's probably my favourite manga of all time, though I wouldn't call it a power fantasy


A single person killing a 100 soldiers?


It is badass, there's a reason it's my favourite manga ...That and the amazing art


Go trek and Felix. Go trek is a maniac dwarf on a suicide mission trying to find a glorious death to redeem himself . He committed some kind of really horrible deed that he shamed his whole family with. Really fun books. Shit ton of them. My favorite is the 2nd skavenslayer. Deals with a race of backstabbing man sized rates. Hilarious


Rise of the Ranger, first book in Echoes saga Main character is a badass




Cradle, Dresden, lies of lock lamora, rage of dragons, legend of drizzt


If badass can also mean dark, Michael R. Fletcher is an author I'd recommend. If you're in the mood for it, Beyond Redemption is very good with antihero main characters who are relatable but badass.


The Chronicles of Amber by Roger Zelazny.


Amber seems like a girls name lol


LOL. It's a place.


Ahh gotcha


Lots of great suggestions already, but I'd add the Weapons and Wielders series by Andrew Rowe. It's part of a larger world that ties into his other series. Keras is up there for badass male leads. Also, if you include star wars as fantasy, the new thrawn books are fantastic and he's certainly a badass.


I haven't read it yet, but Rage of Dragon's by Evan Winters is on my radar and has been described to me as pretty much exactly what you're looking for. Male protagonist on a warpath, fast paced, power fantasy.


Fuck yeah OP needs to devour this (and the sequel). Like it's not just "guy is very determined and has great powers/weapon/friends". Protagonist is fully prepared to go through ANY amount of pain to get revenge. His entire culture is designed to keep him from power, and genetically he's like a middleweight fighting for a heavyweight belt. His only real 'ability' is willpower, but he just stomps and tears and fucking wrecks everything in his path. So much credit to the writing, though. It's the kind of character that could really easily become edgy or boring or predictable. Winter makes him genuinely raw, and he seems incapable of stopping. To the point that I almost wanted him to give up, just to ease the intensity. Absolute bad-ass, in a culture and environment filled with bad-asses.


Damn after that I might need to bump it up a little on my to-read list, maybe I'll sneak it in after I finish the last 4 Malazan books but before starting ROTE.