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From the wraparound sunglasses on the back of his neck, to the camo pants, to vaping in a hospital - my god have they made the extraordinarily likeable Joe Keery into a hateable douchebag at record pace.


The Mountain Dew and spicy jerky was a nice touch lol


"Better keep those windows down" had me rolling


The “oh” scene when he sees behind the truck had me dying. They went Full Douche 🤣


“That *is* spicy” is was sent me


Great acting in that scene. I thought he was realizing what was going on and processing it / freezing because he saw something and then he hit is with that "aw fuck. that *is* spicy".


Don't forget the shave lines on the side of the head, lol


Absolutely nailed the hardo dork badass wannabe. Like this is a guy that absolutely exists and I have seen irl before. So well done.


Between him and Hamm he makes Dodd Gerhardt look like an angel.




Genuine North Dakotan Kyle. I can attest that they do exist.


The way the trooper and city cop both just give him the “yeah sure bud” look


When he first pulled out the vape I was beside myself lmao. The social commentary has been great so far


The mention of politics at the Lyon dinner table in episode 1 was hilarious.


Dude looks like he’s ready to invade the capitol




Looks like he has "LOL" tattooed on his arm possibly too


and the O is barbed wire lmao


Find it interesting given Steve was supposed to be the bad guy in Stranger Things, but they changed him because Joe Keery was too likeable. So it says something that they pulled it off for Fargo. (Not sure what it says exactly but it says something!)


In fairness in the first season of stranger things he played Steve as an unlikable character and then he quickly morphed into a likeable one...so he's well able to play both likeable and unlikable. Great Actor. Who knows we might all love Gator by the end of the season.




I can't get over this. It's such a striking detail that seemingly just does not fit with that character that it is obviously intentional and thought out. I can't wait to find out more about Roy Tillman.


He's a hard man.






waiting for the scene where they get ripped out


Chekhov's nipples.


I thought the same. Also waiting for Chekhov's drum kit to go off.


So out of character for the tough conservative bible-thumping character he puts on. I think it's to show he's some sort of freaky side (besides the obvious nastiness of his public persona).


This is what I thought, too: Preaching the bible on the streets, but a freak in the sheets.


I got cult vibes from his whole character and the "commune" he leads. The nightmare that Dot has about him in the first episode also felt very culty - there was a shot of him at the head of a picnic table leading some kind of prayer. Given his beliefs, the most obvious backstory is that he's a chauvinistic control freak and that she broke away from him, but maybe their relationship had a few extra layers to it too.


yeah I got real far cry 5 vibes from those scenes at the ranch


They looked like horse shoes


Oh my GOD


I find it hard to believe the female cop couldn't easily send him another photo but Fargo is in peak form this far


I got the sense she picked up on something being off with him, and her "Aw shucks, I guess we don't have a picture of her anymore" was to lead into him thinking he got what he wanted. She seems pretty smart and probably knows "accidentally" deleting a photo isn't likely. Plus there is the Fargo trope of having one smart small town police officer that actually figures it all out.


Specifically, a pregnant woman officer.


Oh god that's gonna be a reveal


Especially considering his overall douchiness and the way he just snatched her phone out of her hands.


She probably felt something was off about Gator and didn't want to push the point while he was present. We might see her and Witt (the State Trooper) team up in a later episode.


Would YOU trust a man named Gator?


Or a man that vapes?


The gas station scene is getting a lot of love but I was screaming for a good 10-15 seconds after that line delivery and the first hit on his vape. It's so dumb looking, too.


>She probably felt something was off about Gator and didn't want to push the point while he was present. Good catch. I hope is that. She didn't give the impression to be dumb.


I have a feeling there's gonna be a flashback where she pulls the photo from her recently deleted and shows the cop dots photo


I was thinking about the fact that mugshots are available to the public so she wouldn't even have to access the station's database....which I'm assuming she could.


Not to mention deleted photos don’t actually get deleted for like 30 days or so, but I can overlook it with how good the first two episodes were


On a Samsung phone, the 30 day trash after deleting a photo is something that needs to be turned on. I happen to keep mine off. Edit: Funny timing on this but I just received a big update on my phone today and the option to toggle the trash on and off has been removed. Looking on a Samsung forum, people are pissed off that the trash is always on now.


Well that solves that then!


I thought it was more to portray the guy as an idiot. He says some vaguely threatening stuff which they don't seem to understand then deletes the photo which doesn't mean much when it's in the police DB. Again they really don't seem to understand this is to get them off the case, but then when he leaves he thinks he's outsmarted everyone.


Literally my first thought was open recently deleted to restore the picture lol.


Absolutely fantastic first 2 episodes. Can already tell this is going to be a season where it's hard to pick a favorite performance but my God was Juno Temple great. That scene between Lorraine and Dot was perfect. I liked too how they didn't immediately show Roy and let it build up to his reveal. Also, reviews had noted how great the score and soundtrack was and I can tell just from these 2 episodes it's going to continue to be great. So damn good to have this show back.


Working Man by Rush with the camera spin to Jon Hamm in the hot tub was sublime.


Haven't they also play YES?


Opened with it.


When I heard the guitar quietly playing the Fargo theme I squealed


Listen to the entirety of Fargo Main Theme (Secret Suite) It has a shift about halfway through that I don’t want to spoil but it is an absolute treat


".. she is, for real, a tiger" God damn, this season is going to be good.


And the family’s last name is Lyon


That makes Scotty a Lyger


“Well, hon…Why is there a sledgehammer above the vestibule? And why is Scotty making a zombie killer?” I fucking love Fargo. We are so back


Macaulay Culkin been real quiet since this episode dropped


The scorching of the ski mask (face) in EP1 was the first Home Alone reference.


Yeah that's true, and they've got Christmas decorations etc around even though they've explicitly decided to point out it's not Christmas yet. Definitely feels more like an intentional reference than a coincidence/small nod. And it's like they've given room for it to still be the Christmas period even if a lot of time passes before the inevitable break in attempt.


I have a feeling down the line she's gonna have flashbacks to watching Home Alone as a kid, or being trapped in a room with only that to watch. Or something like that.


Same with Kieran, although that might be because he got hit with a car in season 2.


Ha I was laughing at how this season has almost been more influenced by home alone than cohen bros


Bros, when she lost the accent dealing with her mother in law. There are already so many 'fargo' moments. Show is back!


I missed it when it was happening, but my dad was watching it with subtitles and it explicitly said “Minnesota accent returns” or something


can confirm, on Hulu it does say the accent returns after.


Wow subtitles have evolved quite a bit. It's worth it to out them on certain movies to get more information


[gate pulsates wetly]


[laughs in vaping alt-right douchebag]


As a Minnesotan I was thinking her accent was kind of bad but now that I see that it's sort of done on purpose I'm ok with it haha. The accents are ALWAYS over the top compared to the real thing but hers is ever farther than that. Now I see she is overdoing it to fit in as she is not a native speaker.


Some of the accents have actually been pretty accurate, although I have an aunt whose voice sounds pretty darn close to Peggy’s and Dot’s. Season 2’s Floyd Gerhardt and Lou Solverson are just two examples of accents I found to be pretty realistic. I’m also a Minnesotan, and although some accents are jarringly exaggerated, I also wonder if it seems that way because it’s so uncommon to hear that accent. Virtually every other American accent (Boston, Brooklyn, the different Southern accents) are fairly common in movies and on TV.


Does the woman cop that is investigating the kidnapping sound authentic? To a foreigner it sounded like she was overdoing it / putting on a voice.


No, she way overdoes it. Nobody in Minnesota says Minneysoottaah. It's very off. Juno is a little bad but not terribly over the top, the husband is the best accent, and Jon Hamm accented like one syllable.


David Rysdahl (who plays Dot's husband) is from Minnesota originally.


Sounds pretty phony to me. Not a Minnesotan but spent a lot of time there visiting my Minnesotan family.


She also lost the accent when she was in the shootout and helping the cop in the Mini Mart and in the beginning of Episode 1 when she told the kid to get out.


That part gave me goosebumps, I loved it. “Anywho, thanks for stoppin’ by! Dinner Sunday?”


They’re really taking advantage of the show taking place in 2019 with all the product placement


It has some Tony Soprano "it's part of Nissan's triple-safety philosophy"-vibes, but I find it totally believable that an insecure Kia-salesman would call a TV a "Samsung" because he thinks its somehow very important to support Korean brands


Reminding the kid he got her the “good” tv


I'm thinking it's the tablet and he's saying The Samsung like some Boomers say The Nintendo referring to a Game Boy or the Switch.


That what it felt like to me. It’s a Fargo way to say “go play with your tablet.” But if it was an iPad, it wouldn’t be as funny


I get the feeling it's to hammer home the point that though things may change they also stay the same. The remaining vibe of the show is essentially a timeless Fargo tale with callbacks to earlier seasons and the original movie itself. The take away message potentially being that this series of events can happen to anyone at any time. Then again... product placement is also good for business.


I thought it was interesting how Dot(and ostensibly the show) are using the actual social unrest during the time as an excuse for her behavior.


Steve's bat making a cameo.


I hope they have a scene together!


Roy Tillman towels... let's make it happen.


Whoa. They went dark with the implications about Roy Tillman at the end there. Either Dot or Ole Munch will end him, and he’ll deserve it. How old is Gator meant to be? The guy’s old enough to be a deputy sheriff but also has…chores? And does that arm tatt of his say LOL? Dear god. He’s pathetic, puffed up, and heavily armed. This is what’s wrong with the world. Dot and Wayne are the sweetest Fargo couple after Marge and Norm. I’m rooting for them!


>How old is Gator meant to be? The guy’s old enough to be a deputy sheriff but also has...chores? If you live/work on a farm the chores never stop. Also, Roy seems like the kind of father that ~~uses his kids as cheap slave labor~~ teaches his son that a man is never too old or too proud to do some manually labor, it's good for the soul


I'm guessing younger than Joe Keery, who is 31. Maybe up to 10 years younger? 21? He could pass for that. Saw someone speculating Dot is his mother, but Juno Temple is only 35! I did think it looked like LOL xD I love that he's such a loser. Maybe he'll grow but the likelihood is he'll get himself killed in a ridiculous way.


Dot being forced into a marriage at 14 wouldn’t surprise me


Haha I saw that speculation too and felt offended on Juno’s behalf! SHE HAD A BAD DAY, OKAY. I wonder if he’ll begin to question his father’s teachings. He’s clearly parroting him (calling women ‘bitches’ and ‘females’- a pet hate of mine and a total red flag). Where’s his mom? The story will no doubt come out eventually, and I bet it turns everything he knows on its head. Also, excuse me for saying so, but that kid desperately needs to get laid. He screams frustrated Christian virgin to me.


I immediately thought “chores” was just a joking way of telling Gator to fuck off for a bit, I dont think it was meant to be literal haha


I took chores to be a code for "go find Dot/whatever her real name is" Soon after we see him going to the hospital to question the trooper. I thought it was just a way to get him out of the situation without the Feds asking any questions


Chiming in on some observations: -Opening of Ep. 1 there’s are flyers for ‘A nightmare before Christmas” and at the end of Ep 2 they’re playing “This is Halloween” -Dot says “A lion protecting her cubs” to which Olmsted replies “A pack of lions is called a pride” Wayne’s last name is ‘Lyon’ could also be interpreted as “Lyin’”(also perhaps a callback to the lion dialogue in season4?) -When Roy puts his towel on, the target is right on his genitals, so here’s hoping he takes a shot to the crotch. -Some photos in Olmsteds phone include shots of her husband practicing his golf swing. -Much only speaking in third person is a nice touch for an enigmatic desensitized contract criminal. -Roy and Wayne’s mom seem to be opposites (big city successful woman with tons of power and resources vs small town salt of the earth man with little to no power. But they both parallel in the sentiment of: A debt is owed. -“They used to be dinosaurs” feels in the same vein as Lorne Malvo: “Signs used to say there be dragons here” -In general, Fargos ability to present side characters with little to no screen time that obviously have colored pasts, that make you wonder how they got to where they are: Much is a given, but I’m really curious about Danish, Wayne’s alcoholic dad, and Jerome who is Lorraine’s assistant (with a similar appearance to Mike Milligan) -Complete Speculation on my part, but after Dot Stands up to Lorraine, Lorraine to me gives an expression of respect that Dot stood up to her. Her saying “you look like a corpse” on the way out somehow felt less cold than her other insults. Great first two episodes, really look forward to picking them apart


> small town salt of the earth man with little to no power I don't think that's what he's supposed to be. He seems to have basically made his county his personal kingdom with ensured reelections, huge cattle farm with lots of people working for him, and most importantly he gets to decide what the law is by himself. I think the comparison is Roy is the old type of wealth and power in the Wild West - the big landowners who wield power directly (as mayor, sheriff, governor, etc.) vs the new kind of wealth in the corporate office with a view, pulling the strings of the police/prosecutors/politicians without getting their hands dirty.


I think that also Roy is the abuse of the social side of conservatism while Lorraine is the fiscal side.


Did you notice how Munch gets weirdly giddy the few times when he uses the pronouns "I" and "Me"?


They still have a special on “true coat” at the Kia dealership.


see, they install that truecoat at the factory, so there's nothing we can do


you’re a bald-faced liar. A…fUcKiNg liar!


The No Country for Old Men line at the start was great. “I’ve been the sheriff of stark county for 22 years, hard to believe” 22 might be wrong but yeah, great moment


I think he said “I was a sheriff when I was 22 years old. Hard to believe.” Definitely a No Country reference!


Tillman says "Dot" left 9 or 10 years ago, and her daughter is around 9. I am now wondeding if there is a possibility that A) Tillman is the father and Dot escaped for her child or B) her current husband is the father and they got together fast.


The CEO mother also mentioned the new husband and Dot are together because he accidentally knocked her up, so very likely she was already pregnant when they met.


Poor Wayne... I hope he doesn't turn evil later on because of this, sides with his mother, just to redeem himself at the final hour...


Hes so gonna die. Too nice.


I think Tillman is absolutely the father and that they're hinting at that with the kid being a tomboy.


Obviously finding out a child or grandkid is not biologically yours is shocking - but I get a feeling that if Tillman is the father Dot's MIL will disown Scotty easily. She already has so much contempt for how she is growing up.


I didn’t think they were hinting at that, but if Tillman actually is the father, I could see him being just as upset as Lorraine (Dot’s MIL) about Scotty’s tomboyishness.


I've counted three Nightmare Before Christmas references so far between the first two episodes, starting to seem like a theme


The end credits music for episode 2 (["Munch"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma0_SmfIcj4&list=OLAK5uy_mPW5Vq0QxWbM511zbMnteAlq8c7vKaB50&index=7)) shares the same rhythm as "This is Halloween." Also, Munch really looks like [Danny Elfman](https://i.scdn.co/image/ab6761610000e5ebde02eb3f32d24f6ab74fdb2b) (the composer for *The Nightmare Before Christmas)* with that hair. The former is certainly intentional. The latter may be a coincidence, but it's still hilarious to me.


Their address is 1219, which I interpreted as December ‘19. Could be somethin


4 after Magna Carta


I know he switched those numbers


The way Dot says "No!" when the lady officer tells her she is looking at security cameras in the neighborhood was a spot on Peggy impression for when said "No!" when Ted Danson tells her they are gonna search her car for blood in season 2. I am so into this new season.


"Slap him." Dave Foley gives a whole new meaning to "right-hand man" lol


That scene made me think of that Tropic Thunder bit with the key grip being forced to punch the director.


Can’t overstate how much more I already like this season compared to the last


Really liking the mix of archetypes in this season. The set-up is classic Fargo killing/folks out of their depth. The result will depend on what we've been shown philosophically and sociologically up 'til now. I love the fact it's set in Fargo-world 2019.


Must say I was worried about it being set in 2019, it just felt too close, felt like the show would lose its charm. But so far it definitely works


Night and day. This season actually feels closer to a combination of the move, season one, and season two (with very light Lebowski spice) than season 3 or 4 ever did. Not that there was anything wrong with either. Although, season 4 rarely felt like Fargo. This is VERY Fargo so far.


>Although, season 4 rarely felt like Fargo Say what you will about season 4, but once you got past the period element, it definitely felt like Fargo to me.


Haters gonna hate, see so many of these about s4, I think it was amazing.


I agree. It's not the best season of Fargo, but it's a great season of television.


S04 is the least *excellent* season of Fargo, meaning that I'd rate it about a 4/5.


I rewatched it recently in preparation for this Season, and I definitely appreciated it more, but on first watch it definitely took ages to feel like Fargo to me. A big part of it was the accents, even the theme tune sounds different and shows up left, and then there was the lack of the protagonist cop. Fully understand why there wasn't one, and it makes sense, but it was a departure from the other seasons in a lot of ways in one go that made it feel a bit unfamiliar!


I just read some of Jennifer Jason Leigh’s Wikipedia. I never realized it was her father that was killed along with the two child actors in the filming of the helicopter scene for the Twilight Zone movie. I knew about the incident, just never knew that was her dad. \>In 1982, Leigh's father, Vic Morrow, was accidentally killed along with two child actors when a helicopter stunt went wrong during the filming of Twilight Zone: The Movie. Leigh and her sister filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Warner Bros., John Landis, and Steven Spielberg. They settled out of court a year later.\[5


Holy shit I had no idea! Awful.


Another thing I just found is that the guy who plays Danish Graves (The lawyer) is the voice actor for Flick in "A Bug's Life", wtf.


He was one of the Kids in Kids in the Hall also.


Dave Foley! He was on Newsradio as well!


He is known for quite a bit more than that lol. Kids in the Hall is a legendary sketch show and he was one of the players. I realize now that anyone under 35 probably has no idea.


He's part of the greatest comedy group ever, Kids in the Hall. At one point in this episode, I thought he had the exact same speech mannerisms as in this sketch. https://youtu.be/b-TtfMLGnok?si=lPrzV9rzxFM7IvVZ


Jon's hamms


I preferred Nikki's Swangos


Episode/s can only be summed up as "Fargo is back". Jennifer Leigh shines in roles with good writing, glad to see her in even better form than she was in The Return.


Making her say "Pulp Fiction" must have been a reference, right?


I missed Fargo so much. Here are some of my takeaways: Jon Hamm sitting in a hillbilly hot tub wearing a cowboy hat did things to me, the nipple piercings were far too distracting and I don't remember what else was going on in that scene, douchebag Steve (how could they!), Keely going demented Kevin McCallister, This is Halloween playing, Dave Foley doing his best Mr Fischoeder impression. GUYS I AM SO EXCITED FOR MORE.


Mr. Fischoeder is a perfect Fargo character.


The whole show I keep yelling at the screen to Keely like she can hear me. GO KEELY GO!!! I'm super impressed with Juno Temple.


“A man is grateful.” They should’ve known better than to underestimate a guy who talks like Jaqen H’ghar-or should I say Ja’Queen H’ghar, lmao. What accent is Jennifer Jason Leigh’s character suppose to have? She’s starting to sound like that Paige Sinclair character from Bojack Horseman this episode, lol. I take back what I said in the previous episode discussion about Dot’s daughter not being as cool as other Fargo kids. She likes ninjas, not dolls! The accent dropping scene was great, really helped to detract Dot’s character feeling too redundant of Peggy by having her also tussling with her mother-in-law and not just the murderous crime organization after her. They somehow went more Home Alone this episode than the last, lol. It’s actually pretty entertaining to see how freaked out and unequipped to handle situations Joe Keery’s character gets moments after he acts like an enormous douche. What was up with that random usage of the This Is Halloween song? Lol. Have past seasons had anywhere near this much product placement/mention of explicit IPs? Kia, Samsung, Mountain Dew, Spongebob Imagine Dragons, etc. I hope the trooper gets more screentime. I think I like his character’s presence the most so far. Huh, kind of an abrupt episode ending.


Jennifer Jason Leigh is doing her Hudsucker Proxy voice, the movie by the Coens, where she played a no nonsense reporter. It's an amazing movie, you should watch it.


There's definitely a bunch of Coen movies I still need to watch-especially considering how I still haven't seen the original Fargo. Lol.


Oh ya should watch Fargo for sure. The show is great, but the movie is still unbeatable, it's just perfect in every way.


Oh ya


You betcha


>What was up with that random usage of the This Is Halloween song? Lol. The episode is set around Halloween, all the houses in their neighborhood had Halloween decorations up.


Jennifer Jason Leigh is rocking what sounds like a classic Trans-Atlantic accent.


Also if you look in episode one there's a Nightmare Before Christmas poster on the doors when Dot was being arrested.


I feel like Jon Hamm has a rider in his contract that he has to get naked in a scene of whatever tv show he’s in


The rough faced hitman in the kilt is such a fargo thing. He already reminds me of garer grimsrud/anton chigurh/deafguy all mixed into one


We are on the second episode and the show is already pushing us towards the conclusion Jon Hamm is the real father of Dots daughter, with her even being called Luke Skywalker (with Hamm as Vader). It feels too obvious and may turn out to not be the case.


Come on, she was just called a Skywalker... Obviously this season will get more sci-fi and we'll learn that she was conceived by methods some consider to be... unnatural and Noah is reflecting on the philosophical questions of cloning... EDIT: spelling


Somehow Lorne Malvo returned


Three observations: 1: The clothing of the couple Roy confronts in the beginning of the episode looks A LOT like medieval peasant clothing, despite being modern. 2: Munch gets giddy when he gets to talk about himself, he talks about knowing peoples instincts and his nihilism like a shy child excited to talk about its interests. Specifically when he uses the pronouns "I" and "Me". 3: There was a building that looked weirdly whimsical outside the window in the hospital scene, like something out of a fairy tale.


I did not expect this level of insanity right out the gate and I am here for it!!! Loving this season should far!


Steve Harrington and don draper?? count me in


1. this is gearing up to be one of my favorite seasons. I think it's going to compete with season 1 to be my favorite. The performances are exquisite, I legit cannot think of a bad performance so far. 2. They made Gator such a punchable dick of a human, and I love it. Unfortunately, I predict he's gonna die mid-season, most likely at Roy's hand. 3. I think Wayne is adorable and is going to have his Gus Grimly badass redemption to protect his family. Noah said this season's theme was toxic masculinity vs. femininity/healthy masculinity, and I think Wayne is our model for healthy masculinity, and is gonna be the one to take Roy out. 4. My husband & I were giggling about the 'wanna take a tumble?" line all day.


Dude was an idiot to think deleting the photo would take care of anything. She can easily get another. Love the Big Lebowski references, and how similar it is to the movie, right down to Scottie and her skates. And that Tillman's nipple rings were horseshoes. They're upside-down though. His luck's going to run out eventually.


I caught the line about how a woman “abides” as a reference to Big Lebowski. What were the others? Edit: forgot the hit man/kidnapper saying that’s he’s a nihilist.


That was the main one. Ole Munch believes in nothing. I thought there was also a callback to A Serious Man. I'm rewatching today and will post if I find it.


If I remember correctly, when the cop deleted the photo, he didn't know that they found her at the house back. He was later shocked to know that they found her.


Good catch on the horse shoes. Mary Elizabeth Winstead has a nicer butt than Jon Hamm.


Was bad hair cut contract killer just waiting at the filling station for the deputies to show up?


He must go to the same barber as Lorne malvo


Along with the guy from no country for old men


He asks for the Anton Chigurh.


Might have been following them


Went with them, under his truck....


*rubs hands vigorously" Hawley's at the wheel. Fargo is fucking back


Based on that season preview, shit gets wild.


And we're back, i was mad that Dot spared the hit man now i know theyre gonna team up at some point so im glad they did. Also as someone who loved seasons 1-3 but mostly hated season 4 this was a nice change of pace. I love all the movie callbacks in the first episode amd really loved John Hamms performance. I missed that dude. Also steve Harrington literally says i kick ass and take names then hits vape. I was dying


Why is there a sledgehammer in the vestibule and why is Scotty making a zombie killer? Dude might be my favorite supporting character.


Anyone else get major Mike vibes from breaking bad / better call Saul when Dorothy was building the traps with her daughter? Really reminded me of when Mike would build stuff like that with his granddaughter!


Jon Hamm casually stealing the episode with every scene. Loved his monologue in the hot tub about the difference between the law and right/wrong. It's one of those cases where the villain is saying something absolutely true, but in a way that's just an excuse for their own evil. Really excited to see him going forward!


The use of the cover of Hey Joe by Jimi Hendrix (sang by female artist Charlotte Gainsburg) to introduce Roy in episode one now feels almost prescient. God this season has so much sizzle already. I love it.


"Cater to his needs as a man with your mouth in order to sow harmony" is now my new favorite euphemism for a blowjob.


I'm actually so shocked that Roy is the ex-husband. That's a crazy twist they avoided wonderfully in all the trailers, even though they mentioned that her ex was coming for her, I just didn't think it would be Jon Hamm. DAMN I'm so excited for this show!


wow the Dot-Roy dynamic is sort of like the starting premise of Rose Madder by Stephen King. Wife escaping from abusive psychopathic powerful law enforcement husband(though in Rose Madder he's the best detective in the state or whatever), who eventually tracks her down and tries to make her new life a living hell.


I really did not expect Dot to go full on Kevin McCalister. That was a beautifully shot scene.


Lots of Far Cry 5 vibes with the Sheriff’s compound and cult.


Thankfully they went the Jon Hamm route instead of the Jared Leto route.


Jon Hamm’s pierced nips made me do a double take


Noticed two Lebowski references. 1. The Nihilist assassin “I believe in nothing”. 2. JJL’s lawyer- “you think she kidnapped herself?”


I thought the gas station couldn't get back to business so soon. It should be locked by the police. Because it was a gun shooting in just 48 hours.


Juno temple deserves all the praise that’s coming her way. What an incredible performance to start off the season. Outside of that, I’m wondering as to the husband’s involvement. He seems innocent, but given the events of the Fargo movie, I’m interested in seeing how this goes. That car dealership scene was quite nostalgic. No clue how Kerry’s character is going to come in. I’m quite excited.


>Outside of that, I’m wondering as to the husband’s involvement. He's definitely not working with his mother and the lawyer, because there were no outside witnesses for the slap scene.


I like how he says "yeah i've got those vin numbers right here" which is the exact opposite of the situation in the movie when they call Jerry for the vin numbers.


I wonder if the husband about to give the VIN #s before the lawyer arrived was a nod to the movie or will lead to something more sinister?


Of course it is, they mention a special deal on "true coat" right before that!


I'm seriously annoyed that Indira didn't just visit the municipal records website and look up Dot's mugshot online.


Not only that, but wouldn't it go to her trash? He'd have had to delete it twice? I know not all phones are the same so I could be wrong


I think she caught on that something was up with Gator but didn't want to push it. She's our smart cop this season.


I'm pretty sure Marge's maiden name from the film is Olmstead. How do you think Lars (Indira's golf husband) might be related to her?


I don’t know how I feel about seeing Donnie Drapes be a horrifying law man piece of shit asshole. But I also love it. My boy JH about to kill this roll