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Boy, that must’ve been quite a lawsuit. That took about 10 minutes.


She accused him of domestic terrorism and human trafficking. He needed to shut that down ASAP.


that discovery would’ve definitely aired out some heinous shit if it was settled so quickly


Yup. He did all that and then some. Didn’t want everyone finding out about everything else.


Yeah. She definitely didn’t unleash everything he did to her. He didn’t even do the routine denial and fliparoo on her. Wow. Wow. I truly believe he is worse.


He [did deny](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/17/arts/music/cassie-diddy-sean-combs-settlement.html). “He vehemently denies these offensive and outrageous allegations.” I hope the digging up of other things he’s done comes quickly and that Cassie finds peace; I’m sure he will still have his horrible stans despite this. And also, I’d love for the blowing up of Kid Cudi’s car thing to be investigated?


>And also, I’d love for the blowing up of Kid Cudi’s car thing to be investigated? Seems like kind of a big fucking deal that should be looked into, right? I know there have been rumors about Diddy having criminal involvement in all kinds of things (and deaths....) over the years and blowing up a perceived rival's car in his driveway does not make me think those rumors are exaggerated. Terrifying


If he felt the need to settle this quickly then there might be enough evidence for prosecutors to go after him


Really hoping so, but for prosecution to go forward Cassie would have to cooperate and that's at least as draining as a civil suit


I’m no expert but that’s what law and order svu has taught me


Same lol I know nothing about this topic!


22 people agree with your assessment! 🫣😂


People forget/too young to remember he was bff with Biggie…


Esp as Cudi also confirmed it was true! He seems like a decent dude too.


Did he? I missed that. Did he confirm it was known to be Diddy, or just that the car did blow up?


He confirmed it “was all true” to the NYT, sorry I can’t find out how to link the article!


Just copy the link and paste it in your comment




Whoops. I guess he did but I was expecting the media blitz type of discrediting just because of that’s how it goes now.


I definitely expected him to go full Depp DARVO on her, but he seems to be taking the opposite approach. ![gif](giphy|Rh4vxHtcmVyHUyugXP)


He’s counting on his fans to do it for him.


Interested to see how he moves forward after this and which of his peers would be part of the rehab.


He couldn’t because he don’t have those type of fans, but it is shocking how most people believed her.


Well she asked for $30mn or else she'd talk (although these things are horrific so I'm glad she did talk and i hope one day he gets charged). Isn't that kinda blackmail? He then gave her a "ten digit figure" that was likely still less but not enough and then she sued. Maybe she did get the $30mn?


No, this was not blackmail. She didn't "talk", she brought a *lawsuit*. She followed a legal course of action for the same remedies she initially sought privately.


Not just stans... Also every male identified person in Black communities. In my eyes, him folding so quickly means he did that. He also beat Kim Porter and she never got to speak about it. So now we know that he probably did worse things to her. Hopefully, Caresha can leave. Nothing good comes from being with a man with that past


Had the case went to trial, I would've been even more fearful for her & her family. It's bad enough she filed the suit but every single thing that would've came out & he would've destroyed her or harmed her more. I wish her & her family the absolute best & I hope she has the best security out there. I don't trust him, his people or his fans.


I definitely believe this was the best outcome for her and her family’s safety and really hope she’s protected.


I have no dog in this hunt but, logically, I think there is very good reason for her to look over her should for the rest of his life.


Why do I feel like he somehow silenced her...again...


Eh I don’t think he did. He’s known about this for months, and didn’t pay up when she initially asked for $30 million because he thought she wouldn’t go through with it. The mere act of filing the lawsuit with an extremely detailed 35 page document listing countless abuses gave her a lot of power. To be able to speak her truth publicly, and now have a lot of support. That will always be out there now and there’s no way for him to silence it. All of this in itself was a way for her to take back her power and show him that he doesn’t control her anymore. He can’t silence her in this manner if this is what she initially wanted—money to pay for lifelong damages that cannot be undone. And she deserves it! Everyone’s justice looks different, especially since this was a civil suit that was always going to result in money being paid and nothing more. And now she can rest and be at peace without having her trauma picked apart and aired further with a nasty trial. I’m extremely happy for her and I wish her nothing but a life of peace.


see, i feel this way as well, but while this may be a decent stain on his reputation we saw how r. kelly managed to move pretty freely around hollywood before he was arrested. and even now he’s got a solid group of fans. how much does a stain on his reputation does it matter when you’re that rich and that powerful? i feel like the fast paced nature of social media means that egregious situations like this, just don’t hold public attention. what does a reputation really mean for a man that wealthy? the faster it’s out of the public’s view, the quicker people forget. i’m happy she got money and i wish her peace unlike any other. but there’s a part of me that does wish, and hopes to see diddy get his day in court sometime soon. if this is what he was doing to Cassie, a beloved and well known singer, i can’t begin to picture what he was doing to the other women in his life.


I honestly don’t think the public’s opinion on him is going to fizzle out like that. I say this because of the way how convinced ppl were as soon as the news hit yesterday…because there have already been hella rumors out about him. There will absolutely be a good amount of people who try to defend him, but that was always going to be the case. I’m hoping at the very least this gives others courage to speak their truth in regards to his abuse. We may still see him in court one day


it will fizzle eventually. look how hard Chris Brown’s new album is being promoted. look how many artists work with him. look how many people still try to defend R Kelly. i didn’t know anything about Diddy prior to this coming out, good or bad, but every instance I’ve heard of him was praise from celebs or rich people who thought he was cool. Nothing negative, which is insane considering the stuff he’s done. Celebs get away with anything and everything if they want to. Cancel culture isn’t real, I’m not even convince anyone can get canceled. It seems like the only “canceling” that really happens is when people get blackballed for trying to come out about the truth.


I think it depends on how you define “fizzling.” Especially since I don’t think the opposite of news dying down is someone getting canceled. No one celeb ever will be. But I’m not claiming that I believe Diddy will be canceled. What I do believe is that this will be built as his reputation and it will follow him no matter what he does from now on. As much as Chris Brown has fans, it’s pretty hard to bring up his name nowadays in a lot of spaces without people mentioning him being a POS. I also don’t think they are comparable since the rise of social media and strict criticism from the public have changed since 2009. Either way, CB’s star power is slowing dwindling, ie him being uninvited to perform at one of the recent awards shows for a tribute. And R Kelly will always have listeners but his overall reputation is AWFUL. His supporters are the minority. It’ll be so rare to ever find a celebrity of media platform giving that man praise. The likelihood of hearing “I Believe I Can Fly” at school graduation is probably a small percentage point compared to what it used to be before he was locked up. Anyway, my point is that while cancellation is nearly impossible, someone’s career or at least their reputation being affected is still plausible. Not saying that it’s guaranteed diddy will crash and burn, but I bet you won’t see him with some of his past brand deals or something like MTV bringing back Making the Band. And the internet fasho not gonna let him forget Also, I’ve seen a lot of lawyers mention how much this lawsuit can usher in other legal issues for him with other victims who now see that a settlement is possible. I don’t think this is the end of his reckoning


I guess I just only see this perspective online really. In the real world, it seems like the vast majority of people really don’t care about the personal life and views of the music artist they support. Most people don’t even seem to know anything about these people. Diddy already settled this case so it’ll likely be unheard of for most people. Regardless, I hear a lot of “separate the artist from the art” rhetoric. Maybe it’s because I live somewhere that the majority of the population are Trump supporters, and people here are just more likely to not care about extremely immoral actions. But for example with Chris Brown, too many people Ive known just continuously listen to his music without caring at all. And that’s all these men need to keep a career, keep making money, and keep enabling their abuse.


I mean, i can definitely understand your jadedness. But I guess my question is that if the lack of cancellation is the result of all abusers in the industry, then what does it matter if the lawsuit didn’t go to court? Especially if the victim walks away more at peace? At the very least if the abuser ain’t gonna get the deserved damnation, the victim should be in the best place possible (which I think is this for Cassie)


Wholeheartedly agree with you here. Given that this was a civil trial, I’m glad she was able to settle quickly and not have to put her trauma on display. Frankly, after reading it I would’ve been worried for her safety if she had to go to court. Filing was an incredibly brave act on its own.


Yup. I think people should focus on her finding her courage and strength through all of this rather than harping on how the result isn’t what they wanted. The victim’s desires and well being should be of the most concern


I’m sure an NDA came with it


I don’t think it really matters. The detailed truth of what he did to her is already out there now.


Of course. But he probably barred her from talking about it publicly


NDAs are null if something illegal happened.


Yes but there are terms to settlements. I’m sure this came with some.


Right. But if the term is you can't talk about how I illegally hired sex workers and had them rape you, then that's null. I'm sure it was more off the books, like... "take the money, and if you talk about this I'll kill you and everyone you love."


I really hope the media continues to go after Combs and investigates the other horrific shit he's undoubtedly done, while giving Cassie and her family privacy. I hope she settled this because there was an agreement offered that she found acceptable, and not due to fear of her or her family being harmed. I absolutely don't blame Cassie for settling this case, the incredible emotional toll any part of this would have taken on her is enormous- especially when you factor in that this man literally blew up someone's car. I haven't seen the kind of backlash towards her that other survivors tend to get, likely due to how deeply awful the court filing was, but I'm going to choose to hope that it's because the tide is finally turning towards supporting victims of domestic violence and sexual assault


Yes! I do hope her lawsuit is treated as opening a can of worms. I truly don’t blame her for not fighting but I’m glad she had the bravery to file it.


Totally agree. On one hand I feel bad hoping for it to continue because Cassie deserves to recover privately and peacefully, but I'm hoping it can continue without her being brought too far into it. People seemed to be genuinely shocked (understandably) by the filing even if they always thought Combs was shady, so I have some faith that this won't be swept under the rug


Someone is already 1/4 of the way with a documentary somewhere I am sure… hopefully that’ll blow it up more!


As much an admission of guilt as anything; nobody settles quickly if they don’t have something (or somethings) to hide. Wishing all the best for Cassie and her family; hoping she feels solace, justice and vindication.


I would feel so unsafe if I was her. This dude is murderous. The thing keeping her safe is probably the fact that everyone would now know it was him. I hope that's enough for him to leave her & her loved ones the fuck alone.




Also a tidbit a lot of people are dismissing is The InterContinental Century City (?). She claims that he paid $50,000 for the footage + staff saw her when that happened. What does that say about potential crimes committed by the affluent at InterContinental hotels? He had to go to some kind of higher up to do that, no?


That was one of the items that left me shook. How many other times have the rich and famous paid off hotels for recording of their wrongdoings?!? 😱




Oh the evidence box was overflowing, I just know it.


The most important thing in this whole situation is that the outcome is something Cassie can live with & be at peace with. It’s the least of what she deserves. & I hope the reported criminal investigation into that depraved man bears fruit 🤞🏽.


Finally a comment that shares the same sentiment. All that matters is that Cassie believes that this is the right approach of justice to her. That’s what we should want that her peace and safety comes first. This was a civil lawsuit. For Diddy to be brought down, the onus lies on our institutions to do just that. I thank Cassie for taking a public step to expose him, now the work lies with the institutions to conduct a criminal investigation


I wanted to see his reputation further crumble with an actual trial but I completely understand why she chose to settle. I don’t think he planned on making this easy for her if she chose not to. I hope some other victims come forward and there’s a criminal investigation. Jaguar Wright said he was a sex trafficker years ago.


>The parties announced on Friday evening that they had reached an agreement to resolve the case, though they disclosed no details about the terms of the settlement. >”I have decided to resolve this matter amicably on terms that I have some level of control,” Cassie, whose full name is Casandra Ventura, said in a statement. “I want to thank my family, fans and lawyers for their unwavering support.” >In a statement, Mr. Combs said: “We have decided to resolve this matter amicably. I wish Cassie and her family all the best. Love.” [Here is a link](https://web.archive.org/web/20231118035406/https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/17/arts/music/cassie-diddy-sean-combs-settlement.html) to a paywall free version of the full article.


On a Friday ***EVENING***. You know what Molly PR would say about that. https://i.redd.it/4tiz0tycn21c1.gif


Friday news dump. classic PR move lol


This is a great result, she doesn't have to relive it in court for the rest of the world. Hope there's no coming back for this for Diddy. Calling himself love these days. Absolutely disgusting excuse for a human.


I'm glad she was able to settle it quickly so she didn't have to deal with a protracted reliving of her trauma in court and the public eye. What he did to her was absolutely horrifying.


he initially offered her $10m and she asked for $30m. he couldn't just pay her her initial ask? after all that came out, $30m is not nearly enough. i'm glad she got paid and i hope she can move on and continue to heal peacefully. i hope diddy gets what he deserves whenever that time comes.


Just to clarify, those are actually two competing claims. Diddy says she was extorting him by threatening to write a tell-all book unless he paid her $30m. Cassie’s lawyer denied this, countering that it was actually Diddy who offered her an eight figure sum (so at least $10m, possibly more) to shut her up, but Cassie turned it down. I’m sure NDAs were included in this settlement, so we’ll likely never know who was telling the truth and who was lying.\* \*(It was Diddy. Diddy was lying.)


thanks for the clarification!*   *he needs to be in prison.


I hope that she didn't have to sign an NDA. What he did was illegal and NDAs aren't supposed to cover illegal things. So hopefully her lawyers advised against that. But yes, (Diddy is lying. And he is absolutely a monster)


Yea it means she had plenty of proof that he wanted to bury


I hope Cassie and her family stay safe. I have heard this man is vengeful.


Honestly, I feel like this could turn out to be one of the best moves for her to have made for her and her family’s protection. Diddy knows that all eyes are on him if anything happens now


This is an excellent take. I think this is the surface, and others may come forward. It’s scary that kid cudi’s car actually blew up. And now the claim of his involvement with Tupac isn’t all that unfounded.


Now I believe the rumour that he killed Kim Porter. Apparently she was writing a memoir. But that memoir thing could be a lie from Diddy's camp


Yup I’m sharing that belief with you. Something fishy went on, especially with the ordering of the casket…


My jaw Damn near hit the floor I hope all of Cassie’s terms were met and as for him, this is only the beginning.


this is disappointing, not only because that means he won’t face any consequences with what he did to her. i’m also disappointed that this man keeps using his money, influence, and power to get away with hurting not only emotionally but physically several people. so many allegations however they always get buried and disappear with the speed of light. there’s something seriously grim about this man.


Absolutely no offense, but I don’t think those of you with this type of response really understand the purpose of the pending trial? It was always a civil lawsuit not criminal trial, meaning he was never going to serve time and the only result was always going to be money. He was being sued, not charged. Cassie got what she was always asking for (and deserves) and now she can continue with her life without a nasty trial picking apart her trauma further.


Yes to this, twitter is going crazy not understanding that it was always a civil case and not criminal.


that’s because a lot of people want to see diddy go down similar to r kelly and i can’t blame them.


As much as I understand this desire, the public needs to take a step back from vengeance and think about the victim involved. If she wanted to settle, people should leave it at that and not desire for her to go through a nasty trial, especially after what we saw happen to Meg and Amber.


100%, people already have started dragging cassie and calling her money hungry.


no, i do understand that she got what she wanted and i was gonna include that in my comment but i cut it out. what i meant with my comment was i’m disappointed that all of this was brung to light however he’ll never ever face *true consequences* for what he did to her or to other people, he just uses his money to get away with it and it stays buried. he immediately settled the lawsuit because he knew *other stuff would come out.* he uses his power, money, and influence to ensure his skeletons remain in his closet. and none taken, i should have been more specific.


Eh like people are saying it was a civil suit and personally I will never be disappointed in a victim choosing the option that is best for them. It isn't her responsibility to be a hero and endure even more suffering, threats of violence, and fear reliving her experiences on a large scale publicly against a very powerful, rich, and criminally connected man, while all the hiphop misogynistists and gross victim blaming men of the world tear apart every aspect of her experiences to call her a liar and golddigger, just on the off chance it could possibly lead to bigger legal investigations. It took a lot to even file this I'm sure and I hope Cassie is happy with the outcome and it can give her some semblance of peace.


[i made a reply clarifying what i meant.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/rb9jEirSFS) but i do agree on the, she’s not supposed to be a hero when she’s a victim


That was fast. However, I hope this could start a snow ball effect about his other crimes and abuses.


Here is the lawsuit document. **Trigger warning**: [https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/diddy-cassie.pdf](https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/diddy-cassie.pdf)


that was fast. I hope she finds peace and I hope he never does.


I lift up and commend Cassie for filing this suit and speaking her truth publicly. His reckoning is long overdue. It's also true that I'm disappointed. I wanted this to go to court. I want him to burn in hell for everything he's done, and we all know he's guilty. That being said, hopefully the NYT coverage and Cassie vocalizing her truth will inspire others who have been harmed by him to also speak out.


There was a blind a bit back that had a clue that mentioned someone getting the‘Russell treatment’ or something—basically some really bad stories were going to be coming out. Another clue involved them having a clothing line. People were making guesses based on the Russell being Brand but I thought it could be Simmons. And be Diddy.


Looking at these comments, I think that some people get so preoccupied with justice that they ignore the person/people on the other end of it. I understand the public desire for Diddy to be fully aired out (and eventually punished) but I think it’s vital to internalize that victims don’t owe us anything. The onus isn’t on them to right a wrong someone else committed. On that note, I hope she’s obtained some level of peace and vindication. This man stood on a public stage and shouted her out last year probably feeling smug because he thought she’d remain silent (which would have been valid if she chose to do so). Coming forward can be absolutely traumatizing, even against a private figure, so if exposing him and settling is what she desired then I completely support her.


And beyond that, she did THE HARDEST part. She was the first person to accuse him publicly on this scale (and based on her descriptions, it's obvious that there is probably a small army of victims who endured absolute horror at his hands), she revealed the specifics of her unfathomable trauma (which his fans/Tater tot misogynists will use to harass her, and which undoubtedly embarrassed the fuck out of her even though she has zero to be ashamed of), and she let his other victims know that they weren't alone and that they don't just have to hide and be afraid. Plus, after what we've seen in the past few years, demonstrating that you can stand up against a powerful man and WIN rather than becoming the next Amber Heard ritual sacrifice on the altar of a rich entertainer is probably far more encouraging to potential victims of any intimidating abuser than dragging it out in court and letting him eviscerate her publicly would have been.


Very well said. I wish this comment could be pinned, particularly the part about her probably feeling embarrassed. Similar to people wanting to see explicit proof of Amber’s sexual assault, there’s undoubtedly incels/redpillers salivating over there being evidence of Cassie’s somewhere out there and I’m sure she’s aware of that. If being assaulted/trafficked wasn’t enough, she now has to deal with scumbags sexualizing her abuse and discovering/revisiting shit her abuser most likely leaked. What she’s done has taken tremendous fortitude - which I’m sure has also dredged up some hard feelings - so I hate seeing people diminish that just because they didn’t get what they wanted out of this (yet, anyways).


He just paid a healthy sum to hide the truth, and I can't blame her for taking the money but God damn so do I wish she'd taken it all public. When I saw the news alert, I raaaaan here


U can read the lawsuit documents online anywhere, but tis 35 pages. Pretty damning stuff!


I'd be scared to go to trial with a man as powerful as him so I totally understand why she settled. I really hope she can finally heal from this. And I hope Diddy ends up paying for what he did somehow.


Settled?!? That was quick. He’s scared. Now his angle is going to be “I settled but I didn’t do it”.


His lawyer tried to that line. You do not settle that quick for seething you didn’t do, esp with the claims she made. You sue for defamation.


damn he must be guilty as hell


millions and millions and millions and millions and millions \+ a MASSIVE NDA


I am glad Cassie exposed him.


The amount of men blaming her for "giving up on putting a monster in prison" as if this wasn't just a civil suit, she literally couldn't. Men either accuse these women of lying, or accused them of being greedy, selfish, cowardly.


And the court cases are very traumatising


can someone explain to me why this isnt a criminal suit? im confused as he committed so many crimes


civilians can only bring civil suits against one another. for a criminal case to happen, the state or the federal government will have to bring a case against him. she can encourage this by working with the cops and giving them the evidence, but it'll ultimately be up to the state or federal government whether or not he'll be criminally charged. and they have no obligation to charge him immediately or at all


Ah folks did you see that Diddy's lawyer is saying that settling is not an admission of guilt. I hate that this is the world we live in. I believe Cassie. I believe no one deserves this. Diddy shouldn't be able to hold onto power. And we should know about all the dark stuff he has done


Most people don’t believe the party line. Lol.




He didn’t silence her by settling. This is what she wanted and why she filed a civil lawsuit


At least this might open up the flood gates for a lot more to come out about this prick and he'll go away! I'm sure they have NDA's, but hopefully there's a loophole and all the people from making the band, Danity Kane and Day 26 start coming forward with the horror stories we know they have!


Well this is disappointing. There was massive evidence against him and once other female celebrities starting stepping in to say something I knew there are way more shoes waiting to drop on this nasty man.




That’s uhh… hmm.