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Ummm Caitlyn Jenner hitting and killing someone w her car




The Irish never forget


Ayo Edebiri remembers everything


And Laura Bush




And the singer Brandy. Apparently when you are rich vehicular manslaughter doesn’t apply.


It was highly publicized in Brandy's case She connected with the family, made amends, and was not intoxicated or driving recklessly at the time at all What happened to Brandy was a highway intersection accident that could've happened to anyone She's deeply affected by it and cares very much about how tragic and horrible it is and has never acted nonchalant about it herself, nor has the surviving family described her in such a way recognizing she cares Making poor decisions and being irresponsible is different than being a young driver messing up during a merge even though you're paying attention Both drivers tried going the same way at once Nothing like the other examples at all


I'm glad you had the knowledge to debunk people just blindly adding her to this list.


Buckle up, buckaroos!


I was literally about to say this lmao ![gif](giphy|ItM3AhhM0rj57w1JxF)


And Rebecca gayheart


and Mr Moseby




Don’t forget that he would have stopped 9/11 from happening if only he were on the plane.


Oh how different the world could have been if marky mark’s 5’8 ass single handedly fought off 19 men with weapons 500 feet up in the air🥲 /s


Imagine being horrified, knowing you're about to die, and the last thing you see is Marky Mark bringing back his Funky Bunch moves.


Besides all the obvious things wrong with his comment, what that complete dumbass doesn’t seem to know or grasp is that the passengers didn’t fight back on the first hijacked planes because most past hijackings weren’t suicide missions and they legitimately believed the terrorists when they said they were going to land the plane and in that scenario, attacking them made no sense.


Oh yeah, and [how he served time for attempted murder after brutally attacking two Vietnamese men in a blatant hate crime](https://www.giantfreakinrobot.com/cltr/mark-wahlberg-murder-charges.html)


that’s what the first part of their comment was talking about


Let's be fair here, he ALSO had multiple hate crimes against Black people, so maybe they were talking about those, too


And, just to clarify, Mark Wahlberg was CHARGED for these hate crimes. One was where he harassed a bunch of black children and threw stones at them, and another was when he beat two Vietnamese men. And, yes, he used violent slurs on both accounts.


and one of those men had severe eye damage, so maybe literal eye for an eye?? ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


The man he attacked was already blind in one eye (from Vietnam ) - Mark said he apologized to the man after he got famous but they interviewed him in 2013 IIRC and he said he’d never heard from Mark. He only knew who he was because he saw the man who violently attacked him was a famous actor now.


The fact that a racist like Mark Wahlberg can still have a platform is part of what makes this country so fucked up. 


But don’t worry.. All is fine now because he found Jesus /s https://preview.redd.it/dmjnl0lqwopc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87397c9ec165d5d9d6d0770357875526ff42638b


That goddamn Ash Wednesday interview where he talks about how hard it is to be a Christian is one of the most tone deaf things I've ever seen


I hate the movie Fear. My mom watched it when I was a child and I got the sense his acting was not really acting. Still convinced I wasn’t wrong.


I feel like Lizzo abusing her staff just disappeared overnight. 


Yeah but she also did, so that’s good at least.


Yeah I haven’t heard anything about her since


She presented at the Grammys. I remember being kinda surprised about it bc the lawsuit is presumably ongoing. Other than that I haven’t seen anything about her.


Idk I feel like this is a calculated move on her part to sort of reset her PR. I highly doubt she’s gone for good and it’ll be really telling how much that story actually stuck when she tries to comeback and see how people react


The allegations made the opening scene in Barbie age poorly about a week after it came out


And the song at the end with Nicki Minaj 🤢


So, I used to work at a nail salon in Santa Monica. A client happened to be the representative for a sports shoe brand, I don't recall which one, damn you brain, but it was a big brand. He told me they had a campaign with Lizzo ready to go that they had to pretty much scratch off because of what she did. So, it did hit her pockets if that helps any!


It did. I’m not buying into her being cancelled yet until she tries release more music and see how that goes. Sadly I think she’ll do just fine if she releases a “bop”


I mean I think that got her cancelled


40-year-old Jenny McCarthy assaulting 18-year-old Justin Beiber on stage and live television https://preview.redd.it/3sggr8w8mopc1.jpeg?width=1064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae353c20f2559b0d2f011724aecc38492ee7c0a7 She later said: >”I couldn’t help it, he was just so delicious, so little, and just, ahhhk, I wanted to tear his head off and eat it," and that she "kind of molested him." She added, “I want some Bieber fever — and I want a Bieber rash. It’d be like cougar rape.” Edit: additional sexual harassment Justin Bieber endured as a literal child • ⁠A radio host giving him a 'sex talk' live on air when he was 15 years old • ⁠Another radio show host asking him if he likes French women because they have 'big boobs.' Again when he was 15 • ⁠Yet another radio host telling him to 'wear condoms' and repeatedly telling him he has 'beautiful' and 'great' lips. Again 15 • ⁠At the 2011 BRIT awards being hit on (?) by scumbag James Cordon. He kept telling him he smelled good for a 16 year old (?) and kept commenting on his eyes • ⁠Katy Perry caught on camera grabbing his butt in 2012 when they met backstage in London • ⁠Ellen showing the nude photos that were taken of him by paparazzi in the middle of an interview for her show (2015) • ⁠L.A. Reid calling him "beautiful, like a woman" when he was 14 years old It’s a miracle he turned out half decent


She needs to keep her unvaccinated thoughts and hands to herself.


I can’t help but wonder how different things would be if she had never opened her stupid mouth and set off that idiotic chain of events known as being anti vax. I know she didn’t start it, but she sure was loud enough that even the dumbest mother fuckers heard her. And now look where we are.


i feel like we generally don't talk enough about how mistreated justin was in his early years


The way a lot of adults treated him was insane. And not just along the lines of this Jenny McCarthy stuff, but Bieber was basically public enemy #1 to a lot of grown men on 9gag.


Seriously. I was a junior or senior in college when he got big and my friends were creeping me the hell out talking about him. Like you know that’s a literal child?? Stop saying Bieberfever!! And they made me feel like a prude for being grossed out.


It's coming. I feel like with the diddy investigations and how much conversation the nick documentaries generated a moment for Justin's childhood problems is coming


Justin is a mess but I have a soft spot for him because I feel like so many people failed him. So many adults were just completely inappropriate with him in the full ass view of the public and people made it his fault. I remember when Ellen showed his (paparazzi taken, non consensual) nudes on national television. He looked humiliated and people just laughed at him.


Didn’t his dad just pop back into his life once he got rich and famous? What an asshole.


Yeah his dad apparently wasn’t ready to be a dad (a luxury never afforded to moms) and dipped but was in irregular contact. His mom raised him as a single mom.


I’ve heard his dad is awful. he’s from my hometown and once when I went back to visit my family and my husband and I were at the gym at the same time that his dad was there. in the change room, his dad was very loudly saying to anybody that would listen that he was Justin Bieber‘s dad.


Oh. This is horrifying.


Oh for gods sake!!!! Directly responsible for the death of millions of kids via vaccine scaremongering, and a child molester. What a peach.


Meanwhile I lose sleep over times that I said something that could have possibly been misunderstood as rude and I feel terrible about it


Damn! I regretted reading this. This is so fucked up :(


https://preview.redd.it/vaeaxahyoopc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a6087cf41a990f95a8c3d985855a97506de5441 I just found out about this 2 days ago and can’t stop thinking about it!


“Gave it to my mom” just shows that that’s how it is in Hollywood. He probably figured Yolanda would totally hand one of her daughters off to a Jonas brother! Joe is awful. Puke.


“Here is a Jonas and here is an almond, Gigi. You may have one of each.” (Also, gross. She was a CHILD.)


THANK YOU. I have known this for 10 years and nobody else has ever cared. It's why the age gap between him and Sophie was very suspicious to me but apparently to nobody else.




Lindsay Lohan attempting to kidnap refugee children of the streets.


I feel so bad cause the video is actually so outrageous it kinda makes me laugh. The random accent she put on was SICK 😭


Yo that video is WILD.


Unhinged asf 🥲


And also getting saMACKED for it by the child’s mother


A very deserved smack


That video was so wild. She never apologized either, I feel horrible for that family because that would be traumatizing. Her fake accent was weird as fuck too.


I watched this live stream in a little alcove/bench area in the Mid-Wilshire Equinox. I missed my spin class for this!! I looked absolutely insane—AND YOURE THE FIRST IVE KNOWN TO ALSO HAVE SEEN IT!!! My friends still think i’m making it up.


I watched it live as well!! I was like why isn’t this global news right now, come on CNN!


That clip of her trying to speak Arabic to them is burned into my mind


Jack Nicholson beating a sex worker so badly she had brain damage.


I had never heard of this so I looked it up. He also ruptured someone’s breast implants during an assault. The shit men get away with.


Great casting for the Shining. He didn't need to be in a horror story to act like Jack torrance


Blimey this is a new one to me, fucking heinous.


A bit more minor than some, but it sticks in my mind because I'm a bookworm, but how Jason Mamoa would rip the pages out of the books Amber Heard was reading on the set of Aquaman.


I will always regret how we let the Twitter bot army win the US case and demolish that woman. She wasn’t perfect, but she WAS abused by Depp, and she sure didn’t deserve to get abused by the world afterward.


I swear anytime Depp and Heard get brought up the side that is being massively upvoted has swapped.


I think about this every time I see him tbh. It’s just such bizarrely shitty behavior.


My teen and friends won’t watch any of his movies and says he is creepy. You lost gen z, Depp. All done.


Tw: mention of sexual abuse Didn't jason mamoa also talk about how much fun r*ping Emilia Clarke was in GoT?


“But as far as sci-fi and fantasy, I love that genre because there are so many things you can do, like rip someone’s tongue out of their throat and get away with it and r*pe beautiful women,” he said. Fellow cast members, including Lena Headey, looked embarrassed while the crowd laughed. In 2011, Momoa spoke further on the subject of r*pe in an interview with the New York Post. “Yeah, I’m r*ping Emillia [Clarke]” he said. “I love her, but I’m hurting her and she’s crying. We could have made it longer, but you get the idea. I’m not a r*pist. I prefer my women to enjoy sex.”


What the fuck??


Yet another fine ass man off my list. I'm glad I'm queer cuz if i was only attracted to men I'd be down *bad* with these celebrities.


Wtf??? I’ve never heard that Jesus that’s sick and isn’t her character supposed to be a young teen?


If I remember correctly, her character was 13, which makes it even more vomit inducing


Hearing that couple of years ago really gave me the ick when it comes to Mamoa. That's not even childish behaviour, it's absolutely malicious


Every story I’ve heard about him makes him sound like a complete dick


It’s so messed up. I remember obnoxious kids like that in high school, it’s just annoying. Nothing funny about it


I loved him on GoT and in Dune and I thought he was so cool... but now hearing this I'm just so sad. That's really fucked up behavior.


Oh and Seinfeld “dating” a 17-year-old, he was 38 then.


Jeff Goldblum dated the actress who played Rousseau's daughter in LOST


For clarification- she was 21 at the time from what I can find online. Not saying it isn't creepy, but there is a big difference between 17 and 21.


Brad Pitt beating his kids


https://preview.redd.it/6gjqlzep7ppc1.jpeg?width=426&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bcbd49d69e075008a03ac53bdb81de94873ed0e Pax's IG post says it all


https://preview.redd.it/9hr11bxkeppc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=032719530d0e51355871819c2fb5f7359df159ce Compare that to his mother's day post


You can tell who the actual parent was in his case. Crazy how the media was trying to make Angie look like some crazy harpy around the time of their divorce.


"The children rushed in, and all bravely tried to protect each other. Before it was over, Pitt choked one of the children and struck another in the face. Some of the children pleaded with Pitt to stop." This is just one of the things media was reporting back then,some people who read this still had the audacity to blame her and say she alienated his kids from him. Heck, the dude didn't even know that Zahara got into Spelman College when he was asked about it on live interview.


They frequently trash the women.


People just don't give a shit


People, in general, are very, very stupid.


They want to say that Angelina is "keeping him away" from the kids who are terrified of him.


It really was swept under the rug because I didn't hear anything about it until around the time one of his kids called him out on father's day. And up to now it continues to be ignored.


Kobe Bryant’s sexual assault allegations. Edit: I say allegations only because he wasn’t convicted, but users below have pointed out that he admitted to it.


You mean Kobe Bryant being a rapist


Yeah exactly, he basically admitted to it. The man is remembered as a hero when some of us remember him for this.


And bought his wife some outrageous ring to “smooth things over” in their marriage…


Chrissy Teigan bullying Courtney Stodden on twitter. Also, the fact that everyone made fun of Courtney, a literal child, for being abused. I am their age and I remember at the time feeling like this situation was so wrong and I didn’t understand why nobody stopped it happening. I STILL feel that way about it. And fuck Chrissy Teigan. Edit: corrected pronoun.


i really enjoyed when everyone ran chrissy off of twitter for a while


Imo Chrissy has no redeemable qualities. Cannot stand her.


It doesn’t seem like Teigan fully recovered from that either. She’s not nearly as omnipresent as she was a few years ago


I didn’t realize I still follow her on IG. A post came up recently where she was complaining or lamenting in the caption about how the algorithms don’t get her posts reach anymore. I giggled like “no shit you garbage human” and then unfollowed.


Not sure how swept under the rug it is but Michael Fassbender being a [domestic abuser](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/michael-fassbender-abuse-allegations-sunawin-leasi-andrews-1201927946/)


The details of what he did to her are really disturbing. And since he already plays very disturbing characters, I just can't look at him without getting the creeps. He used to be one of my favorite actors, too. I hope his career NEVER recovers.


I can't watch anything he's in because of this.


[Jack Nicholson horrifically beating a SW](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/nicholson-sued-in-sex-case/)


What?!?! I never heard this one


He has a long history of being abusive towards women and Roman Polanski also raped a 13 year old child at his house. He is a horrible, horrible person.


If i recall correctly, Anjelica Huston (Jack’s live in partner at the time) was a witness to the Polanski assault and gave an awful statement to the police blaming the child victim for what Polanski did to her.


this is a huge one that people really don’t talk about. i fucking hate this man.


Paul Walker’s string of [underage girlfriends](https://goat.com.au/pop-culture/paul-walkers-history-of-dating-teenage-girls-should-never-be-forgotten/?amp)


That seems to have come to a sudden stop.


Anthony Kiedis' stat rape relationship in his autobiog


100% this. Dude bragged about knowingly sleeping with a 14 year old when he was in his 20s.


Jon Hamm hazing a fellow student almost to death.


When I bring this up, men rush to his defense. It’s so gross.


I recently listened to a podcast about sororities/frats and some of the insane bullshit that goes on in them. One season specifically focuses on hazing in fraternities, and they talk about this one story in particular where a pledge was dying from a head injury, and the brothers were all just like ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ “leave him there and don’t talk about it.”


Sean Penn horrifically abusing Madonna when they were married in the 80s. Hitting her with a baseball bat. Tying her to a chair and sexually assaulting her.  Here’s a summary of him being a pos waste of oxygen. The article was prompted by a racist joke he said back in 2015. now this guy is painting himself as a champion of freedom, supporting Ukraine etc. He shouldn’t have had a career.  https://www.thedailybeast.com/sean-penns-horrifying-history-of-alleged-abuse


I can't believe how easily people accept it was all made up, as if abused people never lie to protect their abusers.


That Mark Wahlberg was charged with attempted murder for assaulting two Vietnamese men.


i still think about this tweet after he presented (why) an award to the cast of EEAAO during sag last year. https://preview.redd.it/tj0lsgwutopc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=004b7cd0464a20934ab22d0a85c9e7350abf7ef2


The cherry on top of this is that when he sought a pardon for it a few decades later, he didn’t say, “I’m sorry, I have a lot of respect for our Vietnamese and black communities, I wish I’d never done it.” He said, “but look at all the other great stuff I’ve done!” My guy…that doesn’t make you look repentant for your *hate crime.*


Only so wahlburgers can get liquor licenses. He is an owner and you can't get a liquor license in MA with a record like that.


Ezra Miller being...... Ezra Miller


Chris Brown beating the shit out of Rihanna. Fuck that guy.


That fact he has a career after all that is fucking insane. His crazy ass fans “couldn’t wait” for him to get out of jail. It’s sickening.


Wasn't it Justin timberlake who ripped Janet Jackson's shirt off during the superbowl one year and nothing ever happened to him?


Yep. Janet 100% took the bullet on that one. He threw her under the bus and walked away unscathed, had a hit album and tour less than 2 years later while her career nosedived.


Bill Wyman dating (grooming) a 13 year old when he was 47. I feel like he should be in jail. 


And her mother marrying her ex's son. What a mindmelt.


This was truly one of the wildest paragraphs I've read on wiki https://preview.redd.it/8nulxlaquopc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e366a24f1d9aee07ca542d97f246850519e283bc




From Wyman’s Wikipedia page: “Consequently, the ex-Rolling Stone became his own son's ex-son-in-law, the father-in-law of his ex-mother-in-law, as well as the stepgrandfather of his ex-wife.” My brain refuses to parse that.


There is a recent one about Zayn Malik https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/s/b8uPKOykpr about him being a perv and an ass. But there seems to be no repercussions at all, it hasn't blown up, no one is talking about it anymore even though there are lots of receipts.


I feel like him shoving Yolanda was also shrugged off.


he referred to his own daughter as the sperm that came out of his f’ing cock and is a serial cheater but still has his stans going crazy for him 🥴 not to mention when he randomly called some guy the f slur.. like pretty privilege is real and thriving


Pretty much everything to do with men in the “classic rock” category. David Bowie having sex with underage girls and being accused of rape, same with the guys in Led Zeppelin.


Ted Nugent and Steven Tyler both had inappropriate relationships with underage girls, then petitioned to become their legal guardians until the girls turned 18 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


The Bobby Lee one is so upsetting because I keep seeing him pop up in movies and on TV. Why isn't he cancelled? He raped a child and thinks it's funny that she cried throughout it. His ex-wife is despicable too.


Who is his ex-wife? Bobby Lee is disgusting “I was walking down 'hooker alley' and there was a girl … there was a girl that seemed scared. That's the one I wanted." “she's crying, snot bubbles, the whole thing." Lee went on to describe speeding up the process to "get it over with."


Asthon Kutcherand the hollywood ripper


THIS ONE. His story makes absolutely no fucking sense. I don’t buy it. I’m not saying he killed her or anything. But I don’t believe that he didn’t know anything was wrong when his gf failed to answer the door for a planned date he was picking her up for, and then he opened the door and called for her and didn’t hear anything, but he saw a bunch of blood all over the floor and just assumed it was wine, and then he was like “oh well I guess nothing is wrong” and left. That is so ridiculous. First of all, wine doesn’t look like blood. Secondly, even if it was wine, doesn’t that still raise a red flag? If someone who is expecting me to come over is randomly missing when I arrive at their place, AND there’s anything out of place like knocked over furniture or a broken glass or something like that (or “spilled wine” all over the floor), there’s no way I’d just assume everything is fine and go on my merry way. I’d be freaking out and looking into what happened, calling for a wellness check. Just… wtf.


I think he let himself in and saw her dead, or through the window, and just NOPED out of there, instead of calling the cops.


Ezra Koenig from Vampire Weekend's sexual misconduct allegations. For those who aren't aware of them, Tavi Gevinson wrote multiple pieces about their relationship when she was 18 and he was 30. She never named him but fans were able to [connect the dots](https://www.tumblr.com/blakesnewface/652056571616133120/ek) and figure out it was him. They were spotted in public in late 2014 and early 2015 when the relationship happened. In 2021, she wrote in an [article](https://www.thecut.com/2021/02/tavi-gevinson-britney-spears-was-never-in-control.html) in The Cut and said that her abuser r\*ped her and took advantage of her when she was too drunk to consent. Here are other pieces that she wrote about the relationship: [The Infinity Diaries](https://www.rookiemag.com/tag/the-infinity-diaries/) (she details the relationship and hints at some of his disturbing behaviors) [Enormous Eye](https://enormouseye.com/2015/05/23/may-22-2015-part-i/) (she mentions an elderly male dumping her on her 19th birthday) [The New Yorker](https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/what-tar-knows-about-the-artist-as-abuser) (she mentions trying to seek settlement from her abuser) Lastly, I'll leave you with this photo of a 30-year-old hanging out with a group of teenagers. https://preview.redd.it/p3ap6uh7topc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7799f987aeea178696a9c77cf956f0b9337534cf


Isn’t he married to Rashida Jones?


He is and they may have gotten married after Tavi's The Cut article came out.


John Stamos laughing about making a woman think she was having sex with him when it was actually his friend.


Michael Jackson's inclination to sleep in the same bed as little boys... Watching that through a modern lens is wild. That adults at that time let him get away with it is in it's self a crime.


It’s wild people adamantly deny the PROOF of him clearly being a pedophile. How can multiple kids who spent the night in his room with the freak alone, with no supervision, draw his vilitigo markings on his penis from memory??? Literally makes me want to vomit when someone comes to that pedo’s defense. His music is shit in my head, can’t stand it.


The mental gymnastics people do to convince themselves that MJ could not possibly guilty is astounding. I understand “benefit of the doubt” and not rushing to cancel people over vague rumors but this is not the case; there is **so much** credible evidence against him that it’s legit inexcusable at this point. It’s like they don’t even want to to think that *maybe* it’s possible.


It’s also a documented fact that Michael had a system that alerted him in his bedroom when anyone was coming down the hall. Who needs that? No one but a child rapist surrounds himself constantly with pre-pubescent boys and drops them once they hit 14.




[Adrian Brody forcibly kissing Halle Barry](https://youtu.be/B4kzceTpmAY?si=DbSik8x8XdOuA4e2) I don’t know what it is about winning an acting award that makes them think they have free reign to assault people ETA: this is posted on the Oscar’s YouTube channel btw


Lena Dunham talking about touching her sisters private parts in her book


Also Lena Dunham’s horrifying, racist essay about visiting Japan. And her statement about wishing she had the experience of having an abortion. And her callousness towards animals. She’s just an all around terrible person and yet somehow sustains a career.


I know it was talked about at the time but I’ll never get over Lindsay Lohan trying to kidnap those kids.


Luc Besson marrying his first wife at 15, making Leon about their love story, then being accused of misconduct by several victims a few years ago, and still having a career. He’s a predator, it’s so gross.


Rihanna's Savage X Fenty having worse ethical practices than Shein. Drew Barrymore being a scab.


istg i seen no one talk about but the fact May December never even contacted Vili Fualaau despite it being so clearly based off him. it's so fucking ironic when Natalie Portman's character is meant to be a critique of the industry... like mate where's the self awareness? it really soured the film for me cause how do you lift fucking real life dialogue ("who's the boss") without even contacting him? that pissed me right off also yungblud bringing abusive pos tommy lee on his show, getting backlash for it and then going live and bitching and being like "fook what they did in the past" and then saying "our fooking job is to bring people into the world of yungblud no matter what they've done in the past and hope they leave the world better <33333" like fuck me man. i stopped being a fan after that lmfao. insane that he has the "we accept everyone and stand for injustice" image edit: also leeteuk from super junior. i know SJ is already seen as problematic but leeteuk has said some of the most creepy, noncey shit and i've seen no one talk about it really aside from a single [reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpoprants/comments/r5l3ck/leeteuksuju_still_having_a_career_fans_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). the man said Sooyoung was his first love. SHE WAS 11 AND HE WAS 20. ELEVEN. nevermind asking little teenage girls to marry him


The [LeBron James Las Vegas Cover-up](https://bleacherreport.com/articles/427386-the-king-james-las-vegas-coverup-was-it-really-neccesary). Essentially ESPN Reporter Arash Markazi was invited to a Vegas party with LeBron and his crew and wrote a published a story about it on ESPN. The story wasn't really anything scandalous, it was just the typical things you would expect to occur when famous athletes are partying. Only this was the first time that LeBron's squeaky clean family man public image was ever questioned. But the thing is the story was pulled within a half hour of being posted. ESPN officially said Markazi the reason it was pulled was because Markazi never officially identified himself as a reporter so it didn't meet their journalistic standards. That being said Markazi was a fairly well known reporter who had covered and interviewed LeBron prior to the event. The conspiracy theory was that LeBron's crew thought this was going to be another puff piece on LeBron and paint him favorably again, but they intervened and had it pulled because of how it impacted his image.


Paris Hilton's racism caught on camera


Stephen Fry saying CSA victims should just get over it and stop whining


Also, Stephen Fry declaring that straight women don't really enjoy sex and we only put up with it so we can have romantic relationships. Also, Stephen Fry attempting to blame Poland for the Holocaust because Auschwitz was located in Poland Also, Stephen Fry stanning the royal family and saying fox hunting is fine actually. How so many people think this man is intelligent or progressive is beyond me.


I never see anyone talking about this anymore but if it happened today it would have been a HUGE scandal- in the 90s/2000s author Laura Albert created a literary persona named JT Leroy, an underage, male, HIV positive child prostitute and addict who grew up on the streets and in truck stops and wrote autobiographical novels at JT detailing his history. The novels got wildly popular and Laura decided to pretend that JT was real, even going so far as to have her sister in law physically portray JT in public.JT had multiple celebrity friends who genuinely believed he was who he said he was, and even had a relationship with Asia Argento who claimed to be blindsided by the reveal. Every time I'm reminded of it I think of how a 30 year old woman pretending to be an abused young boy with a horrific backstory would be an insane media circus in this climate.


Jon Hamm and his fraternity sexually torturing a pledge.


Kris Jenner sexually assaulting her bodyguard and then paying him off


Anthony Kleidis admitting to being a paedophile in his book.


Russell Brand rapist and exploiter of teen girls [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-66831593](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-66831593) now has found religion


Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively’s plantation wedding


nearly every single classic rocker you know (including beloved ones like David Bowie) having relationships or hookups with teenagers, 12-13 years old in some cases


Katy Perry forcibly kissing a young contestant on one of her judge show gigs (America's Got Talent? American Idol??) Kate McKinnon making fun of trans people in an old Harry Potter parody and not apologizing


Paul Walker dated a 16-year-old when he was 33, and before that, he dated another 16-year-old when he was 28. I feel like that was totally overshadowed by his death.


I stg I remember a story back in 2018, maybe late 2017, about Ansel Elgort “allegedly” texting inappropriate things to minors, and the only reason I remember so well is because it happened right after Jamie Foxx’s first SA allegations, and that came right after Kevin Spacey’s allegations/right in the modern rise of the MeToo movement. And I know for damn well sure I remember how all this started for me (remembering it), because MeToo started to gain large traction in 2017 once Weinstein got hit, and then I saw a YouTube video theorizing/predicting who would get called out in the furor, which included that one Family Guy bit where Stewie says he was trapped in Kevin Spacey’s basement. edit to add: FUCK, I just remembered another part about this, Elgort and Spacey were both in Billionaire Boys Club, and I remember that movie had a lot of online controversy pre-release because of their involvement, and the fact it was coming out around the same time as All The Money In The World, which replaced Spacey with Christopher Plummer because of all the bad press, but BBC kept Spacey if I recall. Sorry for the run on sentence.


NPH’s cake is truly disgusting and a reminder of how vile people can be. She has a mental health issue (addiction) and people just mocked the poor girl. RIP Amy- you were far more talented than your haters- may the next life be more gracious to you than this one.


Josh Brolin and his domestic violence to Diane Lane


Definitely less serious than most of of the comments on here, but every time I see or hear about Jason Bateman, I think about the NYT interview where he [dismissed Jessica Walter](https://www.npr.org/2018/05/24/614009165/under-the-skin-why-that-arrested-development-interview-is-so-bad) saying Jeffery Tambor’s behavior on the Arrested Development set being the worst she had experienced in over 60 years.


Wasn’t it a charcuterie board? Like, even worse…


Morgan Freeman getting Me Too’d just vanished.


https://preview.redd.it/heiwwz8qeppc1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d9b64eba4250b6dcd397205a143ea3e90126c6 This isn’t the most obnoxious and this is going way back but Bill Maher dressed up as Steve Irwin getting stung by the stingray that killed Irwin. Just so classless and not even close to funny.


Louis C.K. jerking off in front of women.


Liam Nesson saying he was going around wanting to kill any Black man ("Black bastard") after his friend was sexually assaulted


https://preview.redd.it/shiupa266ppc1.jpeg?width=1908&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cf7c4394980cd738b43c1187d8552dfc9ea955b Madonna kissing Drake without his consent and his reaction to the kiss




[boy george imprisoning and assaulting a sex worker](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2009/jan/17/boy-george-ukcrime) [Macaulay Culkin and the weird racial stuff he's said](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/macaulay-culkin-s-past-comments-how-white-parents-might-other-n1264101) [Jennifer Lawrence scratching her ass on a sacred site in hawai'i and joking about it](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2016/dec/09/jennifer-lawrence-offends-with-story-about-butt-scratching-on-sacred-rocks) [all of James franco's sexual misconduct](https://www.thecut.com/2022/07/all-the-sexual-misconduct-allegations-against-james-franco.html#:~:text=April%202014%3A%20Franco%20was%20caught,lure%20to%20a%20hotel%20room.)


Bill Murray’s abusive behavior towards his ex wife and continued toxic behavior on set.


It is well known in Iceland that Hafþór Björnsson (the mountain) [abuses women](https://icelandmag.is/article/strongman-mountain-facing-new-serious-accusations-domestic-violence) but everyone seems to adore him elsewhere in the world.


The whole Balenciaga thing. How is it still a thing and people actually wear it?


The piles of teen stars that were dating grown ass adults publicly in the 90's and early 00's. Like Kylie Jenner. . . .


didn’t james franco start an acting school for young/teenage girls and basically use them as a grooming/sex pool?


Jeremy Renner has been accused of threatening to kill his ex-wife, as well as shooting a gun at the ceiling while his child was home. Haven’t heard shit about that since his accident. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/jeremy-renner-sonni-pacheco-ex-wife-cocaine-gun-custody-kids-ava-daughter-a9155731.html


Anthony Anderson's rape allegations


Henry Cavill dating a 19-year-old when he was over 30 and saying she was “so mature for her age.”


Jon Hamm severly injured and traumatized someone to the point that they almost died during a hazing night