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there were rumors that Sacha Baron Cohen harassed her on the set of Grimsby. (there's an old /r/fauxmoi [post about it here - TW for sexual harassment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/10ye0cg/fans_think_sacha_baron_cohen_sexually_harassed/)).


in the article linked in the post, she says the dude was older but does that mean older than her or on the older side. in the article you linked, she also talks about a top director. it could maybe not be an actor but it seems like it's an actor. i skimmed some of her filmography and she's worked it a lot of assholes. or it could just be sacha baron cohen.


>i skimmed some of her filmography and she's worked it a lot of assholes.


I despise that man.


Her marriage to him really changed my opinion of Isla Fisher.


I’m out of the loop… what did he do?


He made people laugh with unconventional humor and has never been politically correct. We need more like him. This world is too soft.




His teaming up with Debra Messing to have TikTok censor pro Palestinian content, and has been supportive of Israel’s governments actions https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/sacha-baron-cohen-amy-schumer-jewish-celebrities-tiktok-antisemitism-1235657209/amp/ Also his Borat character can definitely be seen as Islamophobic.


Apparently his ~~brother~~ cousin is an autism specialist who is pushing really harmful theories. He likes to frame autistics as less empathetic, etc. my understanding is that many autistic people find it infantalizing, gender-rigid, and stereotyping, and he is fetishizing people and getting funding to propagate these theories. His research was paused a month ago because of insensitivity. He also has only made comments supporting Israel. Dehumanization is a family trait. https://www.varsity.co.uk/news/27086 (CW suicide) https://www.reddit.com/r/askpsychology/s/29zexl35Ae


Simon baron-cohen is a cousin of sacha baron-cohen, not his brother. 




>He likes to frame autistics as less empathetic, Aren't they that, like... definitionally? Isn't that one of the things that defines the spectrum? I thought the idea was that they tend to be lacking in cognitive empathy, but not affective empathy.


I understand what you are referencing as a dominantly held characteristic portrayal of autism, but I think autistic people experience empathy diversely. Generalizations or making a monolith of a population are not a good thing to go by. Many autistic people have hyper-empathy. A lot of people with neurodevelopmental disabilities can experience differences in empathy due to bullying in childhood, feeling different, isolation, and coping strategies and also issues with cognition can come into play with high co-occurrences and risk (aka other disorders/conditions). So to me it’s a “what came first, chicken or the egg”. I think that Baron-Cohen is especially distorting and generalizing the empathy factor to dehumanize autistic people and fit them into his neat definition. The important thing with autism is neurodiversity as a spectrum, which would include empathy.


I am not less empathetic because i am autistic.  I am in fact very good at reading people's emotions, often more than other people.


I'm not an autism specialist but I do have a sibling on the spectrum. From everything that was explained to us through the years, it's not that they lack empathy anymore than most people do. It's more like that the people on the spectrum often don't read tone or facial expressions the way neurotypicals do and as such that can give the impression that they have a lack empathy when that's not the case. My brother is just as sensitive as the rest of our family (we're all very sensitive) and very empathetic. That's why it sucks when people like Elon Musk use their autism as an excuse and reinforce people's prejudices.


That is what is meant by differentiating cognitive empathy and affective empathy. Affective empathy describes your ability to, for instance, feeling bad because someone else feels bad, or being happy that others are happy. Cognitive empathy on the other hand refers to the ability to intuit and relate the cues of those emotions.


Wth no.


an impairment of cognitive empathy while affective empathy can vary from totally unaffected to affected, is a pretty universally used definition of autism spectrum disorder from what I can surmise, and both of the arguments presented by others so far boils down to stating that affective empathy has not been affected in their experience while cognitive empathy could be. I stand by what I said, and your argument of "No" is not compelling.


Does nobody remember when he almost [died in Israel](https://www.ndtv.com/entertainment/when-sacha-baron-cohen-came-close-to-being-murdered-605021/amp/1) while in character?


Might have been the most productive thing he'd have done. I'm honestly surprised he even shared that story.


That character is definitely Islamophobic especially if you view it in tandem with his actual views (he defended Amy Schumer's Islamophobia) and some of the people who wrote for it like Lee Kern whose Twitter account is just a cesspool of hate. Plus SBC also set up a Palestinian Christian peace activist to look like a Muslim terrorist publicly which is not exactly a benign or unbigoted thing to do. [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/david-letterman-sacha-baron-cohen-bruno-lawsuit-352162/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/david-letterman-sacha-baron-cohen-bruno-lawsuit-352162/)










He’s a Zionist for starters. He defended Amy Schumer’s racist diatribes recently. He’s also been accused of racism, Islamophobia, and homophobia for his various characters. He’s made several inappropriate comments to women “in character”


Zionist and through that lens you can trace a lot of his racist sketches / movies.


Tell us your personal experiences with him!




I wonder if this book has caused issues in Sacha and Isla's marriage hence their marriage trouble rumors


he seemed like he was always buying and making up for stuff. you know the thing guys do when they cheat on their S/Os? splurge on stuff to make up for their mistakes. isla says that he’s embarrassed her more than a few times in their relationship so if they’re having troubles bc of that, wouldn’t be too surprising.


Definitely seems like him with the use of the word “asshole” and the stuff there


Could that incident with SBC be in direct reference to her Tom hardy incident in 2012?? https://torontosun.com/entertainment/celebrity/i-forgot-rebel-wilson-fingered-tom-hardys-butt-touched-anne-hathaways-breast


Wtf gross


That's sad, his wife was also in that movie.


Rebel Wilson is a fucking asshole herself. Interested to see who she thinks is an even bigger asshole than her.


What did she do?


Not sure if this is what they’re referring to but this is the only controversial thing on Rebel’s end that I can recall: https://variety.com/2018/film/news/rebel-wilson-plus-size-rom-com-twitter-1203019773/amp/


There’s also this: https://torontosun.com/entertainment/celebrity/i-forgot-rebel-wilson-fingered-tom-hardys-butt-touched-anne-hathaways-breast/wcm/cb575923-7520-482d-aa87-ac7a3c0d945d/amp/


I like how the article refers to both incidents as a "faux pas.". Like sticking your finger up someone's ass without their consent is just rude behavior, ffs.


It’s straight up sexual assault


Exactly, why would she share that on a talk show like it's a funny story or quirky thing she did. If what she did is exactly how she described it, that's non consensual digital penetration. Of course he didn't want to talk to you anymore, Rebel.


The Toronto Sun is a right wing tabloid, don't expect them to handle anything respectfully.


Love how you put fingering someone's ass under " rude"


I was being sarcastic, which is why I added the "ffs" at the end. It's pretty obviously sexual assault.


Reading comprehension pls 🙏


Rude behaviour? You think sticking your finger up someone's ass without their consent is... rude behaviour?


No, they're saying it was called a faux pas as if it were simply rude behavior.


You may want to re read the comment.


Oh god. That’s not even a little bit funny. She’s such an asshole.


What the fuck. Has Tom Hardy ever commented on it? The fact the director - McG - told her to do it is a weird aspect. Definitely doesn't excuse anything, but it makes me think there's more to the story.


What the actual fuck


Oh wow. It's crazy this hasn't been more viral




It definitely matters. That's a trash publication that wrote that article though, and they try to play it off like it's funny. Pretty gross.


I think you forgot /s


She also lied about her age, which is fine, no one was harmed, etc, but it did make her look kind of ridiculous: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2017/jun/02/rebel-wilson-lied-to-journalist-about-age-and-real-name-court-hears


No, it doesn't. Blame misogynistic Hollywood for that. She isn't the only actor who has done that.


This isn't ridiculous at all... Hollywood is ageist as hell, specifically towards women.


Oh and I think there was an incident a few years ago where she got called out for something on Twitter and blocked the Black women who posted about it and only responded to white women??? I can't remember what the issue was though.


probably when she was going on and on about being the first fat woman lead in a romcom, conveniently forgetting that Queen Latifah exists


Yessssss that's exactly what it was, thank you!


I worked with her a decade ago and she was absolutely lovely to the cast & crew (I was the latter). Weird.


A friend's cousin worked on Senior Year as crew. Loved her, said she was a good egg to crew.


This is an open secret in Hollywood. She’s the worst to work with


Sounds like a smear campaign to me idk.


Exactly what I was thinking lol She's so damn self righteous.




Omg Mateo my love


Truly the Streisand effect. Now i’ll be posted on the book’s release 👁️👁️


Is it wrong of me to think this is exactly what Ms Wilson intended with this post? I feel like this is more of a teaser for the book than a jab at whichever 🫏🕳️ she's speaking of


That's exactly what I thought. I felt rather cynical for that...


She’s been talking about this since 2017. So it’s not a PR stunt. I thinks she’s fed up with a creep trying to silence her


This is what I assumed too… because I have not heard anyone anticipating this book


She has released the persons name. But not what he did…still not enough to get me to buy the book


She’s made multiple comments about it in the past. She’s just finally *written* it down.


If it's a US publisher there isn't anything the angry celeb can do.


Didn’t Britney have to clear a few excerpts of her book with lawyers before it could be published?


Pretty confident she cut the Ben affleck stuff only to post and delete a pic of them and revealing paragraph caption later




She made out with Ben Affleck https://pagesix.com/2024/02/07/entertainment/britney-spears-claims-she-once-made-out-with-ben-affleck/amp/


Yeah he was possibly still with Gwenyth at the time. Britney was also 17 to his 27/28! She wouldn’t have turned 18 until the end of 1999


I knew the Paltrow part but didn’t put together her age, but after his behavior with Hillaire Burton I shouldn’t be shocked


What happened with hilarie?


Speak it, Rebel! ![gif](giphy|TF6FQD1VC8W4b0qBx1)


She's worked with James Corden, but that wouldn't be a huge surprise


She sucks who cares


A comma might have been good here


Lol, good point.


I care!


Colour me intrigued 👀 when’s the book out?


Supposedly next month.


April 2


That’s usually the way with assholes. The worst thing in the world is not how they treat other people, but the fact that it might come out and be public knowledge how they treat people.


Yup. They don't care about the people they hurt. They only care about themselves.


I can't wait to not read the book but hear about this is a dozen or so TikTok breakdowns and Twitter threads. Just give me the gas, all killer no filler.


“You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.” - Anne Lamott




Was never gonna read her book but best believe I will be now.


I’m just going to wait for someone to post about it here so I don’t have to read it lol


Yeah exactly. Not buying anything but here for the Sasha Baron Cohen gossip


silencing through legal action. The legacy of Johnny Depp, ladies and gentlemen


They can just CGI out the assholes like the Cats movie


And if there's backlash, she can always add them back in.


Could it be that guy from the Busch family she dated a whole back? Could see someone with family money pulling a move like that




She was on an episode of Million Dollar Listing once she came across so badly, I thought she’d be fun and quirky she wasn’t, she was rude, dour and sarcastic. Totally not interested in her after that 😂 I mean she must have agreed to be filmed??? So weird.


My bff and I started snarking on Rebel a few years ago for absolutely no reason- well maybe it had something to do with her relationship with Jacob Busch and we continue to send each other Rebel tea despite never seeing her movies or anything. She is going to flip when I tell her about this ASSHOLE! 🙄


I feel like the low hanging fruit for guesses come from Night at the Museum - Secret of the Tomb in 2014. I don't want it to be Sacha Baron Cohen (yes my want is irrelevant but whatever).




She posted on her FB reel again: it IS Sasha Baron Cohen!! I wonder what the tea is


I'd nostril laugh so hard, if somehow it was, Paul Fenech. Probably not, but no one saw it coming.


It’s Sasha Baron Cohen. She just named him in her Instagram story about half an hour ago.


Here just to be notified of updates




I think you’re confusing Rebel Wilson with Busy Phillips who was in Freaks and Geeks




Why Anthony Mackie??? I’ve never heard anything bad about him…




Out of those two, Whalberg for sure is the safest bet on asshole.


Literally tho…

