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I'd be interested to know what Christopher Walken knows, if anything. 


That’s a deathbed confession if there ever was one. There’s no way he doesn’t know more.


I do think there's a definite chance that Christopher really was drunk and/or drugged out of his mind that night, and truly doesn't remember anything due to that. Robert Wagner sure as hell knows what happened though.


Chris might have had a fever and he didn't know the cure for it just yet.


He needs more COWBELL!


Slap clap


It’s possible that he slept through the whole thing and woke up to her being gone. Either way I’m curious as to his POV of that situation


You know he knows …


And he knows that we know that he knows


but he doesn’t know that we know he knows we know!! ![gif](giphy|UrV625CFy3vvGYVTsK|downsized)


I think the guys were so drunk/distracted/maybe passed out they missed her falling and feel reponsible for that, if not "at fault"


Yeah, this is what I believe. I think generally people don't quite realise what a disastrous combination alcohol + drugs + water can be.


This is my take. I also think some people push the malice angle cos the notion that you can just get too drunk and fall overboard is really scary and senseless


Exactly. And even if you don't believe the accident theory it's crazy to me that people just dismiss it as impossible! It's the most logical answer imo.


I mean, he was one of the 3 people present that day... 🤷‍♀️




My dad is convinced he had something to do with it 😭


I always heard theories that Natalie walked in on Walken and Wagner having sex and Wagner pushed her overboard to cover it up.


Amber Tamblyn’s dad, which also makes him David Cross’s father-in-law.


Amber Tamblyn being a nepo baby makes vague sense.


Her grandpa (Russ’s dad) also acted.


Came here to see/validate this comment


For a second I thought this said Taryn Manning and was so surprised Tobias Funke was married to Pennsatucky 😭


He was on David Crosses Podcast last week.


David is out at bars with young NYU students every week. I figured he and Amber were already done.


Eh I wouldn’t be surprised if they have an arrangement/are ethically non-monogamous/they have an arrangement so he can be ethically non-monogamous


I remember a podcast interview years ago mentioning their age difference: she would go out to bars with friends and he hung out at home. Like, no shade if it works for them, they consent, and are happy. I couldn’t do it.


> "I will always believe there is more to the story of what happened to her the night she drowned," Tamblyn, 89, writes in the book. "I was no stranger to grief by this point, but my experience didn't make the loss any easier, and I was brought low for a time." > Tamblyn said that while he and Wood "hadn't kept in close touch" after he left Hollywood for a time to focus on fine arts in Topanga Canyon, "she had remained like a sister to me" since they'd starred together in West Side Story 20 years earlier.


Suffering a loss like that must have been really traumatic to all of Natalie’s friends and family. I hope one day they can have the closure of knowing what really happened to her. Also, fancy seeing you here outside of boraland 😉💜


Saying he left Hollywood for Topanga Canyon is somewhat disingenuous, even taking metonymy into account; they’re 20 miles apart.


But it’s saying ‘he left acting to focus on fine arts” not discussing distance lol




That doesn't mean they'd run in the same circles, though - I left my job that was 15 miles away at a sports complex and I only see my old co-workers if I go back and visit.


When I was a kid, I had a friend who moved to the next neighborhood over, and the only time I ever saw him again was at a baseball camp in a different city a couple hours away


Robert Wagner is still alive, he’s 94 years old. He’s still got time to do the right thing and tell us what really happened that night! At this point if he confesses, he’s not going to serve a lengthy sentence anyways. He’s lived his long life, which is something Natalie didn’t get to do. It’s obvious that there’s some kind of cover up. The captain waited until 30 years after her death to tell the police there was a fight that night. I think Robert (and possibly Christopher) probably paid the guy to lie to the police or threatened legal action if he told the truth. Now that it’s been so long, it’s harder to solve, so unless Robert or Christopher say what really happened, we’ll never know what happened.


I think Robert and nat got in a fight- she fell off but he didn’t look for her. He said fuck it.


Or the captain was forced to sign a NDA and the NDA expired?


Could one write an enforceable NDA to silence someone about something like what happened that night?




An NDA cannot be enforced if the information is related to illegal activity.


Also his daughter is married to Matt from 7th Heaven 


Robert Wagner did raise her after Natalie's death, but she is biologically Natalie's and her ex-husband Richard Gregson's.


Oh yes you're totally right!! Thank you for correcting me


I agree that it was a cover up. I personally believe the captains version of events. I think she fell when they were drunk and fighting and he didn’t do anything so as to ‘teach her a lesson’ and then fell asleep cause he was so drunk. But I’m sure Wagner will NEVER confess. Natalie’s daughter Natasha (who Wagner helped raise) did a documentary about her mother and half of it was dedicated to exonerating him. Hes not gonna want to ruin his relationship with his kids on his deathbed after keeping up the facade all his life.


Yeah he won't serve time but his estate would probably be forfeited to Wood's family under a "wrongful death" civil lawsuit....see OJ's estate trying to avoid paying out the goldman family.


We do too- Natalie looks a bit like Olivia Coleman in that picture


To me it looked like the love child of Jamie Lee Curtis and Allison Janney.


He'll always be Dr. Lawrence Jacoby to me.




I didn't realize he was Riff in the original West Side Story movie. Richard Beymer (Ben Horne) was Tony


Whoa, I had no idea.


Same here!! Dig yourself out of the shit! Only 29.99 lol






I read Suzanne Finstad's biography of Natalie Wood and she did a bunch of research and interviews and determined Robert Wagner killed her. There's a ton of compelling evidence that the police did not care to follow up on. I encourage anyone who's interested to read it; it really lays out exactly what happened, and has witness statements to corroborate everything.


Did she say anything about a motive? Wasn't it their second marriage to each other?


Yeah she talks a lot about motive. I read it a while ago but from what I remember Wagner was drunk and upset that Natalie and Walken had been flirting. They had an explosive relationship and fought a lot though. He seemed like a total asshole, even aside from being a murderer.


He smashed a wine bottle that night and said "what are you tryna do? fuck my wife?!" but told the police the wine bottle was broken in rough seas.


Was Walken just high/drunk out of his mind and passed out then? I can’t figure out if he could plausibly have been *that* intoxicated compared to the others. 


>Was Walken just high/drunk out of his mind nobody could tell one way or the other because of those peepers of his


Natalie was also noted as a big drinker. They were all plastered before they left their dinner restaurant that night.


There was no motive, there was just an abusive drunk. It seemed like he figured someone else would get her out of the water since she was yelling for help or he thought he would get her out later and he fell asleep.


wine office sand bike wise chunky advise arrest ruthless soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This exactly. I’m an avid unresolved mysteries reader. Usually when they are solved, it’s not what people want to hear or there’s a bigger “conspiracy” at play. When in reality people fall off of giant ass cruise ships every year and die. People get drunk and walk too close to rivers/bodies of water and fall in, never to be seen again until their body washes up. No one knows for sure what happened and it’s kinda crazy how people on this thread are like “oh he definitely killed her ___ proved it and Walken knows what happened.” Because that isn’t true.


What’s weird about this though, is that Natalie was terrified of water. She learned to be on the boat, because he loved it so much, and she enjoyed it too. But the official statement, that she went to the dark water in the dead of night to tie up the dingy that was banging against the boat, is odd considering she had a fear of drowning since she was a kid and wouldn’t go near water.


Russ is right and everyone knows it.


I had no idea that was Russ Tamblyn in west side story! His costar (who played Tony) was also his costar in Twin Peaks (Ben Horne) Sorry, off topic.


They were in Scream Free (1969) as well. Natalie Wood was supposed to be in it, but couldn't so her sister Lana Wood took her place.


He was also in Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and played Gideon, the youngest brother.


He was sooooo my favorite of the seven brothers!


Meanwhile, I had no clue Ben Horne was Tony!


Isn’t it wild?? I was so surprised when I found out


But what a great off-topic! I love learning new weird trivia. I watched Twin Peaks back when it aired, and I was probably too young. I never made these connections!


I think the answer was that they were all just sadly drunk and belligerent on a boat and Walken deliberately chose to ignore sounds. It's like that thing you are permanently ashamed of because you did nothing at the time. But it would have been a feat to send a dead Natalie away on a dinghy wearing what she was to weigh her down. I think they were just all boat drunk. Even the Gregson dad left his kid in Wagners custody.


*"I couldn't help but think back to the time I had seen RJ Wagner lash out at her during our innocent game of 'Truth,"* This isn't surprising to me. The boat captain said that after Robert Wagner smashed the wine bottle, he followed Natalie into her cabin and it sounded like a fight broke out with things being thrown. And in the 48 hours episode, the detective said that she looked like the victim of an assault :(


We all do, Russ. We all do.


Me too Russ


Unfortunately, I don’t think RJ will ever confess. At his age, he’s preoccupied with his legacy and his daughters thinking well of him. A confession would ruin both. Walken is a wildcard and our best bet for any deathbed revelations. But that’s only if he actually knows anything.


Who killed ~~Laura Palmer~~ Natalie wood. ![gif](giphy|3og0ID0Jcb8RIP6Yuc)


Wagner knows.


Same, Russ, same


i wonder if you’re right, doctor jacobi


Well DUH


I'm so excited for his memoir!!!


Well no shit Sherlock 


I feel like there just isnt enough evidence one way or another and in that case it is best not to assume guilt. The only people who know what happened on that boat wont talk and are entitled to their privacy.


We'll never get the whole story. Such a loss regardless of how it happened.