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https://preview.redd.it/djsl1ipizg3d1.jpeg?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d66642afc70e88cc5fd717870097341074a93024 Hayley is always on the right side of a moral issue and I love her for that. I’m glad she called it a genocide because that is what it is. If I hear one more person say or tweet I have sympathy for the Palestinian people I will scream. I have very little care for "sympathy" right now. Sympathy feels bad and does nothing.Solidarity joins the fight to set free. Sympathy calls for unity without risk. Solidarity calls for risk as an act of love. Sympathy centers the comfort of the powerful. Solidarity centers the liberation of the oppressed. Finally, supporting Palestinian liberation does not make you antisemitic it just means you are against the oppression and ethnic cleansing of a civilian population. Ceasefire now and free Palestine 🇵🇸!


Wow that picture is stunning. I hope it’s okay if I post it to my instagram! Using visual art to get the word out is more effective than like that ai picture going around right now.


Go ahead friend, post away!


Always with the goddamn disclaimer 🙄 Anyone who still thinks this mass slaughter is in any way, shape, or form justified and that the mere criticism of Israel’s unconscionable actions in Gaza is somehow antisemitic or, hell, even related to religion *at all* is either a massive fucking idiot or brainwashed by murderous Zio propaganda beyond redemption. Almost 40k Palestinian men, women, and children have already been brutally massacred and thousands more are still under constant threat as we speak. Only now some of these coward-ass celebs are coming out of the woodwork to condemn it, and yet!!!! they still insist on making the most milquetoast, both-sidesy statements possible because *God forbid* someone’s fee-fees might get hurt if they simply say “Israel is bad” and stand up against these atrocities loud and proud instead of releasing a very carefully worded plea to donate to aid orgs (which, let’s be real, most people simply ignore), or even worse, a generic AI image saying “All Eyes on Rafah” which is the equivalent of the infamous black square so many people posted during the BLM protests. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not singling out Paramore or Hayley Williams in particular. It’s just that they are about 8 months too late to call it what it is — a large scale genocide — and it’s pissing me off that they’re still trying to cater to the unhinged trolls who still might call it antisemitic when SO MANY Jewish people exist who are bravely and boldly condemning Israel and their genocidal actions, who have been marching arm in arm with Muslims and Christians and everyone else protesting in the U.S. and around the world, who have been on social media since the beginning advocating for peace and doing activism work in their own communities to try and educate and deprogram their peers from the lifelong Zionist hatred they’ve been taught. It’s a shame that Hayley, her band mates, and all other celebs who have either been silent up until now or tiptoeing around this issue feel like they still need to “apologize”, in a way, for their stance against the disingenuous cries of antisemitism.


Also things like shine a light on Doctors Without Borders - for gods sake they are one of the most famous organisations in the world and they have been taking action since the beginning of the genocide.


OMG thank you. I love this post by paramore, but I am so over the disclaimer - of "anti semitism" and "release the hostages". Like Amanda Gelender says, even if no Jewish people were in the movement, it is still a righteous cause. The fact the zionist supporters have added a religious elements to it, as if it is a religious conflict and not a settler colonialist military occupation apartheid genocide. Not to mention Palestinian Jews exist who get brutalised by the IOF/Zionist state regularly. As for the hostages, as if Palestinians who have been kidnapped, including little babies don't exist. As if before Oct 7, Palestinians were not experiencing massacres like Deir Yassin etc, which zionist militia is even on tape telling about the atrocities including sexual violence, that they committed. As if IOF don't, on the daily, post videos showing what a depraved society they belong to. As if the zionist regimes hasn't been bombing South Lebanon daily. Like give me a break. This murderous genocidal bloodlusty society and state needs to go, and there needs to be reparations and accounting for the depravity unleashed on Palestinians - from the river to the sea, and beyond.


I was a military police officer at the height of BLM. I never felt like I had to apologize to my colleagues for being against *checks notes* racial profiling and police brutality. I never gave a *not all cops* disclaimer. And I actually had a target on my back (brown, Muslim female). Paramore is white, Christian, and wealthy. They stand to lose nothing from simply denouncing a damn genocide. They only feel like they do because the narrative of "Jewish people good Muslims bad" is so deeply woven into the fabric of western society. You'd think "genocide bad" would beat that narrative. I love Paramore, and I'm glad they spoke up, and I'm not trying to make anyone feel like there's no winning, but it's frankly appalling that a genocide can't be denounced without one gigantic asterisk. Like... do people who don't include an asterisk really want those hostages dead? Is that the implication? Is Macklemore antisemitic for loudly proclaiming killing people is wrong? What's the risk in simply saying "genocide bad"?




I think Hayley Williams is the only celebrity in the world who I'd genuinely feel devastated about if it turned out she was a Zionist. Paramore is the first band I ever liked. So glad to see this.


Same. I find it funny two of the artists I stan the most are coincidentally politically progressive - Hayley and Dua. I haven’t heard anything from Olivia Rodrigo though, and I really like her too.


I love that celebrities have begun speaking up but it took 35000+ dead and millions displaced for 8 months to do that, and they're only speaking up because everyone is and is 'safe' now.




Honestly I was disappointed that it took her/them this long to say something. They even turned off comments on their social media posts after people started asking why they hadn’t said anything about the genocide in Palestine (unsure if it was related, but it sure was fishy).


I’d say she’s almost big enough to show the tide has turned on the public opinion of this.


glad to see Hayley (and Paramore) on the right side! Knew we could stan!!! 🍉🍉🍉


That's my girl


Queen, and Noone is surprised