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She didn’t leave him when he cheated on her countless of times, she’s not going to leave him now.


He cheated with Jessica and flaunted it. You lose them how you get them


Wait, who was he with when he had an affair with Jessica?


Idk but she was with Mr. Peanutbutter




Her perfume being called “Bielest” is one of my favorite jokes


You future hard jeopardy question!


What is this, a cross over episode?


well if you like this justin guy so much, maybe you should be with him!


Who’s that


BoJack Horseman reference. In the show, a character (Mr. Peanutbutter) was once married to Jessica Biel (like, actual Jessica Biel, not a character just voiced by her). Lol. Very surreal (and at times heartbreaking) show but really good


Supposedly the end of his relationship with Cameron Diaz


My brain can't compute cheating on Cameron Diaz. Yes, I know cheating is more than just related to looks (I'd posit that cheating is just a very ego or narcissist thing to do), but like, it's Cameron Diaz.


Right? I felt the same when Shakira got cheated on


AND BEYONCÉ The bar for these men is in hell.


Especially because they’re all busted AF compared to the ladies


Obligatory: ![gif](giphy|mJAgt2z71oM0g)


It still astounds me how Beyonce and Shakira got cheated on...like two of the most beautiful women on the planet.


Shakira’s revenge was so sweet though. Called her ex out publicly and wrote a badass song about it from the perspective of the nanny who told her about the cheating (and was screwed out of backpay/severance by Pique in retaliation; Shakira hired her back and gave her a fat bag as a thank you). She included the nanny’s name in the song, had her in the video, dedicated the whole thing to her, and gave her a cut of the royalties. That’s good shit!


Dammmmn that’s impressive. They both have integrity.


So often they cheat down too. Not saying Jessica isn't stunning, it's just a trend I've noticed. I feel like it's about ego.


This. Insecurity at its finest so they cheat down to inflate their fragility.


Jessica...please?! Hot body for days. That's about it. As my late granny used to say, if there's a hole in the wall . Men will put dick in it. Even if there's a good chance the hole is entrance to the snake burrow.


Seems like cheating up would be a real ego boost though.


I think for some people, cheating *on* the super hot partner is the ego boost; it doesn't matter who they're cheating with. Like yeah, I'm with Cameron fucking Diaz, and I'll still screw other women because I'm *that* impressive (eyeroll).


All her exes were outed for something or the other. Mostly cheating scandal.


They had just broken up, there's a moment from the VMAs or Oscars that year where you can see him checking out JB and they started dating right after that to the shock of no one. CD was upset because they had literally just broke up and she assumed they might get back together. I hate JT just clearing up the time line


Wasn't he also between Jessica and Scarlett Johansson for a while?


Camron Diaz.


Cameron Diaz apparently threw something at Jessica Biel or something happened from what I vaguely remember. But he cheated on Cameron Diaz with Jessica Biel.


Wendy always said “how you get them is how you keep them” and I knew what she meant but it always sounded confusing, this wording makes more sense.


when else did he cheat on her besides those photos/videos of him getting handsy with his costar a couple years back? genuinely asking because i see people say that he’s a serial cheater but have only seen the one instance of it


Olivia Munn. And I’m sure there are other women but they’re not well known.


Damn every time I hear something new about Olivia, it just further confirms she is not a girl’s girl by any definition


She’s a pick me girl


I learned about the Celebrity Memoir Book Club episode about her book on this sub and it did not disappoint. She’s a real piece of work!


Mila Kunis comes to mind


This brought back terrible memories of their appearance together at the MTV awards.


wait what happened


They were promoting a movie called Friends With Benefits at the time (ironically Mila's now-husband Ashton Kutcher was also in a movie with a similar plot line with Natalie Portman that year) and Justin groped Mila on stage. **Edit**: He really loves grabbing women's breasts, doesn't he? https://preview.redd.it/cjvjkc7jam7d1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5917999bf78bf718202ed571361e061202aea960


And she is grabbing him by his genitals so well?


Yeah this picture is not getting the point across that the commenter thinks it is


It’s goofy and insouciant when she does it but it’s creepy and predatory when he does it.


I mean it's a mutually consented gag, but still icky in the sense that it's not the first time he's done it on stage. He's always allowed to retread his past indecencies with mockery and the media gave him a pass on it.


That whole fuckin bullshit when he did the Superbowl (sweet Jesus) 6 years ago, had the god damn concentrated-shitdick *audacity* to perform Rock Your Body, and made a cutesy little shitck "Wait, let me stop" at the same point in the song where he ripped Janet's bustier off 14 years ago, and proceeded to throw her *all the way under* the bus afterwards. That shit still sets my godforsaken head on fire. Fuck him.


I guess put in that context it’s weird/inappropriate because the gag/skit isn’t too bad imho.


Seems pretty consensual


Consensual yes. Disrespectful to your spouse, also yes.


it does seem consensual. but still ew. this is one of those things that should've stayed in the drafts folder


It is but it’s gross and super cringey🤢


i wish i could go back to an hour ago and not know this 🥲




There’s a long standing rumor in Brazil that Justin cheated with actress/now influencer Thaila Ayala. The allegedly affair took part when Justin performed on Rock in Rio festival.


I was coming to mention this one! Everybody was talking about it here in Brazil


Yes! And while driving drunk is terrible, I feel he did worse. At least towards her. Taking Justin’s icky persona out of this, I would be more than mad at my spouse but not divorcing him over a drunk driving arrest. I think. Never been in a situation like this. Fortunately.


As I've gotten older I've started to find it puzzling that people consider affairs absolute deal breakers yet can forgive things like drink driving or gambling their savings away etc. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I'd forgive my husband if he had an affair but I just know 100% there are so many other things that would actually offend and hurt me far more, especially getting arrested for drink driving.


Agreed. Cheating is bad and all, but being the type of person who values the convenience of driving home over the lives of other people is, honestly, much worse. Especially when uber/lyft/etc are so incredibly easy to use (and especially when someone is a wealthy celebrity??).


Drunk driving can kill people. While I'm no cheating apologist, it is objectively and infinitely worse than having an affair.


My cousin was killed by a drunk driver when I was very young. My (hypothetical) spouse catching a DUI (or even just driving drunk and not getting caught) would absolutely be grounds for divorce if it were me.


My parents were killed by someone speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, and on substances. I’d leave my SO in a heartbeat if he was driving recklessly and endangering other people. Ruining your own life is one thing, killing or maiming someone else is beyond selfish and disgusting behavior.


I’m so so sorry 😞.


I think people can more easily forgive things that are objectively bad than things that subjectively hurt them. Doesn't always make sense.  (But it's really weird when someone who's not the one being cheated on treats cheating as so much worse than something like drunk driving.)


Obviously this di\*k is not man enough to own up to his DUI. He should be saying he did a dangerous thing and put other road users at risk! Time to man up and grown a pair instead of ducking and weaving his whole life! ![gif](giphy|WtNFvJ4PLF103dVvZJ)


Oof, I don't know. drunk driving shows the person is a selfish asshole with no concern for others whatsoever. But I'm sure Jessica knows this since he cheated on Cameron Diaz with her, so she's made her bed.


Cheating breaks your heart. Drunk driving can literally destroy lives. I think that the drunk driving is the worst part here.


Girl is surprisingly loyal. What does he have on her?


Or more accurately perhaps, what doesn't she value in herself?




I’m honestly not a fan of the “always by your side” rhetoric in relationships, like standing by someone regardless of the crap they pull is somehow admirable or expected. I don’t find it a romantic concept at all, the opposite really.


It’s always a woman standing by a man and his bad behavior and rarely the other way around


Many men won't even stand by their woman when she has cancer or other serious disease, let alone bad behavior by her.


They jump ship if they have a kid with a disability too 😭‼️ just dip and let the mother deal with it all. I found out this is a common scenario and got so sad.


crisp rat


wtf is that true? bc i think every kid i know with a disability has an involved dad in their life


Chris Pratt comes to mind.


Shit, Justice Alito is out here blaming everything known to man on his wife.


"And besides, she has cancer" - Newt Gingrich (allegedly)


Amanitalks on Tik Tok said something they blew my mind: "most long term heterosexual relationships and marriages are just women tolerating bs..."...and she didn't tell a single lie because my grandpa's and uncles even dad were on serious DEMON TIME but were married to desperate traumatized women who forgave and forgave and forgave and tolerated and forgave. . endlessly...


Lmao imagine a woman cheating on her partner the way Timberlake did and him not only staying but going "I'll always stay with you uwuuuu". It would never happen. Jessica Biel needs to acquire some self respect.


Great point!


Yep. Ride or die mentality is super problematic. It really enables toxic and abusive relationships to flourish.


I've always wondered if some of it was a sunk cost fallacy


For some people yeah, but I think most of it is codependency. There are SO many people whose codependency runs their lives and causes tons of damage as a result.


Yeah, that's a great point.


feels like she doesn't love herself enough to realize he ain't shit.


Or her morals are just like his. Maybe she doesn't find anything he does problematic at all.


Exactly. I feel like her staying with him says plenty about her and what she's ok with, none of it good.


I dunno. Men like this do a number on women. I try to have empathy for her since I've been there


Definitely agree. We don’t know what type of gaslighting is going on behind closed doors.


It's true, she may be victimized in ways we can't know about. One of my biggest issues with her is her antivax stance, which I assume she came to on her own and without pressure from JT. But however she arrived at it, it's a harmful position so counter to public health and the greater good -- something I see as classic, clueless privilege and selfishness at the expense of others. In that way, I see JB & JT as being very well-matched.


That is totally valid


Sometimes high net worth couples choose to stay together but live separate lives because financial splits benefit neither party.


Right. It shows a lack of respect for yourself, not surprised here.


I’m a big believer of the United in public and talk about whatever it was wrong in private. But I 1000% agree when it comes to shit like this, you’re a literal millionaire and still drive drunk???




She is in love with a criminal too.


Yes I will be using this joke under very JT thread. What about it?


🎵cuz momma i’m in love with a cri-mi-nal🎵


And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical


I’ll upvote it every single time


Thank you for your service 🫡


you’re a fucking genius 💀 that’s hilarious


I can't feel bad for her bc she's advocated for anti-vax stuff with RFK Jr


I haven't liked her since the interview she gave years ago saying she was too pretty to work.






I remembered wrong. She's [too sexy ](https://people.com/celebrity/jessica-biel-says-shes-considered-too-sexy-for-roles/) to work lol 😂


“‘Parts I really want aren’t going to me,’ she says. ‘Like The Other Boleyn Girl with Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman.’” Ahh yes, two plain janes compared to infamous hottie Jessica Biel. Imagine comparing yourself to THOSE TWO, girl the reason you aren’t getting those roles is not based on looks…


I wish I could remember who said this, but someone said that she has a face that just looks like it’s seen a cellphone and that’s exactly what this is.




Lol I think it’s positing that she just looks too modern and contemporary somehow; I wish I could explain it more than that but after hearing it I can’t unsee it anymore 😂


> …she’s not likely to be out of the spotlight any time soon. But she says she’ll be able to cope: “Thank goodness I’m a nice person. Thank you, Mom, for teaching me that.” Right after implying that Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman are plain. Girl shut up 💀


actually all she did was quote what ONE director said to her. the title is soo sensationalized. it then made sense when i saw the year was 2007 😂tho not too much has changed


"Woman of no importance"


I have a catch up with my manager later today. Wonder if he’ll accept this reason and keep me on payroll to do nothing


in 2019 [https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2019/06/13/jessica-biel-appears-vaccination-skeptic-robert-f-kennedy-jr/1442058001/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2019/06/13/jessica-biel-appears-vaccination-skeptic-robert-f-kennedy-jr/1442058001/)


She tried defending herself for getting dunked on for the 20lbs of Epson salt before the met gala....she looks thirsty in all the pictures like why 😬


How many times has he cheated on her now? She’s a dumbass


Was it more than just that one time he was caught holding hands with his co star?


I’m pretty sure he was caught cheating on her with Olivia Munn back in the day. I think it made it on the cover of Us Weekly.


Damn she loved taken men huh


There was the Olivia Munn thing, the backup singer thing, and a lot of additional talk over the years.




About a year ago I read a post from someone that works in Las Vegas. They were talking about how JT is always hooking up with random women. Who knows if it was true, but I think I read it prior to all of the press about Britney’s book.


Has he really been caught cheating? Serious question?


I always assume it’s an open relationship in these situations.


I do, too, and that there’s a contractual advantage to staying married


It’s cheaper to keep her










There is not hot goss without a Nene gif




She probably thinks vaccines are a bigger danger than drunk drivers.


Maybe there was a vaccinated person standing near the car and their magnetic attraction caused it to swerve into the oncoming lane


She is probably relieved there wasn’t another woman in the car with him when it happened.


Relieved to the max




Amazing lol




Unfortunately if I was a cop I'd pretend not to know the celebrity I'm arresting just to rile them up 😭 (I wasn't hugged too much as a child btw)


That reminds me of a story a taxi man told me. He had Ozzie Osbourne in the back of his taxi one night, didn’t even recognise him but he was loaded and on drugs etc. Told the taxi man to park on the golf course and of course he said no so Ozzy said he wasn’t paying then and started the “do you know who I am”. Irish old taxi man man jumps out and grabs Ozzy and says “I’m from Dublin, I don’t care who you are but if you don’t pay me I’ll kick your head in”.


She’ll continue to look the other way, so she can keep that Mrs. Timberlake title.


Which is hilarious cuz nowadays that title completely lost the little meaning it already had lmaoo. That name has the ick factor now more than ever.


Exactly! He was at a his peak when they got together so I understand the appeal, but what's she still doing with him? It would honestly help her imagine if she left him.


Maybe she’s still with him because she loves him. We have no idea what their relationship is like and she’s a celebrity as well, I doubt she has been with him this entire time just because he’s Justin Timberlake.


I mean what else would she say. Shes his wife so she presumably loves him and wants to support him.


The cheating didn't make her leave and she worked really hard to have this man commit to her. Won't leave unless he has some sort of Tiger Woods scandal waiting to pop.


That’s so sad because wasn’t her career on fire before she married him?? She was like megan fox before megan fox. The anti vax stuff is a bummer too


Lol she was never Megan Doc. Her most famous role was Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003) or maybe Blade 3.


Assuming we’re talking about Jessica biel, 7th heaven is still her most famous role lol


I won’t stand for this “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” erasure lol 😂


OMG I completely forgot about this until you mentioned it. You've summoned some old memory to the forefront of my mind: "Not even the corn has such large ears"


It’s maybe my memory being off then!! I just remember her going from Mary on 7th heaven to the cover of maxim. I was a kid and my male peers were fans lol. Side note the white tank on her in Texas chainsaw remake was iconic to me


To be fair, I can absolutely see why you thought of her as a pre-Megan Fox Megan Fox, but the child-actress-to-lad-mag pipeline was a 2000s rite of passage. She was trying to get away from her cutesy, sweet, family-friendly 7th Heaven image. She never seemed to have much It Factor, so eventually she moved into non-acting side projects. The one that actually caused me to form an opinion of her (and not a good opinion of her) was when her LA restaurant was sued for stealing servers' tips. A lawsuit itself isn't proof of anything, but, along with her other shitty behavior, I'm inclined to believe the allegations.


She was briefly headed towards being a Megan Fox type, but that didn’t pan out and then her forays into action and comedy went nowhere. By the time she started up with Timberlake she was still working but her moment had come and gone.  She keeps trying to make a comeback but nothing ever quite lands in a way that raises her profile for more than a few months. 


I mean season 1 of The Sinner was really good, and she was good in it.


I don't know? I always understood that she really made sure this man gave her a ring in part because her career never really took off like that... Secure the bag and be a stay at home mom that works once in a blue moon for fun.




I’ve never seen this edit and it made me chortle


this meme gets me every time


Did anyone think she would be ‘happy’ about it?


If she hasn’t left already, she never will. There is clearly no humiliation too great for her to find her self worth and leave. I’ve never understood why she stayed. She’s ridiculously talented, and gorgeous. I honestly think being with him has held her career back a ton. And he’s certainly never thanked her for it.


He was and will forever be: MeMeMeMeMeMe... https://preview.redd.it/h0oou3352m7d1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfaf004252ded067a91bea04d497d0c2244d3e3c


He wasn’t kidding when he sang “guess what it’s gonna be ME” all those years ago 💀 (or, in Timberlake speak, “it’s gonna be MAAAAY”)


People stick it out for their kids even in unhappy marriages. Or for money. But likely both.


Rarely do we see women get this same kind of commitment from their male partners. I wish her luck.




is *anyone* happy regarding this type of thing? i don’t think [this family](https://people.com/ohio-mom-boyfriend-killed-by-suspected-drunk-driver-8665938?) is happy. maybe it’s because i’ve never been married? but this whole “stand by my man” thing isn’t doing it for me.


Have some self respect...


My wife said something similar when I ate all the shredded cheese in the middle of the night.


damn he really is surrounded by enablers


https://i.redd.it/5s85s7fdpl7d1.gif She stood by him even when she caught him cheating 🤡


“Heartbreak is one thing, my ego’s another. I beg you don’t embarrass me motherfucker…”


![gif](giphy|u2CTH4P7Gha7K) If she didn’t leave him after he publicly cheated, why would she leave him now?








I have friends in Nashville who hang out with Justin when he’s in town (Leipers Fork) and made the comment Jessica is a “force”. Not sure what that means and that’s all they said. I didn’t ask for details out of respect but after that I always assumed she was the one to keep him in check. So I would say this definitely checks out. ETA: I also got the impression over the years (not necessarily by his friends, because they didn’t talk much about them or say anything negative) but that they have an agreement of some sort when it comes to open marriage. She just doesn’t want to be embarrassed or it made public by the media. So who knows..


An enabler will enable.




Yes Jessica, the VACCINES are the poison/ problem /s




Side note, I just discovered Broad City and it’s brilliant and hilarious


yaaaaaaasss kweeeeennnn


She’s focused on the real danger to us all ….. Polio Vaccines !! /s






Some women like dating attention seeking men, but overtime you can see the resentment deep inside. 


She thinks this is Un Jessica Biel-livable JT is trash though so hahhahahaha


Why does that sound like a threat.


I once watched a video from a YouTube channel called RRG and it basically talked about the start and progress of their relationship. If those claims were true, she is the definition of a doormat.


You know there's that idea that a hetero relationship will always be more successful if the man loves the woman more than she loves him...? I always thinks of these two when I consider the flip side of that idea.


haha like hal and lois! that show was groundbreaking in a lot of ways and that was one of them, i love bryan cranston so much and it’s so so cute how obsessed hal is with his wife




Girl have some respect for yourself


She’s a weirdo so who the fuck cares ?


How sweet ... NOT. Any woman who signs a prenuptial that she won't gain X amount of weight during the marriage is a hanging on fool.


This is off topic but my dad land surveyed their house and JT gave him some green chicken eggs