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You'll be fine. It's damn near impossible to get fired from FedEx.


Drunk, high, tweaking, hell you could be nodding off and you'd still probably be fine


Honestly, anyone willing to stick around for more than a week is welcomed. We need ppl.


Slept in no call out today


I feel like aside from theft or blatantly assaulting people, it would take a lot of effort and skill to get them to fire you lmao


Ok good


Truer words have never been said.


I would say yes, but mileage will vary on this. I'm making more money on an hourly basis than I have at any other job I've ever had. I like the benefits, and I like the people. But the people aspect could be different at different hubs. And make no mistake... it's a physical racket that will take a physical toll on you. Only you can know how you'll stand up to that part.


If you can wash dishes at a restaurant you can be a package handler. The benefits will be better I bet, health insurance. Go for it. I don’t think it would be hard to find another place to wash dishes.


Hey Bruh, the grass isn't always greener on the other side so let me make this easy for you. If you're okay with working less than 20 hours a week then yes go for the FedEx job. If you're not okay with that and cannot risk, it then stay at your current job. I like my job at FedEx Ground, but I also recognize that situation is different from others. I am okay with less than 20 hours a week. Some people aren't okay with that, so you need to be informed about this in order to make the right decision for yourself.


This varies from station to station most of my “PT” handlers pick up shifts on OB sort and work close to 40 hours


That is awesome. But like you said its luck of the draw. We cannot expect to get full time. We can hope but not have that expectation of getting full time hours.


Is it possible to transition from part time to full time within FedEx?


If you are at a large hub/station, you can probably work full time hours as part time by picking up shifts if the staffing demand is there. Moving to full time is not difficult unless you have attendance issues or just can’t handle the work, and so long as they are hiring full timers.  I’ve done dish washing and package handler. This is better by far. Obviously, the people can make that experience vary but for me, I had good managers and coworkers I liked. 


It is possible if there are slots available but from what I know with my own location it is considered wishful thinking to assume you will get a full-time position.


Yes it’s possible, but keep in mind nobody gets 40hrs consistently. Most of the year you’ll get 30hrs or so IF that, peak may be higher but not a sure thing. Also it’s a very physical job plus you’ll end up doing the work of 2-3 ppl for a long time. If you’re looking for a career or something look elsewhere, FDX as a stepping stone or in college is completely fine though. Mostly I would try to find a higher paying job while working there, also keep in mind management is Uneducated and incompetent 🤣


Why do you have to quit? Why not just work the morning or evening sort according to your dishwashing job? I'm not a PH but if I'm not mistaken part timers get benefits which I'm sure would be better than your current job. Work both. A little extra cash doesn't hurt


Couldnt you do both for a little while till you figure out which is better?


I could do both but I really hate this dishwashing job and would rather quit it altogether to be honest


Go try and get in as a package handler at UPS. Benefits blow PT FedEx completely out of the water


Part time handler? Consider UPS if you can get it.


You could try both. Being package handler at Fedex the number of hours you get can vary a lot not sure what amount you will need but first few weeks you may not get too much work time. Funny though I almost took dishwashing job the time I got package handler but picked package handler over it.


Try to work both to find out if you even like to work as a package handler. Work both until you’ve worked all position (morning and night) to see if you still enjoy and like it. If so that’s when you quit your dishwashing job. Does that make sense?


For ups yes , not FedEx ground tho


I’d rather be a dishwasher for 8 hours than work on trailers 100% full of ICs for the same number of time. Hell I’d even take on a boring office job too 💀