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A lot of trans girls start their journey as femboys. That's not to say all femboys (or even most) are secretly trans (making a guess how common is pointless and not for me to make), but it's pretty common. A lot sticks around after they come out as trans because the community is nice.


the femboy community is wonderful, but as someone who identifies as genderfluid and a femboy, i fall under both terms and ill tell you now that a portion of the trans community has something against the term Femboy. its been a struggle trying to fit in with the transgender community because of this. ive been bullied and harassed because of it and its a little disheartening.


that makes no sense. those ppl r just dum and mean :c


They want to be a part of it and then get pissed at us at the same time for being what we are. Who are they to say what word we can and can't use to describe who we are. We are femboys, not them but us.


I feel like a lot of trans girls can still find relatable things with femboys. Like for me I thought was only feminine as hell before realizing I'm trans lol. I just think there are some crossovers between the two communities cuz of being amab and striving for a more feminine look and feel yk. Just a thought tho I could be very ignorant on this


It's a transfer from one community to another.




Gender is a weird thing. Sometimes I'm a femboy sometimes I'm a trans girl usually I'm some enby boy girl gay femtwink. If everybody gets along then everything is okay :3


enby boygirl gay femtwink... Yeah, that describes me pretty perfectly 😁


Happy I could help find a label for you 🤭


Ah finally, my gender. Enby boygirl bi femtwink


Slay homie


look, anyones welcome, regardless of what they identify as. if we start discriminating we're no better than those who hate on us


This! This is the way


It's where a lot of us start off. We get attached, despite being trans, so we stay.


Yeah, as a trans guy, I'm not a fan as it perpuates the myth that femme men are just women, or that trans women are just femme men, etc. But anyone can join these groups, but still, something to consider.


Yup, it is getting annoying tbh. I am totally fine with genderfluid people, demigender people, transmasc people, nb people etc. But if you click on profiles, so many say 'transwomen'. I am here for the femboys tbh. If I want to see women, there are so many other subs I can go to. I am not here to see boobs all the time


There’s r/femboys I’d you want femboys. This is femboy fashion where you’re supposed to post outfits and get outfit ideas, stuff you’re in the wrong subreddit for what you’re looking for.


Isn't the point of FEMBOY fashion to see femBOYs in pretty outfits though?


Oh no, I made the mistake of clicking on that sub. Yeah, I avoid seeing certain body parts because I am pretty much asexual. That's a completely different sub.


If you want to see femboys that are not trans and such there is also the sub r/traditionalfemboys. They explain the point of the sub in the info box.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/traditionalfemboys using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/traditionalfemboys/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [boys will be boys 😊✌🏻 hope you are all well](https://i.redd.it/0nh9de0wuhhb1.jpg) | [33 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/traditionalfemboys/comments/15oaz92/boys_will_be_boys_hope_you_are_all_well/) \#2: [I’m honestly so depressed but my outfits look nice sometimes I think](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15clyrv) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/traditionalfemboys/comments/15clyrv/im_honestly_so_depressed_but_my_outfits_look_nice/) \#3: [Hello boys and girls how are you?](https://i.redd.it/hok4hi4iymgb1.jpg) | [39 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/traditionalfemboys/comments/15kcx70/hello_boys_and_girls_how_are_you/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I don't mind trans femBOYs, but seeing so many women here, sometimes gey annoying tbh. The actual femBOYs are a great inspiration for my genderfluid AFAB ass




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I agree


There’s not really any good alternatives (that I know of) for trans girls


Hehe thats fair. R/transfashion hasn't been used in 2 years. I usually use r/altfashion because it has multiple different styles and the people are usually supportive while as my posts always get removed from the goth or metal subreddit because it's not their exact style 😤


r/mtffashion (hope I spelled it right) would be the go to, but I don't know for ftm people.


Personally, I lurk here for the femme outfits on masculine forms. Even if it’s on guys, it still gives me some ideas for myself.


i'm a trans girl :3


Hi, welcome! Can we get your input on this debate? Just a few words on your thoughts is all we're asking for


Because. The cuteness still exists. Just in another gender


This is for everybody.. not boys.. it’s an open command community. I don’t judge. Just be yourself. Feel free to post.




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It's not gatekeeping. A femboy is a femboy im sick of this "gatekeeper" stuff.




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It’s the same people that spam up every board. Happy and proud of them but .. damn .. respect the Sub