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You definitely want them below your brine. Good chance they'll mold if you don't. If you don't have glass weights. A Ziploc filled with water keep them submerged


Is it a bad idea to open it and fix it?


I mean it does expose it to oxygen which can also cause mold too. But I've done it with no issues. So personally I'd take the chance of opening it vs leaving it How longs it been fermenting


3 days, starting to bubble up


I'd still try it honestly


Definitely open and fix. It’s the perfect time as the fermentation will be putting out plenty of co2 to push out the oxygen


As long as your lid is truly airtight, it doesn't matter if you have floaties. All the bad stuff you'd worry about needs a continuous source of oxygen to grow, which an airtight lid prevents. I've done hundreds of ferments, and I often have veggies floating on top or even poking out of the brine. I've never once had mold, kham yeast, or weirdness of any kind because I use airtight lids that will explode if I don't burp them.


That reassuring to know. I’ve got fermenting lids I got at Walmart with the springs to weigh down so I’m guessing there air tight?! Question, so carbon dioxide bubbles form during fermentation, does it push the oxygen out with the fermentation lids?


I'm not familiar with those lids, but it sounds like they may have one-way valves that allow gas to exit but no gas can enter. If so, yes. CO2 is more dense than oxygen so any oxygen is either briefly consumed by microbes or displaced by the CO2, leaving no oxygen for any bad guys


Yes they have the one way valves on lid, thank you so much for the info


Thanks everyone, did it. Smells so good!