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Omg! I have a feeling mine probably looks like that too. I have huge fibroids and still awaiting surgery date. But I have hysteroscopy coming up in 3 weeks' time. I cannot wait to have these f**kers removed; my periods have been an absolute hell because of them. All the best for your surgery and hopefully recovery is easy and swift.


My periods have been awful for as long as I remember due to the endometriosis they found also which scar tissue is being removed during my laparoscopic myomectomy. I can’t wait either! These fibroids are causing me loads of issues including lower back pain, cramping, constipation, frequent urination, and discharge. Not to mention they’ve caused me to gain weight in my stomach and I can feel them sitting inside of me. Ugh awful


Yeah I have put on weight in my belly due to these fibroids too. Right now my period has been going on for more than a week and so painful too. Because it depletes my iron levels too, most of the time I don't have enough energy to do even the lightest of chores. I recently just had iron infusion so I hope that makes a difference soon.


Your poor bladder! Do you have urgency to pee? Your scan looks a lot like mine did! (Crushing the bladder)


I pee 80000 times a day because not only are my fibroids causing frequent urination but I also take adhd meds which cause me to drink so much water lol. I hate my life


Wow. Not dissimilar to my MRI, except that mine (8,7&7), looked like cricket balls stashed together! (I had a Hysterectomy 11 weeks ago).


I can only imagine that mine just as well since I’ve looked pregnant for 5 years lol


Girl I gained so much stomach weight in the past two years and my friends told me it was relationship weight… I’ve been in and out of relationships my whole life I never gained weight in my stomach from relationships. I knew it was a different problem. I physically can feel these things sitting in my stomach when I lay down because my stomach sticks out and I can cup a circle in my hand which is the larger fibroid sitting on top of my uterus. 🥴 I cannot wait for these things to be taken out of me!


I can feel mine just like that too, when I am lying down. 




Wow!! I wish I got an MRI just to see what mine looked like lol. What type is this? Subserosal, etc


I, not sure what you mean. Here’s an example of what MRI report says: “there are multiple uterine fibroids. The largest is in the fundus and measures 10.2 cm. A posterior uterine body fibroid is present and measures 7.1 cm. The uterus is enlarged.” lol


I don’t know the proper language for it but basically where it is on your uterus. Mine was subserosal (outside) and pedunculated (on a stalk). I think the others are intramural and submucosal. From the MRI report it doesn’t seem like they mentioned where it is! Anywho I was just curious lol. Mine was 13 cm so I’m trying to get a visual 😂😂 it’s been out for months now though thankfully!


Posterior is in the back of uterus according to Google lol which would make sense because it’s going into my spine and causing major lower back pain which just came like 3 weeks ago. These things have grown triple In size since I had gallbladder removal in 2022 and they were found through CT scan, only had 2 under 3 cm at that time 🙄 luckily, my fibroids will come out through the same incision my gallbladder did though. Also fundus I think is on top of uterus


Thanks for posting, mine are like that too.  I found it quite weird to see my scans, but it made me understand that for me, surgery is the only option and that's why I keep wanting to urinate as my bladder is being pressed on too. I saw it on my scan.  Great you will be having yours dealt with soon and I wish you a speedy recovery.