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Moving from Texas to the Puget Sound has helped me a lot.


šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–OMG YES!šŸ˜šŸ˜


I also moved to the Pacific Northwest, from southern california though. For me itā€™s the dry weather that makes life unbearable. If youā€™re sensitive to humidity, and not just the humid Texas summers, Pacific Northwest might not be great for you ā€” it does get humid here, just not hot and humid, usually itā€™s winter thatā€™s our more humid season


Oh I agree! My husband and I are definitely doing lots of research so I think Iā€™ll start there first! Thank you so much! Texas is just NOT okay for me. I have progressively gone down hill as the years have passedā€¦I just want to get ME back and this is the first step!šŸ’–


lol ā€¦ I live in SW Ontario, Canada. We get both the high heat and humidity AND the cold. They both suck in their own ways. I thought of moving, but thereā€™s no guarantee that another climate will be that much better - try to find people with Fibro living in the areas youā€™re thinking of before you move and ask what their experience is.


Live in WNY, south shore of Lake Ontario and yeah man, like why tf do we have to get ALL the weather???


Itā€™s those lakes!!!! Beautiful, but brutal to live near. Iā€™m about 1/2 an hour from Lake Eerie.


I hear you! I live 5 minutes from Lake Michigan. I can't tolerate the heat or the cold.


SW Ontario here as well. We barely got a winter or a spring this year. Temps spiked so early. AC on full blast right now!!


I'm in Texas too and every time I hear my coworkers say how excited she is about the summer I just want to throw hands. First of all how can anyone be excited about summer with this deadly heat? and I'm so hot even in the winter I never wear jackets. My coworkers will be using heaters at their desk and I'm sitting there burning my ass off. It's frustrating. I wish I could move to Massachusetts and just roll in the snow haha




Maybe the high desert climates of Northern New Mexico, Northern Arizona, or Colorado may be good for you? Iā€™ve lived in two of the three areas and found it doesnā€™t get AS hot as the southern AZ or as humid as areas in South TX. I used to live in San Antonio and the humidity was rough on me but when I was in CO I feel like it was not as bad. Hope this helps!


Thank you SO MUCH!!! I really appreciate it! All of those sound promising!!!šŸ„°šŸ„°


I live in southern Utah, about 15 mins from the az border. It gets really really hot here but I do great in the summers! Winters suck but for me it is the cold. My husband move to ND for work and I stayed behind with the kids because there is no way I could do the cold. šŸ˜¬


Waittttttttt you can have fibes and be heat intolerant?!?! Iā€™m connecting so many dots yall


I have fibromyalgia, and I'm hot all the time. I live in California. My bedroom is the temperature of a meat locker. I guess there are always exceptions to the general rulešŸ¤”šŸ’žāœØļø


If itā€™s 70 or above Iā€™m miserable. I have a portable ac for bedroom and sleep with it set at 60. Best sleep.


I totally know how you feel. I was born and raised and lived most of my adult life in North Carolina. The weather there sucks most of the year. The humidity is insane and itā€™s so hot, not necessarily Texas hot, but hot. I moved to Sweden 10 years ago and itā€™s the best thing Iā€™ve ever done. I MUCH prefer cold / cool weather and our summers here are really really short.


Heyyyy! I live in NC and have for half my life. I totally agree with you. My family and I lived in WA state for 18 years. That was a dry heat but still uncomfortable for me most days.Ā  I think I need a cool/cold weather place to live. Sweden might be in our future. Or somewhere else in the States that gets that type of weather.Ā 


Oh my gosh! Iā€™ve ALWAYS wanted to move to Europe! I have deep ancestral roots in Europe. Finland, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, Denmark. I have never been to visit but I KNOW once I do, Iā€™ll never be able to leave! lol!


I will never move back to the states. I love it here. My ancestry is Norwegian and Irish. But I came over here on a spousal visa. My husband is Swedish.


I moved from the Southwest to New England and it's heaven! I do so much better in the cold and the summers here are so much milder.


OMGGG!!! Hmmm. How good is the healthcare there??


I mean, there's a healthcare worker shortage and it can be a while to get in to see a primary doctor, but the doctors here actually listen to me. I may have just been really lucky with who I've seen but it's been so much better here


I have lived in Seattle my whole life. Itā€™s very mild. Not usually too cold or too hot however summers can get over 100 degrees and thereā€™s more and more wildfires every year. I can do heat but not humidity so I love the desert and hate the south. Seattle can feel humid at times due to all the moisture we get. Overall though the Pacific Northwest is a very nice place to live and I am always happy to come home after a trip. Itā€™s VERY expensive though so there might be some sticker shock.Ā 


I love in NW Washington and I love it here. I will never leave willingly!


I can't help with suggestions as I live in New Zealand, but oh boy the heat intolerance šŸ„µ I feel you there. I really hope you're able to find a comfortable place!


Oregon coast


I go to Monterey and Carmel, Ca in the heat. It always in the 60ā€™s there. Perfect weather


I'm originally from Houston, Texas area (lived there for 27 ish yrs but I was also born in Texas). I live on an island in Washington state, 2 hrs away from the Canadian border. Moved here in Oct 2021. We get like 2 or 3 months with heat and it's not even terrible heat (I have to take precautions cause I'm still sensitive to the heat/sun but it's MANAGABLE for once). We get like 1 or 2 weeks of miserable hot. The rest of the year is mild/cool to very cold. Its helped soooo much. It's amazing. I love being outside (well when it's not windy but that can be helped with jackets.) also the medical care I've gotten here has been better since I started going to the dr again. I honestly put it off and just smoked weed (which is legal here and also helps a lot!) but I'm declining so I finally gave in. They're actually working with me! They're understanding and don't push diet and exercise as the only option besides lots of pills that may or may not work (which is repeatedly what I got in Texas) . The physical therapist I'm working with now is also super understanding!


OMG THATS WONDERFUL! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ Iā€™m definitely feeling more hopeful reading everyoneā€™s responses! THANK YOU SO MUCH for your response! THATS the hard partā€¦finding somewhere to live thatā€™s more MANAGEABLE but also has great healthcare and doctors/clinics/hospitals that would actually help AND listen!šŸ˜‰šŸ˜Š


I live in Washington, but keep in mind that the cold can also be a huge trigger for fibro as well. I donā€™t spend any time outside October-February. The summers here are perfect though.


Oof, low heat AND low humidity? Iā€™m not sure if that really exists in the US. Are you okay with humidity if the temp is lower? The Pacific Northwest has mild temperatures but it does rain a lot.


I have been thinking about Washington! I can handle humidity if the temperature is lower for sure!! šŸ˜


I used to live in Portland and the summers have gotten really intense out there. Numerous days get well over 100. Because it never used to be like that, the majority of housing don't have AC. The large cities in the whole region are pretty similar. But aside from the summer, if you don't mind a constant mist of rain (I loved it) it might be a good option. If I were to ever move back over there, I'd probably do Bellingham, WA. Possibly Tacoma, but at that point I'd probably rather just be in Portland. If you're willing to live in small cities much further from major airports, then along the coast can be really nice. Windy, but not nearly as hot.


I am in the same boat. Just can't tolerate the heat and humidity of south asian countries


OMG I CANT EVEN IMAGINE!šŸ˜±šŸ˜± Iā€™m so sorry that youā€™re suffering!!


Thank you so much šŸ˜ŠšŸ™


Yeah i am very hear intolerant as well. The monsoon has started and I can finally keep living. For a couple months while the rains still last :)


I live in western Oregon. The temps are usually pretty mild except hella cold for a week or two in the winter, and hella hot for a week or two in the summer. A lot of houses and apartments don't have central cooling, however, so definitely keep that in mind.


California is pretty great. I live near the central coast. Highly recommended.


everything i've heard about the Pacifc Northwest convinces me i was born in the wrong state and time zone. temperate, less bugs, easier on fibro. PNW is where i would move to if i could. i currently live in Nebraska. where we have summer from May thru October now. and winter? she effed off a decade ago. it's 88F today, i'm baking and the A/C is on everywhere. get out if you can sweetie. scientists project that climate change is going to turn the plains states into deserts? save yourselves (half kidding/half not)


I completely agree! Iā€™ve read and heard about the same things! Iā€™m definitely trying to escape OUT OF HERE!!! Iā€™ll DEFINITELY keep my option oceans for the PNW!!! Thank youuuu!šŸ˜Œ


Where I live in California (the central coast) it's temperate, but the humidity does get high depending on how close to the coast you live. It rarely gets above 75 degrees and it almost never gets freezing where I live. The average temp is probably mid to high 60s, so it's not warm but not super cold either. The main issue for me is the changing temp when it gets rainy.


I was going to suggest the PNW like some others already have. I have the opposite problem and moved from Washington to Cali, which has helped a lot. You might also be okay somewhere with a dry heat? If you don't want the constant overcast... I know that impacted my emotional well-being significantly.


I love living in Colorado! No humidity and tolerable heat.


Los Angeles was killer in the summer but fine the rest of the year. Iā€™m in ct now and feeling so much worse again. I have 6+ concussions as well as the fibro so heat and I do not get along. I got away with booty shorts(with fishnets on cold nights) and small tops/light sweaters or shirts year round in Los Angeles. In ct I feel the need for pants at times in the winter, especially under 20. The cold is painful. Milder winters are nicer for me. Milder summers. Milder allergy seasons. I feel like we need a mild(in every aspect) place that doesnā€™t exist lol.


I think the only places that we could live in is NOT in the U.S. lol. The struggle is real


Iā€™d like to say climate change has left me fearful in many aspects, but also in the sense that fibro and migraines can be worsened. My state was the rainiest state in the lower 48 last year. And super humid. Iā€™m not looking forward to experiencing it this year. This isnā€™t normal


No. It isnā€™t normal at allll. And itā€™s only going to get worse. Iā€™m scared too! I read that Texas will all become desert at one point so itā€™s terrifyingā€¦Iā€™ve got to get SOMEWHERE ELSE. This heat & humidity here is literally killing me. Iā€™ve been needing to move for a long time and itā€™s even harder because of my husbandā€™s kids and their mother, visitation, and everything. NOT saying itā€™s ALL their fault..thatā€™s NOT what I mean but the situation makes it harder. I wouldā€™ve left a LONG TIME AGO if I could have. Our youngest son (technically my stepson) still has 6 years of school left until heā€™s 18, but weā€™re actually going to court right now actually so weā€™re trying to have it in the paperwork that we need to move out of medical necessityā€¦but itā€™s still a long shotā€¦even though the kids WANT to moveā€¦.fml


[https://weatherstreet.com/states/u-s-dewpoint-temperature-forecast.htm](https://weatherstreet.com/states/u-s-dewpoint-temperature-forecast.htm) I follow this dew point map and dream of places to move, since moving is not an option for me. The blue/purple areas are where the air is dry.


OH WOW!šŸ¤©šŸ¤© Thank you!!! Iā€™ll DEFINITELY use it for sure! šŸ¤—šŸ¤—šŸ¤—šŸ¤—


I'm stuck in Florida, and the heat is making it impossible to exist.


Iā€™m so sorry to hear thatā˜¹ļø but I can definitely relate..living in Texas. Iā€™ve been bedridden for a while now, especially as the temperatures have been rising. Iā€™ve had heat intolerance since I was 13 years old but I was never taken seriously by my parentsā€¦I was actually bullied by my mother. Iā€™m so very sorry for your sufferingšŸ˜”šŸ˜” Iā€™ve been a nurse for over 10 years but the last 3 years, Iā€™ve been unable to work my dream job. Iā€™ve lost so much of my life. Iā€™m literally unrecognizable. I CANT suffer like this this anymoreā€¦Iā€™ve GOT TO FIGURE THIS OUT. I truly hope that maybe you can change your living situationā€¦.weā€™re NOT here to suffer like this for the majority of our lives. Thinking about you!ā¤ļø


Arizona is supposed to be one of the best places for people with fibromyalgia. It's due to the heat and it being a desert.


Arizona would be the absolute worst place for me.


I canā€™t do heat at alllllšŸ˜­


I'm sorry. What about Washington or a New England state?


New England is awful for fibro. The cold is horrible on your joints, and makes you tense all the time. The only time I can feel my body actually relax is when I get home and lie on the floor in front of the wood stove. The spring and fall are decent. But theyā€™re like a month each. Summer is every bit as hot as the southern Atlantic states, and every bit as humid. Itā€™s awful.


She stated she's heat intolerant. Another poster moved to New Englad, has fibromyalgia, and loves it. I know that type of environment is awful for fibromyalgia generally.


I figured my reply would be read by the OP in her own post.


I removed that part. Are you still living in the New England area?


Yes, and I have fibro and some other maladies. Itā€™s tough because the cold is SO painful. Like I said, not only bad for my arthritis and joints in general, but also because it makes me so tense almost all the time. But the heat intolerance I think is worse overall. I would almost wish to live where itā€™s always cold (like below 70). Itā€™s such a toss-up. Because in the winter I can always crank up the wood stove.


It's so tough for us because what's generally recommended doesn't work for everyone. I'm in California in a small mountain town. It's beautiful here but so hot for a significant portion of the year. The winter and spring are cold. It snows sometimes. Overall, it's too hot for me. I have inability to regulate my temperature. I'm sweaty and hot all the time.


Yup. I soak my sheets 9/10 nights, regardless of temp or season. Even the coldest nights of the year (makes it so much fun getting back in bed after getting up to pee - gross and brrrr). Or Iā€™ll be way too hot, but my feet are freezing ā€¦ but theyā€™re also sweating. Or Iā€™ll be standing still, and itā€™s maybe 75-80F, and Iā€™ll start feeling drops of sweat trickling down my back. And if Iā€™m active, where I might normally sweat a little, instead Iā€™ll soak my clothes and sweat like a pig. I hate it. At least my sweat/body odor isnā€™t strong. Maybe thatā€™s from my diet.


Oh my goodness BOTH of those sound AMAZING!!!šŸ˜šŸ˜


Definitely! I'd love to live in Connecticut, Vermont, or Maine. I'm in California. It's literally the worst state ever.


Either of those ideas sound soooo good! Iā€™m definitely doing research today! Iā€™m so SICK of literally suffering with this crapšŸ˜­šŸ˜°


Glad I could help. They're places I'd consider moving to. Good luck on your search. What an adventure. And how excitingšŸ˜šŸ„°


Thank you so much!!šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ’–šŸ„°


I can safely say no to New England. The summers can get up to 100Ā° with humidity to match. The winters are painfully cold, especially if youā€™re anywhere near the ocean.