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No... I avoid alcohol cuz it's expensive.


A very good reason honestly, this crisis of living does not help at all


Yup… you gotta love how inflation has made the cost of living damn near impossible for the average person to afford… -.- hell the dollar seems like it’s gonna lose its value like the German Mark back in Germany after World War 1 and maybe history will repeat itself leading into World War 3…


Yeah that's the real kicker for me too. 15 bucks for a 6 pack before the exorbitant tax my state puts on it. It's somewhere around 20 to 25 percent.


If y'all will excuse the complete disaster that is my home, come on over. We'll have a party and I'll curl up on my Plufl with my Squishmallows and enjoy the fact that someone is appreciating my stash. https://preview.redd.it/k3ajva46709d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=500e74b71987cd08422888cb6ec0bdcdba3d6a6f Sorry for the sideways pic, I can't figure it out right now.


I would, but I don't know if the bus goes there and it's after six so no buses until tomorrow...


I'm in small-community Florida, so we specifically have to call and make an appointment for the bus to go anywhere. But it does go everywhere! 😁


Nice,Do you like the black berry crown?




I used to be a Budget Alcoholic so I got y'all- The Winking Owl is a brand of wine that's stupid cheap, and you can buy it online. In my local Aldi's, a bottle is 2.99 and a box (roughly 3¾ bottle) is 11.99 That paired with a knock off brand of coke (Mr. Cola or some shit is was I used and it was .99 for a 2 litre) and BOOM A $4 cocktail to get you fucked up 👏👏✨️💕


And I usually avoid it because I'll just get sweaty and have a headache after 2-3 sips 😆 luckily it does not get very expensive when you can't even finish one drink lol Tho there is exactly one canned mixed drink that I *wish* I could find that flavor but not alcohol, so I do continue to buy that one and try every few months to enjoy one, just in case my body has suddenly decided it doesn't need to throw a tantrum about the alcohol content lol


I make my own moonshine ( with everclear) it's a lot cheaper.


Personally, yes. It upsets my stomach and sometimes flares me up.


No way! I just got diagnosed, but I noticed that the day after I drink alcohol I'm in the bathroom all day the next day and have awful pain. I never even thought the two could be connected until I say your comment


I never got into alcohol, but now my excuse is it badly interacts with the half-dozen medications I take.


That’s smart, I’m gonna steal that excuse, I worry people will judge me for not drinking at university haha


i had a couple friends that never drank and kept an eye out for us drunks and would drive us home or keep us outta trouble when we would all be stupid


Yeah, it really doesn't play nice with a lot of medications. And it makes a lot of people flare. I limit to one drink every few days, 2 per week, and small ones at that.


Yeah just be straight -- "I can't drink because of the meds I'm on" is like 99% respected. Only an asshole would bother you about it after that.


I went to uni in 2016 and there was a fair few people who didn't drink, you'll be fine.


Recovering alcoholic and have been sober for over two years, so yes. 😂 Edit: autocorrect


Congratulations,I feel like alcohol is one of the hardest things to quit, Because of the accessibility of it.


Thank you! It took many tries, but I feel so much better. This one's gonna stick!


I spent a long time using or to numb the pain because it worked better than anything else for me, but have been sober for 3 and a half years now, and it has made a HUGE difference. I used to be in absolute agony with awful brain fog on top of a hangover, or be so drunk I was pain free but didn't know what I was doing which just made me overdo it and cause more pain. Now, my pain is much more leveled out. It's not better necessarily, but I'm not all over the place anymore. My meds work better because I'm not mixing them with alcohol, I'm not getting small injuries from drunk stumbling, I recognise when I need to rest or call it a day, move around and stretch, and I have lost a fair bit of weight which does help a bit as well. I think if you drink a couple once in a while you're fine, butnig you're drinking a lot it's worth cutting back or stopping


I’m trying to stop. But it’s the only thing that helps in a measurable way. The consequences of alcohol consumption are just as you described and I have to find a better way to function


It's definitely a journey, and the fear of "losing" the thing that helos so well in the moment can be difficult. I reached out to my GP who gave some local groups I could join, and I was so scared but one day work up and just decided I had to do it. I realised that it was helping the pain short term, but it was ruining my life. I'd definitely recommend reaching out for support, I learned a lot doing it through a group. Also, a lot of people seem to have a little relapse and give up staying sober, but relapsing is a part of the journey for many people. Just keep going, the end result is definitely worth it, especially with fibro which has so many different symptoms. Drinking can throw them all over the place, and being sober they're a lot more predictable and easier to manage in a more controlled way


Yup. That was me for years. Until I switched to pot, moved to a legal state. Still, nothing works as well for my pain and alcohol gave me such energy! And made my anxiety lower. It was never sustainable. I had to drink more and more. I was never sober, which interferes with driving and working. My tolerance went through the roof and I was downing a lot. Like, gallons of vodka a month. I couldn't sleep sober, I had to drink as soon as I woke up. I was scared of withdrawal, I was scared of getting caught. It made me unstable emotionally. Shocker I know. I lost relationships over it. It was a sad way to live. And I knew it was going to kill me. Is being a pothead better? Less lethal. Less energy. I don't know. I don't want to be in pain. I really hope you make it out of using alcohol. Because liver damage is awful. And I know from experience it is not sustainable and it is lonely. Hugs.


I don’t think it’s my fibro but I get so tired after just the tiny bits of alcohol I rather stay away from it unless it’s a special day, I’m at home with my fiancé and I know he can carry me to bed if he has to because apart from being tired my legs might actually stop to work


Completely switched to weed. Alcohol is useless to me now...


thc has saved my life! rso for the flares and tincture daily so i can be somewhat human


Can I ask what tincture you use? They discontinued what I had been using for a couple years and I'm scared to try something else.


https://preview.redd.it/1obga2cfx69d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c3eac2f56caebccf73d055b456b0e123b211254 back of tincture


https://preview.redd.it/sa2ewnsjx69d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a4a0fe0439287c0f83415a8c9e8b376af14249c i also wear two of these every damn day




Thanks so much!


Same here. I quit drinking 5 years ago because I hated how bad even the smallest amount made me feel. I use gummies and man it's been life changing for being able to relax sore muscles and help the achy joints. And the sleep is amazing.


Thc has saved me 😂


This right here! The recovery time from drinking plus the medication I’m taking isn’t worth the risk of drinking!


I seem to be some kind of allergic to weed, I get spasms and nausea for days it’s the worst


It has the same effect on me


I think it is the fibro because I use to drink pre-Fibro and was fine. Now the littlest bit make me sleepy. I have tried weed and THC and it does nothing for me. Weed ironically usually just gives me a bad headache.


Since getting sick with Fibro I cannot drink any alcohol without getting a flare so I just don’t drink at all anymore


Same like confined to bed after a glass type flare.


I feel you I used to love to go for a glass of gin with friends specially during summer,but last time I litteraly had a sip and I flared up and was stuck in a flare for a week,I completely switched to weed now which calms the flare rather then making it hell


No, if I have to suffer I'm at least going to escape mentally lol


Amen to that my dude, of course I don’t drink alcohol myself but I use other psychoactive chemicals for that very same purpose. lol xD


Yup. Being on Gabapentin means that a single pint gets me shitfaced, so it just ain't worth it. 🤣


Just completely lost interest in alcohol after I started having fibromyalgia symptoms. Started on Cymbalta and was recommended to avoid it, and I just never had another drink. Probably only ever had one or two a week, so I wasn’t a big drinker to begin with.


Honestly like all things it's risk assessment and depends on the circumstances (out with friends or whatever). Or sometimes I'm just thinking that I'll be in pain regardless and drink anyway


Alcohol is one of the few things that fully dulls my nerve pain so I don’t avoid it, but I do have to be mindful it’s not my main go-to for pain.


I avoid getting drunk. Having a drink or two isn't a problem but hangovers are week-ruining events that need to be avoided at all costs


This is my take, too. I mean sometimes I decide the week-ruining hangover is worth it, like once a year or so, but otherwise, yeah. A couple of drinks has no effect on my fibro, but if I get drunk, I pay for a week in flares and long lasting hangover symptoms.


Indeed. Fibro makes everything worse. Even when I do have a drink or two I literally do everything I can to avoid even the slightest hangover.


A friend of mine recently shared the tip of taking an OTC antihistamine before bed when you've been drinking as a hangover prevention method and I have to say, coupled with the typical guzzling of water, I've had good results so far. I had never heard of this amongst all the other common tips and tricks, so I figured I may as well share in case you haven't heard this one, either :)


Really? That's a first for me too. Next time I feel like drinking heavily I'll definitely try it


Same here. A couple times a year it's worth it to have fun with friends. Any more than that and life would be miserable. It seriously takes me a week in bed to feel myself again.


It causes pain in my arms and thighs. So it has to be a special occasion.


Does it do anything good for you that warrants drinking on a special occasion? Most of the time a ginger ale or a club soda with a lime in a rocks glass is festive-looking enough to keep nosy people from trying to peer pressure you into drinking.


Oh no it's not peer pressure. I'm thinking like a toast to the bride and groom. That little amount doesn't seem to bother me. Now if I go to my favorite Mexican restaurant and have 2 margaritas that will cause pain.


Alcohol makes me feel awful. I realized this in my late 20's, well before Fibromyalgia was part of my reality. I literally skip any sort of pleasant feelings and go right to hot, flushed, and feeling all wrong. However I did realize in the last 5 years, because of a friend with top shelf tequilia taste at special occasions that ONLY top shelf, really good tequilia is not offensive to my body. Bonus is that I really truly love a good tequilia. That is a taste I developed spending an exchange student year in Mexico I can slowly sip a shot with a meal and not feel unpleasant. Bonus is that I only ever want one. Because I have good taste, it is usually reserved for a birthday meal or special occasion. I really love taking people to tequlia bars with me. Getting to take tiny sips of 4-6 different tequilias, to compare and contrast, and then let the rest of my party finish the shots is perfect for me!


I generally don't drink. If I have one drink, the next day is pretty much ruined. It's got to be a great drink for all that!! 


alcohol is very inflammatory. toxic, terrible for many chronic illnesses. Avoid at all cost. Having a drink here and there for a birthday or something sure, but if you are a daily drinker, having a glass of wine with dinner, or a cocktail after work every night, cut that shit out. Especially avoid yeasty alcohols.


Ethyl alcohol/ethanol is probably the most toxic recreational drug there is with stimulant drugs such as Methamphetamine being a close second (however Methamphetamine is a solid drug for ADHD when used in therapeutic doses) and it amazes me how society has embraced it while demonizing other drugs/psychoactive substances…


Should but I don’t, i like a drink at night helps me relax


It definitely affects me more now - super tired, headache, sometimes itchy skin. I’ll sometimes have just a tiny bit of beer wit my dinner or I’ll indulge in wine if I’m out for a special occasion because life - I’ll usually eat and drink lots of water with it to lessen the affects.


ohhh yes the hives and flushing are obnoxious!!


Alcohol is entirely the wrong drug to treat fibro or any condition that falls under the umbrella of central sensitization syndrome.


Yes because I take gabapentin. I occasionally will have a drink at a restaurant with a meal.


Alcohol is great at taking away pain for the night, but the pain tolerance the next day is zero.


I have Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) deficiency Love the taste of craft beer and it's been rough, as I had to stop having an occasional beer. Will have sips at weddings and special occasions, haha! I've switched to zero proof, or nothing, except for cannabis.


How do you get tested for this? Alcohol makes me super sick, like after one standard drink I will feel like I have poison running through my veins. I've never known why, but ALDH2 might be it.


I had a DNA test that confirmed it based on my grandfather's family - being Japanese. It's also known as "Asian Flush". One of my physicians in the past basically told me this was what I was experiencing, I was never tested for it. He told me it's like after drinking, having formaldehyde coursing through my veins, since alcohol is turned into something bad as opposed to what normally happens. My symptoms are increased heart rate, my body turns very red and blotchy, I start itching, I have difficulty breathing. My gums feel a pulsating in them. It's been that way ever since I took my first drink at 16. It truly sucks! I couldn't figure out that it was only me feeling this way, I thought everyone felt these things when drinking. My mom always claimed that she was "allergic" to alcohol, she is against drinking for various reasons, and she didn't know until the last decade or so that it's a genetic thing. My five kids all experience some of the characteristics of Asian Flush too. There are certain ethnic groups who have the tendency to be deficient, I just got lucky and happen to be 24% Japanese.


Thank you for your detailed reply. I can heavily relate to everything you've described - alcohol induces a nightmare situation. I'm Caucasian so the likelihood of it being ALDH2 deficiency is a lot lower for me, but from my understanding, not impossible.


You're welcome. I guess I jumped on the opportunity to go into extreme detail. Lol. It's very unpleasant, I'm sorry you're having similar issues.


Mate, extreme detail is what I live for! 💫


Yes—between Cymbalta and gabapentin, at most I might have a tiny glass of wine or champagne at special occasions (such as a wedding) and that’s it. It’s not worth it.


No. It doesn't impact my fibro. Although there are studies that show it's good for fibro pain lol.






I have fibro, and I do avoid alcohol - but it’s because I’ve correlated alcohol with painful eczema flares. Likely also makes the fibro worse, but the immediate concern is my skin.


For the most part. It absolutely aggravates my symptoms, but I do like a drink if I go out for dinner with certain people or have a first date.


Yeah. Just not worth it. Every time I drank I would get incredibly sick.


I used to have social cocktails but… for the last 4-5 years my body thinks Im poisoning myself and I get sicker than a dog😞 it’s no fun now so I avoid it


Fuck no. If that shit wouldn't kill me I would drink a gallon a day. It was the only thing that really helped with my pain (I've never really had opiates) that is legal. If it weren't so bad for you that would be my drug of choice. I don't mix alcohol with my meds these days anyway but my experience was that alcohol, a lot helped at least for the evening. You can't get hammered every day though. I use marijuana for pain but it isn't remotely enough to be considered a replacement for alcohol and I imagine even more so, opiates.


I have SO MUCH whiskey in my house. Because I freaking love whiskey. And because I never drink it, because it causes migraines and other unpleasantness.


I avoid sugars I have found it makes me 100x worse.


I drink wine a couple times a week. I can’t drink heavily without having a rough day or two afterwards, but a glass or two doesn’t bother me at all.






It interacts with some of the medications I'm on, so I'm supposed to avoid it. It's not hard, because I don't like it anyway. I get flushing after not even half a drink; I'd rather just have some juice or lemonade tbh.


Yes. But I developed an allergy. But either way, the hangovers would be brutal and the sugar would make my limbs swell.


I drink rarely now. I don’t avoid it per se, but it’s expensive and doesn’t help anything, and in excess definitely makes things worse. I tried using it for awhile to numb the pain but to say it didn’t help would be an understatement. I’ll have a drink or two if I’m having a nice dinner but other than that, not a part of my life


Alcohol in general is bad for anyone. It destroys the white brain matter ( one reason why alcoholism creates dementia etc) , is hard on the liver, creates inflammation throughout the body, causes pre mature aging etc.  On rare occasion I'll have a beer , maybe a glass of wine.  I'm not a regular drinker for the above mentioned reasons, sometimes a beer is nice, but just one beer makes me feel immensely worse so I definitely avoid it. 


Yes. I get instant hangovers now. Not worth it for even one drink.


Yes. Medication and alcohol don’t mix.


I do not personally like it. I quit many, many years ago. It just stopped agreeing with me.


I have an extremely low tolerance (like a diluted strawberry daiquiri only drinking like an 1/8 of it will get me very tipsy), plus a few of my medications warn against taking them and alcohol. I also have bad anxiety from a car accident that is made much worse when drinking, so that’s another reason.


Yes. It gives me bad headaches




I rarely get drunk, or even tipsy, but I do drink every day. It's the only thing that even touches the pain. I am trying to be mindful of it, though, and cut back bit by bit.


I drink both wine and hard liquor in moderation and both actually help me when I am in a bad flare. It really helps control the pain. I don't feel it affects my fibro as in making it worse. I think it's different for everyone.


Yeah. Totally stopped drinking bc it makes me flare. Just not worth it.


Yep. It makes me feel so gross.


I’ve not given it up but it’s limited to 3-4 servings of Port a month. 1 malt drink a week. Usually as a celebration of getting through another week. Honestly, I’ve giving up so much because of this, I’m getting to the point of saying “f*ck it” and eating and drinking what I want cause 30 yrs of “clean eating” hasn’t helped any.


Makes be feel worse ! I prefer THC.


Yes and it's helped significantly. The side effects are not worth the upside. I drink seltzer or NA beers to be social.


Yes. Alcohol makes my stomach hurt before I finish my first drink. I spend a long time uncomfortable after finishing a drink amd can't bring myself to drink a second. That thc tho.......


I probably should? I don't typically drink heavily but when I do decide to have more than one drink, especially if I've had a busy or stressful week already, it usually lands me in a bad flare up.


I drink very rarely these days. Pot/edibles are so much better and it relieves my pain.


Oof, I wish the pot had worked for me! I had to take so much of the very serious high dose thc oil that I ended up sitting on the floor of my basement just petting every one of my cats that stopped by to see what the F I was doing and just rubbing my face all over them.  Then I was on the couch. And then I guess it was the next day and I was sober again? I used wayyyy too much but I just wanted the migraine gone and said "Fudge it" lol


It flares me up super easily, so, yeah


Yes, it causes me so much pain


Giving up alcohol has definitely helped my day to day pain levels and overall inflammation! I realized I was numbing the pain temporarily and ultimately making the problem worse. I still have a lot of pain but it has helped me.


Haven't had much alcohol at all for 10 yrs. First it's expensive and fattening, and it's a depressor so the next day I tended to feel depressed. Ppl self-medicate with it and if they're not alcoholics, it's considered socially acceptable. But then ppl get judged for taking an antidepressant or anxiolytic...


i will never drink it ever again and it’s been 2 1/2 years since and i don’t miss it. i’ve switched to fun thc/cbd drinks and warm teas. really a game changer! but i still feel like shit but not hung over.


Yes, I didn’t used to. But then it started giving me migraines


Red wine is the only alcohol that actually helps


I have plenty of reasons to avoid it besides fibro so it never really occurred to me


I'll have a glass or two every month or two, but yes I definitely avoid it at times because the trade off of "Alcohol" vs "Worse sleep quality tonight" is rarely worth it. For the most part, it's either one single drink, or it's a night away from the kids with friends and I'm getting blasted (on like 3 or 4 drinks lol) I recently had an epiphany and realize that I didn't need alcohol to have mixed drinks. So now I have Shirley Temples a couple times a month cause I'm an adult and I do what I want!


100 percent




Yeah I don't drink at all anymore, it makes me feel too sick. Quickly became not worth it! I can't even finish one drink without my stomach revolting on me.


My body has rejected alcohol. I get severely dizzy and nauseous if I consume even a very small shot of alcohol. I can barely even handle caffeine. My system does not appreciate a good chunk of the chemicals healthy people partake in without thought.


Yes 100%…okay I might have a few drinks twice a year or so. I miss it sometimes but the help with my Fibro avoiding it outweighs the fun. When I rarely have drinks I know to expect a bad flare for weeks.




Yes. Alcohol, as far as I understand, is a depressant. Fibromyalgia keeps me at a low energy on my bad days. I don't need to ingest something that will keep me low. I'm also an alcoholic. 




Anything that makes my body work harder to get rid of is off my eat/drink list. My body just does not appreciate me drinking alcohol. With all the medication I’m on, it’s just too big a toll on my body. My mental health greatly improved too after stopping alcohol.


I’m on so many medications, it’s just not worth the risk. Plus, alcoholism runs in my family. Don’t want to risk that either.


Sometimes I’ll have a glass of wine and I find it eases my fluey aches, but it makes my fatigue worse and I feel like shit as soon as the buzz wears off, so it’s not really worth it.


Only because I realized it was helping numb me out from the pain somewhat and I knew I didn’t want to risk waking up with a bottle in my hand every morning because I was self-medicating. Also, my meds make it tougher now too.


Alcohol didn't affect my fibro but I still avoid it because it gives me major stomach issues and week-long hangovers if I get drunk, lol.


I do drink - maybe one beer or hard cider, once in a blue moon. But I can’t tolerate more because of interactions with meds as I just get sleepy and can’t concentrate once I drink. I do miss it sometimes but then I remind myself that a) I’m avoiding calories (I’m desperate to lose weight in the hope of reducing pain especially in my hips, legs and feet), and b) I can’t really afford to drink anyway. So it balances out:-) I don’t really avoid it because of Phibro specifically although some of the medication‘s are to treat fibromyalgia and concurrent conditions that lead to just a ridiculous amount of constant pain for decades now actually. I just had one of the medication‘s increased in fact and unfortunately, while it will help in someways with the fiber, one of the side effects is , extreme muscle tension, and tightening and cramping. So maybe I do need a drink after all :-)


Once I realized that it seemed to increase my pain levels (not to mention mixing with meds), I definitely cut way back. But, as of late 2018, I can count on 1 hand the number of drinks I’ve had. As I’ve gotten older (mid 40s now), I just generally don’t like how it makes me feel.


I truthfully don't know how much it has to do with the fibro vs I don't like most alcohol (I'll have a cocktail or a cider once in a while).


When I'm really hurting from domestic duties, I have a few beers and a couple of shots. It helps relax me. Like today, I did a lot of cleaning, and my body slowly shuts down like a battery dying.


Yes! …and many other reasons


Yep, it flares me big time and immediately makes me feel like crap in every way possible. Which is insane to me because I used to have such a high tolerance. I don't miss it though because I'd rather not experience the insane painful flares I get.


unfortunately, i find that it actually helps with my fibro a good amount of the time. numbs a lot of the aches and pains real nicely (aside from my stomach problems). i try to avoid it for other reasons and never drink more than a limited amount.


Mostly. Sometimes it’s a good muscle relaxer. But mostly I don’t drink.


Yes and caffeine. I find that both increase my pain. Sometimes I will have tiny bit of one or the other but I stick to one drink and never on consecutive nights.


1000% because not only is it poison it always results in the nastiest flare ups


I avoid it, but because of another health issue and because I don't like being tipsy. I used to limit it when fibromyalgia was all I was worried about, but mostly just because of its effect on sleep.


I don't have an official diagnosis but a doctor wrote fibro on my chart and stopped trying to test for things, and the shoe fits, so maybe I do maybe I don't. Anyway, I don't drink because it triggers migraines for me. A 12 pack of beer will last months for me. It's like a special occasion thing, I like to have pizza and beer or a nice wine every now and then. But drinking to get drunk is going to be a bad time for me, no matter how much water I drink or how much I try to prepare myself.


For the most part I avoid it. I might try a sip here or there out of my husband's drink but that's about it.


Yes. 100% personally. Im also on LDN for my fibro and the two dont mix


I don’t drink alcohol. I did when I was younger, and never understood why it made me so sick. At 20 it would take a week to get over a hangover that should’ve been mild. Since my diagnosis I try to put only clean healthy things on my body as it helps my pain and exhaustion.


Maybe I’m in the minority, but no. Everything sucks enough, as it is, and I enjoy really great drinks. My symptoms are impacted by other factors, and I’m supposed to “stress less”, so I definitely indulge when I feel like it.


yes !! it just makes me feel sick


I used to enjoy alcohol whenever I was younger as when I first started college I used it frequently to self medicate my social anxiety since I didn’t have a prescription for any sort of benzodiazepine so I’d use also use alcohol in a similar role however I stopped using as I got older because it has too short of a duration of action and these days it just leaves me feeling poisoned and shitty whenever it wears off… I’ve also found that there are far better drugs that do what alcohol does while subjectively feeling much cleaner such as higher alcohols such as 2M2B, Chloral Hydrate, Ethchlorvynol and etc so I upgraded to bigger & better chemicals. lol xD https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/2M2B https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chloral_hydrate


Yep, alcohol absolutely destroys me… Even just a beer can give me a horrible multi day hangover-flare. Wasn’t always like that, I used to drink a lot more, so I know it’s not genetic


Yeah, 3 years sober. I was still drinking at the start of developing fibromyalgia, and hangovers made self care a lot harder. Similarly with tobacco, I feel a whole heap better these days, for being less toxic.


I already avoided alcohol because sports & high functioning alcoholism running in the family


Yes. From the ages of 18 to around 23 I partied a lot and went on nights out very often (18 is legal in UK just incase anyone raises an eyebrow lol) and my symptoms started developing around age 22. I am in extreme pain daily if I don’t take my medication and I cannot take it if I consume alcohol so if I choose to drink I’m also choosing to spend the night in a lot of pain. Barely drink alcohol at all anymore, it will only ever be on occasion. My pain also heightens the following days after a night of drinking alcohol so it’s something I just avoid these days.


Nope when I was diagnosed with just fibromyalgia I made sure to time my medication and drinks as far away as possible from eachother. (This was when I only took like 1 or 2 medications) 😭 Now I can't handle my liquor at all with all the meds I take for my comorbitities etc etc And I'm a social drinker so I don't usually drink alone anyway and my partner doesn't like drinking too much and he's really strict on himself (which makes him a very safe driver he does multiple delivery apps) he won't drink at all if he's working the next day etc It's ok it's sort of my limit alcohol is expensive hahaha That being said flavored soju is my favorite drink of choice or a nice bubbly sweet wine ✨😂


No but in moderation it helps with insomnia


Alcohol messes me up in more ways than one, but fibro is one of the main reasons I turned to alcohol. I'm a God damn alcoholic now.


I read a medical study from the late 1890s about their attempts to use grain alcohol to cure pain. They gave up the practice because opium was easier to calculate doses and more reliable. I can't get painkillers and this works for me on the worst days. I'm like 6'5" so for me it's about 2 shots of hard liquor to trick my body into thinking that it's not in terrible pain and then back to drinking a good amount of water. The worst days are like 3 days a month though. So. The cost is not too terrible. It's a just in case thing for me.  Anyone closer to 200 pounds than 300 could get away with one shot. Shot and a half at most. Know your tolerances and don't drink at all if it makes you do things you regret.


Yes, I never drink. I think I'm probably allergic to alcohol because even a single sip gives me an awful headache. Due to issues with my neurotransmitters I also don't get any of the good feeling most people do when they drink, it just feels like a head cold (same thing with weed, though it's a slightly different sensation). Aside from my personal experience, alcohol abuse is very common with fibromyalgia and other chronic pain conditions. It might help dull the pain in the moment, but makes things worse in the long run (and even the next day) since it's inflammatory.


Not really, but I don't drink much when taking painkillers. I also found some alcohol seems to make my joints hurt.


100% we do not agree with each other at all!


I keep it pretty limited, one to two glasses usually throughout the month. I have to be careful with the meds I'm on.


Aside from cost. Alcohol is inflammatory and makes my pain worse when I drink frequently.


Yes. You are not allowed to drink while taking tramadol or Amitriptyline.


Yes, it’s always made me feel so sick even before fibro started. I could have a glass of white wine but needed to ensure that I had a decent meal first so that it didn’t feel so bad in my stomach. I take medications that I can’t have alcohol with and that’s ok with me.


I’ve avoided alcohol for many years. Some of the medication that I’m on will interact with alcohol. I’m much better off without it, to be honest. When I was young, I had a drinking problem. I was in tremendous pain from fibromyalgia and the other autoimmune disorders I have, and I think I was self medicating. I also had problems in my marriage, and with my family. The drinking certainly didn’t help with any of them, and really made them worse. My father was a violent alcoholic, and I had to decide that I didn’t want to become anything like him. I quit drinking entirely when I made that decision.


I don't drink because of potential interactions with my meds


Alcohol doesnt do anything good for me anymore, except maybe a slightly elevated mood and it makes me slightly more uninhibited I used to drink a lot during my 20's (I'm 32 now) and I loved it. Now it just makes me tired, dizzy, uncomfortable, and I get these intense feelings of doom the next day. Hangxiety without the benefits. I still sometimes do it though


No it makes me feel heavy and sluggish the next day. Depending on how much I drink the next day my knees will burn.


I’ve never fared well with alcohol, I don’t drink often now and when I do I tend to just have one.


I avoid alcohol because I've been an alcoholic my entire adult life lol, but also because it triggers bad flares.


Mostly, yes. I'll have half a cider now and then, but don't generally seek it out or buy it to keep at home. An exception is plum wine, which freezes to a nice slush. One shot of that, sipped slowly, has a ton of sugar and can give me a headache even if it didn't have alcohol.


I probably should. I don't.


I’ve never been a big drinker as my parents were alcoholics. I’m also a diabetic so alcohol shoots up my levels. So, I do so here and there, like at my sister’s wedding earlier this month.


Alcohol gives me diarrhea/under digested food


No but I avoid fibromyalgia with alcohol. I'll take maybe 1 ice cube in my glass, but that fibromyalgia makes my drink taste like shite.


I do not drink, quit 4 years ago because once I start I have no off switch and become a sloppy, emotional mess, offend people, and everyone hates me. Fibro didn’t have anything to do with me quitting though.


I avoid it because of MCAS. I was ok with it before that, but of course my fatigue was always worse the next day.


I drink it. We travel a lot and I like to drink the alcohol local to where I am at. My doc knows this and doesn't tell me I shouldn't.


I don't avoid alcohol because of fibromyalgia. I avoid it because if I get drunk I'll want to do heroin. I've been clean for 7 years and want to stay that way! Lol Weed doesn't have the same effect for me though. I just need to find a good tincture since the last one o was using was discontinued and I'm nervous to try a different one.


Yes, it's my worst migraine trigger.


I’m 90 days sober. I quit for my health. I’m gonna be honest I haven’t noticed a difference and I miss wine medicating. Lmao


I avoid it, I’ve been 18 months sober from alcohol and I’ve noticed it has made a huge impact. If I drank I would feel terrible for days afterwards and it’s just not worth it anymore for me personally.


Personally, no, alcohol is fine with my fibro. I just don’t like to drink tbh. I can though


Yes, it makes me flare up entirely, my whole body :/


Sadly yes. I worked in the wine industry and frankly I love cocktails (especially in tiki bars) but I always pay for it…. So I plan accordingly.


i rarely drank if at all in the first place. but i def feel like it makes my lyrica less effective so i just dont usually drink also bc of that


I love my Bordeaux but I’m so tired and useless the next day if I have any significant amount. Was good all week then had a few too many glasses last night. Trying to hydrate and take it easy. Sucks because I have things I’d like to be doing and I know I don’t have the energy because of the wine. I struggle with any levels like most of us here but the alcohol makes it noticeably worse.


It depends.


Not really, but I don't get drunk anymore because that messes with my meds and my body


Yes. A couple sips will put me into a blinding migraine 😰


I suffer from so much fatigue and alcohol just makes me tired. Then rhe following day I just feel run down. So yes I generally avoud it. I partake for special occasions but I always end up paying for it the next day like most things.




I love alcohol personally, I liked to have a drink before I had it but now, as bad as it sounds, I drink whenever I can. I really helps my pain and keeps my thought st bay too ( no I don’t drink often, I leave my house about 3-4 times a month )


Yes. If I'm flared up and I drink alcohol, pain and fatigue are too much for me. If I'm having a good health day, and it's a special occasion, I will have a couple of beers or glasses of wine. Yes the alcohol still gives me a reaction. But, honestly, my body is reactive to so many different foods, beverages, and environmental triggers that sometimes, I have to live a little, even if I get myself in a little pain.


I don't, but I also did just trigger a flare with a hangover last week 🤦🏼


I will maybe have a single drink with friends once every month or two, but only like a single alcoholic seltzer. That small amount doesn't affect me almost at all, thankfully, and I mostly just like the seltzer part more than the alcohol. But I know for some people that small amount is still too much and can trigger symptoms so everyone is different!