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I would convert him to a right winger and then after that put him on an inverted winger training plan for a couple years to boost his shooting stats. Loan him out asap and monitor him to make sure he’s getting games. Then go from there.


One plan for a few years! I change plans based on the shortest completion times. Am I doing wrong?


Not necessarily but inverted winger will boost his shooting and give you a quicker increase in overall (I think). So keep hammering at that and it should be beneficial unless of course you want a more rounded player.


You should never keep the plan other than balanced for 90-94 potential players.


How do you monitor this


Just go to squad hub and look at your loaned players stats.


You can only see their stats if they’re in the same league you’re in.


Thank you. Will check this out.


Same leauge


How do you know if your loaned player is getting games? I can’t figure out how to check.


That doesn't matter,player growth is generated whether they play him or not.




Well, why not? 😆


Not worth the effort. Can get much better youth prospects


He is fast so maybe you can change his career to track and field. He can be a future star there but not here




You just don’t lmao


Easy on him bro, he is just 15. Not every kid in this age can be barca yamal lol


Once he has reachd 16, loan him out to a smaller club for game time


No playstyle+


Y ik man, i always loaned youth academies. Since i barely used them, only when fighting a lower league side


It is pointless. Keep them in YA on balanced training for as long as you can. Then loan them out and they will get massive ovr (and stats) boost due to the difference between their OVR and potential curve.


What if the player has the wrong position? Should I still keep them on balanced plan or train them for the "right" position? If the latter, should I switch to the new position or not? Edit: nvm I saw your other comment where you said it's best to switch position. Is it also the same on Fifa 21?


I have no idea if that works in 21. Yes, it is best to switch position but for playing purpose. I will actually experiment with not switching position but I am currently not playing that crap 😂 FM24 touch is my game to go.


Nah it would take too long. There’s no need to focus on him


Give him a break and don’t accelerate his progress


Keep him as a winger with the pace he has already. His passing and dribbling are his second best stats so based on that, play him as a winger and put a development plan on him to help 😁


You can’t


Make him a CM and boost that mf passing over time


he needs to start with an overall above 60 and have the possibility of reaching 90+


its over for this brudda sell him


Defending looks like shit. If potential is good I'll turn him into a cam and then loan him out for an year. Then train as a winger. Or even winger from the start


Change position to desired. Trains work rates how you wish. Switch to BALANCED. KEEP HIM IN ACADEMY FOR AS LONG AS YOU CAN. When he complains, take him to your squad. If you want PS+ keep him on balanced plus play him a lot till he hits 80 OVR. If you do not care for PS+ loan him. He should gain a lot of stats after one month on loan (and IVR) because balanced training did keep his ovr low while his potential curve is higher. This way you are getting player with great stats everywhere and still room to improvement on desired position. Good luck.


I hope you realize it will take a few years for this guy to get good. Youll probably come across a much better youth LM by the time he hits 65. But im a fan of keeping my YA at balance until i see their play styles and cater to that


Play games on an easy difficulty and score tons of goals. It'll take awhile but he'll grow as much as you want 


Promote him at 16 then do the loan glitch with him twice a window every season up until 22 then regularly play him


How to do this


Loan a player out. Save progress. Recall from loan after a few days and see if his potential has gone up or if his price has gone up from before the loan as this normally indicates he's gone up in potential. If he hasn't or has gone down back out don't save then reload and Recall again until it works. Then loan him out again until January. Recall same process then loan for 1 full season then Recall in summer transfer window. Repeat this process for years and they'll go up loads.


Got it thanks a lot G.


Get him into the music industry. Football is NOT his thing


Cut him so he can fulfil his destiny as a translator for mlb


I think he's either a cam or cm




Train him on different positions without ever changing his position.


Give him consistent game time and keep his morale high, maybe loan him out for a season or two so he gets all his stats up due to experience. Convert him to Cam and make him a very technical playmaker.


Make him a LB


Loan him


Cut his ass.


Check his development plan (especially CM)


Hed play CAM for me. Passing dribbling and pace are very good. Promote those with an attacking schemed training approach following the position change.. let that go on til the kid is 17 and then id probably decide if hes better suited for forward or mid.


Loan gitch him till hes good at what ever youd like.


just send him on loan and if he comes back a player you want then ask again. if not then just sell him


Loan glitch


If he has potential (say 83+ for example) then I would loan him out or release him and get him back when he develops. I have found that releasing/loaning out olayers often develops youth players better than I can if I don't intend for them to get regular playing time.




Make him a right winger and then put the inverted winger growth plan on him, then brutally abuse that pace


Jude name, 78 pace as 15 yr old, bro is a prospect


Convert him to a left winger as its a more common position used( do this depending on ur formation) then loan him off to a smaller club where he'll have more chance to play( try aim for 1 season) after hes come back see what his stats are compared to what they were and if you believe him to be good for your team put him in as a sub player and the gradually brgin to start him


Imo you could make him the best Winger that slots balls in from the wings instead of making him an inverted winger. Dude's got massive pace while his passing and dribbling stats are his 2nd highest stats. I'd convert him to a LW and RW since his weak foot is 5 stars, train his Pace to the max along with his dribbling and passing and just make him the most dangerous assist machine. Why put any shooting on him if he can get into any position he wants with his crazy dribbling, no weak foot and 5 star skills


You will have to loan glitch him. Before that get his rates up. Once 16 you send him on loan. Save the game. The. Recall him and see if his potential goes up. His status should say something like exciting prospect. It’s like cheating


Tbh probably better to just wait for a better youth player


Sell him


If you go onto sofifa go onto calculator and type in the stats it'll show you his best position


Ohhhhh Loaaaaans