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You were holding him back…


similar case to sancho at united


Is it?




sorry for not explaining, sancho was not getting gametime at united before his BVB loan spell because apparently he didn't apologise for turning up late or some bs. ten hag literally didnt want to play him until he got an apology, which he didn't. so he sent him on loan to dortmund and just look at him now. broke the record for most successful dribbles in a champions league game against PSG


It wasn't just turning up late. If that happened, he would've just been dropped for the next game and then it would've been back to normal probably. The point was he was dropped from the squad against Arsenal I think, ten Hag said it was because he felt Sancho wasn't fully fit. Sancho basically puts out a statement calling the manager a liar and saying he works very hard in training etc. Then Sancho didn't delete it or apologise or take it back or do anything similar, instead just leaving it there to marinate. He's been good at Dortmund, from what I've seen (I'll admit I haven't seen much) he hasn't been super impressive like all the fans seem to think. He's been a consistently decent player, which United have been sorely missing.Sancho seems to like it at Dortmund, Dortmund like Sancho there, United might be able to cash in this summer, it's a win-win-win if they sell him to Dortmund on a permanent basis


Not a win win if you lose 30 to 40 million on him


He's had a few good games at Dortmund this season and had three different managers at United. Sancho is the problem


A simpleton's explanation, this man does not see nuance or has critical thinking skills.


He grew by being bought. When a young player (especially one with high potential) gets bought or loaned out, he for some reason gains a lot of rating, thus increasing his value.


IIRC the game increases the players OVR to where it should be for a player that age based on his potential. Not sure why it only happens at other clubs.


loan/purchase glitch, it’s so inconsistent though. if you buy the player back there’s a chance their potential drops from “has the potential to be special” to “showing great potential” as well. i save the game to ensure a favorable outcome because there’s no rhyme or reason to when it works or not


Part of why i upgraded from ps4 to ps5 was to quick up the loan glitch process by minimizing loading screens lmao


It’s almost as if it’s not a glitch and is instead a feature that a player’s potential changes randomly upon transfers.


Very big almost considering this is the same company that hasn't fixed the loan-to-buy glitch in the same system for 4 years now, and broke the match ratings system for an entire year. Not forgetting that they subsequently broke dynamic potential for half that same year.




Also found that this can happen to the whole team if you leave the team to manage someone else, had it in a qpr career once, we were fighting relegation from the prem, I decided to leave in January (it wasn’t going very well in irl I’d have been fired so acted as if i was) looked through the squad and every player with some potential had jumped 4-7 ratings


Ah, yes! The Manchester United special. Happened to Sancho on loan. Jokes apart, it happens, mildly infuriating but it's good to help us create plots, like the player had an up because his QoL got better in the new club, stuff like that.


I sold my brazillian wonderkid for 15m to spurs. 5 seasons later i saw him in the ‘biggest transfers’ section during the window for 150m. Not super relevant but its been haunting me


I've noticed player development doesn't really happen much through the season, but at the start of the season everyone gets their biggest ratings boost. Maybe you sold him before that trigger point.


ajax knows the job


In my experience players loaned/ sold get a huge increase around January, and then stay that rating. Maybe get 1 or 2 more ratings at the end of the season


Get sancho'ed


I had Matthew Garbett at 84 rating, sold him to Manchester United for about 90 mil. Literally the next game I see he's starting for United and a player to watch. He'd jumped to a 92 rating. I was livid


You weren’t the right club for him, he needed to go somewhere bigger lol


Typical man united thing


Because EA is too lazy to fix bugs like this


I still can't believe I have to sub out my international players from the team sheet screen before trying to start a match otherwise I can't sub the player cause they're on international duty. What a joke.


Can’t believe that this is still in the game, been about 3 years.


Fixed in the 24 as far as I know tbf


Nope. I couldn’t do that with just 1 player on international on the match day screen.


Yep, has been fixed. Was definitely there at some point in fc24. Still crazy it was in for that long


Every Manchester United player after leaving the club


Happens often with young players. It's a glitch, not a feature. Reckon I've been experiencing it in the game for the last 4 years


It’s been happening since fifa 16


cause he's Ajax


Never sell young players who are about 70+ rating, especially if they are from the academy, always loan them out and they will grow a lot


My question is why sell a 74 rated 18 year old, that's a 1 year loan deal surely? Maybe even 2 year loan if you're a top club?


Doing a realistic career with Crewe Alexandra selling my best players


Understandable in fairness


had the same with Matthew Garbett, was 83 overall and sold him to ManUtd, 3 days later he’s a 90 overall and his value +€60m


Mabye you're ten hag


This sort of stuff has been happening since Fifa 11, that's how outdated this engine is. They claim they made a new one for the next gen consoles, but the same glitches still happen, so how new is it really?


Dude. I sold Caicedo rated 81 at the January transfer window. He grew by 2 in 3 seasons while he was with me, so i thought he was dead weight. I send my scouts to find a world class CDM the following season and they come back to me with Caicedo now rated 91 at Real Madrid.




How did you get on that page in the first picture where it shows who you've sold for how much?


Transfers tab, then recent transfers then my team


Manchester United showed interest.


Straight from Man Utd to Ajax maybe 😂 that's how he improve this fast


Sorry man, looks like you got robbed


What was his potential if you brought him through your YA?!? I have not seen this crazy of a turnaround in any Managerial Game lol


A similar thing happens to me if I leave a club a lot of the youth players I’ve brought in shoot up in rating


Lol you sold a Potential to be Special player and are shocked he "got gud"


Doing a realistic career selling my best players. Aslo the shock is the fact its gone up so much in 20 days


Because ajax is fairly good and also id say if you kept him then the same would've happened to you cuz 74 at 18 and +5 overall recently