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Johannes Geis from Nürnberg. 67 rated 29y.o. DM/CB If played correct, got him to 78 Has 90 curve, 76 Free Kick and Freekick perk. My man scores 10 goals / season from freekicks while being a solid deep playmaker and making absurd finesse passes. Kept him from 3. liga all the way up to Bundesliga.


How do you even manage to get 10 freekicks in a good position in a season? In my 5 season long Leeds career where I play all matches I’ve only had like 10 freekicks combined


I play with "very strict" ruleset for referees and handball on. If I had to estimate, I receive about 25-30 freekicks in range of the Penalty area per season with 40-50 games. (I also give away like 50 per season because i'm a terrible slide tackler with my DMs)


Maybe he plays with handballs? He surely hasn't gotten 10 free kicks from fouls alone. The CPU just doesn't foul enough for that, you're right.


The ai fouls enough, the script just loves to pretend they're not fouls


??? they absolutely foul enough for that. I play with no handballs. On Legend. Some games ill get 2 free kicks. Sometimes i get none. Its also possible to bait the cpu into a slide tackle and just run over his legs.


Can Uzun is another 1 of those, quite young with good potential


Darius Olaru is 71 and he can run non stop for 120 minutes and play 2 days later. His stamina is off the charts.


His teammate baba alhassan is an absolute beast aswell. Those 2 I'm cm


How old is he? I need a Young player with good stamina.


26 at the start of fc24. He can play cam, cm, cdm, it's crazy how versatile and good he is for a smaller team. You cand get him past 80 too.


That is good, I'm looking for someone below 28 so that's perfect


Oh my gawd yes. He's my favorite player to buy up and then use as a supersub/starter. He is hands down me (I have 99 stamina IRL), but like, not a goalie.


he scores rlly well from long distance as well


Bernabe my guy - love him as a deep lying playmaker CDM


I play him rn as my go to guy off the bench. He can play CAM or on the left


Had him on the bench for Girona and was so good as an 8, 10, and LM in a 3421


I always play as my Local team Mansfield, I like taking them from league two to the prem. Two players Ive kept along the way were David Keilor-Dunn and Lewis Brunt. Dunn being 65 rated with 68 potential but I got him up to 77 and Brunt being 64 rated with 71 potential but I got him to 84.


Wasn’t Keilor dunn on loan at Oldham once? Oldham is my career mode club and I remember him being amazing a few years back.


He was there permanently, two seasons I think?


on the contrary i hate brunt as a Leicester player 😂


Oh man why? He was so good for stags last season, hope we keep him


it's a joke, "gaffer, can I please play the game against Liverpool?"


Swedish [Oscar Vilhelmsson](https://sofifa.com/player/257264/oscar-vilhelmsson/240038?hl=en-US) for me. I didn't expect him to be anywhere near my starting XI and he feels good. Also I'm a real face hunter, so he's automatically my favourite one.


Thank you for actually linking to SoFifa, wish everyone did this in these sorts of threads


You're welcome! Thank you for your appreciation 🙂


Alvaro Fernandez is a great pickup for a RTG series. Brilliant to play with, high potential and grows very quickly. He can also play wing position which just makes him a delight to have in the squad.


Played f23 with Preston for my first go around and this was my main guy. Had him at LW and was the easiest loan buy ever.


Alejo veliz he is a machine


puscas, 67, striker, played with Romania and found him to be quite decent


At least in game.. irl he is beyond trash 😂😂


Ngl it sounds sacrilegious that he’s a bad player with that surname 😂


I'm a Reading fan and thought we had a serious player after his performance against Cardiff. Then nothing


Luca Kerber is a box to box midfielder from 3rd Bundesliga side Saarbrücken rated 67 with a 74 potential. Hes only 21 so maybe you can get much more out of him. I got him to a 81.


Pierre Dwomoh is 67 rated with 79 potential. He used to be better but is still a super solid miedfilder and only 19 years old. Tall, strong, agile and good wiht his feet. Top stats: 74 short pass 76 dribling 75 agility 71 stamina 72 strength


I've signed him in the past, and he gets pretty good.


I first found him in fifa 22, in season 9 or 10 when he was already 85 rated. Absolute beast! Had to sign him of course


Marco Pasalic. I don’t remember how or when I signed him initially but since then I always sign him either as a back up for big clubs or a key player for smaller ones. His rating isn’t that high but for me he is an absolute beast.


Same! Picked him up in the first season of my Ulm save. I’ve been in the Bundesliga for a few years now and he’s far below the quality of my team but I’ve kept him around bc he is just so reliable


Yeah I bought him when I managed Pisa and brought them to Serie A. Ended up at Chelsea and brought him along and he was a super sup in the prem scored 15 goals and got 5 assists in his debut season. He even scored a late goal in a ucl final for me but we lost unfortunately on penalties.


The fact that Marko Stamenic hasn’t been mentioned yet is honestly criminal. Dude is 72 rated but plays as at least an 80 rated player, has potential to go up to 83 as well. And best of all, if you’re fast enough, he’s absolutely FREE


Was going to mention him! Got him for free on my Sutton Utd cm, 4th season in and he’s an 82 already


He’s goated for his rating


Lucas Bergvall




Waad has been incredible for me. He's a very solid cdm


One that has impressed me is cassano from cittadella in Serie B. He is mid 60 rating i believe with a potential of mid 70s, but in my cittadella career mode he is a 82 rated winger and is really good as well


Otávio Ataíde from porto. A cb with plenty of potential, has 74 ovr who always plays good for me


Denis Șut , Octavian Popescu (FCSB Romania). Marian Danciu (Universitatea Craiova, Romania). Has potential to be special. Buy them


Alex Muyl from Nashville. One of the best pressing players in the game, with crazy aggression, stamina, and work rate. can play anywhere in midfield, and I bet with a little bit of work could play in any position in a high press system. American, with a completely shaved head and a goatee


Baba alhassan in an absolute beast in cm and cheap. think he's a 67 but plays like an 80 and rapid


Luca Warrick Koleosho definitely my best signing in this years career mode. Incredible winger with pace and great finishing. Get him driving towards goal from the wings and he will score Also honourable mention Karim Konaté, great striker who will boss the any league you are in!!


GK: the OG Butland or Omlin Def: Bashir Humphreys, he is a beast and can easily be developed further Mid: I love Danny Leyva he is a CDM but he can score some bangers Att: I would recommend Brenner, he is very good (at least with my tactics)


Civeja from sarbrucken has decent potential and a mad Afro facescan


Matias soule. Great player, he is young and have really good stats


Gianluca Prestianni.


can get kendry paez starts at 71 has a load of traits don’t know if he has a face scan or not though


Will Goodwin was class for me up until I got out of the championship


kevin csoboth lw/rw great player for a championship team he is a free agent low wage rapid winger his finishing is a bit of problem but it gets better if you palye him alot


My favorite cdm to use is aiden oneill and my favorite lm or rm is awer mabil but i dont know if they have any funny traits


Gerso. Left footed winger with about 90 pace. 70 Ovr. Thank me later


Bjørn martin kristensen from Aalesund/Ålesund 61 ovr and really good potential I would say and to be honest I just think he looks cool I dont remember his stats though


Tom Rothe. 70 rated at 18 he’s now 92 rated at 26.


Louie Sibley 21 y.o. CAM from derby county 66 rated to start


I signed Ansah when I was managing Stuttgart and he was amazing for me. I think maybe 64 rated.


Rivaldinho, son of Rivaldo


Fernandez from Peñarol has crazy shot power and FK accuracy, decent in other areas, too. Could be instrumental if you play a system with a CAM


Ramiro Carrera (Atlético Tucuman)


Liam Scales


Ronald, 70 Overall and currently playing for Swansea. His default celebration is SIU, i thought that is pretty neat. No traits though, but he’s decently quick


Aaron herzog ftw


Odin Bailey was brilliant for me in my Salford career. Recalled him from his loan at Stockport and he grew to 74 by season 4 and felt so good to use


Mohamed Diomande. 74 or 75 rated at the start and he’s a CM with great attacking stats. His best position is converted to a CF and he became 85 rated for me in my Leyton Orient career mode.


Can Uzun, 69 rated and is a good CF/CAM


Lois Diony stirker from Angers Sco who is 30 years old. He's just a brilliant striker. 78 Jumping, in ligue 2 he's pretty much winning every header from the corner. 72 finishing/75 shot power, he's got a good strike on him. 77 Strength, doesnt get pushed off the ball easily. For ligue 2 he's a class player, not the best stats but a cool low rated player nonetheless.


Leandrinho from Daejong looks like a super sub


I love the stats of lachuer from mirandes, i love to sign him


Harry Clifton and Kamil Conteh, beast stamina.


Keke topp


I find him too slow, Ouedraogo is better imo


kevin sessa


Vuskovic is a is a 62 rated cb with 86 potential and also has higher shooting than defending




Jeronimo Domina, Kristian Hlynsson, and Momodou Sonko are on my RTG squad and have been absolutely stellar. All mid 60s to start with potential in the 80s.


darragh markey, extremely low rated but pretty good dribbling and composure, you wouldn't think it looking at his stats but trust me


Nico Paz


I’m a big fan of Louis Apperé at Northampton. He’s listed at ST (66 rated) and he has really good physical stats for the lower leagues. Switched him to CAM a few months after joining and suddenly he was a 75


Tom Bloxham, he’s 6’5” and a RM, bought him first season and moved him to striker and he has been a goal scoring machine on my Walsall team. He’s 88 after 3 seasons.


Caspar Jander for Duisburg, he is low rated cm iirc but you can convert him to basically every other position at midfield


Zaid Romero CB from Estudiantes. Absolute show stopper. Got him at 73/74 can’t recall exactly, By the end of 2 1/2 years 82/83


Ian Poveda is crazy


Amad diallo . 74 rated brilliant dribbling. 2 seasons in and he's 80 and banging goals


Przemysław Płacheta - got a cool face scan - pretty tall but mega pacey winger and i love cutting in on his left foot, i try and make him a superstar in some saves


Archie gray. He's pretty good looking yes? Yes


Robert Skov: insane free kicks, can play anywhere on the pitch. Emanuel Emegha: 6'5'' tall striker with 80 pace and 82 potential. Julien Duranville: 87 potential, playstyles Rapid Quick Step Acrobatic. Hugo Larsson: 85 potential 6'2" CM with Long Ball Pass Tiki Taka Intercept and Press Proven playstyles. Yunus Musah: Can play anywhere on the pitch, fast and strong and 90 stamina


Atik is so agile and his finesse shot is deadly


I like getting Patryk Peda from free Agency. He’s 62 OVR CB and still really young to grow into the role. He is always defending far above his rating for me


Irankunda 100% so fast


for me Jacob Wakeling plays like R9 even though he’s just a 63 rated striker. Rarely misses, maybe hidden gem??


Some striker named luccia he’s Italian and he’s 6’7 with aerial and powerheader


I had Cameron Devlin from the start in my hearts career. Pretty young, starts at about 72 I think? No cool traits or anything, just lots and lots of stamina. Can sprint for a whole game and have full fitness 2 days later.




[Andre Dozzell](https://sofifa.com/player/233276/andre-dozzell/240041) Pretty good player for me, even in Premier League


Harry Maguire