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This type of blurring is popular in k-news channels actually šŸ˜…


With the severity of these allegations (and seemingly the proof, given theyā€™re facing suspension) I am honestly pretty glad that we are aware of their identities. Iā€™d have hated to have been rooting for them.


They were suspended, we would have found out eventually because they wouldnā€™t appear at the grand prixs or other competitions. I would have preferred if they (KSU) wrap up their investigation and sentencing and then release the names of the two adults and who received which punishment. We basically knew anyway because there were only 2 adult women at the camp. But now thereā€™s still speculation who is skater A and who is skater B and speculation about what happened and who the minor was. People are digging up year old posts to validate their speculations. People are forgetting thereā€™s a minor involved that deserves to be protected. Media confirming adult skaters identities with only half of the information about what actually happened is just fuelling speculation and spreading of misinformation.


Fans now know identities of offenders and it can help them identifying victim. Itā€™s bad for this personā€¦


I understand totally, but I personally would have rather known to avoid false allegations being thrown around.


We all already knew who were the senior women in Italy camp šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ But seriously good work by KBS šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» We cannot figure out at all omg!


Wow so much effort, so much actual caring!!! But seriously, if they actually cared this would have been kept secret until everything was cleard up.


Huge secret I have no idea who they are šŸ„ø


The way I immediately know based on those blurry ass pictures-


Can we please not post anything related to this case under the Humor/Memes flair? I agree the perfunctory blurring is absolutely ridiculous, but there is no humor in this whole situation whatsoever.Ā  Maybe we can limit the discussion to the existing posts until new reliable facts are revealed? I feel like we are talking way too much given how little we actually know.


Same. I wasnā€™t rooting for them.. but I agree with this comment. Itā€™s brutal to their ex fans. They are given the sentences from KSU and wonā€™t be able to compete. Meme now for what?


Is black humor not allowed now


It is, but I understand this flair as denoting posts that are fun.


Can someone explain which skater did what? A did what to B or C or B did what to A? And initials of which is which allegedly? Which is YY and which is HL? Thanks!


B took an explicit picture of A and sent it to C without Aā€™s consent. So B is being reprimanded for harassment. B was given a 1 year suspension and is requesting a retrial. A invited C to the dorms and C went. So C was reprimanded for entering the female dorm. A did something to C that is being considered SA (with a minor) but no specific details have been given on what the actual action was. A was given the longest punishment of a 3 year suspension. A is presumed to be HL, B YY and C is presumed to be a person that was in (or had a previous) relationship with A.


Sexual assault is serious accusation, I hope police is involved, there shouldn't be any verdict until proven.


It was proven as there was photographic evidence of what they did, the junior involved reported it, and itā€™s been dealt with as theyā€™ve been appropriately suspended. Itā€™s not an accusation, it happened.


Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought the picture that B took was of A alone. Did the picture show A harassing C? And I don't think the junior involved ever reported it, but things got uncovered as kfed were investigating the drinking. Not defending A and B at all but just want to confirm the details.


A skating union is free to dispose judgement and sanctions based on their own rules and how they see fit. But sexual harassment is a criminal offence, and should be left to the courts, not mob justice. As much as it can anger people with mob mentality, in a criminal court, you are innocent until proven guilty, and proven guilty by a criminal court, not a skating union.


The courts are an extremely ineffective venue for this kind of thing. I agree about mob justice but making the criminal courts the only venue for judgement of facts is stupid.


What photo? How do you know the photo prove it is not consensual? Police need to be involved because it is a crime if it is not consensual. It is not dealt with now. KSU doesn't have the jurisdiction for this verdict.


KSU ***does*** have the jurisdiction for ***this*** verdict, for multiple reasons. Criminal charges will be dealt with separately by authorities if they are brought up. Morgan Cipres is banned by Safe Sport but is not a convicted criminal due to fleeing the country. Does that make him any less guilty?


No, it doesn't have this justification, because sexual assault is a crime, it can be only dealt with police and prosecutors, innocence until proven guilty, it is why the Canadian sexual assault case, there is still no verdict because investigation still ongoing with lawyers involved. That is the correct path.


The Canadian sexual assault case is actually also not being dealt with as a criminal case. - It happened in the USA (i.e. Canada in this case actually doesn't have jurisdiction over the case) and has since passed the statute of limitations (which was removed completely just months after the incident allegedly took place). Doping isn't illegal. In most cases, verbally mistreating athletes won't make it through a legal case. But both of these can definitely end up with you being banned by sports organisations. By becoming a member of them, you voluntarily give them jurisdiction over you, and if your actions go against the code of the organisation, they have the right to punish you - With or without a legal verdict. Just like your employer can forbid you from having a second job, even though that is certainly not illegal, and can fire you if you go against that policy.


Because the accusation is sexual assault which is a crime, South Korea prosecutor should deal with this case, there is no reason they don't. This verdict of a serious crime is given by KSU which is strange, it shouldn't be. In any other country, this should be reported to the police by the minor's parents.


Why are you presuming they aren't dealing with it? Two independent investigations can be carried out at the same time. This is very normal, and there's nothing unusual about it. Just like a legal verdict does not dictate the civil repercussions (like loss of employment or being ineligible for athletic competitions), civil repercussions are not legal verdicts - There are no legal repercussions for skaters A and B at this point, just disciplinary measures from their sports organisation.


Why you are assuming they are dealing with it? In any other country, a crime verdict is given by the law enforcement. That's why this is strange.


I'm going to repeat this again: This is *not* a **legal** verdict, it's a ***disciplinary measure.*** It is essentially the equivalent of being fired for workplace harassment - Something that too can be done without a legal conviction being necessary.


Thats the case in South Korea tooā€¦? KSU havenā€™t given a criminal verdict, theyā€™ve taken a disciplinary measure within the organisation, same as any employer/school/organisation would do


A minor was involved. Minors can't give consent. The minor even reported the incident.


I thought all this was uncovered while investigating the drinking, not that C reported it.


Both of them are minors according to South Korea sex consent age which is 20.


Wrong. [Age of consent in South Korea is currently 16 (international age)](http://www.dhns.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=244559), having been raised from 13 in 2020. Close age exceptions apply to Koreans 13 and over, but the older partner has to be below 19 for these to apply at all.


Well, I googled this information, the eng source says it is 20. Maybe it is incorrect. How old is the Haeinn when this happened? If she is under 19, it is still legal even though the other minor is under 16 according to the information here https://reddit.com/r/ageofconsent/w/index/south-korea?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


She is 19, and was when it happened. Either way, the age doesn't matter if it was not consensual. Both skater A and B being over 19 just means that if skater C is under 16, there was no way for it to be consensual. Maybe let this be a lesson about finding sources that are a) primary sources (i.e. the actual Korean criminal law code in this case) or b) secondary sources that are trustworthy and actually give their primary sources.


The link you included in your own post literally states, in the first paragraph, that the Korean age of consent is 16.Ā  They have a sort of Romeo and Juliet law, meant to ensure that consensual relationships between two people of a similar age don't get criminalised. This is only applicable when the older person is UNDER 19. Both of the adult individuals believed to be involved in this are 19 or over, so this clause doesn't apply.


the other users here said it is sexual harassment, you are saying it is criminal? What is the real fact? This is why police need to be involved to investigate. Haeinn is just over 19 now. When did this incident happen? The minor entered their room for what reason? Were they dating or not?


The point you are failing to understand, you exceptionally dense human being, is that regardless of whether police are involved or not, the KSU still need to investigate and take disciplinary action. And for all we know, the police might well be investigating - it could take months or even years for a police investigation to be complete, and they are highly unlikely to publicise an investigation at early stages. Not to mention the fact that sexual assult or criminal sexual harassment victims often choose not to press charges for a number of reasons. The legal process is gruelling and can be traumatic for victims, and the chances of conviction are often low. The age of consent issue means that if the victim is under 16 (some posters have said he might be 15) then even if everything was consensual, a crime would potentially still have been comitted as indecent images were sent to someone below the age of consent. Therr have been multiple instances of teenagers being convicted of distribution of child pornography for sending their own nudes to a person they were dating, because the laws haven't really caught up to the times, and while we can all disagree with that happening, this is the reality KSU have to deal with, and they have their own disciplinary processes that they need to go through which are separate from (and do not negate) legal processes. Remember, when you boil things down to the bare bones, this was the same thing that got Cipres an arrest warrant - sending indecent images to a minor. Yes, we as humans can clearly see that Cipres is far worse due to the respective ages of victim and perpetrator - and Ironically, Florida's Romeo and Juliet laws are some of the broadest out there, so these skaters would probably have been safe from the age of consent issue there and just getting a slap on the wrist for sexual harassment - but the law might not necessarily make that distinction. In short, stop assuming anything about legal proceedings and whether or not they are happening based on KSU's disciplinary ruling - they are separate things, and one does not impact the other. If legal proceedings are being taken, the we likely won't hear about them until a much later date, and if they aren't, there could be any number of reasons why and that doesn't mean that KSU can't hand out disciplinary measures, because those are a completely separate thing.


From [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/FigureSkating/s/x446ex5qmm) post on the sub the other day, it mentions that skater B took sexually offending photos of skater A and sent them to C, which is harassment. As the minor involved reported it then it wasnā€™t consensual. KSU do have the jurisdiction as theyā€™ve been suspended.


The minor parents reported it, it doesn't prove it is not consensual, neither does the photo prove this. That is a photo of skater A. Skater A's side of the story is that they were dating. So this is a 'he said she said' situation. That is why the police need to be involved and investigate this.


I thought it was C who reported it himself...do we know for sure it was the parents?


Aa far as I know, there's no confirmation of who actually reported it. An article from Yesterday seemed to indicate that the original investigation into A & B was only related to the drinking but then the the sexual incidents were discovered during the investigation.


Not sure, but a minor is involved, parents should report it. The minor should have agreed to it. It doesn't matter who reported it, it needs to be proven and properly investigated by law enforcement.


Hereā€™s the thingā€¦ even if a child says yes to a 19 or 20 year old it is NOT consensual. A minor/child cannot legally consent to adult sexual acts and are easily manipulated/abused by adults. Also Haein is 19 and Young You is 20. The Romeo and Juliet thing cannot save the girls they must be under 19 for Korea.


The minor is not that young, almost 16, the age difference between Haeinn and the minor is not that big.it shouldn't be a problem in many other countries. And other users said it is sexual harassment. So what is the real truth here? Were they dating or not? If it is criminal, I am waiting for police investigation.I wouldn't believe anything without police investigation.


From what I understand, they are accused of harassment and not assault.


Harassment is even harder to prove, if there is proper investigation, why did the minor enter their dorm? Everyone knows about his IG pic last year, shows skater A as a girlfriend? These questions need to be answered. I am waiting to see if the police will ever be involved.


So youā€™re saying itā€™s difficult to prove, but we shouldnā€™t believe it until itā€™s proven, which is impossible? K.


Sexual assault is criminal but sexual harassment is (typically) not. If the skaters are being accused of harassment, then it is likely no police are involved because no crime was committed. Edit: At least thatā€™s how it works in the US.


Both of the actions reported by KSU are criminal offenses. Very curious why you think molesting a minor wouldnā€™t be criminal.


Iā€™m not super clear on the specifics because Iā€™m seeing a lot of conflicting info. But just to be clear, in legal terminology harassment is typically a civil infraction and not punishable in criminal court. Molestation would absolutely be a criminal offense. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m confused about what the exact situation was. People are also using harassment and assault interchangeably when they are not the same thing in many languages. In the US they are definitely not interchangeable words and the legal consequences of one and the other are extremely different.


Agree, it just seems very suspicious and we all know Koreanā€™s sexual assault includes sleazy messages on kkt


I don't understand why these people are so against getting police involved.




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I donā€™t think anyone is against getting police involved. KSU is allowed to determine what is or isnā€™t allowed on their team though, and theyā€™ve decided that this is unwanted behavior deserving suspension. Iā€™m sure that if the victim wanted to, he would press charges given that he has photographic evidence. As it is, we donā€™t actually know if there is a separate police investigation.


B is appealing against her case, which is right. Her punishment seems over the top and without the details, it just seems fishy, C gets away with just a verbal warning despite it was him going against the rule and entering the female hostel.


It's likely he got only a verbal warning because he was coerced to go into the room and he was the victim. **If you understand anything about Korean culture,** there's a serious power imbalance between juniors and seniors as well as age. Yes, Skater C broke the rules, but the responsibility is on Skater A and B for initiating everything because as a junior, EVEN OUTSIDE OF FIGURE SKATING, he's expected to listen to his superiors.


from what iā€™ve seen people and sources have been saying that skater a and c were dating and he was invited to the girls room. if he had been coerced im sure he couldā€™ve argued that and wouldnā€™t have gotten any punishment


Yes. Some Korean comments have said that typically the punishment for going into the opposite genders dorm is a month suspension. (Idk how accurate that actually is.) But if the typical punishment is a month, it makes sense that they'd only give him a verbal warning because he was coerced.


Are you victim blaming C right now?? This is a CHILD you're talking about. A child who was SA'd. He's going to live with this for the rest of his life. I'm honestly disgusted that you're saying he deserves more for breaking some stupid rule. Skaters A and B deserve a longer punishment for the trauma that poor boy has to endure now


I agree, even if they were in a relationship sexual acts without consent is a crime itself. Not to mention he is a minor.


Aren't these all teenagers we are talking about (<20)? Of course the (legal) adults carry the reponsibility, but I find it quite unbalanced how people are so concerned for this "child" who's but a few years younger than the "adults", and was breaking rules and very well aware of it. These are all still some "kids" (<25) and they all should deserve some level of protection from the mental scars this'll evidently leave on them, and not so much because of their actions, but because of the way the situation is being handled in public. South Korea is among world's leading countries in suicide rates (4th, and 1st among OECD), so keep that in mind when you demonize these people.


So what exactly did A did? Can you tell? You said as if you are C. Do you even know whatā€™s going on? Just cos KSU, not the police, claim that thereā€™s sexual assault and thatā€™s it? Whereā€™s the proper procedure? And there is still the appeal ongoing, what is it with people rushing to conclusions without even being clear whatā€™s going on. How many times media play has try to manipulate public sentimentsā€¦ šŸ¤£