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Where is her lawyer?? Yikes, what a mess. Self-sabotage.


She has a management agency and I wouldn't be shocked if they encouraged this. The court of public opinion might be one they're trying to rally here


Isn’t athlete A the one that the federation was unable to contact? Makes me think she’s just doing this without any thought or lawyer advice.


Not the federation but her management


At first, but several days ago it came out she had requested a retrial too, so she has been in contact.


Does she not have a lawyer? Because I imagine 'not posting anything about the situation' would be the first thing a lawyer will tell you.


Usually lawyers would but it depends on the situation. There can be some situations where you’d want to get out ahead of any defamation of character. That said the age of the people involved makes me feel like no good lawyer would condone this. 


She does have a lawyer as far as i know idk she’s probably panicking rn and cant think right


I know she wants to defend herself but not like this


The sentiment of the texts basically establishes that they were dating. After the hickey mark was left, C says he was uncomfortable that others might see and took blame for it, asking that they avoid further contact while at the site to avoid scrutiny. A responds saying it’s her fault as the adult and she shouldn’t have done it even if he had asked for it. C then wanted to make it clear that they are still dating to which Haein agreed. The other texts are just them sending gushy texts to one another Haein probably feels wronged that C reported this and wanted to show it was consensual, but C is a minor so doesn’t make any of this right


Her recognizing that she’s an adult is what really gets me… like you’re saying it’s your fault because you’re the adult, yet you can’t recognize that that admission is telling us all we need to do in regards to whether or not it was consensual.


Yeah I wouldn’t have posted that quote if I were her…


Her reply clearly indicates it was consensual


Google translate said she called him daddy king johnny 😭😭😭😭 please tell me google translate is full of shit bc i cant. When i read that i cackled 😭😭😭😭 im going to hell for that


lmao I'm fairly confident it's supposed to be "my prince" (나의 왕자님) but it's written in a cutesy tone that Google translate SUCKS at translating. so yes fear not, google translate is indeed full of shit


Thank god its not daddy king johnny 😭 my prince is still cringe but not as bad as daddy king johnny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bestie same i was so serious trying to read the Google translate then the Daddy King Johnny part comes and I snorted 😭😂😭😭😭😢


I'm trying to read through it, on slide 2? It just says "you're my king Johnny" hahaha on a side note, even with my beginner to intermediate level Korean I can see how deeply inappropriate these messages are. In korean there is a strict age hierarchy that transfers even to the grammar people use with each other, so to see these messages written in banmal ("common" tongue) shows a DEEEEP and deeply inappropriate connection with each other, especially after reading that Skater C was a minor. She's uses really childish language with him like "heyyy" and "i likeee~" and "whyyyyy" and also calls him things like "king" and "honey" and "baby," but like, in a very cutesty way, kind of like "baybeeee." Why she would willingly share these messages... good lord.


That’s not right 😭 “왕자니임” does not mean “King Johnny” it’s a cutesy misspelling of Prince “왕자님”. Also banmal is very common among classmates in the modern age, especially if they’re in a romantic relationship (which Haein is claiming they are). It doesn’t inherently mean the relationship is inappropriate. The older person just asks the younger person “do you want to switch to banmal”, they usually say yes to be polite, but can tacitly refuse by just not using it the next time they speak. She shared these because she’s claiming they were dating. The banmal isn’t what shows they’re dating but the fact that they’re using address terms only used by couples and the fact that they refer to each other as being a a relationship explicitly.


I was under the impression that banmal can be used between different age friends, but not *such* a significant age gap? Sure 15 to 19 is not in the socially acceptable range of talking familiarly to each other (outside of siblings)?


This is sort of true among Korean-Americans but I’ve met so many Korean-Koreans that don’t adhere nearly so strictly to the hierarchy these days. It’s pretty common for the culture among diaspora to “freeze in time” as immigrants cling to the customs of the motherland while the motherland itself undergoes its own shifts.


Why would she post it? This is material for legal proceedings. Public knows that they were dating with C, it was reported on the news. Nobody was objecting it…


I think C put out a statement through their legal representative. See https://www.reddit.com/r/FigureSkating/s/SwGRH6TYCj


Wow interesting! Did he deny relationship? I’m sorry I don’t speak Korean 🗿


You'll find some translation links/text in the comments.


So far I understand nothing but it’s so wrong that this kid now has to talk and defend himself publicly…




No. And we shouldn't be speculating about who skater C is, he's the victim and deserves privacy


She really should not be posting this if she wants a retrial.


As a Korean language user, it is so humiliating 😵‍💫 the words they use, and calling each other 'baby' thing ... omfg everything is so personal in those messages. Plz stop this Haein.


They both sound about ten at most. I can’t stop cringing at the secondhand embarrassment. 


GUYS STOP 💀 the shaming is not necessary


No shaming intended. Honestly it was a visceral reaction from reading it. I get that she wants to defend herself and prove their relationship existed but making something like this was not the right call. 


The problem in this particular situation is that proving their relationship is the worst thing she can do. Their age difference, now and maybe even before she turned 19, means that she meets criteria under the law as a sex offender for statutory rape, sexual harassment, indecent acts, and other categories of sex crimes. Korean law seems a bit like shifting sands, because the perpetrator & victim age difference matters, but it's also more detailed than laws in many other countries. If I understand the revised laws, any age person under 13 can't consent, regardless of the perpetrator's age (though I'm not sure about a situation where both are younger than 13). If the victim is under 16 when the perpetrator is 19 or older, then the victim can't legally consent to any sex. If the alleged perpetrator is under 19 and the victim is younger than 16 but older than 13, it may not considered statutory rape. Posting proof of a romantic involvement really doesn't help her case, at all.


Sexual and romantic exploration is normal and awkward and silly and healthy. Sexual assault is not. These quotes may be examples of the first, not the last. 


Yes, the shaming is necessary. She's an adult dating a minor. That ain't a good look.


Oh noooooooo. Christ. Girl. Just no.


It seems like these have already been deleted from her Instagram stories


Did Victim C consent to her sharing these private conversations? If not, considering we just got a statement from the victim that he is suffering and seeking treatment, I don't think it's right to share or discuss this.


Countdown to her lawyer hyperventilating...


God, they're all so young, this is the such teenaged behaviour.




I’m sorry what??? Did she think these messages would help her? This one is so bad


Noooooo this is the worst one. Look, I don't wanna say this sounds like grooming (OK taken literally at face value, this is like the textbook definition of grooming). But I also feel like there should be some Romeo and Juliet law in place that protects teenage relationships where one grows older. That is a normal thing to happen in relationships. But this also just... Jesus, she is literally worried about legal consequences, telling him to be careful, saying that she'll never break up with him... That is just... I have no words. It's the kind of thing you go to jail for. It's literally grooming.


can someone please translate this😭


Yes, it’s basically C saying they should be more careful with their relationship because he got caught his hickey mark. (I assume they were both in Italy then, because he said he wants to keep the distance while they are there and date when they get back in Korea). Haein saying she’s an adult now that she should have acted better even though he asked for the hickey, and she wouldn’t see him. C wanted to make sure she means ‘not breaking up’. So Haein assured him. So I guess that’s what happened in that room.


oof, thank you


The only thing I understand are the emojis.


Like I do realize that I'm here in the US we learn from an early age to let the lawyer do all the talking but seriously, girl, you are in the middle of a legal storm. Go through your lawyer!!!


No, let her make things worse for herself. She deserves it. The only victim here is the boy whose privacy she’s violating.


Please someone translate


Oh my god. Girl, turn off your phone and walk away!


I gave KSU credit for this investigation at the beginning thinking it was about a very serious form of sexual molestation but knowing what we know now it just seems irresponsible to me that they publicised anything about this incident. Before you downvote me, I’m not trying to excuse Haein’s behaviour. Someone who doesn’t know what a hickey is can’t consent to it, period. But it’s also not rape or anything of similar gravity. I understand that she wants to defend herself because everyone’s minds jumped to more serious places. But posting these very private messages is wrong on so many levels and it just revealed that he couldn’t actually consent to what she did. Nevertheless, we’ve got a media frenzy and two lives in shambles now over a hickey. I understand that this can be traumatising for someone at C’s age. It is clear that C is the victim here and I hope he has the support he needs but Haein also deserves some protection. She made a harmful decision and should face consequences for it but she doesn’t deserve to be crucified publicly and to be treated like a sexual predator and abuser. She is just a freshly aged out adult who thought she was fooling around with her underage boyfriend (huge side-eye) who she was in a previous relationship with when they were both minors. And she apparently didn’t realize that she was crossing a very clear boundary and causing harm to C. Of course C’s mental health takes priority in this situation but the Federation should have also considered Haein’s mental well-being. Suicide is prevalent in Korean society especially among young people and I can imagine that the way all of this is playing out at the moment is nothing short of catastrophic in the minds of a 15 and 19 year old. The Federation should have protected both of their privacy and dealt with this internally until after the retrial and then they could have just given some vague and discreet reason for the ban. This current public storm is just incredibly harmful to both of them.


I feel bad for both of them. They are both obviously not doing well right now. This never should have been made public or at least until they had all the details. They are both very young and this kind of thing is so damaging to mental health. It’s really not right the way this turned out. 


100% the right take.


You summed up my thoughts on this really well. This whole situation is just really sad, it never should have been publicized before there was a thorough investigation.


I agree. This has been handled abysmally by the authorities and as a result we have three young skaters being forced to drag this into the public eye to present their own narratives.


A 3 year ban because she gave her (ex?) boyfriend a hickey feels like an insane overcorrection and virtue signalling, especially if she wasn’t aware that he felt uncomfortable (which going by the screenshots, she wasn’t). Romeo and Juliet laws are there for a reason to protect both parties. And this situation sounds like a huge misunderstanding (with wrong doing) that should have never been shared with the public. Obviously the age gap deserves a huge side-eye and there is an inherent power imbalance between them due to their age difference. But this could have been so easily preventable if they weren’t taking junior and senior athletes to the same training camp or enforcing stricter boundaries. I doubt this would have gotten this far if this exact incident has occurred in Korea. KSU should have never released details until all trials and appeals were over and the suspensions were final. I doubt this is beneficial to anyone.


you have a great deal of empathy for both parties and you should be prepared for the downvotes from the people who are desperate to see this situation as victim and abuser. He is clearly a victim and while I wouldn't say she's a victim she's obviously not a malicious abuser either


thank you. I’m fully prepared although the downvotes are not nearly as bad as I thought. You hit the nail on the head. She’s not a victim but also not a malicious abuser. It’s just not as black and white as some people make it out to be.


You can say that again. I forgot empathy and nuance are the an enemies of social media. 


Didn’t victim c tresspassed on the women’s dormitory?


According to the media reports, Skater A called Skater C to the dormitory. Because of the hierarchical structure of seniors and juniors in Korea, it is likely that Skater C wouldn’t have felt comfortable refusing, even if they weren’t in a relationship… this is probably why he was only given a reprimand by KSU.


While I still think she was in the wrong here (but it seems that it is not as black and white as it was previously made out to be) she's clearly panicking and I hope there is someone around her whether it be a lawyer or her parents or coach who can advise her on what best to do and in particular to delete these pictures asap.


It feels like she doesn’t have anyone giving her advice and it’s scary to watch 


She’s had plenty of people giving her advice! Even her parents told her the relationship was a bad idea! She just didn’t listen because she wanted to do shitty things! Stop pretending she has no agency in this!


The best thing to do would have been not to date a 13-year-old, and it sounds like there were plenty of people around her advising her against it, including her parents. She didn’t listen to their advice, so now I hope she learns from the consequences.


Her parents or some other responsible adult should take away her phone. I get that she's panicking but this is not the way to handle it.


Yes. I get that as a teenager, the media and social media backlash is terrifying, and that Hae-in wants to try and clear her name. But someone should take away her phone and tell her the best thing to do is to wait for the investigation to be over. These text messages are just going to feed public speculation. That said, I don't think Hae-in is well advised at all. The fact that no one could get in touch with her when the news first broke, meant that immediate damage control wasn't possible, and people were assuming the worst.


It's baffling because she has an agency. Either her agency is bad at handling a crisis or she's not listening to them.


the whole reason this case exists is because she is the responsible adult no?


She's a legal adult, but she's still a teenager. People mature at different rates. I was very emotionally immature at 19 and a lot of elite athletes are raised in a very sheltered way and are still treated like children for a lot longer. Not excusing her behavior, but it's a bit more complicated than just saying she's an adult she should know better.


I know, right? People are acting like she turned 19 and magically gained the maturity and wisdom of an adult. I mean, look at the things she says. She's clearly still a kid.


She might not have gained the wisdom and maturity of an adult, but I think your average 19 year old is aware that dating a high schooler is at the very least kind of icky.


Um no, they are just a few years apart. What’s icky about that?


To all y’all saying the Korean is so cringe, this is normal behavior for dumb young lovers in Korea. If I saw those texts out of context they wouldn’t seem abnormal at all


It's cringe because she's 19 and he's a minor, not because of thr language itself.


there is no reason for this shit to be aired so publicly. i wish this whole trial had been kept private for the duration of it out of respect for the victim who now has to battle this on the public front as well as with ksu.


This is kind of strange? I get that this is a high profile case but this kind of stuff should be handled between lawyers privately.


Honestly this whole thing should have been private. But everything is out in the open. 


On some level it was unavoidable, people would have noticed the absence of 2 top skaters due to suspensions but the level of detail being put out to the public is kind of mortifying. Especially given that there was a minor involved.


If this whole thing is based on laws, it wouldn’t be so messy. Problem is ksu decided on the outcome before anything else. If it’s against the laws, then go the legal route. If it’s not, then just give a warning first and leave it. Obviously the skaters were first investigated for drinking, but to include this thing in is just plain stupid.






Google Translate isn’t very good with languages that are very dissimilar - there’s been lots of confusion in this subreddit regarding this situation because GT will assign a random gender to non-gendered pronouns and also cannot give context to certain words/phrases.


Oh dear, this is not the way.


She needs to hire a good lawyer and stop posting this kind of stuff. Even if it's true they were dating, he is still a minor. This material should only be presented before a judge, not to the whole media.


For everyone asking for a translation, this is what Google translate makes of them! https://preview.redd.it/r12mnby5159d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30793784090cd4e8a028fa9642ed35a018419375




Btw for those unfamiliar to Korean; it doesn’t mean “my sister” he said 누나 (noona) which is just an honorific term for girl who’s slightly older than you.






Can someone translate?


Copy the images into google translate! It isn't perfect but you'll get the gist of it.


Oooh thanks!


This has to be so humiliating and embarrassing 😔


Damn you're just incriminating yourself girl.


![gif](giphy|JCmA41vkoyLte|downsized) my reaction to this mess


I honestly think this is the grey area. That’s typical cringe convo between young teenage lovers. They apparently had feelings for each other, but the law draws a line between just turned 19 and underage kills me. Maybe this would set up an example teenagers shouldn’t date unless their birthdays are the same.


TRANSLATION: take this with a pinch of salt, I am not a native speaker nor do I take korean lessons. I'm also surprised I could almost completely understand what they were saying. (edited to remove initials originally used, my apologies for the oversight) pic 1: C: baby? haha. if others ask if we are dating again just say we are not haha LHI: but you are still mine. forever C: i know i know. how about we get together again? LHI: i like that so much, the feeling of everything being back in their original place again hehe C: i like it too because my dear likes it LHI: oh my..i feel shy because i hear you call me (my dear) after so long - i feel like im gonna faint C: hehehehe i'll call you next to you tomorrow. tomorrow afternoon i'll adore you a lot because it's you LHI: oh i like this soo much. i'll also adore you a lot honey C: hahaha honey... PIC 2: LHI: kisses to my prince C: mmhmm C: at this moment nuna (ref to LHI) must be cutely asleep right? as much as we've decided to date again we will start over with a different mindset from then. thinking about it we should be more cautious than before. to be honest i also didn't think that we would date again like this so I tried to close my heart. i also tried hard to forget nuna thinking of how we would not meet again, but nuna's space in my heart is so big. i was so tired trying to overcome it on my own. I missed nuna so much back then but it's different now. now I have someone who will protect and help me by my side, that's why I am so happy now. if ever we find it challenging it would be nice if we could give each other strength. since we've decided to date again let's do it prettily. i love and cherish you so much. and above all my dear is the best. I'll do even better in future. PIC3: C: oh...honey.. i really almost cried TT LHI: whyy did I say something wrong? C: no...it's just that i heard you call me 'honey' after so long. i like how it feels like we are going back to the old days LHI: you scared me, i thought i said smth wrong! you are forever my honey. don't go anywhere C: yes i know (in a cute way). as long as my dear isn't going anywhere I won't go too LHI: yep yep, i'm not going anywhere, i can't live without you C: I also can't live without you. i love you my dear LHI: I love you more my dear (cute way) pic4 (from comments): C: mm...dear... LHI: yes? C: mmm while we're here let's first be careful when we meet. then we will start to meet when back in korea okay? what do you think of slowly meeting first? it will be like my life is over if the kiss mark (hickey) or the likes (are visible) when I'm not training. but i was wrong about the kiss marks - of course I have responsibility for it. so it will be best if we don't meet here first. think about it, let's slowly meet in future? LHI: sorry, i should not have done it even if you asked me to do it, because i'm an adult. but i was short-sighted. I understand everything you say, let's just not see each other C: when you say 'not see each other' you don't mean break up right? you mean let's not meet up right? not break up right? LHI: no I don't mean that, we won't ever break up, don't worry my dear


Um aren’t we trying to respect the privacy of the victim?  You used his initials in this post.


someone translate those screenshots. i can't trust google translate for this.


I can put them thru Papago if you like?? It’s a lot of cutesy words and pet names so google can struggle a bit to translate it. Clearly there’s no “sister” involved, he just called her by an honorific.




C has made a statement saying that he was made uncomfortable and he is now receiving treatment for his mental health. She is absolutely making this worse.


this is horrifying - he was/is a child and needs to be protected from all of this publicity 


girl needs to just say less. she’s not helping anyone with this.


Haein has admitted to being Athlete A. I have no idea why she would release these screenshots. She might not be an athlete much longer.


I think it’s obvious why. Her career was already over and people painted her as a predator which will ruin her life. She’s trying to defend herself.


This is horrifying. I don’t speak Korean but truly, you broke the rules, it’s a large age gap for two teenagers (think about the difference between a 13 year old and a 16 year old or whatever it was.), exposing your private messages is not.


This is so weird from her. A relationship doesn't equal consent (especially when you’re much older than the other person). Absolutely disgusting.


Much older as in 3 years of age gap?😂 anyone one with common sense can clearly see from the text chain that they’re both childish and immature


Much older as in 3 years of age gap?😂 anyone one with common sense can clearly see from the text chain that they’re both childish and immature












hae-in ah, you just need to take some rest, self-review yourself and you'll be back on the international arena in 3 years time. Posting this means more public scrutiny


3 years is retirement in figure skating though. Like it's longer than most eteri girls full careers LOL




Papago has been slightly better than google translate as it’s a Korean app https://preview.redd.it/tl6ud8y3f89d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f52f97c4f3b8e9799b3ab239262cd4d866ef57c9




https://preview.redd.it/zngcgmjaf89d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e03c3c493c7cb8522362aecdb0c1b2028eb84283 This one is no substance just cringe




Also just cringe no substance


bro i was scrolling and thought this was talking about new jeans haein 🤦‍♀️


SRSLY this girl really saw Min Heejin and said “I can do that”


Hey, I was wondering if it was possible to delete the posted pictures with the text messages between Skater A and C to protect skater C. Is it possible to edit it and delete the pictures? It is likely Skater A shared them without permission and she has since deleted them. It feels icky to me to keep the pictures on this subreddit. I think we all agree that Skater C should be protected and deserves anonymity and help and I feel keeping the screenshots of his private messages here does not keep with protecting the victim. As you write, it must be humiliating and embarrassing to him and I would feel horrible for him if he came across this on here after it being taken down from Instagram.


Sad that this is downvoted. I agree this should be deleted.


Someone please translate, if possible.


Disappointing, but could someone translate?


I just read news about South Korea union's latest position about the retrial, they are pretty much giving the result now, the discipline action won't be turned. Haein is right to show these screenshots, these screenshots show they are still in a relationship after the incident, skater C wasn't uncomfortable about the incident, he tried to hide it as well. This is evidence that clears her name as a rapist. Her skating career is basically over now, she can't be seen as a pedophile or rapist for the rest of her life.




Oh boy, another level of wrong...