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Camera tests are a thing.


You’re really helpful. I’ve tried that already, still I can’t decide.


well if you have done side by side tests of day/night/interior/exterior and still cant decide then it probably doesnt matter.


We made a short for less than $500 with an iPhone that got into some fests in our state and even won Third Place at one of them. Currently shooting a full length feature on the iPhone.


1) iPhone will need more lights. If you have them, why not. But you will be limited by the focal length. 0.5X in any other place than exterior in full sun is just as pathetic as it is grainy. 2) When projected onto a bigger screen, the footage will start showing how small the sensor really is. 3) You can’t shoot Prores on 14, I believe. Even if you could, a 128gigs model gives you just 10 minutes of shooting time at most. Then you gotta pause and dump it. 4) You need the best bitrate you can. Always go for Log or Raw (at best). These things will preserve some dynamic range and retain better colors. I don’t know about the G7 but iPhone sure as hell wouldn’t do that for you. Either which ways, I suggest you worry more about the lighting, since that will make or break the look of your film. (I’m hoping you have done your homework on PD and Costumes, since that is a critical color palette component)


No I haven’t but I will, I’m new to this filmmaking stuff


Yeah, I think per #2: One of the things to consider is if you want your audience to know you shot it on an iPhone. They will know the second it’s on anything bigger than a laptop screen. You can even see the problems in the Soderbergh iPhone films. The thing is, it just cheapens the film. I don’t think people are really impressed anymore that you shoot a short on an iPhone since the novelty is gone and everyone has an iPhone. It just feels very “made for YouTube” in the same way Hallmark movies feel “made for TV.”


You can do it either way! Just go do it. We did a horror short (found footage style) with just a GoPro and gimbal and, so far, have gotten into six fests (a couple of them quite good). The story/acting are more important than the camera—though use the camera as well as is possible. The GoPro allowed us to do some really creative shots and long takes.


G7 is a proper camera, iphone is not good in low light. If G7 images are too dark, add some light and/or get brighter lens. However, iphone might be handy in certain situations (better stabilisation, waterproof, ...). Good luck.


Technically you can make a film with both as they are both good enough. Why not use both for certain scenes?


I’d say go with the iPhone


Be like film auteur Tommy Wisseau and shoot with both