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I actually do not mind the Amano artwork. He made it look believable that Faris was a Pirate Captain and could be mistaken for a guy. Everything else just kinda leans into the SNES sprite, which to be fair isn't bad and Faris needed to stick out somehow. It just needs that pirate coat man.


This one from Final Fantasy Brave Ex https://preview.redd.it/7d75ahpu2zbc1.jpeg?width=423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2234ade13ed14ecc8c0da5020588b3140a3406f


This. I despise Brave Exvius but the CGI scenes for iconic characters rule


I’ve thought of playing BE before, but never pulled the trigger. Aside from being a gacha, what are the negatives?


It's a notoriously aggressive gacha nearly forcing you to pay for any worthwile ressources and characters. It also has a really bland story. FF had good gachas like Record Keeper and Opera Omnia but both are dead


It’s also grindy as all get out. I gave it a shot a couple of times but days where I made meaningful progress felt like the exception rather than the rule.


I love it just wished they kept her hair purple in the CG


Well in the CG, it is based in Amano's artwork




I love Amano’s art so much


I wish I liked his stuff. He’s cool as hell and clearly talented but to me all his characters just look like iterations of David Bowie.


Same, the og is my fav


Opera Omnia's non-comstume design (the one based on Amano's artwork)


The Opera Omnia Amano design


Amano Art looks amazing. It really brings out the androgynous look of Faris being a pirate captain, while the Opera Omnia Artwork shows her tomboyish character.


I think Faris has had some of the biggest variations in character art over time. Which is your favorite? Amano's design? the design used in the Japanese box art and manual? the Opera Omnia version? Last week I posted FF5 art work from Mugi, whom many loved. (her twitter is [here](https://twitter.com/Mugi_illust0), lots of good Final fantasy themed art)


I love both the Amano art and the classic sprite-like box art equally in their own ways. I feel like it’s actually a fitting situation for a character like her, with her androgynous nature, to have two somewhat contradictory designs featured in the official packaging (my first impression of FFV was the PS1 port which also featured both art styles side by side in the manual and CD case). It’s sort of accidentally thematically significant


Ever since I found III (VI) as a child in the 90s I've loved Amano's art, though I am also a firm believer that he needs to branch out beyond blonde hair for his character art.


Yoshitakas. In general my favorite depictions are his.


Where is the WoFF Chibi Faris?


I still hate Amano faces, but his Faris goes hard.


Personally, I really do not like Amanos artwork, I like Omnias style the best


I see Amanos art and evertytime I have to stare at it for a few seconds to understand what I'm looking at.


The answer is always the Amano original. Otherwise you’re just plain wrong


Amano is the way


Amano is king.


Faris is, like, one of the few instances in the entire series where I think the amano variant is the best one by far.


Hot take: I don't go too insane on Amano art, I find it very particular and suggestive, and it is certainly Art with a capital A, but I personally don't find it too much of my liking. Having said that, I feel that his Faris is absolutely perfect, androgynous and mysterious, a true pirate captain as it should be.


Amano has said that Faris and Tina (Terra) are his favorite characters that he designed for FF; I don't like to argue with the master.


Love the Mugi fanart. Those with different jobs is awesome


Hate me if you want, but I don't care for Amano's art. I honestly prefer anything else to it, for any final fantasy character.


You’re allowed to have your preferences. It’s not for everyone :) ❤️


I sadly agree. It has never been my cup of tea. I know it's artistically impressive but I don't like it.


I like it, but at the same time, I always wonder what in the wolrld he thought he was doing; nothing which was ever going to appear in games of that time were going to even remotely resemble anytging he was drawing.


Monsters and bosses in first FFs are drawn from his art almost one for one


You know what? Fair point. But I feel like my point stands where playable characters are concerned.


I may be wrong, but most of the designs are still translates into the games, and translated is the main word here. Like, Cid from ff3. I may be wrong, but he’s responsible for the design. Or any other character like Desch. Other part I think why Amano’s art is important is THE VIBE. I think what makes FFs special is that they always had this surreal melancholic energy - a lot of FFs are happysad, even FF1 where heroes are basically forgotten after everything that happened. And later FFs starting from VI and especially PS1 era… yeah. And I think even with NES this surrealism translates - everything is kind of this mix between conan the barbarian and mobius artwork in amano artwork, and as early as FF2 this vibe appears a lot - masked men, the David Bowie Emperor. Maria’s weird but cool outfit. FF4 I think the first one that really feels like Amano’s artwork. His art inspired Final Fantasy to be what it is in the mood department, and I think it’s Interesting how creators of the game didn’t just copy it but translated its vibes into something their own


I think I read somewhere that Amano also wondered what he was doing, so he started making more «NES friendly» art. But he was quickly asked to go back and make art.


/e in 4chan


The Box Art looks badass.


I’d be pissed like SNES boxart design if I didn’t have a nose.


Mobius FF art is good tho


Opera Omnia has another one who Is the best.


I’d never seen the opera omnia one, I might like it best, followed by Amano’s




Amano's is my fav. She actually looks like she can pass as the man she masqueraded herself to be.


The original.


Amano is so cool!


It will always be the Amano art




Seriously though, blonde Faris is better


I would say Amano for covers and the FF Brave Exvius someone shared elsewhere here for CGI, animated or illustrated. I love Amano in general, but I wouldn't want him to illustrate a comic. All of his characters' faces look vaguely alike and are almost too layered in artistic flare, too the point that his concept art and what they display in game for portraits or models never matches.


Queen Faris from Pixel Remaster 🙃


I love the Opera Omnia art for FF5. The Amano art is amazing but I always felt like it was weird that the sprite art was so different—the OO art bridges that gap for a lot of them.


Box art version is hilarious.


My favorite is this [fanart](https://www.deviantart.com/daakuman/art/DISSIDIA-FINAL-FANTASY-Faris-Scherwiz-468927859) take of what Faris would look like in Dissidia. Just like Normua’s Bartz design, it combines Amano and the sprite designs with the captain uniform and the purple hair. I think it’s cooler looking and still androgynous.


Amano, forever and always


WoTV FFBE has a great 3d version of faris


Definitely the Amano original but honestly any Faris art is something I'm going to be a fan of. The summoner art with Syldra in the background is remarkable. Honestly considering getting that for my FFV tattoo