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No danger, just derp. Plain bellied water snake


Is it? It seems to have a pretty triangular body, reminiscent of the actual water moccasin, no?


the head to me is definitely not as triangular as a cottonmouth, the body also doesnt seem the right shape. if you zoom in, cant really see a pattern either. it looks most like a plain bellied water snake from here


You're probably right. They are the more common. Some cottonmouths (from the pictures I've seen) are very dark, though, just like this one, and basically pattern less...


They both can be essentially patternless as adults


Does this look like one or the other to you?


Nah theres no bullseye pattern, and no zorro mask..Thats a basic water snake in the US. In Australia, it could well be a blue bellied black snake, and those are venomous. Its hard to tell without knowing where it is taken. Just a word of advice: Know your area and its snakes, spiders, and apex predators lol.


Appreciate you! Yeah, I've taken some efforts to know my local flora and fauna, but I yearn to learn more! I'll make that a task this summer... I'm bored enough. lol


Im tellin ya nobody ever gets together anymore since the pandemic. Im bored to tears these days. We need to get back to playing giant scrabble and having backyard barbecues and card game nights. Ughhhhhh.


I don't even know what to do with myself anymore...


I know, right!! Im out of shape. The hobby thing is tired. I have painted enough paint by numbers and done so many crosswords, my eyes are crossing. All thats left is complaining about the people who are out in the world, committing crimes, and trying to minister to the lost, and waiting for WW3, which according to Putin, has already begun.. My.suggestions: 1. Set (and write down) SMART social goals, weekly. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant to your larger life purpose, and Time sensitive. Ok I will go first. My goal (for the coming week) is to spend 15 mins minimum with someone I like that is not my husband. Its SMART, specific, measurable, attainable, relevant to my boredom issues, and time sensitive. I got this. 2. Strive to call one person for a chat every day. It can be a different person, and doesnt have to be only one person. Dont just text. Call. 3. Keep board games and cards out in easy reach, and if you do have people stop by, again, after all this time *and they will cuz you called them* so you have a way to entertain them and do something thats way more fun than talking about all the bad shit in the world we are so focused on because we are so damn bored. 4. Research local simple rec sports leagues. Join ONE. 5. Write down upcoming conferences (comic con, I guess, idk just find ones you like) and mark your calendar, and you can look forward to that also. 6. Every month, plan to do something casually with a group of friends.. you can all bring your pandemic skills and show them off as a little idk party or whatever. Look, I know how to fold fitted sheets and napkins now! Or Hey I can totally make an Orange Julius. Let me show you this hairstyle/ makeup trick I know. Ooh LOOK I taught my super cute dog these fun tricks. Lol let your friends show off the dumb shit we have all learned. 7. Collaborate and make a YouTube video as a team, to show off how social you mofos are.


You sound like a lot of fun. Ha! Thanks for going into all this... Definitely some things to think about!


I try to make the best of the situation..But yeah. Even with a broken fibula, and no income atm, I do want to join like a Bocce club or something lmao Hell, Shuffleboard would be an improvement to this ish. Jajaja




Enhance! The tater quality is a challenge but it looks like a harmless PBWS from here. We need OP to post the close-up pic.


My first thought seeing the snake, was water moccasin.


Fairly short body, and the head even looks spear-like... I'm sticking with moccasin.


Right next to what I thought was going to be the danger


>!left bottom corner, in the water swimming up!<


I so badly wanted that giant log to be it.


Am I the only one who saw the turkey tracks first?


What turkey tracks?


Bottom center, just off the edge of the stream in the mud.


Nope nope rope found ✅


Why are they called danger noodle?


Venomous snake.


Man I needa know where this is


SE Kansas, right on the OK border.


Ark City?


Got it


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You talking about the snake in the bottom left?


He just a goofy little guy.


5.83 seconds


That a water moccasin not sure black in the water